May 1909

1 May 1909 • Saturday

Lyman, Wyoming

Sun shines bright but there is a cool breeze growing blowing and in this place no grass or green of any kind apparent.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting. Attendance 152. Speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Baxter, I and Pres. Young. I occupied 40 minutes with good liberty, good language & voice Subject. Compared this country with the Big Horn Co. this state. Referred to the danger of spoiling their lands as was done at Burlington. Avoid the use of more water on the land than [p. 92] is actually necessary to mature the crops. I advised the people that when building permanantly to build in town and beautify and make attractive your homes. Gave reasons why. I offered congratulations for faithfulness. I showed that bishops & other officers should be trusty so as to be just as much devoted when not under direct supervision as when they are. Send representatives to Conference & Priesthood meetings.

At afternoon meeting attendance was 255. Speakers were in order as follows. Pres McKinnon, Elder Jarman and S. B. Young. The latter occupied the time from 2:49 to 3:45 good talk on Sanitation &c. After meeting I assisted in administering to Sister Blackner.

I read the story of “The Other Wise Man” after the afternoon meeting. Wrote up my journal &c.

Attended a free concert in the evening.

2 May 1909 • Sunday

Lyman, Wyo.

Attended a meeting of the Stake Sunday school Union Board at 8:30 at the home of Bro [blank] Guild. Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting and occupied about 25 minutes with good liberty Subjects. Order in meeting house, arrange in Seating the children, punctuality & Obedience. At 12 O’clock attended a Seventies meeting and I talked to the candidates for ordination.

Attended a meeting of the Primary Board of Sister Guild’s.

Attended 2 P.M. Conference meeting [p. 93] and was last speaker. Occupied about 35 minutes. Subject. Internal evidences of the Gospel’s truth.

At 4 P.M. met with the Seventies and I questioned two additional candidates for ordinations. We ordained eight Seventies, I four and Pres S. B. Young four. See my record of ordinations.

Attended a Sunday School Union meeting at 4:30 to 5:30. Went home with Bp Brough to dinner at 6 P.M. having fasted until that hour. At the 8 P.M. Conjoint meeting of the Y.M. & Y.L. Mutuals I occupied about 40 minutes. Subject. Eternity of the Marriage Covenant. We left Lyman about 11 P.M. for Carter where we took train for home. The train due at 1:02 A.M. did not come along until about 3:50 A.M. There were a number of people returning from conference who like Pres Young and myself had a three hours wait for the train.

A brother Brough took Pres. S. B. Young and me from <Carter to> Lyman and a brother Chirry drove us back.

3 May 1909 • Monday

I left Carter wyo. at 4 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 10 A.M. After breakfast I wrote up my journal and other record of the ordinations performed, meetings attended. I went down town and attended to some business, received letter from LeGrand and answered it also telegraphed him to buy a portion of Cement Co. Stock if obtainable. I called on my son George at his office and he went with me to see Aunt Alice Watt [p. 94] and examine her teeth. From there I went to my daughter Minerva’s between 8th & 9th East on 1st South and took supper with her & George L. Called at Asenaths and visited with her & Mother; read papers &c.

The weather is beautiful, trees in leaf, grass green &c. Folks well & happy.

4 May 1909 • Tuesday


Weather beautiful, my health good. Family well except for Oliver’s lameness which is getting better and Estella’s cough which has the ear marks of Whooping Cough.

I spent two or three hours with my mother visiting and talking over temple and geneology work. I heard my mother tell her experiences in crossing the plains coming to Utah. She rode in the conveyance with her husband Willard Richards and my father Franklin D. Richards and his wife Jane. Willard had charge of the company and Franklin was captain. Mother’s father and mother came in same train but their team was made up of a yoke of wild steers and a yoke of cows. Her brother George Longstroth drove a yoke of cattle heavily laden. Mother rode in a carriage drawn by a span of horses. There was a span of mules also in the company. The other teams were cows and oxen.

Pres. Francis M. Lyman’s father had charge of another Company larger and mostly horse teames just ahead [p. 95] of Dr. Willard’s Company. Brother Amasa Lyman was found by Willard Richards in an almost perishing condition. While spying the country with his glass he saw what he thought to be a man in the distance. Willard had the team unhitched and sent a man on horse back to investigate. Amasa Lyman was brought in to camp speechless from thirst. He had been out hunting & got lost and becoming very thirsty he had started toward some green willows in the far off distance with a hope of finding water.

I this day wrote to Merlin Steed in answer to a letter of May 1st received to-day. My Son George came up & spent an hour or so and I read what the Church Chronological history has to Say of the life of Willard and Franklin D. Richards.

George and I administered to Estella who has fever and cough. She rested well and almost free from coughing during the night.

5 May 1909 • Wednesday


Weather cooler. I wore my overcoat. I visited brother Parley James at his place of business and talked with him about becoming a member of our prayr Circle.

Attended Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve held in the Presidency’s room of the temple where we meet each wednesday. I had asked my Son LeGrand [p. 96] who is in Portland if he knew of a suitable man to succeed Sylvester Cannon in the Presidency of the Netherlands mission. I read before the Council a paragraph of LeGrand’s letter in which he suggested the name of Bp. B. G. Thatcher of Logan First ward, giving reasons for same. The council decided that it was a good suggestion but not knowing whether or not bro. Sylvester Q. Cannon had acted on our suggestion and called someone from his mission to succeed him it was decided to not act in the matter until we hear from brother Cannon.

I received an appointment to Wayne Stake, Loa.

Attended Religion Class board meeting at the President’s office at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. <21 pres.> and called at my Mother’s on my way home. Wrote up my journal for the day.

6 May 1909 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon studying scripture. Attended missionary meeting in the annex of the temple at 2 P.M. I assisted in setting a part missionaries, instructed them and offered the benediction. I was mouth in setting apart the following.

Geo. Fenhier of Hunter S.L.C. to Switzerland & Germany.

John William Howicks S.L.C. to Gt Britain

Robert Thomas Petty, Oxford Ida. to Gt Britain

Called at my son George’s office. Went home and continued my study and writing.

Weather pleasant. My health & Spirits good. Family usually well. [p. 97]

7 May 1909 • Friday


I left Salt Lake on the R.G. 7:50 A.M. train for Siggurd Seviere Co. thence by team to Loa Wayne stake. Pres. Chas. H. Hart accompanying me. We met Bro. Robt. D. Young and bro. Jacob M. Lauritzen of Richfield. At Manti they paid for our dinners. While on the train I committed to memory the hymn “My Country tis of Thee” and the two first or first two of the four verses of “The Star Spangled Banner.[”] I find the latter very hard to commit. Was aided some from my knowledge of how it originated and under what circumstances. At Siggurd we were met at train by brother J. W. Dastrup of Siggurd who by request of Pres. G. S. Bastian was to take us to Loa and return. We drove to Burrville between the hours of 3: and 7:30 P.M. a distance of 25 miles.

We were made welcome at the home of brother Geo Burr where we got supper and a bed. Pres. Hart & I slept together in the attick and I had a terrible time with the bugs.

We administered to brother Burr’s Mother before retiring. Weather warm and dusty when we left Siggurd but it got cooler until it was uncomfortably cold with our overcoats on. Cold wind.

8 May 1909 • Saturday

Burrville, Utah.

We continued our journey leaving Burrville at 6 A.M. and arrived in Loa at 9:35 A.M. Roads good, weather cold enough even with our over coats on but not cold enough to be disagreeable. 25 miles travel. We went to Pres. G. S. [p. 98] Bastians where we arranged our toilet and went to Conference held in the basement room of the New tabernacle which was comfortably warmed by steam heating plant. The attendance was 86. The speakers were in order as follows. Pres. G. S. Pastian [Bastian], J. W. Dastrup our teamster, Pres. C. H. Hart & myself. I occupied the remaining time 23 minutes Subject. Commendations, cease the restlessness now evident among you &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 108 The speakers were in order as follows. Joseph Eckersley of Stake Presidency, Bp. Walter E. Hanks of Caineville and myself. I occupied 22 minutes remaining. Subject Spiritual food. What it is and how obtained and necessity therefore.

After meeting 4 P.M. Pres. Hart and I met the Stake Presidency at their office and had a nice interview with them and learned that Pres. Bastian had an admission to make that he had been taking a little coffee but would leave it off. Advised that the Presidency do by the High Council members, Stake Auxiliary officers and wards bishoprics as we had done by them which they said they would do. We recommended appointment or allotment to the bishops a certain percent of their population to be present at opening session of Conference. Cited the experiences of Seviere Stake in that line. Advised that the people be taught to pay their tithing on what comes into their hands when it is received, showing why.

I wrote up my journal before going to the evening conjoint meeting.

At the evening meeting reports were [p. 99] made and Pres. Hart a member of the general Board of Y.M.M.I.A. took the time up to 9:40. By request I occupied about fifteen minutes on the subject of Blaming.

9 May 1909 • Sunday

Loa, Wayne Stake.

At 10 A.M. meeting the Sacrament was administered and the authorities were sustain<ed> The articles of faith were recited this being a Sunday School Session of the Conference. A returned missionary from Swedish mission, Wm C. Jenson reported his missionary labors. I spoke about fifteen minutes. Subject, Good & bad influences, where originated Straight gate, narrow way vs broad way Agency & accountibility. Pres Hart spoke.

At 12 o’clock met the brethren in the Tithing office where we blessed and set apart the following I being mout[h] in each instance, Pres. Bastian having suggested that they would appreciate my doing it.

Geo. A. Chappell Ordained a Bp. & Set apart to Lyman.

Archibald Oldroyd Jr. 1st Con to "1 Chappel

Ole A Okerlund 2nd " " " "2

David Coombs Alt. High Counselor

Annetta Grover, Stake treasurer Relief societies

Daniel H. Allred ordained High Priest and Set apart First counselor to Bp. Balle of Fremont ward

Geo. W. Okerlund, High Counselor

Wm. C. Jensen High Priest & Alt. H. Counselor.

At the 2 P.M. meeting the speakers were in order as follows, John R. Stewart, Chas. H. Hart, myself and Pres. Bastion G. S. Subject, Sacrifice and applied it to Taber[p. 100]nacle completion. All the speakers at this meeting touched upon the Subject of completion of the Stake tabernacle and contributing liberally there for.

After the afternoon meeting we drove from Loa to Burrville a distance of about 25 miles and held meeting at night. There were 67 in attendance about half of whom came from Koosharum ward, four miles distant. Some came from points eight miles north. The Speakers were in order as follows. Jacob Dastrup our teamster from Siggurd, Pres Hart and myself. I spoke upon general principles. A fairly good time was had though we were tired.

We staid at Bro. Burr’s while in Burrville.

10 May 1909 • Monday

Burrville, Utah.

We have had a variety of weather but this is a beautiful day. We left Burrville at 5:45 A.M. and reached Siggurd about 8:45 "3. God [Got] train at 9:20 and arrived in Salt Lake at 6 P.M. After I had taken supper I bathed and retired early.

While going and coming on this trip I committed to memory the two songs, “My Country Tis of Thee” and “The Star Spangled Banner.[”] The latter verry difficult for me to commit because of the peculiar manner of expression.

On the Car from Main Street I met Pres. Richard W. Young of the Ensign Stake who stated that some had suggested that a change in the Bishopric of the 27th ward would be a great improvement. He and his Counselors knew some thing to be wrong [p. 101] in that ward but were not sure where the trouble lies. Asked what I thought I answered that personally I was at home to attend meetings so seldom I was not in a position to judge the matter. I had my sons say a change was needed. I thought he, Pres Young, and Counselors ought to be in close touch with the bishop’s work so as to know.

11 May 1909 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon writing up my journal, recording work done, writing letters &c. I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where forty missionaries were blessed. I had a company alone and blessed eleven the following.

Milford J. Wiltbank of Greer Ariz. Northern States

Lawrence C. Stone. Coalville, Southern States

Geo. M. Webster. Grant Ida. to Northern "4

Jno. R. Bingham. Trenton. " "5

Alma M. Jones. Ogden. Central "6

Chas. W. Stoddard. Magrath, Canada, to Northern "

Louis Thammond. Ashton Ida. Eastern States

Robt. W. Seaman. Ranch. Utah Central "7

Levi Parritt. Ashton, Ida. Northern "

Dan A. Swenson, City to Sweden

Edwin J. Ford. Kanab, Utah. Southern States

I ordained Milford J. Wiltbank an Elder.

I addressed the Elders a short time.

Called at my mothers & saw her, called at my daughter Nervas & saw her and called at George’s office & saw him. Made history of the day’s work &c. In the evening I memorized the [p. 102] two songs, “Count Your Many Blessings<,”> and “If There’s Sunshine In Your Heart.”

12 May 1909 • Wednesday


Attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Had my appointment to Park Valley, previously made, confirmed. I wrote the Box Elder Presidency to that effect.

Attended to some business with E. L. Burton looking to a sale of my U.N. Bk. Stock. Wrote my brother Fred.

Attended weekly Circle meeting, attendance twenty-three.

Weather pleasant but cold enough for an overcoat. Folks usually well. Oliver’s lameness continues with him though I think he is some what improved.

13 May 1909 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon reading and writing. At 2 P.M. Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex at 2 P.M. I presided. There were 33 missionaries and eight blessed to go abroad to obtain geneologies &c. I blessed and set apart twelve of the former and three of the latter. Elder O. F. Whitney and Pres. C. W. McMurrin had a company and Prests S B Young and J. G. Kimball had another Company & I had a company alone. Following are the names of those whom I blessed and set apart.

1 Joseph K. Nicholas. American Fork to Scandinavia.

2 Nephi Hanson. Darby Ut. to "8

3 Reed Jacob Knudson, Provo to "

4 Andrew C. Bjork. S.L.C. to Sweden. [p. 103]

5 Wm. S. Mack of Fairview, Ariz. to So Africa

6 Peter F. Swenson, Twin Falls. Ida. to Sweden

7 Rufus Beach. Idaho Falls. to So Africa.

8 Oscar W. Steele. Iona. Ida. to " "9

9 Louis Alma Nelson of Safford Ariz. to So Africa

10 Don Chester Loveland of Albion, Ida. to Turkey

11 Archibald B. Gunnell of Bannock Co. Ida to Gt. Britain

12 Griffith E. Williams of Blackfoot Ida. to " "10

The above regularly called.

The following going on their own accord.

Robert Averson of 27th Wd. SLC to Gt Britain

Florence M. Averson " " " " "11

O. P. Jenson Denmark.

I also instructed missionaries.

This day my sister Nerva called and I brought Mother over about 5 P.M. and we had a nice visit.

I this day disposed of ten Shares of U.N. Bk. stock at $122.50 net per share.

14 May 1909 • Friday


My wife’s 45th birth day. My mother & my sister Minerva staid with us last night and remained until about noon. I worked on the record of the dead and discovered and listed for baptism 20 names of males and nine names of females, also listed names for endowments and others for sealings. I arranged for my son George and his wife Edith do the baptisms work next Tuesday. We expect that George, LeGrand and Hyrum Lee to attend to this work next Wednesday. I worked hard all day and before I finished I had a severe headache and sickness at the Stomach. I felt [p. 104] better after I had slept a short time. Had a fairly good night’s rest.

15 May 1909 • Saturday


I took 7:10 A.M. train for Park valley, Utah. I was met at Brigham by Pres. Oleen N. Stohl and his Counselor Wm. C. Horsley A Bro. Lillywhite and four Sisters Susannah Boothe, Eliza Thompson, two Sisters Madson and Bro. J. D. Call Supt. S. Schools. We took train to Kelton 65 miles west of Brigham City. We were met at Kelton by Bp. James W. Parmer [Palmer] of Park Valley and his Counselor Jacob Kunzler who took us to Park Valley a distance of 15 miles arriving at the Bishop’s about 4:15 P.M. and Pres. Stohl & Pres. Horsley and I staid at Bp Palmer’s. Threatening storm but no unpleasantness. Cold & stormy at night.

16 May 1909 • Sunday

Park Valley, Box Elder Co.

I retired to bed early and had a good night’s rest. Am well & happy in the discharge of my duty.

I attended Sunday School in Park Valley. Attendance fifty-two. Sacrament administered Concert recitation D.&C. 76:1–6. The speakers were in order as follows. Bp. Palmer, Pres. Oleen N. Stohl and myself. I occupied 30 minutes. Subject. Types & Symbols, Sacrament.

After school we took dinner and drove six miles west to Rosett where we attended meeting for both divisions of the ward. Attendance 95 + visitors 9 = 104. Sacrament administered. Brief reports & talks were made by the following. Bp. Palmer, Sisters [p. 105] Burton, Morris, James & Boothe, Bros. Clem Horsley myself and Pres. Stohl. I occupied 50 minutes an argument in favor of laying off two townsites and building on same. Pres Stohl indorsed my talk and made further talk. We drove back to Bps. home Park Valley. Pres. Stohl & Counselor Horsely and Sister Thompson remained at Rosett for evening conjoint meeting. We have an appointment for a conjoint mutual meeting in this end of the ward for to-night.

I wrote up my journal for the day before the evening meeting.

I attended the evening conjoint mutual meeting. Attendance visitors six residents 15 total 21. Reports by representatives of the two associations. Speakers bisides were Bros. Lillywhite & Call & myself. I occupied 20 or 30 minutes. Subject. Benefits derived from attending the mutual meetings and the infinitely greater blessing and advantage to those who prepare the Study lessons. Mental idleness discountenanced by the Lord.

17 May 1909 • Monday12

At Park Valley.

I attended 10 A.M. meeting. Authorities sustained. Attendance 75 Ward population of Souls 206.

Speakers were as follows. Bp Palmer Jacob Kunzler, Counselor, Sister Goodliffe Primary President, Bro. Duel, Religion Class teacher. I occupied 25 minutes, subj. Parents class, labor where called, to refuse is to refuse to labor for the Lord. Why. Called by same authority as that which [p. 106] baptized and confirmed you and gave you your wives & husbands & children for eternity. We should recognize that authority. We do not make our own election to office.

After meeting we had luncheon for about 1 hr 30 min.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 95. Authorites presented at this meeting & not at the morning meeting. Speakers were in order as follows. Sister Thomas one of our visitors, Bro Call, Sister Boothe Bro Lillywhite, Bro Horseley. I occupied 50 minutes. Subj. Parents classes, Consisten[c]y Prepare for Heavenly reunion. Faith & operations of the Spirit &c. Had good liberty Pres. Stohl & Bp. Parmer [Palmer] each spoke briefly Called at Sister Burtons after meeting, where the Madsen girls sang. Thence to Bp Palmers where I wrote up my journal, got supper &c. so dark can scarcely see to write.

Bro. Morris of the Bishopric came in from his sheep herd and called at the Bishop’s to see us and we spent the evening with him. Inquired into his course of life and found that he had been using some liquor, some coffee, some tea but according to his own statement not regularly. We learned that he has been a heavy drinker years ago and had reformed and that the liquor habit is growing on him. We advised that if he has not the will power to leave it off he would do well to take the Keeley cure. He said he would try again. [p. 107]

18 May 1909 • Tuesday

Park Valley, Utah.

We left for Kelton at 8:30 A.M. nine of us besides the two drivers. We got train at Kilton for Brigham at 1:35 Reached Brigham at 5:45 P.M. Got train at 7:20 and reached Salt Lake at 9:20 P.M. My Son LeGrand had come in from Portland the day before. Was out with his girl so I did not see him that night. By the time I had trimmed my beard, blacked my shoes and had a bath & supper it was near 12 o’clock. I retired. Slept well Tomorrow LeGrand is to be married.

19 May 1909 • Wednesday


I arose about 6 A.M. made my toilet prepared sheets for temple work as sever<al> of our folks were going through the temple this day and the incentive largely was to witness LeGrand’s marriage.

I went to the temple at 8:30 A.M. and handed in the names. The following are the names of those who were endowed this day for our dead, the Longstroths.

My wife 1 Alice A. Richards

My Sister 2 M. G. R. Knowlten

3 Edith M. D. Richards

4 Alice Grover

5 Elizabeth A. Ashton

6 Florence E. Ashton Gibbs

7 Mary L. W. Morris.

My sons 8 George

9 LeGrand

10 Hyrum Lee

Geo. & LeGrand & their wives later were sealed for three couples each or six couples in all. I was present at the opening meeting [p. 108] at 9 A.M. and made the 10 min. talk by request of Pres. Winder. There was a large company present. I referred to the work for the dead and to marriage for Eternity. Such great blessings and the world knows nothing of same. Mentioned some of the elements which must be present to make these marriages of force in Eternity, viz. A covenant by the contracting parties for Eternity; The contract to be solemnized by one having authority to Speak for the Lord, the parties to be sealed for eternity all these are necessary yet none of them enter into the civil or worldly marriages. Also the contracting parties must continue in the law and keep their covenants.

I went to my regular weekly meeting in the upper room of the temple There were present the First Presidency and three of the Twelve viz. John Henry Smith, Orson F. Whitney and myself. Here I received the appointment to Uintah Stake which necessitated my leaving Salt Lake on the 7:25 P.M. train. I went down stairs at conclusion of our meeting 2 P.M. and solemnized the marriage of my Son LeGrand to & With Sister Ina Jane Ashton in the presence of about fifteen of the relatives I there bid them good bye as I would not be able to attend the reception and they would be leaving for Portland Oregon before my return from Uintah.

I attended a meeting of the General Board of Religion Class workers at 4 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. where we considered the [p. 109] Religion Class outlines for the ensuing year. I left Salt Lake with Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin at 7:20 for Vernal. Arrived at Mack, the Junction at 5:15 A.M.

20 May 1909 • Thursday

Mack, Col.

Arrived here at 5:15 A.M. Schedule time. Am Surprised and pleased to find such a beautiful place. Uintah Rail Way hotel and surroundings. Here we have a wait until about 2 P.M. I wrote up my journal, wrote cards home &c. Left Mack at 2 P.M. and arrived at Dragon Utah 50 miles at 6:30 P.M. and put up at the Rail Road Hotel. This is a scenic route a climb over a high mountain. On the way we saw where there had been two wrecks. An engine had gone off the track and rolled down the mountain killing two men.

21 May 1909 • Friday

Dragon, Utah. Bro. McMurrin and I left dragon at 7 A.M. on stage, Col. Myton Dep. U.S. Marshall was on the Stage. We reached Vernal at 6:30 P.M. a distance of 65 miles enroute we crossed the White river by bridge and the Green river by ferry. We were met at the stage terminal by Pres. Wm H Smart who took us to his home where we found a good welcome and all the comforts desired. Retired to bed soon after 9 P.M. and had a good night’s rest.

22 May 1909 • Saturday


Weather unsettled, some wind & threatening rain. I am well in health & Spirits. Praise [p. 110] the Lord.

Attended 10 A.M. conference in Tabernacle Attendance reported 405. Pres. Smart made a few opening remarks. High Priests work was represented by a talk from Pres. of H Priests quorum Bro Murkley, the Seventies by Chas. A. Hardy and the Elders by Lewis Gardner. Pres. McMurrin and I each talked in the order named.

Before the morning meeting we met the Stake Presidency and spent an hour with them considering some matters of importance presented by Pres. Smart.

At the 2 P.M. meeting Attendance [blank] The following named brethren spoke upon the Subject of Lesser Priesthood work; John C. McConkie, Jos. Glines, Frank M. Young, Arthur manwaring & Don B. Colton after which Bro. I spoke, occupied 37 minutes. Subject. The people are too much scattered. Advised that they establish townsights where the wards are located and when they build, build in town and beautify homes and make them attractive. House your machinery and save money and give evidence of thrift.

After the meeting a brother Johnson with his team took former Stake President S. H. Bennion, Prests Smart, McMurrin & myself out to inspect or view the Vernal ward with a view to dividing same. We called at Sister Bennion’s the mother of Israel, David & others who was very sick. We administered to her and later at evening meeting her Son David reported her feeling better.

Pres. McMurrin & I took Supper with [p. 111] Bro. Don B Colton.

Attended a meeting of the Presidency and the High Council in the evening and I interviewed them as to their course of life which I think will prove profitable. Retired to bed at 11 P.M.

23 May 1909 • Sunday


Stormy looking morning. I am well and happy. May the Lord be praised. Am enjoying with Pres. Jos. W McMurrin the welcome & comforts of Pres. Wm. H. Smarts home.

Attended to the writing of my journal for yesterday before breakfast. After breakfast Pres. McMurrin & I went with Pres. Wm H. Smart to look at som property which it is desired to obtain for Academy site.

Attended Conference meeting. The attendance at 10 A.M. meeting reported as 732. Sacrament was administered. The Speakers were as follows. Pres Hardy of Stake Prestcy John A. Evans returned missionary Theodore Johnson of Acadamy & Pres McMurrin.

At the afternoon meeting the attendance was [blank]. The Authorities were sustained. Pres. S. H. Bennion, Edwin J. Winder and I were the speakers. I occupied 42 minutes. Subject. The Gospel requires obedience, Self denial & Sacrifice.

A lesson to the boys on self denial and to parents on sacrifice. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. Abraham’s sacrifice, his blessing. Our duty to our children Read <from> Gen. 18.: D&C 65 & 93 sec. Academy as an aid to the parents the [p. 112] necessity for a new building. All unite together each carrying his own load. Had good liberty of thought, language & help from the Lord may his name be praised.

At the evening meeting a brother Oneel made a nice talk, subject. Darwin theory of evolution. Pres. McMurrin Spoke upon order and gentility. I occupied 37 minutes in conclusion considering Darwinism and Atheism from a scriptural standpoint.

Am thoroughly tired.

This concluded our conference in Vernal but it is to be continued in Roosevelt Tuesday and in Theodore Thursday two meetings each day.

24 May 1909 • Monday


I had fair night’s rest. Am well this morming. Weather cloudy.

We left Vernal about 9:30 A.M. and drove to Roosevelt 36 miles arriving at about 7 P.M. Enroute we passed Fort Duchesne on the Uintah river and passed through Deep Creek valley. We took supper with Bp. Dan. Lambert and slept at the Colorado Hotel.

25 May 1909 • Tuesday

Roosevelt, Utah.

Had a good night’s rest and feel well this morning.

Took breakfast with Brother Hardy of the Stake Presidency. Attended 10 A.M. meeting in School house. The people were crowded into the room thicker than I ever before saw it. A count was not had. Some could not gain admission. The General & Stake Authorities were sustained [p. 113] The speakers were as follows. Bro Don Colton 20 minutes, I 25 minutes & Pres. McMurrin 25 minutes. Pres. Smart made a few remarks and presented the Authorities.

The people took lunch in the meeting house. At 2 P.M. both school rooms were full. In the room where I was the Speakers were in order as follows. Bro. Collet I and Pres. Smart. I occupied 50 minutes. Subject make homes attractive and make Social entertainment for the young. Evidences of the Gospel’s truth.

After meeting we administered to one sister Lee for her hearing.

Met with the Seventies and instructed them. Your Special mission to preach the Gospel. Where? Where you are sent or where your lots may be. How, by Precept & example. What Bp of Salem Idaho did. Be studying. Commit a verse of scripture each day. Seek to convert the stranger neighbor.

Met with the Stake Presidency and Bishopric and considered townsite matters. I recommended putting the Business on the second street from East or 1st St. East of County road, Section line.

We rode around for one & one half hre [hour] looking at Cemetery location &c. Took Supper with Bp Lambert. Retired to my room. wrote up my journal &c.

This has been an unusually pleasant day there having been no wind.

26 May 1909 • Wednesday

Roosevelt, Utah.

Had room at the Colorado house where I had a good night’s rest. Took breakfast with Bro. Hardy a member of the Stake [p. 114] Presidency. We left Roosevelt at 9:30 A.M. and drove to Myton 9 miles thence on to Theodore 20 miles to over the Blue bench. I think the upper Blue bench the most desirable land I have seen upon the reservation. We put up with Bp. A. M. Murdock. Slept in a tent and had a good night’s rest & sleep.

27 May 1909 • Thursday

Theodore, Utah.

Am well and happy. A beautiful morning. Attended 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. meeting and spoke at each. Attended a meeting at Bp. A. M. Murdocks where we set apart the officers of the New organization of the Reliefsociety of the Theodore. I blessed & set apart the President. We also administered to a sister Ivy. Counseled with the Sisters of the Relief society. Wrote above with book on knee.

28 May 1909 • Friday

Theodore, Utah.

Pres. McMurrin & I with a bro. Duke & teamster rode by team 52 miles. the distance walked through mud, snow &c to Colton on the Railroad between the hours of 6:50 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Took train at 7:50 P.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 11:20 P.M.

29 May 1909 • Saturday


I attended Granite Stake Conference Priesthood meeting and spoke. Subject Likened Priesthood work to amy [any] work. We should not be cowards Read D&C 60:1–3.

Paid life insurance premiums of the Colorado National Life & the Continental Life Insurance & Investment Cos. [p. 115]

Obtained Sheets from temple and recorded work done. Wrote up my journal &c. Alice and I walked down to Grandmas and to Nervas after Supper.

30 May 1909 • Sunday


I attended the Granite Stake Conference Present President Jos. F. Smith John Smith Patriarch, Orson F. Whitney and myself of Gen’l Authorities, also Bp. O. P. Miller. Bro. Todd spoke while sacrament was being passed. Then I, O. F. Whitney & John Smith & Pres. Frank Y. Tayler At afternoon meeting Bp O P Miller & Pres Jos. F. Smith

I came home to supper and took Alice & four youngest children back with me to evening meeting.

I spoke, Subject Paul & Persecution.

31 May 1909 • Monday


I took a walk with my family through the Cemetery; took flowers to Depot and expressed to Tooele to put on graves of our children, George & Joel being there to receive and place them; bought flours and Alice and I took a Bouquet each to Aunt Alice & to Grandma. Geo & Edith came in from Tooele at 6 P.M. and came up & spent the evening with us.

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May 1909, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “Bp.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Con to Bp. Chappel”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “A.M.”

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “States”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Northern States”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks here and in next line for “States”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks here and in next line for “States”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Scandinavia”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks for “So Africa”.

  10. [10]Ditto marks for “Gt. Britain”.

  11. [11]Ditto marks for “of 27th Wd. SLC to Gt Britain”.

  12. [12]Richards originally wrote “Sunday” before crossing it out and writing “Monday”.