1 July 1911 • Saturday

Colton, Utah.

I have a cold and hoarseness. Weather pleasant.

Pres. C. H. Hart came in on 8 A.M. train and we left for Schofield about 16 miles up into the mountains by train about 9.30 and reached our destination about noon. We were met at station by Bp. Geo Ruff and went to his home and got dinner. I remained the guest of the bishop during my stay in Schofield.

The conference commenced at 2 P.M. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Gustave Iverson, Pres. Arthur W. Horsley, Bp. T. J. Parmley of Pleasant Valley ward, David McMullen of Clear Creek, Bp. Geo. Ruff of Schofield, Pres. C. H. Hart and myself. I occupied remaining 30 minutes. Subject. Mormonism, defined it &c.

In the evening I attended a concert in Odd Fellows hall given by local Carbon Stake talent, Sister Nixon, a brother & sister Harmon and a brother Hickman, all young people. Brother J. Rex Miller of Stake presidency assisted at piano. A good concert but poorly attended. [p. 255]

2 July 1911 • Sunday


Weather beautiful. My cold developing.

A number of saints coming down this morning from Cleer Creek on train came to the bishop’s and met me there. We had our prayrs to-gether. I was lead in prayr. This being fast day I neither ate nor drank until after the afternoon meeting. At the 10 A.M. meeting there were in attendance 254 children & adults.

Sacrament administered. Some sunday school exercises had. Brother J. Rex Miller of the Stake presidency spoke briefly. I occupied 45 minutes with good liberty followed by Pres. C. H. Hart 15 min. I spoke of What Jesus stood for P. of G.P. p. 15 We stood with him. He was true in life. We should be. Adams sacrifice. We should have the willingness of spirit. Fasting Sabbath observance. One Eternal life for all. One requirement for all. Why some be obedient & others disobedient when we hope to share alike the blessings.

Attended a meeting of members of the 101st quorum of Seventies and instructed those present to stand with us for a clean Sabbath. No ball playing. We must not lend encouragement or indorsement by witnessing ball playing By Pres Hart, Bernard [illegible] was ordained a Seventy and set apart a president of the 101st quorum of Seventy. [p. 256]

I ordained Clarence Earl Harris of Schofield a seventy and set him apart a member of the 101st quorum of Seventy and issued to him a certificate of ordination. Between meetings I wrote up my journal from notes.

At 2 PM meeting the attendance was 255. The authorities were sustained. The speakers were in order as follows: Henry G. Mathias, John H. Pace both counselors to Pres. R. G. Miller in the former Emery Stake Presidency now high counselors in the Carbon Stake, Pres. Chas. H. Hart and myself. Pres Hart occupied about 35 minutes on evedinces of the Gospel and I took remaining time of 25 minutes with much freedom on the effects of doing for the church and for others and the effects of neglecting the church and others. If we have learned to appreciate and love the Gospel and our fellow men by working for them we will want to do more for them thus the rule works both ways. We now went to make the combination of the world of man kind whom we love with the Gospel which we love so we become missionaries. Quoted James 1: True Religion and undefiled. It is better to feed the Soul than the body. If we gain the whole world & lose our souls we are poor in deed.

Pres. Iverson made a few closing remarks and informed them [p. 257] that this stake owes $1000. on the Stake academy at Castledale and he would be visiting the people with a request that they contribute to the cause.

We have had an excellent conference.

At the evening conjoint meeting the attendance was good. We heard reports from brother and sister Golding of the two associations in this valley which showed the organizations in good condition. I occupied 40 minutes. Subject. Character building. Pres Hart occupied about 20 min. along similar lines. A very good meeting. I retired to bed at 11 P.M. feeling that this has been a profitable conference.

3 July 1911 • Monday

Schofield, Utah.

I am feeling some better of my cold. I arose at 6 A.M. and before breakfast, wrote up my journal to this time. Took train at Schofield at 7.55 A.M. arrived at Colton 18 miles at 9 A.M. Left Colton at 11.30 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 3 P.M. Had an interesting conversation with two ladies one of them from Nauvoo. Found my folks well at home. Alice and I went to depot and waited for train from Tooele from 9 to 11 o’clock expecting our daughters Nerva and Ruby but they did not come. [p. 258]

4 July 1911 • Tuesday


A beautiful day I am feeling pretty well though not entirely well of my cold. My family are well and we are all happy in our blessings.

This is our nation’s birth day and a sane fourth. I spent the forenoon home. Met the 1.30 P.M. train from Tooele and Nerva and her three children and Ruby who has been with Nerva for about four weeks. My sons George & LeGrand and I went out to Salt Air on the train leaving Salt Lake at 2:45 We had a good bath of about 40 minutes duration and returned on train arriving in Salt Lake at 5.30. We three went to the Wandamere moterdrome and saw the moter Cycle races, the best time made in ten mile race was 7 minutes, 40 seconds. Our women folks were visiting at home. LeGrand, Ina and George took dinner with us, my daughter Nerva also who is staying with us. We sent supper to Edith who is not strong enough yet to get out. We spent a pleasant day. The day was an ideal one. The bathing was superb. [p. 259]

5 July 1911 • Wednesday


Warm. All well.

This day I met my quorum members in quarterly conference from 10 A.M. to about 2.30 P.M.

I attended to some business before returning home for supper. Attended my circle meeting in the evening.

6 July 1911 • Thursday


All well. Weather warm.

I attended regular weekly meeting fasting after which we broke out fast at sacrament table closing our meeting at about 3 P.M.

I spent the remainder of the day and evening at home with my family. Dr. Stephen and his Son Stephen L. and their wives and some children called in Auto in evening. I had given to Stephen the large framed picture of myself which I had given to Mother and which reverted to me at her demise and they took it with them this evening. There are no Stake Conferences appointed for the next Saturday & Sunday.

The Presidency and the Twelve & their wives were invited to go [p. 260] to Wandamere at 6 P.M. and have supper at 7 P.M. by courtesy of Pres. Frank Y. Taylor. I did not go as Alice could not well go with me. We have invitations to attend the Annual outing of the Old folks of the Ogden Stakes to be held at one of the Ogden resorts to-morrow.

7 July 1911 • Friday


We are all well. Threatening storm at sun set. Warm day.

I remained home all day studying &c.

8 July 1911 • Saturday


All well at home Weather ideal.

I spent the forenoon at home and about four hours of the afternoon shopping with my wife, with but little accomplishment.

George L. Tate came in from Tooele in the afternoon, Nerva & children being here already. Spent the evening at home.

9 July 1911 • Sunday


All well. Pleasant weather.

I attended 20th ward Sunday school including a lecture to the parents’ classes of Ensign Stake by Dr. J. M. Tyler of Amherst College. Subject. Invironment. He differentiates between [p. 261] surroundings and invironment. Our imaginations though unreal may be an effective environment. Examples A. Lost bag of gold & Search for same. b. Man & wife in Social circle. One draws out of those present the best there is in them the other the worst. We get from others just what we ask for.

C. Judas had the purse the treasury of the Twelve His constant thought of replenishment let him to sell his Master for 30 pcs silver.

I attended tabernacle services. The speakers were Charles B. Felt and a brother Bowles late president of New Zealand mission. Pres Wells of Ensign Stake offered the opening and I the closing prayrs.

I attended the 27th ward meeting at 6 P.M. and was the speaker of the occasion. Subject. Pre-existant State of man establishing the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man.

At 8.30 attended a lecture in the Congregational Church by Dr. J. M. Tyler Education through the muscles.

Alice and Ina accompanied and Four public meetings in one day is a full day’s work & worship.

10 July 1911 • Monday


All are well. Pleasant day.

Geo Lawrence & Nerva and their three [p. 262] children and Mama and I and our five youngest children went up Emigration canyon to the Rail road terminal leaving home at 11 A.M. and arriving home again at about 3.30 P.M. After taking dinner, Geo. Lawrence Tate and my two sons George & LeGrand and I went out to Salt Air and had a bath. We left home at 4.25 P.M. and returned at 8.15 P.M. Geo L., Nerva and their children intend to go home in the morning and our daughter Mamie intends going with them for a week or so.

Watering the lawn, writing my journal and reading morning and evening papers is a daily routine for me when I am at home.

11 July 1911 • Tuesday


All well. Warm Weather.

I spent the day and evening home reading, writing, Studying &c.

<Nerva & family went home.>

12 July 1911 • Wednesday


All well. Weather warm.

I spent the time at home studying until after 4 P.M. Attended a meeting of the Y.M.M.I.A. General Board at 5 P.M. and my Circle at 6.15 P.M.

Alice and I visited Edith & family in the evening. This has been very warm <day.> [p. 263]

13 July 1911 • Thursday


Folks usually well. Weather very warm 98°

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2.15 P.M.

Attended a director’s meeting of the Utah Implement, Vehicle Co. and the funeral services of A. W. Carlson held in the Assembly Hall. Sister Richards & I went out with Elder A. W. Ivins for an auto ride towards evening. We called and saw my Sister Asenath in evening.

14 July 1911 • Friday


Folks well. Temperature reached 101°

Alice and I took the baby, Ray, to the Monroe photograph galary and had his picture taken. We bought him a go-cart and did other shopping.

My Sister Minerva came to see us and staid over night.

I spent my spare time reading and studying. I received a registered letter from Aunt Lottie Longstroth enclosing a list of 156 names sent to Uncle Will before his death to have temple work done for them. With these names there was was a check for $125.00 and a letter from Aunt Lottie to pay for having the work done. The temple is now closed but when it opens I will [p. 264] have the work done. This is for the Longstroths.

I got my hair cut at barbers.

15 July 1911 • Saturday


Folks well. Very warm still.

Mama had the misfortune to cut her hand severely between the Small finger & the one next to it while washing a common table glass which broke in her hands.

My Sister Nerva remained with us until after noon. I wrote to Aunt Lottie Longstroth of Mendon an acknowledgment of receipt of hers with names & check and enclosed receipt for same.

This day Elder David O. McKay of Ogden met with an accident in which he had his leg broken just above the ankle.

My son George and my daughters Sarah & Ruby and I went out to the Saltair and had a nice bath in the lake and lunch after. Elder Geo. Albert Smith and his sister-in law, Miss Woodruff lunched with us. We returned home on 7.15 P.M. train.

16 July 1911 • Sunday


Warm All well.

I attended 27th ward Sunday School and offered the opening school prayr & addressed the school. I attended [p. 265] the services in Large tabernacle. Pres. Lund presided. Elder Heber J. Grant offered the opening prayr, Elder Chas. W. Penrose preached a 55 minute discourse and I offered the benediction. I attended the 27th ward sacramental meeting in the evening and offered the closing prayr. My brother Franklin S. Richards was the speaker and occupied about 20 minutes. Subject prayr & Sabbath day observences.

My son George & his wife & babe spent the evening with us and we had supper & ice cream to-gether. My Son LeGrand & his baby called in Afternoon. Ina not feeling first class.

17 July 1911 • Monday


Still hot. All usually well.

I wrote Pres. Edward J. Wood of Canada and enclosed check of $150.00 balance <1st> payment on 160 A, 10 A & 1 lot at Glenwood Canada.

I spent the day at home studying and writing. In the evening Mama, George, Edith & I went to Wandamere and saw the Pinafore. A very nice opera presented on a mineature war ship by Salt Lake people. I saw it [p. 266] more than 30 years ago in Salt Lake Theatre and many features of it were still fresh in my memory.

18 July 1911 • Tuesday


Weather moderated. Folks all usually <well.>

I made som repairs on furniture which occupied several hours. Inspected work being done on my sons’ homes. I attended to some business down town. In the evening I took Sarah, Ruby, Lucena & Nina to the Wandemere & to the Pinafore there.

I called on Dr. Stephen at his office & at Asenath’s but she was not at home.

19 July 1911 • Wednesday


Weather moderated. Folks well.

I wrote to Joel in England and to my daughters Nerva & Mamie at Tooele.

Alice, Edna & baby went to Farmington on 9 A.M. train. LeGrand & I went to Lagoon on 3 P.M. train and Mama met me there. I returned on 5.08 P.M. train to attend my circle meeting and my son George & I went down to Salt Palace in the evening and witnessed some expert wrestling. Mama & LeGrand returned from Farmington & LaGoon on 9.03 P.M. train.

I did some reading and Studying. [p. 267]

20 July 1911 • Thursday

Home. Weather same. Folks well.

I attended weekly council meeting from 10 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. Attended to some business down town. Wrote letters <&c.> My brother Fred being in town I invited him and my Son <Geo.> joined us and we went out to Saltair on 5 P.M. train and had a good bath, returning to City on 8 P.M. train. Fred staid with us at night. Fred Jr. did not go to Saltair

There were but two conferences for this week and as I had been at one, Beaver, three months ago and at the other, Benson, nine months ago I did not get an appointment.

21 July 1911 • Friday


Warm weather. Folks well.

I spent the day and evening at home. Towards evening I visited my mother’s grave in Company with my brother Fred. We also called at Johnson’s Stone cutting yard & saw his headstones with the thought in view of agreeing upon some thing for mothers grave.

A light shower in the evening.

22 July 1911 • Saturday


Warm weather Folks well.

Fred W. Richards Jr’s wife Maud [p. 268] underwent an operation by Dr Ralph Richards at the L.D.S. hospittal to-day Her appendix was removed and other operations also submitted to.

I spent most of the day at home. F. D. Steed, his wife, Alice & I went out to the lake, Saltair, on 5.45 P.M. train and had a bath and by courtesy of Jos. Nelson saw the exibition in the Hipodrome with the mexican steers.

23 July 1911 • Sunday


Warm Our folks well.

My brother Fred, F. D. Steed & Wife staid at our home last night.

I attended the 27th ward Sunday School the tabernacle services & 27th ward evening meeting. At the large tabernacle Pres. F. M. Lyman was the Speaker, J. C. Taylor offered the invocation and I the benediction. Pres. Lund presided.

At Sunday School W. W. Riter addressed the Parents Class about 30 minutes on the experiences of the pioneers and both he & Pres. F. M. Lyman addressed the School.

At 27th ward meeting Elders Johnson and Homer were the Speakers and I offered the benediction. I went up to the L.D.S. hospittal and administered to Maud Richards my Nephew Fred Richards’ wife. [p. 269]

24 July 1911 • Monday


Weather <warm> Folks well.

I attended p[i]oneer day exercises at Wandamere. Pres. Levi Edgar Young was the orator of the day and gave a nice oration. I returned home about 1.15 P.M. and spent the remainder of the day and evening at home. My sons George & LeGrand and their wives came and took supper and spent a pleasant evening to-gether.

25 July 1911 • Tuesday


Warm weather. Folks usually <well.>

Lucena returned from the Canyon where she has been with her cousin Grace Richards for several days.

Alice’s sister Anna & husband and children came down from Farmington by team arriving here at 7.30 A.M. Alice and children, Ruby, Nina, Edna, Oliver, Estella & Ray went with them to Saltair leaving Salt Lake on 9.30 A.M. Train. I had a missionary meeting to attend hence could not accompany them. My brother Fred staid with us again last night. He leaves for the salt beds west of the lake to-night.

We made up a box of cake &c & sent to Joel in England by box from Des. News Book store.

Attended missionary meeting from [p. 270] 2 to 4 P.M. We set apart 24 missionaries and instructed them. I set apart the fol.:

Alonzo Barker of Willard to Netherlands

Clifford Shaw Hodgson, City. to South Africa.

Wilford C Brineley, City. to Gt. Britain

Thos. Edwin Winegar, Woods Cross, to Gt. Britain.

Pres Lyman & I instructed the company. A brother Monson was placed in charge of the Company.

I took 4.15 P.M. train to Saltair where I joined my folks returning home on 6.15 train. The children had a fine outing.

26 July 1911 • Wednesday


Very warm. Folks well.

I wrote to my son Joel, Sat with Elders Penrose & Smith J. F. Jr. as a committee to read the manuscript of a book by Prof. Witsoe on Restoration of the gospel from 10 to 12 Spent the afternoon at home studying Attended my circle meeting and in the evening Alice & I accepted the invitation of the Saltair management to go out to the lake and attend the entertainment given there. Others of the Twelve and their wives were present.

27 July 1911 • Thursday


Warm weather Folks well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting and received an ap[p. 271]pointment with Pres. Lyman to attend the Liberty Stake Conference next Sunday.

I attended to some business down town and sat for my picture at Monroe’s Art galary. Visited my niece, Maud Richards at Hospittal and extended to her & her husband to an invitation to stay with us when out of hospittal. I went to Ogden & visited Elder David O. McKay who thirteen days ago broke his leg in mounting a horse, the Saddle turned. I called at Farmington and took supper with my sister Nerva and accompanied my wife and some of the children home they having been in Farmington during the day. We attended the Conway band concert at LaGoon before taking train.

28 July 1911 • Friday


Weather warm Folks well.

I attended a committee meeting with Elders Penrose and Jos. F. Smith <Jr.> reading Prof Osborne J. P. Widtsoes book manuscript on the Restoration during the forenoon. I spent the afternoon at home reading, studying &c. Had pleasant conversation with Pres. Lyman. [p. 272]

29 July 1911 • Saturday


Weather sultry & warm threatening storm. Oppressive heat when sun is not clouded.

I met Pres. Lyman and Elder A. W. Ivins at the former’s office at 11 A.M. and considered several imporant matters. Received appointment to Mexico to be at Juarez Aug. 25 and it will require until Sept. 25th to complete the itinerary arranged by the Stake presidency for my visit.

Alice, my son George and I went to Saltair on 5 P.M. train and returned on 8 P.M. Had a bath in turbulent waters.

30 July 1911 • Sunday


Warm still. All well.

I attended Liberty Stake Conference in the Assembly Hall in the forenoon and in the Large tabernacle in the afternoon. At morning meeting the Stake presidency, presidents F. M. Lyman & A. H. Lund were the Speakers. Pres. Schulthess & family gave us an exebition of a family meeting such as is being enaugurated in the Liberty Stake. Subject. proper observance of the Sabbath & Love such as parents should manifest towards their children. At the afternoon I occupied 40 minutes and Pres. Nephi L. [p. 273] morris about 20 minutes. I spoke upon the Subject of the Gospel. One Only. Had fairly good liberty and quoted & read from the Scriptures quite elaborately. Bryant S. Hinckley said he enjoyed my discourse that it was logical & convincing. May the Lord be praised if it was pleasing to him.

I attended the sacramental meeting of the 31st ward by request of Pres. Hugh J. Cannon in the evening and addressed the Saints on the Subject of home meetings, home worship morning and evening, prayr &c. I was the only speaker and occupied about 35 or 40 minutes with exceptionally good liberty. I feel pretty well pleased with the labors of this day. I went with Bp. David A. Smith to his home and met his folks after evening meeting.

31 July 1911 • Monday


Fair weather Folks well.

I spent the entire day and evening at home, writing, studying &c. Miss Luella Tate from Tooele has been visiting with our girls for several days and is still here. [p. 274]

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July 1911, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-07