October 1897

1 October 1897 • Friday

Nephi Sugar House Ward. [p. 190] Weather threatening in City. I went up Town on 7 A.M. Car. Was made acquainted on the Car with Mrs. Nailor by her Sister Susan Clark of Millton. Assisted her from Street car to train three blocks left for home at 7:45 A.M. & arrived at about 10:30 A.M. Went rabbit hunting a short time towards evening. Alice & baby usually well. Not so well as I would like.

<Rained hard about noon & snowed on east & west mountains>1

2 October 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I attended to Some business in morning went to Mill. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting & by request spoke a short time. Bro Lyman being present spoke at some length Instructed Prest. Gowans & his Counselors to catechise high councilors Bps & Counselors in regard to their tithing & keeping of the word of wisdom that he might be able to vouch for them. The Stake Bureau of information was organized after Priesthood meeting I was made Chairman, Bp. J. L. Wrathall 1st & Israel Benyon Second Aids & Thos. Williams Secretary. Bp. Wrathall, Gustave Anderson & Thos. Williams a committee on Executive business. Towards evening the [p. 191] & I with my team. Hyrum Lee & F. Barber accompanying us went hunting & killed 4 rabbits. In the evening Jos. Orme, B. L. Bowen and I attended City Council meeting and petitioned Council to allow us a license to use Social hall a resolution having been passed p[r]ohibiting the use of the Social hall for theater purposes until another place of exit be made. Our petition granted. We asked for a reduction of license also. The amount of license being placed by ordinance it was suggested that we take out a quarter’s license and then ask a rebate the members generally expressing a willingness to rebate.

Bp. St. Jeor, Bp. Caldwell & Gustave Anderson of Clover took dinner with us.

3 October 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very clowdy & strong indications of rain in forenoon. I attended School & offerred the opening prayr. Present, Apostle Lyman, Prest. G. By request met Bro. Lyman at his home after School where he read to us a vulgar letter which had been written by a residint of Tooele & had fallen into his hands. Attended Fast meeting and assested in blessing four babies Was mouth in blessing Olaff Lauretze Ekenstam. [p. 192] Assisted in confirming several parties & in ordaining Alexander Bevan an Elder. Attended Circle. Accompanied Bro. Lyman to Bro. Markes where we administered to Sister Marks I anointed & Bro Lyman Sealed the Anointing. Had an appointment with Alex Bevan to give him a blessing. He called just at meeting time & excused himself & said he would call again. I wrote up my journal.

4 October 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I went to Salt Lake City on the 8:10 A.M. train to Conference. Attended two meetings and Staid at Stephens in Sugar House at Night.

5 October 1897 • Tuesday

Sugar House I attended two conference meetings & gen’l Priesthood meeting in the evening ant [and] went down to Stephen’s for the night. Sold to Bp. Sharp 100 bu. wheat @ 80¢ At the Afternoon meeting. M. F. Cowley & A. O. Woodruff were sustained as Apostles. This fills the quorum. Jos. W. McMurrin was sustained to be one of the first Seven Presidents of Seventies.

6 October 1897 • Wednesday

Sugar House.

I attended the two conference meetings & after meeting came home by train. Bought heating stove & bed stead at Dinwoodeys [p. 193]

7 October 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather clowdy, Some storms I did some writing, put down Stair carpet Went to field to look after animals. Hyrum Lee accompanied me. towards evening I took my team and took my boy Geo.[,] H Lee & F Barber a hunting rabbits. I drove the team. Did some writing in the evening.

8 October 1897 • Friday

Weather clowdy.

I went to Depot to get Stove & other things but they did not come. Hauled 100 bu. wheat to to Mill for 80¢ pr bu. Took Alice up to Estellas & brought her home in evening.

9 October 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I went to Station in a rain Storm & got things. Put up stove, clock shelf &c. Accompanied Prest. Gowans to Vernon in afternoon. Roads muddy & raining part of the way. Staid at Bp. Sharps.

10 October 1897 • Sunday

Vernon Weather cloudy.

I attended School, council meeting & Sacrament meeting. Administered to Ida Benion Chaise Spoke with freedom in meeting for about 35 min. After meeting [p. 194] we left for home & arrived home at 9:30 P.M. Sister Ajax of Centre treated us to Curren loaf going over & coming back a custom with her for which she shall be blessed. Our children nearly all have colds.

11 October 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather cool & unsettled.

I attended to several items of business down town in forenoon & in afternoon went to the field and plowed lucern ground. In the evening I gave blessing to Alex. Bevan. Tired & nearly sick with cold.

12 October 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed lucern ground. In the evening I read the papers. Card from Katie Grover Saying Mother had not been so well.

13 October 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather very threatening, <Rained during the Night.> some rain. I plowed sage ground along south Side of the Bowen 40 acres & cleared the brush off part of it. In the evening I took the rope down from Derrick.

14 October 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather very clowdy & threatening in forenoon and raining in afternoon & snow at night. Considerable wet fell. [p. 195] I went up to Mill with Bro. McBride & got some pig feed. Arranged to receive from 94 bu. of smutty wheat from Millton 30 lbs. flour & 14 lbs. bran & shorts per bu. I sold same to J. W. Tate The flour @ $2.45 & the bran 75¢. Wrote J. D. McIntosh about pigs offered him two Sows & their eleven pigs for $30.00.

15 October 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant now nearly gone I delivered wheat to John England Made gang plow into Sulkey and went to field & commenced plowing lucern stubble with it.

<Went hunting rabbits. Delivered flour & bran to J W Tate>

16 October 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Sent. Made gong into Sulkey & plowed lucern stubble &c.

17 October 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended afternoon & evening meeting Spoke in former & prayed in latter.

18 October 1897 • Monday

Plowed lucern ground

Sent things to Town by JW Jos. Tate. Attended Beesleys far[e]well in the evening.

19 October 1897 • Tuesday

Weather pleasant.

I attended upon court as a Juror was not im[p. 196]paneled during the day but was obliged to be present. Chas. Pocock took dinner with me. Wm A. McIntosh took from me two sows and 20 small pigs for $42.00. In the evening My Son George & I went down to Millton & saw Alfred Bell about pay for Clydesdale horses sold him on account. Folks tolerably well. Letters from Nerva, & others.

20 October 1897 • Wednesday

Folks continue well

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I was impaneled on Jury in forenoon & sat on the Jury in afternoon in the case of Mrs Aeta vs city of Mercur. In the evening I attended a committee meeting at Vestry on Hall matters. Wrote to Nerva & to J. M. Hutchings of Lyceum Theatre granting use of Hall for two night next week. George plowed with four horses.

21 October 1897 • Thursday

Weather pleasant A.M. wind P.M.

Tooele I sat on Jury all day & Jury was discharged. The plaintiff’s testamony all in the Defendant’s attorneys moved a non suit which was Sustained. Geo. Plowed lucern stubble with four horses & sulkey plow. I recorded five blessings in Morning, evening & noon.

22 October 1897 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

Tooele I cleared sages & burned them in my Bowen farm in forenoon & in After Noon I plowed Lucerne Stubble. [p. 197]

23 October 1897 • Saturday

Weather pleasant.

Tooele I attended Stake Conference and made the opening remarks. Apostle A.O. Woodruff present. Had to dinner S. W. Woolley, Bro Ratliff & wife. & to Supper Benion Bros. Israel & Owen. Council meeting from 4 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Bp. Sharp vs. Robt. Brown. By invitation visited Prest Cannon at Prest. Gowans home he having come by team in the early evening. Has Had to Supper Prest. C. L. Anderson, Bp. Sharp. & Bennion Bros. Is. & Owen.

24 October 1897 • Sunday

Weather Stormy all day & eve.

Home Israel & Owen Bennion Staid all night with us. Gave Owen a blessing before breakfast. Attended Conference meetings during the day & evening. I spoke at Morning Session. Present. Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon & A O Woodruff Who took dinner with us also Owen Bennion. Prest. Cannon took Supper with us & Bennion Bros. Staid all night.

25 October 1897 • Monday2

<Amy’s Birth Day. 7 yrs Since her birth>3

<Hyrum Lee took My team to Mercur in afternoon.>4

Weather stormy & cold.

Home I visited with Prest. Cannon & Apostle A. O Woodruff in forenoon & took Bro Woodruff to train. Attended to Sund[ry] business in Afternoon. Took Alice to Store & up to Cemetery. In the evening [p. 198] I attended the theatre East Lane. Good.

26 October 1897 • Tuesday5

Weather clowdy & cold. Some rain.

Tooele I repaired barley fork; hauled straw; plowed the potatoes, &c. Read the potatoes papers in the evening.

27 October 1897 • Wednesday

Weather cold. Froze the ground last night.

Home I harrowed in forenoon & drilled wheat in afternoon. Attended Hall committee meeting in the evening. After meeting Bro. Geo Craner & I by request went up & administered to Eddy Lee.

28 October 1897 • Thursday

Home Weather pleasant, cold night.

I drilled wheat in forenoon and plowed lucern ground in afternoon. Spent the evening home <writing.>

29 October 1897 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

Home I plowed lucern ground all day. Attended theatre in evening Willow Copse.

30 October 1897 • Saturday

Plowed all day. In evening shaved, bathed & read the papers.

31 October 1897 • Sunday

Attended School, meeting & Circle & evening meeting. Spok[e] about 20 min. in afternoon meeting. Gave Patriarchal blessing to John Lundberg before evening meeting.

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October 1897, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1897/1897-10


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 October entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Sund.” before crossing it out and writing “Mond” above it.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 25 October entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written at the bottom of the page in the middle of the 25 October entry.

  5. [5]Richards originally wrote “Mond.” before crossing it out and writing “Tues.” below it.