January 1913

1 January 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well. Snow & wind in night.

I spent the forenoon at home writing & reading. Spent the afternoon & evening at my son George’s. Took supper there with my children.

Administered to my son’s wive Ina who was confined the night before. [p. 30]

2 January 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Cold Day. I attended quarterly meeting of the First Presidency, the Twelve and the Patriarch fasting from 10:30 A.M. to about 3: P.M. when we partook of the Sacrament.

At 3:30 attended Religion Class General Board Meeting at the Presidents office & by motion presided.

Attended to some shopping and returned home at 6 P.M. I looked after my mail, wrote in my journal &c.

Read and corrected for publication a discourse I delivered in the Large tabernacle Dec. 15th last..

3 January 1913 • Friday


All usually well. Weather mild

I spent the day and evening home reading, &c except that I went up to see Ina in the evening, she being sick.

4 January 1913 • Saturday


All well. Weather colder.

I went town town twice during the day. Made some small purchases and accompanied my son Geo. to the Empress theatre. I read from Jack O. Souten.

5 January 1913 • Sunday

Home. All well. Last night the coldest of the season [p. 31] very cold today.

I attended temple fast meeting and spoke.

Attended fast meeting in the 27th ward & spoke. Blessed the babe Rose Burniece Cardwell. Called on Sister Cardwell who is just recovering from Lagrippe. Called on aunt Mary Ann Richards and administered to to her. Attended meeting in 27th Ward in the evening. A Home Coming meeting and offered the opening prayr.

6 January 1913 • Monday


Weather cold.

Our baby Ray has cold & fever. I administered to him.

[4 words redacted, providing first and last names and other identifying information], came here last evening and staid all night. She obtained a legal divorce from her husband [first and middle initials and last name redacted] now a resident of Canada about five years ago on grounds of adultery. She has a little girl six years of age. She is now seeking a Church divorce. I accompanied her down town to the President’s office and there learned the mode of procedure necessary for her. I obtained the information from Geo. Gibbs & Harold Reynolds office hands. She is to make application for Church divorce to the President of the Church and have same indorsed by her bishop [p. 32] or better by both stake president & her bishop. The application should state the reasons for her desiring a divorce giving her husband’s name and address; her own maiden name & address & when & where sealed. The divorce papers will be sent to his bishop with the request that he have the husband sign same and pay a fee of $10.00 for the divorcement. If he refuses to sign same and the circumstances justify, the clerk Bro Reynolds can sign for him. If he refuse to pay the $10.00 fee the woman should pay same. It is not necessary for her to be present or see the President in person.

I called at Dr Stauffer’s and had the electric battery applied to my eyes and he examined them with a glass and declared that they are improving, though it is not observable to me.

I this day finished reading “At the Sign of the Jack O’ Lantern” by Myrtle Reid, a book my Sister Nerva gave to us for Xmas. I do not think very much of the book. I am reading Church History Vol. 6 the last published. I have read the other five volumes.

I wrote the First Council of [p. 33] the Seventies acknowledging receipt of Fifth Year Book with their compliments. I also wrote the Genealogical Society acknowledging receipt of Vol. 2 of the Utah Genealogical & Historical Magazine with their compliments & thanking them for same.

I also wrote to Pres. S. O. Bennion at Independence, Mo. acknowledging receipt of Bound Vol. 2 Liahona & season’s greetings.

7 January 1913 • Tuesday


Ray feeling better. Weather cold.

A company of about 20 missionaries set apart at the President office. Elder H. J. Grant & Pres. S. B. Young had a company, Elders Talmage & Jos F. Jr. a company and I had a company of four alone. Following are the names of those whom I set apart.

1. Jacob F. Gates, Salt Lake to Swis & German.

2. Lars Willard Nelson, Mink Creek to Sweden.

3. Benjamin Orson Clegg of Bench, Idaho to Great Britain,

4. Nico Teerlink, Emigration ward to the Netherlands.

I was one of the those who instructed the missionaries.

I attended ward priesthood meeting in our ward in the evening. [p. 34]

8 January 1913 • Wednesday

Home. Weather somewhat modified.

Ray is feeling about right again. I spent the forenoon at home reading Vol. 6 Church history. Elder Heber J. Grant very kindly tendered to me & mine the use of his box in the Salt Lake Theatre for the Matinee today to see the play “Butterfly on the Wheel” Mother Geo, LeGrand, Sarah, Ruby, Edna & I occupied the box. Edith had intended to go but was taken with a severe headache & had to go to bed. Ina is in bed also with her baby.

After the theatre I went out and bought the pen with which I am writing. I was writing with ray on my lap and he soiled this page and the opposite one with his fingers eating raisins at same time.

I spent an hour at my son George’s office and then attended my circle meeting in the temple.

After Circle I went with the Asper boys and Bp. David R. Lyon, & Geo. W. Barrett up to 9th & D. Streets where Sister Wm. Asper is lying sick at her daughters, Sister James’. home. We had prayr and Bro. Barrett was mouth; then Bp. Lyon anointed her and I sealed the anointing. I walked down to 3rd Ave & E St and got car for home. [p. 35]

My son George & I consecrated a bottle of oil for sister Halliday. Alice, Geo., Edith and I went up to LeGrands and blessed LeGrands and Ina’s baby and named he Marian Louise. I was mouth. Geo & Edith are staying with us a few days while Edith is assisting Mother with some sewing.

[4 words redacted, providing first and last names and other identifying information] has been with us a few days She left this morning to take a position in a family on South Temple Street as housekeeper.

9 January 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Thawing weather.

This day my son Joel leaves England for home on the Baltic.

I wrote my daughter Alice M. a two paged letter and after posting same received a letter from her saying that her Alice had been sick with tonsilitis and announcing the death of Wm Cassity’s wife.

I wrote Bro. Cassity a letter of sympathy.

Attended regular Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 1:30 P.M. Called at Dr. Stauffer’s and received electric treatment for my eyes. I wrote to my son Joel at New York and read Church History from Vol. 6.

Hyrum Lee & Frank Barber of Tooele called and took supper with us. [p. 36]

10 January 1913 • Friday


Snowed about six inches last night, clear this morning.

I spent the day home reading Vol. 6 Church History &c.

On my invitation George & Edith accompanied my wife and me to the Empress in the evening.

11 January 1913 • Saturday


Cold at night. All usually well.

I received a letter to-day from my daughter Nerva at Tooele saying that her daughter Alice is still very sick. I contemplate going out to Tooele tomorrow to see the folks and attend meeting. I spent this day home studying & reading Church History, Vol. 6. Bathed and retired early.

12 January 1913 • Sunday


Weather moderated.

I took 7:30 A.M. train for Tooele delayed 47. minutes in starting. Arrived in Tooele after 10 A.M. Went to my daughter Nerva’s and Staid until meeting time and took dinner. Found little Alice much improved.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting in North ward, attendance 135, the second meeting since the division. More than 30 in the choir. David Bowen made a few remarks as he is about to leave for a mission to the Western States. [p. 37]

Pres. C. A. Orme occupied about 25 minutes and I followed for 45 minutes. Subject. Genealogical and temple work. Our responsibility. How the Vicarious work makes plain the saying of the Savior that one must be born of water & of the Spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of God.

After meeting I took train for home arriving at 7 P.M. George & Edith spent the evening with us.

13 January 1913 • Monday


All usually well.

A letter from Joel written from Eng. Dec 27th.

I spent the day at home reading Church history, and in the evening Alice and I accepted the invitation of Bro Grant to go to the Salt Lake Theatre & sit in his box. “Mutt and Jeff.”

14 January 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I spent the forenoon at home reading &c.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. where 36 missionaries were set apart and instructed. I blessed and set apart the following:

1. James Jenkins Stewart of Manard, Idaho to Northern States.

2. Joseph Franklin Stevens Teton Idaho to Southern States

3. Wm Lee Bybee of Lyman, Idaho, [p. 38] to Central States.

4. Jesse B. Martin of Nutrioso, Ariz. to Central States.

5. Charles Purser of Benson, Utah, to Northern States.

I also instructed the missionaries.

Alice and I took Estella & Ray and went down to my Sister Nerva’s She having moved down from Farmington to 906 So. 11th East. We were gone from 4 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. I attended Mutual meeting in our ward in the evening and presented one of the topics & took part in the discussions of the evening.

15 January 1913 • Wednesday


Weather mild. All usually well.

I was in the Temple from 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. I made the opening talk at the 9 A.M. meeting.

I was endowed for my 2nd Gt. Grand father, John Longstroth and Alice cam[e] to the temple and we were sealed for nine couples & attended to some sealings for children to parents.

I attended YMMI Gen. Bd. meeting and after the meeting went to my circle meeting before it closed and presented the matter of a change in time of meeting to accommodate me & some others who usually have to ask to be excused from the Mutual meeting before it is out. After [p. 39] some consideration it was decided to change the time of meeting to 6:30 instead of 6:15 P.M. Wednesdays.

16 January 1913 • Thursday


Mild weather. All well.

I attended weekly council meeting from 10:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

I attended the funeral services of Alexander C. Backman held in the 15th ward meeting house at 2 P.M. and was one of the speakers.

Had a talk with brother Johnson, a member of my circle who has not been attending his circle meetings and learned that his work interferes.

I spent the evening working on temple record and got out 15 names of Longstroths not previously known to me ready for temple work.

17 January 1913 • Friday


Weather clowdy snowed about three inches last night. It thundered & lightened about 10:30 P.M. All usually well.

I continued the work on temple record until 3:10 P.M. and with last evenings work got out 52 names and listed in the temple record with all the genealogy obtainable ready for temple work. Took train at 4:15 for Richmond, to attend Benson Stake Conference. [p. 40] We were met at Richmond Station by Pres. Alma Merrill who took us in a sleigh to his home. A keen wind blowing. We made Pres. Merrill’s home our staying place while attending the conference.

18 January 1913 • Saturday


Cold weather. Am well.

Attended both forenoon and afternoon conference meetings and spoke at both. Subjects considered. Missionary work, temple work; evidences of the truth of the B of M. and of the divine mission of Jos Smith read the testimony of the witnesses to the B of M, 25 min. in forenoon & 45 in the afternoon.

19 January 1913 • Sunday


Still cold.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting, attendance [blank]. I spoke upon the subject of Religion Class work, the Ass. S. Supt having reported but little being done in that line.

In afternoon I spoke upon the subject of Genealogy & temple work. At 6 P.M. attended a lecture by one Johanson on western resources, illustrated by stereopticon views. At 7:30 attended Mutual meeting and addressed the meeting for about 35 minutes on Testimony getting & Sundry other M.I.A. topics. One Gospel & that one ours. A good conference throughout. May the Lord be praised. [p. 41]

20 January 1913 • Monday


Weather cold. All well.

Elder H. M. Smith and I left for home and arrived in Salt Lake at 12:15 noon. I spent the afternoon and evening working on temple records.

21 January 1913 • Tuesday


Weather cold. Our folks well.

I spent the day home except about two hours while I made a trip down town. Called at Dr Stauffer’s office and received electric treatment for my eyes. I worked on genealogy and temple records during the day and evening. Attended 27th Ward Priesthood meeting.

22 January 1913 • Wednesday


Snowed during the afternoon & night.

I spent the day until 4:45 P.M. on temple record, & temple sheets. Attended Mutual General Board meeting at 5 P.M. and my Circle at 6:30 and worked on my temple records until 10 o’clock P.M.

23 January 1913 • Thursday

Home. Cold weather. All well. Not having heard from my son Joel since he set sail from Liverpool Jan 9th we became anxious and at 6:10 P.M. I sent a telegram to Pres. Ben E. Rich of N.Y. making inquiry.

I attended my weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. Those present [p. 42] were photographed for moving pictures as we emerged from the temple. I was occupied during the afternoon and evening until 10 P.M. on my temple records and sheets for temple work.

24 January 1913 • Friday


Cold weather. All well. At about 8 30 A.M. I received a telegram from my son Joel sent from Denver saying that he would be home tomorrow Sat. on 2:30 RG Ry train. Later I received answer telegram at my expense from Pres. Ben E. Rich answering my telegram of last night. saying the Baltic arrived at N.Y. last Monday and that Joel is on his way home. Later we received a letter written by Joel on Sunday the 19th He landed on 20th From 9th to 20th on board.

I worked all day on my records & sheets for temple work. I finished listing on temple record & then on temple sheets all the Longstroths at present available from Longstroth History and sheets from bro Minns of England, 107 males and 103 females for baptisms. Some names of infants recorded on my record not listed on sheets.

I wrote Pres. E. J. Wood of Canada Wrote up my journal last two days. [p. 43]

I phoned my daughter Alice Minerva at Tooele answering a letter received from her to-day. Called at my son LeGrand’s home in the morning to see the family.

25 January 1913 • Saturday


Weather moderated All usually well.

I took Salt Lake Route train at 8 A.M. for Provo, thence by R.G.W. train to Thistle arriving at 11:30 A.M. after a wait of one hour met No. 5 with my son Joel and other missionaries aboard. I had a very pleasant visit with Joel for 2 hours arriving in Salt Lake at 2:30 P.M. on schedule time. There were at the depot to meet Joel, Mama, Geo & Edith & Josephine, LeGrand & Mercedese, Georgina, Sarah, Ruby, Rega & Lucena.

The folks were all invited to our home to supper and Nerva & Geo L & their children came in from Tooele and we had all our children and grandchildren living, present except Ina’s baby whom she left at home with their hired girl while she ran down for a while. I enjoyed having my family together. Rega Card and Georgina Felt were also with us. We spent a pleasant evening.

I finished reading “Reveries of a Bachelor[”] by I. K. Marvel. Spent the evening at home. [p. 44]

26 January 1913 • Sunday


Weather pleasant. All well.

I attended Pioneer Stake Conference in the Stake house at 10 A.M. Pres C. H. Hart Companion. I was the 7th speaker and occupied 25 minutes commending the faithful and encouraging the indifferent.

It is not profitable to chastize in publick. Offence is likely to be given. I personal individual work should be taken up with the indifferent. Referred to Bp. Larson’s experience in Spring City, & emphasized ward teachers work and responsibility. Reports show an average of but little more than 50% of the enrollment of the auxiliaries in average attendance. and a large percentage not even enrolled of those eligible. We as officers should try and increase the enrollment and the average attendance of those enrolled and then make our meetings attractive & interesting.

2 P.M. Attended conference meeting in the Assembly Hall on temple block the Large tabernacle being under going repair. The house was well filled Pres. C. W. Penrose present. Pres. C H Hart and I were the speakers. I spoke first. Each occupied 40 minutes I spoke of our belief and the doctrine of the Gospel, quoted first & 3d articles of faith and spoke upon the subject of faith, Repentance, baptism & the confirmation & bestowal of the Holy Ghost. Add to your faith, knowl[p. 45]edge, temperance, patience, Godliness, brotherly kindness, charity &c. We have inherited through our spiritual birth the attributes of Deity viz. faith, justice judgment, mercy, love & charity. We are to perfect these either here or hereafter and when perfected we will be like our father in heaven. We are to be good & do good. It is more blessed to give than to receive. We are to deny our selves and make sacrifice. We are to preach this gospel to every nation, we are to acquire a knowledge of our dead ancestry and do the work for them in the temples. We are to acknowledge authority and calls made upon us to labor at home or abroad. We are to study and acquaint ourselves with the whole plan of the Gospel. The labor is arduous the responsibility great but the reward is 100 fold here and Eternal life in the world beyond. He has the power to fulfill his promises and is a God of truth so his promises never fail if we comply with the conditions.

At 6:30 I attended the evening session of the conference held in the 7th ward hall and was one of the speakers. I occupied 30 minutes principally upon the love of God for us which led him to give his son to a life of sorrow, suffering & finally to death upon the cross for us; the love of Christ for us ditto and why we should love the Lord & how manifest it 1st by being good children [p. 46] 2nd by being obedient to his laws & covenants 3d by helping & blessing others.

The reports suggested to my mind that a large number of church members were not enrolled in the Auxiliary Associations so for which membership they were eligible and of those who are enrolled a large percentage do not attend. Reports showed the per cent of attendance to range from 35% to 77% Work should be done with these two classes as they are usually most in need of what these association have to give.

My son Joel occupied the time at the 27th ward in the evening and most of our family were there to hear him. His sweet heart Georgina and her parents were in attendance and after meeting came over to our home & spent an hour.

27 January 1913 • Monday


All well.

I worked all day and until abt. 8 P.M. on temple record recording names & their genealogical tata from sheets obtained from the Genealogical Society of Utah. I recorded about 100 names. Geo & LeGrand & their families, also Rega Card & Georgina Felt came in in the evening and Joel distributed some presents he brought from England. I got pen knife and pair of nice slippers. Joel received some presents also. [p. 47]

We had sherbert & cake and a good time generally.

28 January 1913 • Tuesday


All well.

I worked on temple record all day until 6 P.M. and recorded about 100 names of Gills from sheets received from Geo. Minns of Eng. mostly. Spent the evening at my Son George’s. My daughter Nerva and family with us. Attended 27th Ward Mutual.

29 January 1913 • Wednesday


Thawing. All well.

This day I received a letter from the Des News Co. saying that the First Presidency had arranged that the daily news should commencing with Jan 1st go to all the General authorities free of charge.

I worked on my records for temple work from morning until 1:40 P.M. when I quit to assist my daughter Nerva & children to the Ry Station on her way home. I called at the temple & got some information before returning home. Worked at sam[e] job about 1½ hours & then went back down town and attended Gen. Bd. Meeting of Y.M.M.I.A. and later my circle. I reported at the Bd. Meeting my labors of the past week. At the Circle meeting we voted to receive Dr Fred Pack as a member Returning home I worked on my [p. 48] temple records until 10:45 P.M. with good success.

Have listed in my record 214 names of Yorkshire Eng. Longstroths and 259 names of Yorkshire Gills.

30 January 1913 • Thursday


Mild weather. All well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3 p.m. including luncheon & lost time. The President is usually from 30 to 60 minutes late.

Attended to some business down town; went to Dr Stauffer’s and received electrical treament. Returning home I worked on my books the remaining part of the day and evening until 11:30 o’clock.

31 January 1913 • Friday


Pleasant day. All well.

This day I met with Elder H. M. S. & Primary Presidency on business.

I signed with Joel & LeGrand a note for $500. on demand at 9 per cent for Joel who this day went into business with [blank] Co. His employment commencing tomorrow Feb 1st.

I worked on temple records and got out 120 names of males for baptism all of whom will be elligible for endowments as soon as they are baptized for.. These are Yorkshire Gills.

Alice and I went to the S.L. Theatre on invitation of Elder H. J Grant and I [p. 49] left on the 11:45 P.M. train for St. Anthony to attend Yellowstone Stake Conference.

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January 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1913/1913-01