August 1910

1 August 1910 • Monday


I spent the day reading and studying. Folks feeling usually well.

Blustery weather to-wards night.

2 August 1910 • Tuesday


Still under quarantine. Folks well except that [p. 191] Edna Moselle is weakly and has some swelling of the throat. Letters from LeGrand, Portland, and Nerva, Tooele.

Spent the day, studying, reading and writing.

3 August 1910 • Wednesday


Folks usually well.

I put my clothes and other things which I wanted to take with me out of quarantine into one room and had the City Board of health send up a man and disinfect them. I spent the day about as usual.

4 August 1910 • Thursday


I arose early took my bath and put on my fumigated clothes and went out of quarantine. I took my Suitcase & satchel to my son George’s and went to my Council meeting.

After meeting I attended to several items of business, wrote letters to LeGrand, Nerva and Mamie. Geo. Edith a miss Em[i]ly Dunn of Menasseh Col. & I went out to Saltair and Joel joined us there in the bath which was especially delightful because of the swells which were quite high. Returned to Salt Lake on train leaving the beach at 9:30 P.M.

Folks usually well. [p. 192]

5 August 1910 • Friday

Salt Lake.

I wrote letters to the following, My mother in Canyon, LeGrand in Portland Ore., My daughter Nerva in Tooele, Alice’s sisters Sarah Jane and Estella.

Had my hair cut, got articles down town and took up home Called on Pres. Lyman and had a brief visit with him.

The weather Continues warm Our folks are all fairly well.

My health is good.

6 August 1910 • Saturday

I left Salt Lake for Nephi in company with Pres. J. G. Kimball on Salt Lake Route train 8 A.M. Arrived at Nephi at 11:30 o’clock We were met at Ry Station by Pres. Ord and walked to the Meeting house. The Choir was singing and at conclusion Elder Anderson of the B.Y.U. spoke.

I went home with Roscoe Grover to dinner and made that my staying place. At the afternoon service the house was but about half filled. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres Isaac Grace, Charles Grace, Pres Kimball and myself. I occupied about 35 minutes subject. Tithing.

After meeting I accompanied some of the brethren to see the Ared farm exibit just closed but the products yet in place. [p. 193] The exhibit showed good wheat, oats, barley, potatoes peaches, corn &c grown without irrigation.

7 August 1910 • Sunday


I fasted until after 5 o’clock P.M. Attended the prayr meeting at 9 A.M. and talked to the brethren on conditions in the stake as shown by the stake reports.

I attended the Sunday school session and addressed the meeting with good liberty & satisfaction and told the story of the German Shepherd boy Gerhardt. At the afternoon meeting the authorities were sustained and the Speakers were Geo Brimhall 40 min. J. G. Kimball 30 minutes and I 20 minutes on church schools principally. Conjoint mutual meeting at 8 P.M. Seventies meeting at 4 o’clock. Pres. Kimball & I each gave instructions.

At evening meeting the Speakers were in order as follows; The Superintendents of the two associations Prof. Geo Brimhall, myself & Pres. J G Kimball I occupied about 20 minutes. Related the story of Abram & Zimri to show the love of brothers and the story, Widening the Circle to show the thoughtfulness of a daughter and how kindnesses may be passed along. Spoke of what I this day saw in the character [p. 194] Builder, Current number. The picture of a beautiful babe labeled. “A Bundle of Possibilities.” and said each of us is a bundle of possibilities only a little larger. We have our agency and the oppertunity to rise to the level of the Gods i.e. as we are Gods in embrio we may rise to the plane of Godliness and become Gods in verity or we may sink to the level of the beasts by following the animal nature without restraint. A good meeting.

I sat up with Roscoe Grover, my Nephew on the lawn until mid night in pleasant conversation.

8 August 1910 • Monday


I arose at 6 A.M. wrote up my journal for balance of the yesterday. Sprinkled the lawn and engaged in Study until time to go to train for home 8:45 A.M. I went direct from train to my home: found folks usually well. I did not go into the house as the folks are still in quarantine. I called on Pres. Lyman and had a good talk with him on Church matters. Called & saw my sister Asenath.

I accompanied my son George and wife to Saltair where we had a good bathe in the lake.

I wrote a letter to my daughter Mamie who is at Tooele. [p. 195]

9 August 1910 • Tuesday


I attended an informal meeting of our council from 10 to 2 o’clock where the Committee appointed to enquire into the [first and last names redacted] Case read to us their report.

I visited my folks in their home also visited Pres. Lyman. &c.

Am well, folks well.

We did not hold our Quarterly Conference of the Twelve as Pres. Lyman was not able to attend. Towards evening Oliver was taken ill with chilliness, sore throat &c

10 August 1910 • Wednesday

Salt, Lake.

Oliver somewhat improved.

I took train for Tooele where I had a brief visit with my folks there and while kissing my grandchild she knocked my glasses to the pavement and broke both lenses to smitherines. It cost me $3.00 to have them replaced. This is my daughter’s Nerva’s 26th birth day. I gave her a box of chocklets. She sent by me a paper of candy to the children. Estella sent in a box of nice peaches.

On reaching the City I went direct to the temple and attended my Circle meeting 16 present after which I went up home and spent a couple of hours without going inside the house. Oliver about same as in the morning. Others well. [p. 196]

11 August 1910 • Thursday

Salt Lake City.

The folks still in quarantine and Joel and I are staying with George & Edith. Mamie in Tooele.

Edna Moselle about well. Oliver has no symptoms of Scarlet fever and is dressed & playful this evening. Others well. Nice rain storm in afternoon.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10 to 2 P.M. Several very important matters were considered in which I took active part.

I got my glasses repaired. I took dinner at home on rear porch and spent several hours on porch reading the papers. Received appointment to Bingham Stake. I wrote letters to LeGrand & Nerva.

12 August 1910 • Friday1

I accompanied my son George and his wife out to Saltair where Geo. Joel who is working at Saltair and I had a nice bath in the troubled waters of the lake. After my return home I visited with my folks until 11 P.M. when I went to train leaving Salt Lake at 11:45 P.M. for Idaho Falls in Company with Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin.2

This day Friday I received appointment to Arizona to attend Snowflake and St. John’s Stake Conferences. Attended to business &c.

13 August 1910 • Saturday

On Train.

I arrived at Idaho Falls at 9:05 A.M. in Company with Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin. We were driven over to Lincoln, [p. 197] three miles distant where I attended the Bingham Stake Conference. My staying place was at Pres. Heber C. Austin’s. The meetings this day were held in the meeting house. The Stake population is 3100, the attendance at. 10 A.M. meeting 150 The speakers were Pres. Austin, Bp. Moses Wright of Lincoln, Bp. C. S. Crabtree of Idaho Falls, Thos. W. Lee, Pres. J W McMurrin and myself. Sundry Subjects.

At 2 P.M. Attendance [blank] Ammon Choir The speakers were in order as fol. Pres Alf. J. Stanger of Stake Presidency, Patriarch Bybee Myself & Pres. McMurrin. I spoke upon the Subject of Genealogy & Temple work. After meeting Pres. Austin took Pres. McMurrin and me for a ride to see the country. We went over to Iona about four miles. Ammon Choir.

14 August 1910 • Sunday

Lincoln, Ida.

Attended Conference held in the Sugar Company grove. Attendance 554. Sacrament administered. The Speakers were in order as fol.; Elders, Ball, Owens Newman & Caine from S. States, E. states Hawaiin Islands & Japan respectively C. L. Warnick Sen Pres. 146th quo. Seventies & stake Supt. S. Schools and Pres. J. W. McMurrin. Missionary reports & work discussed.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 726 Idaho Falls choir, Authorities Sustained. Speakers were in order as fol.: Elder Dalley of Rex Academy, Pres. Chas. W. Hansen and myself. I occupied about 40 min. [p. 198] and treated three subjects viz.; church schools, Local Missionary work and tithing. Had good liberty. The wind blew quite a breeze and being out doors it was an effort but I think all heard.

I met at meeting Francis D & Thomas D. Horman, Geo & Eliza Robinson & Mary Thomas Lee, Lee Robinson & Bp Simmons a step son of Grandfather Jos. L Robinson. Have enjoyed the Conference.

We took our lunch each day with the people in the grove.

The stake seems to be well organized and in good working condition.

The evening Conjoint Mutual meeting was held in the meeting house and the house was crowded, a number standing who could not get seats. Quite a lengthy programme of musicals was rendered, both associations reported; an essay read and Prof Dalley & I occupied the time by request of Pres McMurrin who presided.

Pres McMurrin & I were driven 4½ miles to Idaho Falls, after meeting where we took a Tourist Sleeper arriving home at about 8:30 A.M. next day.

15 August 1910 • Monday

I assisted the folks in shaking carpets & I nailed down three carpets & otherwise aided in the house cleaning and cut the lawn & with My Son George & his wife, [p. 199] Alice, Mamie & Nina went to Saltair and had a bath.

16 August 1910 • Tuesday


I assisted with the house cleaning during the forenoon. Took a bath & changed my clothes and packed my grips ready to leave this evening for Snowflake and St John Stakes in Arizona.

I did some writing and attended to other business.

Folks well. My health good. Alice, Mamie, Oliver, Estella and George and I went out to Saltair on 5:45 P.M. train and Alice, George & I took a lake bath. I left Salt Lake in company with Pres. Seymour B. Young on S.P. S.L. & L.A. train for northern Arizona.

17 August 1910 • Wednesday

On train all day between Salt Lake & San Bernadino. Very warm in afternoon and during the early part of the night.

I spent the day studying.

18 August 1910 • Thursday

San Bernadino, Cal.

Arrived at 5:15 A.M. where we waited until 11:10 A.M. for No. 2 Santa Fe train East to Holbrook, Ariz. We came to this point to avoid changing trains at Daggett at 2 A.M. and to avoid the night’s stay in Holbrook a part of the night. Pres Young and I walked up town East and lingered about the station until train time. I spent some time preparing our itinerary home. [p. 200]

We took No 2 (Cal. Limited) out of San Bernadino at 11:10 A.M. and had a hot afternoon’s ride. We reached Needles on the Colorado river at 7:20 P.M. after which it was not so warm. We took supper at Needles 25 min wait the Harvy System. I sent telegram from Needles to Pres. Sam’l F. Smith at Holbrook saying we would be in on No. 8 at 9:53 to-morrow morning. During the night I was taken with vomiting & purging.

19 August 1910 • Friday

On train in Ariz.

Stopped at Winslow and took breakfast. Left No 2 and took No 8 local one hour later as No. 2 would not stop at Holbrook. Arrived at Holbrook at 9:53 A.M. A brother Shumway met us at the train and leaving Holbrook at 10 A.M. he drove us over to Snowflake 30 miles. Bp. Fish and wife rode in same conveyance with Pres. Young & me. Arrived 4 P.M. We were met several miles out of town by a couple of men Flake & Freeman who directed us where to go. Pres. Young and I were taken to the home of Pres. Sam’l F. Smith. I washed, changed my linnen, wrote my journal &c.

Have been feeling better to-day but not entirely right in my bowels.

The trip from Holbrook to Snowflake was pleasant. Not dusty, not hot. Sun clowded and some rain. Heavy rain at Snowflake. Before retiring to bed I took a tub bath and had a splendid night’s rest. My voice some what impaired, effects of vomiting. [p. 201]

20 August 1910 • Saturday

Snowflake <Ariz.>

Attended dedicatory exercises in the forenoon and afternoon at the Academy. I spoke briefly at former and at latter offered the dedicatory prayr of 17 minutes duration attendance at forenoon session 374 at afternoon session 476. Attended stake priesthood meeting in the evening and occupied about 45 minutes addressing the meeting. Subject. Comparisons with accomplishments of other stakes & the Church averages which was very much in favor of Snowflake stake.

Encouraged the various officers to faithfulness which means success, which means joy and satisfaction to ones self and satisfaction to all concerned. At this meeting I ordained to the office of High Priest Elders James Allen Decker and Edwin James Solomon and set them apart 1st & second counselors respectively to Bp. Brimhall in the Bishopric of the Taylor ward. I retired to rest late but had a good night’s rest. I took supper with my wife’s Aunt Mary Jane Robinson West and her husband. Sisters Harker & Jensen Reliefsociety missionaries from Salt Lake and my Companion Prest. Seymour B. Young were there also. My headquarters is with Pres. Samuel F. Smith. Administered to Sister Hancock.

21 August 1910 • Sunday


Weather very warm. I regret the fact that I have not got my umbrella [p. 202] My voice is out of commission almost, otherwise I feel well this Sabbath morning. I wrote up my journal, made certificates of ordination &c before the morning meeting which was held in the stake house.

At the morning session Pres. Young was absent waiting on the sick. The sacrament was administered and the Speakers were as follows; Pres. Sam’l F. Smith, Dr. Bloome of Arizona Normal. Elders Edwin J. Solomon & Bruver & myself. I occupied remaining 30 minutes with good liberty. Mormonism the Law by which all are to be judged both the dead & the living.

Pres. Young & I with missionary sisters took dinner at Jos. Smith’s.

At afternoon session the authorites were sustained and the Speakers were as follows; Pres. Larson, Pres Udall, Pres. S. B. Young the latter occupied 45 min closing at 3:50 P.M.

We took supper with Patriarch John Hunt. Attended Conjoint mutual meeting in the evening At The speakers were as fol.: A. L. Rogers, Sisters Harker & Jenson and myself. I occupied about 45 minutes Subject. Character made in the home. Conduct of the home, Story of Abram & Zimri. & Marriage. Had good liberty. Attended a Seventies meeting from 12 to 1 o’clock and addressed the meeting. Assisted Pres. S. B. Young to Set apart a Seventy President. [p. 203]

22 August 1910 • Monday

Snowflake, Ariz.

I attended two Sunday School Convention meetings and spoke at both. Called the Patriarchs to-gether and counseled them and before we left laid hands on Bro. Paul Smith 90 yrs of age and rebuked a cancerous growth on his nose and otherwise blessed him. At the convention meeting Elders Hugh M. Larson and Alonzo E. Bushman were by Pres Young and myself ordained Seventies. I ordained the former.

Pres. Young and I took dinner with Bro. & Sis Jno. F. Lundquist. Pres. James M. Flake presented me with an umbrella for which he would not receive pay. A man with a big heart. Pres. Young, Pres. S. F. Smith and I blessed the latter’s wife who is nearing confinement.

23 August 1910 • Tuesday

Snowflake, Ariz.

I left Snowflake in company with Pres. Seymour B. Young, Bro. John F. Lundquist teamster for Concho 30 miles in the direction of St. Johns. We were traveling seven & a half hours and rested an hour for noon. We all staid at Bro. Joseph Cristopher Kemps.

Pres. Young asked to be excused from attending the evening meeting as he was so tired. Bro Kemp and I visited Bro David Pulsifer who was afflicted with Asthma and we administered to him. Attended meeting from 8 to 10 o’clock held in School house. [p. 204] Attendance about 35 or 40 not counted. Pres. Udall and Bp Aeshel Smith from Hunt of which Concho is a part were in attendance. Pres. Udall made a few remarks and I occupied about sixty minutes on subject of obedience. Had good liberty. After meeting a young brother Chas F. Gillespie walked home with me and asked some questions and expressed a willingness to go upon a mission.

24 August 1910 • Wednesday

Concho, Ariz.

My health good, weather tolerable. Assisted the brethren in administering to Nancy Ellen Green a girl about 10 yrs old and to Sister Johanne L. Kemp who is nearing confinement. I anointed and Pres Seymour B. Young sealed the anointing in each instance.

Pres. Young by his request, was excused from accompanying us to Eager and was to be taken driven direct to St. Johns by Jesse Marble a distance of 15 miles.

Pres. Udall and I rode with Peter P. Rencher from Concho to Egar 35 miles. The trip was not attended with much unpleasantness. We called at Springerville two miles below Eagar and looked through the two stores. I here met two of Edgar Burk’s sons.

We put up at the Bishop’s, Joseph Udall, Attended the evening meeting, the attendance according to count was 180 the room full and people standing in the adjoining room. I spoke first and occupied about 60 minutes with good liberty. Subject. The Gospel, the Church & Kingdom both restored in ful[p. 205]filment of Prophecy and in connection with this we considered other evidences of the Gospel external, gathering, Our Elders not converted to other faiths &c. Dropped a few remarks on necessity for the practice of self denial & making of Sacrific[e] and of living in the home what we would have others, our children, live.

I met here of the Burk’s Hubert, Edgar, Ella Merrill and Alcesta Hall and made an appointment with them to meet at the latter’s home at 9 A.M. to-morrow.

25 August 1910 • Thursday

Eagar, Ariz.

The weather here is very pleasant.

My health & spirits are good. I think I never felt more the spirit of my calling or anticipated my work with greater pleasure or appreciated more the Lord’s help & blessing. May his name be praised for ever.

I met Hubart, Ella, Edgar & Alcesta Burk at the latter’s home at 9 A.M. and had a pleasant visit and talked old times. I took dinner with Edgar and after dinner he drove me down to St Johens. We staid with Bp. Gibbons at night.

26 August 1910 • Friday

St. Johns, Ariz.

Attended Sunday School Convention three sessions, participated in the discussions and addressed the Convention in the afternoon on Juvenile by request an <and> in the evening I spoke on the Subject. The Moral effects of the S. School on the Community.

I attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency & Bishops from 5 to 7 o’clock Spoke. [p. 206] Subject. Lesser Priesthood & promotions.

I washed out a pair of garments and took a bath before retiring.

27 August 1910 • Saturday

St. John’s, Ariz.

Weather warm. My health good. Attended Conference meeting at 10 A.M. and addressed the conference on the Subject of Genealogies and temple work. Attended afternoon meeting which was given to the Reliefsocieties for their Conference. Sisters Harker & Jenson & Pres Young spoke. I attended a meeting of the R.C. Supt. Administered to a sister Howell from Eagar. Took supper with Pres. Anderson and Attended the Stake Priesthood meeting in the evening and addressed the meeting. Subject. Visiting ward teachers work.

28 August 1910 • Sunday

St Johns, Ariz.

I wrote a letter home.

Attended Sunday School session of Conference at 10 A.M. Sacrament administered. Articles of faith recited by the congregation. The speakers were in order as follows:— Elder [blank] Gibbons recently returned from a mission to California, Pres. Seymour B. Young and myself. I occupied about 17 minutes with great freedom told story of Gerhardt the German shephard lad. Took dinner at Sister Coleman’s with other missionaries.

At afternoon services the General and Stake authorities were sustained and the speakers were in order as follows: Pres. Chas. P. Anderson, Pres. [p. 207] Seymour B. Young and myself.

Pres. Young concluded at 3:30 and was excused, left the meeting to go by stage to Concho, thence on via Snowflake tomorrow to see a patient on his way home. I occupied 30 minutes Subjects, Evidences of the truth of Mormonism and tithing. Persecution as evidence and the Witnesses to the Book of Mormon witnesses that Joseph was no imposter and Mormonism is true. I bore testimony. Pres Udall added a few words. After meeting we attended to some setting apart and ordaining of officers. I set apart Bp. LeRoy Gibbons who was once bishop of Concho to preside over the St Johns ward as Bishop, his counselors had already been set apart. I also ordained Gilbert Edward Green of St Johns an Elder. Wrote up my journal to this hour and took supper at Bro. Sainsbury’s. In the evening I attended the evening conjoint mutual meeting. An excellent programme was rendered. A report of Convention work done in Salt Lake was made by miss [blank].

A young man from Snowflake spoke. also Bro. Samsbury of the Church Schools, Sisters Jensen & Harker and myself. I occupied 30 minutes subj: Sociality & Morality. I spoke deliberately and had excellent liberty Excepting one number No 1 which was very ordinary the talks were exceptionally good.

After meeting we attended to some [p. 208] ordaining and setting apart of officers. I ordained Junius Gibbons a Seventy.

29 August 1910 • Monday

St. Johns, Arizona.

Pres. David K. Udall & wife and two sons, Jno. and Levi came down to Bp. LeRoy Gibbons’ where I was staying at 7:30 oclock A.M. and we administered to his son Levi who seems to have an internal rupture of the lining of the abdomen.

With Bp. C. R. Hakes of Bluewater and Bro. [blank] Chipman of same place, I left St. John’s at 9:15 A.M. by team for Ramah & Bluewater 125 miles by team. After we had been on the road about an hour it commenced to rain and continued most all day. Before camping for noon we past through streams of mud and water of varied depths, once the water ran into the wagon box. We crossed the Zuna wash and camped for noon at 1:45 P.M. While we were crossing Bro. Gallagher’s team capered on the bank and broke the neck yoke strap, the bridal came off and they came nearly slipping off into the stream in that condition. There are in this noon’s camp six conveyances 20 persons of whom eleven are men, five women and four babies, Six from Blue water 125 miles from St. Johns & 13 from Ramah 80 miles from St. Johns. We drove about 35 miles and camped. <X> I slept in the carriage and Bp Hakes & Bro. Welcome Chapman my companions slept on the ground. I rested fairly well. Past Ojo Caliente in forenoon and nooned at the Zuna Village. The [p. 209] Zuna indians were just in the midst of a character dance. There were 18 women and 37 men. The dancing was done in the Streets. Commenced Sunday and continued until to-day We are getting the Storm all right. We inspected the large bells, two, each has the cross on it and while not in use now, evidently had been brought in by the Spanish and once hung in the Catholic Church there. We saw their gardens which were practically weedless and healthy. Watered by the women with vessles carried on their heads. We saw the well which supplies the town. We went into some of the houses and up ladders on to roofs of their houses. They are build one above another. There was reported in 1905 1600 Zunas in the villiage. This was a novel sight. From here I rode to Ramah 18 miles with Bro. John M. Gallagher and his sister Margaret aged about 18 yrs. We called at Black Rock where the Indian School is located and where the Government had built a dam reservoiring the Zuna river and which in part went out last September. They are now working on it again.

We arrived at Ramah at 7:15 P.M. and went to Bro. Frihoff G. Nielson’s and staid. Bp Hakes came in at 8:30 P.M. Stormy night. I stood the trip well and am feeling well now. After Supper I wrote up my journal and did other writing & reading. [p. 210]

We read “As a Man Thinketh” and conversed with profit upon kindred Subjects. A pleasant journey.

31 August 1910 • Wednesday

Ramah, N.M.

At the indian dance the females were masked and well covered. The men were evidently selected with a view to getting them of uniform size all painted alike. Masked with hair square cut hanging down on their breasts, a narrow slit for sight holes. A sort of kilt with sash and a skein of yarn tied on the left leg. A turtle shell with pebbles in fastened back of the right leg at the knee, a Gourd with pebbles in, in right hand, a spray of spruce in left hand and in belt. They stood in a row or half square and grunted and stamped in uniform with good time. The Gourd & the turtle shell being the instruments. The priest or medicine man would stand at the head of the column with a sort of wand in his hand which contained the cross and a serpent. The sacred serpent also a small bowl of meal, Sacred Meal, which as the column moved from place to place he headed the column and sprinkled the meal.

I attended special public meeting at 9 A.M. Attendance about 75 or 80 The seats all taken. Bp. Hakes and counselor, Welcome Chapman of Blue water each occupied about five minutes.

I occupied 80 minutes Subject. [p. 211] temporal conditions, schooling should be the legacy we leave to our children, Internal evidences &c. In the meeting I ordained J. P. W. Bloomfield a Seventy Pres. Young having requested it.

After meeting Bro. Johnson drove me up to the reservoir. I advised him Bp. Lewis & others to complete the dam. To let some of the boys work on the dam and take stock, to sell them some of the land & farm it better.

Bp Hakes, Welcome Chapman and I by request called and administered to little Frida Windsor who seemed to have Typhoid fever. She is about 10 yrs. old. On our way from Ramah to Sawyer after dinner we hatched our team on to the wagon of an indian and pulled it out of a ditch. Later two of our boys Bros. Johnson & Bloomfield came along and attaching their throw ropes to our carriage tongue assisted us up on to the Continental divide on the Zuna mountains. These two boys with Bro John Galligher were going to Sawyer to attend our meeting. We left Ramah at about 12:30 and drove 20 miles to Sawyer a milling camp arriving there at about 7 P.M. We made our camp about 100 yds from the School house. We took supper with a Bro. Nichols whose wife is a daughter of Jacob Hamlin. We blessed her baby. I blessed it & named it Walter Wilder Nicholes born Feb. 24, 1910. Their standing is in [p. 212] Nutrioso,

Meeting had been arranged for by Bro. Lamb who left Rahema [Ramah?] in the morning. At the meeting there were 47 in attendance most of them non-Mormons. I had good liberty and occupied about 75 minutes. Subj: Evidences of the truth of Jos. Smiths mission & of “Mormonism.”

I slept in the carriage at night.

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August 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Richards inserted the date for this entry after writing the entry.

  2. [2]This paragraph is enclosed by a brace on the left.