November 1908

1 November1 1908 • Sunday


This day being the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late <Prs> John Taylor, The services partook of the nature of a memorial service. Pres. Callis made an excellent talk of about 37 minutes, followed by a solo by Wm H Manning “A poor WayFaring Man of Grief” &c. I followed for about 25 minutes, eulogizing Pres. Taylor and the other Presidents and tistified of Pres. Jos F. Smiths integrity. Bro Chas. S. Martin sang “The Seer, the Seer.”

Elder Geo Albert Smith occupied 15 minutes and Pres. Moses Taylor spoke about 10 minutes. A most intensely interesting meeting.

At noon I went to the home of Bp. Silas Pack where I was staying and wrote up my journal for the day to this time.

At afternoon meeting the Authorities were sustained, the speakers were in order as follows: Bro. Geo. Young, Bro Chas S. Martin, Geo Albert Smith and myself. Elder Smith occupied 50 minutes closing at 3:40 P.M. I occupied 25 minut[e]s with good liberty and treated Faith. Some things, some truths necessary for our acceptance with out which we can not obtain Eternal Life. viz. Faith in God, in Jesus as the Savior [p. 173] &c and in the Holy Ghost. There are cert[a]in ordinances which must be accepted or there can be no salvation viz. Baptism & laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. How may people who are not church members obtain faith it being a gift of God Answered. How may Saints have their faith strengthened? By same means. Had we sufficient faith all things would be possible. Quoted Heb 11: [blank] If we have the faith the thing will be accomplished. When we do not accomplish or do what we should and what we are commanded, it is because we are wanting in faith. Why we should have faith in the Holy Ghost. Its mission. Bore my testimony. Elder Smith spoke my talk as a lovely talk so fitting for a conclusion. May the Lord be praised.

I took Supper at Bp Silas Packs having fasted all day. Wrote up my journal for the afternoon. Assisted in administering to a Sister [blank] for her sight the same being dimmed and impaired. I anointed and Elder Smith Confirmed the Anointing. I consecrated two bottles of oil Bp Silas Pack assisting. [p. 174]

Elder Geo Albert Smith, Bro. Chas. S. Martin and Pres. Moses Taylor went with Bro. Lewis to Peoa to hold evening meeting and I went with Bro Allen of the Stake Presidency to Oakley to attend the evening meeting. My Brother William Richards is the Bishop of Oakly ward. My Brother also lives there

At Oakley there were in attendance 122 from a population of 240. Elder Allen was the first speaker and spoke very deliberately for 45 minutes Subject. Home Life. I followed for 55 minutes. Subject Sacrifices required of LD Saints and the reward of the faithful. At this meeting were my sister Nancy Frazier and two of her children, My brothers William (the Bp.), and my brother Albert and his family. I administered to my Bro. William’s baby Thelma (6 mo old) who seems to be quite ill. Staid with William over night. Weather clear but cold. My health usually good. I still have pain in region of my left lung, wheezing in my Bronchal tubes and slight cough. The sleightest draught seems to start me to coughing. [p. 175]

2 November 1908 • Monday

Oakley, Utah

I arose before 7 A.M. wrote up my journal for yesterday evening. Left for Peoa at 8:30 where Bro Allen and I joined Elder Geo. A. Smith and Bro. Chas S. Martin for Parley’s Park Ward. We rode with Bro Lewis of Park City as far as the Sampling works near Park City where we were met by Bp. A. J. Cannon who drove us to his home in Parley’s Park where we had an excellent dinner. From there we went to the meeting. Present 32. Pop. 140.

I was first speaker and occupied 35 30 minutes. Spoke of the Progress of the Church work since the organization of the Church; the hand the Lord had taken in this nation. We should pray for and work for the perpetuity of our nations institutions by the proper use of the franchise &c.

Elder Geo. A. Smith followed and occupied about 45 minutes Ten Commandments &c.

We took train at 4 P.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 5:30 P.M.

Folks usually well at home. I retired early but had a wakeful night and coughed considerable. Weath[er] warm and pleasant in Salt Lake. Beautiful Sunshine. [p. 176]

3 November2 1908 • Tuesday


This is election day and the weather is ideal. I poled my vote in the forenoon. Voted the Straight Republican ticket and for the three amendments to the State Constitution.

I visited my mother at her home.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple Annex and was mouth in setting apart the following.

Chas. Robert Jenkins of Nephi to Southern States.

Heber Thomas Robertson of Spanish Fork to California.

I instructed the missionaries.

Alice and I attended the theatre “The Man of the hour.” The election returns were announced from the stage beween the acts which show<ed> clearly the Republicans had won out in the Nation, State and County of Salt Lake which means total defeat of the American (Ke[a]rns) party in Salt Lake County.

4 November 1908 • Wednesday

Home. I attended our regular weekly meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the Temple at 10 A.M.

Alice and I went down to Granite Stake house in the afternoon and remained until about 8:30 P.M. where we commemorated the memory and birth of our Late President John [p. 177] Taylor, Sunday Nov. 1st being the 100th Anniversary of his birth.

John Henry Smith representing the Republicans signified to me and the rest of the Republican Apostles that he expected of each of us $25.00 to help defray the expenses of the Campaign. I gave him that amt.

At the Council meeting to-day the question was asked by Pres. W. H. Richards of Malad Stake by letter if a quorum of the Priesthood could properly be organized with fewer than a majority of the number necessary to fill that quorum. Ex Can an Elder’s quorum be organized with less than 49 members. Answered by the President indorsed by the Council: No.

5 November 1908 • Thursday

At Home.

My health good except what seems to be chronic ailment a result of cold taking about two months ago. My left lung seems to be effected at least I experience pain in that region and have since Oct. 20th I also have a wheezing in my Bronchal tubes which causes me to cough hard at times principally at night, towards morning. I was troubled while in Old Mexico last winter, with what I think was Asthma. I would awaken [p. 178] in the night short of breath, gasping. I once had a horse fall with me while riding on the range North west of Tooele. The horse fell on me and I had a long spy glass swung under my left arm and I laid across same. I thought my ribs might be fractured so called on Dr. F. M. Davis & had my ribs examined but he could not discover any injury. I was sore in that region for a long time and I now feel the soreness in that region the pain increasing with pressure on the ribs. I wonder if that accident has to do with my present soreness and if my lung has been long congested or otherwise ailing and if it is likely to be serious. I once when a young man about 1880 or 1881 while going to School in Salt Lake to the University of Deseret ran nearly a mile to catch a belated train and ruined my wind. Any exercise requiring rapid breathing since then has the effect of making me nauseated and sick, some times vomiting. Aside from these chronic Ailments I am well and strong; my digestive and urinary organs seem to work perfectly. My wt. between 185 & 190 lbs. [p. 179]

This day I have paid off current bills and spent the day at home studying and writing. In the evening I went down and visited an hour with my Mother at her home on First Ave. between N. & O. Alice took Nina Moselle and Oliver to the Matinee. Weather beautiful.

6 November 1908 • Friday


I remained home and read, wrote and studied. Bathed and otherwise made preparation to leave in the morning for Manti to attend the South Sanpete Stake Conference.

7 November 1908 • Saturday


I left Salt Lake City on R.G.W. Ry. train 7:30 A.M. for Manti, Utah.

Arrived at Manti at 1 P.M. train late. I was met at depot by Pres. Lewis Anderson and taken to his home where I found Pres Anthon H. Lund he having come down Thursday to be present at Founder’s Day exercises of the Snow Academy at Ephraim Friday. This Academy was founded in 1888 Nov 6th The Manti temple was dedicated May [blank] 1888.

I attended the afternoon conference meeting. Attendance 502 Pop. 6161

Morning Session "3 225 [p. 180]

<Between afternoon and evening meetings Pres. Lund, Pres. Anderson and I visited and went through the temple which afforded me great delight.>4

The speakers at afternoon meeting were as follows: Pres. Lewis Anderson. Patriarch Beal, myself and Pres. A. H. Lund <15 min> I occupied 35 minutes with good liberty. Referred to the temple and its influence or what influence it should have on the minds of the people. Referred to the report of good things said of the people by Pres. Anderson The good are always happy. This people being a good people must be happy and hopeful. The reputation of the whole Church depends upon the reputation of the individual members. The whole may have to suffer for the dereliction of some. Our actions may deprive others of blessing as well as ourSelves. Activities establish and develop faith (Ex. Our missionaries) faith produces repentance; repentance brings forgiveness of sin which is necessary to salvation. We have need of repentance &c.

At 7 P.M. Priesthood meeting there were 135 present. Roll call. Pres. Lewis Anderson presented some business and I followed for 35 minutes and Pres. Lund occupied about the Same length of time. I dwelt upon the duties of officers, the relationship of Pres. of Stake to his counselors & of Bishops to counselors. Relationship of Stake Presidency to High Council and the [p. 181] prerogatives of each: The responsibility of the Bishops with reference to recommending young men for promotion in the Priesthood. They should not impose upon the people of the ward and the Stake Priesthood who have to indorse them.

I had a good night’s rest in the home of Pres. Lewis Anderson.

8 November 1908 • Sunday

Manti. <Present 10 A.M. 947>

A beautiful morning. I am troubled with a cough this morning.

Attended Conference meetings at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. and Con-Joint Mutual meeting in the evening. At the morning meeting there were present 947; quite a number of children. The speakers were in order as follows; The Bp of Sterling ward; Pres. C. N. Lund of Mt Pleasant; Edward T. Parry then second and I concluded occupying the remaining time of 50 minutes. Subject. How to purge the quorums, Duty of parents to children also of Bps, Ward teachers, Auxiliaries, church Schools &c. Pres. Lund seemed pleased with my talk & so said. I went home with Charles Bird formerly of Nephi, to dinner.

Attended Afternoon meeting and occupied fifteen minutes in conclusion. Took up where Pres. Lund left off and bore testimony to the necessity [p. 182] for faith in our Heavenly father &c. The attendance was 1130 Pres. A. H. Lund was principle Speaker.

Between afternoon and evening Pres. Ander<son> and I went up to the temple again.

At evening meeting a recently return<ed> Elder Snow spoke also a sister gave a lecture on the Acts of the Apostles. I occupied 35 minutes and Pres Lund about the Same. Read the Scriptures, Do individual missionary work. Necessity for self prepartion of the assigned lessons afforded me topics for my talk.

9 November 1908 • Monday


Pres. Lund and I left Manti at 7:10 A.M. via. Nephi and arrived in S.L. City at 1:45 P.M. and found all well. I cleaned up, trimmed my beard, brushed clothes & shoes, wrote up my journal &c called on my mother in the evening.

10 November 1908 • Tuesday


I spent most of the day at home. I went down town and attended to some business; Called and Saw Aunt Alice Watt. My wife & I attended the theatre in the evening (Parciful)

11 November 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the [p. 183] temple from 10 A.M. to 1:30 and with the Apostles from 1:30 to 2 P.M. I went up to my daughter Nerva’s to dinner where Mama and the little ones were celebrating Thelma’s 4 yr. old birth day.

Attended Religion Class Board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle at 6:15 P.M. 26 in attendance.

Geo. & Edith took supper with us.

12 November 1908 • Thursday


Weather pleasant.

I bathed and applied a pourous plaster to back and front on left side for Pleurisy which has troubled me for several weeks. I spent a few moments with Pres. Lyman and obtained a letter written by Pres. John Taylor Jan. 19, 1883 to a sister on subject of Plural marriage. I copied this letter into my record of Matters of Special Importance page 28–31.

I wrote a letter to Elder Chas. W. Penrose Liverpool, Eng.

Called at Sister Asenath’s to See my Mother who chanced to be away, she having gone to See Aunt Alice Watt at home of Uncle Abram F. Doremus.

Took dinner at my son George’s.

Read, studied &c. [p. 184]

13 November 1908 • Friday

Home. This is the 70th Anniversary of Pres. Jos. F. Smith’s birth. Next Sunday will be Founder’s Day for the L.D.S.U. They celebrate same to-day; by invitation I attended the morning services also spent an hour and a half at the Campus witnessing the field Sports. Called and Saw my mother & Sister Asenath.

I suggested to Pres. Lyman that as I had no appointment for next Sunday it might be well to go to Mercur. The suggestion met with his indorsement and I phoned Pres. Gowans who approved it and said he would notify the Mercur people.

14 November 1908 • Saturday


Alice, the three youngest children and I left Salt Lake City on 8 A.M. Ry train for Mercur where we arrived at 12:30 P.M. without incident worth mentioning. We found Bro. & Sister Hyrum & Estella Lee and family well and spent the afternoon and evening & night there. Weather pleasant and my health usually good.

15 November 1908 • Sunday


Beautiful day. My health good, though I coughed considerably last night. [p. 185]

I attended Sunday School. The attendance was 80 last Sunday and the same number to-day. I spoke to the kintergarden class, also to the school. Told the Class the story of the Bunny and the snake and the School the Story of Koosharum, Hatch boys. I also offered the benediction.

I attended the Primary meeting at 2 P.M. 53 pupils in attendance.

I spoke to them for ten or fifteen minutes. I called at the post office and saw Bp. Geo. <W> Bryan and called at his home & saw the family and his moth<er> Called on Ed Frank Lee & wife.

Attended the evening meeting. Estimated number present 85. Sacrament administered. I occupied the time 67 minutes with good liberty. Touched upon a number of subjects. Lodges, Sabbath breaking, ball & theatres, Sacrifice & Self denial &c.

After meeting we sat up and visited until nearly 12 o’clock.

16 November 1908 • Monday


Weather fine, ground dry.

My health good. Am better of my Pleurisy and cold. May the Lord be praised for all his mercies. We arose before 8 A.M. I wrote up [p. 186] my journal. Spent the forenoon reading and visiting. I administered a blessing unto my Sister-in-law Estella Lee who is approaching time for confinement. We left Mercur on 2:45 train and reached Salt Lake at 6 P.M. Found all well at home.

I attended Ensign Stake Priesthood in the evening. Andrew Jensen occupied most of the time and I spoke about 15 minutes in conclusion. Immediately after roll call about half dozen boys evidently deacons with a dash left the room. I received the impression from this action that they had been prevailed upon to be there for roll call and taking this in connection with what I had observed and heard of methods which I characterized as despicable and dissimulation adopted in the S. Schools as a means of making a showing in percentage. It was on a par with boarding a street car unobserved by conductor and riding without paying fare. We should studiously avoid every thing that tends to depreciate in the minds of the young the value of the principle of honesty & honor. He who [p. 187] is dishonest is dishonorable. To think of one selling his honor for five cents or to make a showing in percentage by any but honorable means. I also spoke of the duties of Bps. & Ward teachers to the people and called attention to the neglect as I believed it to exist. We are busy men but we are expected to give our time in part for the caus[e], this being a Gospel of sacrifice and having accepted the office there is a responsibility upon us to discharge our selves and wash our hands clean of all responsibility or be found under condemnation.

After my talk Pres. Richard W. Young made comments upon the what he called reproof I had administered, justifying or rather denying the charges as best he could by explanations of misunderstanding &c but in conversation with the Presidency after meeting, they in part at least justified my remarks. On the Car Coming home Levi Edgar Young spoke to me and said how glad he was to hear me speak as I did knowing [p. 188] as he said how much needed it was. My Sons Geo. & LeGrand who were present thought I did just right in saying what I did. The house, 20th Ward house, was well filled.

17 November 1908 • Tuesday


My son George cut my hair, I trimmed my beard, cleaned up and changed my linnen, did some writing and reading and walked down town with my son George and I attended a missionary’s meeting in the temple annex where twenty-five brethren were set apart. I offered the opening prayr, assisted Pres. Lyman in Setting apart and myself, set apart four missionaries and also instructed the Elders. Those who officiated in blessing and setting apart the missionaries were Pres. Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, Geo. Albert Smith, Geo F. Richards, Seymour B. Young and Joseph W. McMurrin. All except Bro McMurrin instructed the missionaries and he offered the benediction.

The names of those I set apart are:

John Morgan Smith of Salem Ida. to Northern States

Andrew Amundsen of Salt Lake to Scandinavia

Leonard Smith Miles of Smithfield to Gt. Britain

Wm Thomas Borup of Manard Ida to Eastern States [p. 189]

I also ordained Wm Thomas Borup of Manard, Ida. an Elder.

I had a brief conversation with Pres. Lyman while walking from temple to News office and thence to The Office of the First Presidency. I called on my Son Geo. at his office before coming home. Spent the evening reading, writing and studying.

18 November 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple at 10 A.M. Religion Class Board Meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M.

I spent the time between meetings and in the evening until eleven o’clock getting out a report of the visits of the Gen’l Authorities to the Stakes the past nine months arranged the stakes in alphabetical order and showing at a glance who have visited same. This with a view to keeping up for the use of Pres. Lyman in making future assignments. I received the appointment with Elder Geo. A. Smith to Star Valley for next Sat & Sunday. [p. 190]

19 November 1908 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon at home. Completed the tabulation of Stakes & who visited Same for use of Pres. Lyman extending back to April last. I visited my mother at her home.

I left Salt Lake with Elder Geo. Albert Smith on O.S.L. One P.M. train and reached Montpelier at about 9:30 P.M. We were met at station by one Bro. Joseph Michaelson who had come over from Afton for us. We went to the Burgoyne hotel and put up for the night. We met Pres. Parkinson of Hyrum stake on train and had a good visit with him.

20 November 1908 • Friday


Elder Geo. Albert Smith and I left Montpelier with Joseph Michaelson of Afton for Afton Star Valley about 8:15 A.M. The roads were dry and dusty. We reached Afton about 6:30 o’clock. I staid with Pres. Osmond and Elder Smith staid with Pres. Wm. Burton.

21 November 1908 • Saturday


Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting and occupied about 40 min. Subject Faith. Read Alma 32:21–to end. Faith necessary to Sal[p. 191]vation. How to promote faith &c. The Speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Osmond, Elder Geo. A. Smith and myself.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were, Orlando Barrus, Three recently returned missionaries, Elder G A Smith and Pres. Wm Burton.

Attended a meeting of the Priesthood at 4 P.M. Pres. Osmond made a few remarks on Subject of Priesthood New Movement. I followed and having copy of the report of the Committee on Priesthood work, read from same and explained and commented on it. Elder Geo. A. Smith followed upon Subject of Word of Wisdom. A good representation of the Priesthood present. No meeting in the evening.

22 November 1908 • Sunday


I attended 10 A.M. meeting and addressed the children. Quized them on my talk of three months ago and who was with me. I told them the Story of the Bunny and the snake. Occupied 20 or 25 minutes with good liberty.

At 2 P.M. Conference meeting I occupied about 30 minutes Told the people I had had a con[p. 192]versation with their children in the morning session and tried to impress them with the necessity for obeying their parents and the Lord and now I desired to impress the parents with the necessity for proper care and teaching of their children. Read from P of G.P. p 34 also D&C 250 and had good liberty. Occupied about 30 minutes.

After meeting we drove to Fairview for evening meeting. Elder Geo. A. Smith and I staid at Sister Esther Marriot Brown’s.

At the evening meeting Elder Smith occupied 45 minutes. Subject Wireless telegraphy &c. I took the remaining 30 minutes. Subject. Science. What Man hath accomplished. What God can do. Referred to Eternal Duration of matter as taught by Jos. Smith, later adopted by Science which is also Scriptural See Heb. 11:3 Referred to Telephone as a wonder. Phonograph, or Graphiphone and lightening process of photographina, producing & preserving both the action and the words spoken so as to recognize the voice. By some such means God may know our actions, our words and who knows but our thoughts, by all of which we are to be judged [p. 193] Who knows but that the fact of our voices being different is for a wise purpose for the identifying of the indivdual’s record.

If God created the worlds by his word of faith calling to-gether the elements why deny his power to call together the elements of our bodies aster [after] their decomposition. By this process Jesus fed the loaves multitudes upon a few loaves and fish<es> and turned the water into wine.

23 November 1908 • Monday

Fair View Wyoming, Star Valley.

I had a poor night’s Sleep last. Arose at 6 A.M. and we left Fair View for home, Bp. Barrus driver at 7 A.M. and reached Montpelier at 3 P.M. Visited with Bp. Clark & left Montpelier on 3:45 train & went to Idaho falls where we took tourist sleeper and went to bed about 10 P.M. The pullman was taken up about 11:30 and we arrived in Salt Lake at 8:30 in the morning. I rested fairly well on car.

24 November 1908 • Tuesday


Reached Salt Lake at 8:30. Rode home in Geo. F. Odel’s Auto. Snow [p. 194] deep and snowing, Cars hung up. Cleaned up and wrote up my journal after breakfast.

Folks usually well.

I later got car and went down town to attend Missionary meeting. Went to the Annex of the temple where we usually attend to this work but found no preparation made. Later learned that as the Company was small they were set apart at the President’s office. I walked up to Dr Jos. S. Richards’ home 317- First St. and spent about an hour with him he having been operated upon three weeks since in an Eastern hospittal. Had a part of the Stomach and a part of the Duodenum removed and the latter attached to another part of the stomach also had his appendix removed. I walked on up to Uncle Samuel W. Richards’ at F. and 4th Sts. Visited there about 20 minutes and walked on up to 867 First St. and visited my mother and from there home. All this time it was snowing and deep snow on the ground.

25 November 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular Council meeting in the temple and [p. 195] at conclusion the Twelve met & considered the Priesthood outlines. Adjourned at 3 P.M. to meet Friday at 2 P.M. I received appointment with Elders Grant and Ivins on a committee to investigate the Oneida Irrigation project in which the Church has some interests. Attended Religion Class Board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6-15 Present— 19.

I wrote letters to Bp. Albert Barrus of Fair View and to A. L. Hale of Afton, to A Merlin Steed Chicago and to my brother Fred. W. Richards.

After Circle meeting and supper we held a family meeting the first of a series should we carry out our present plans. At this meeting we sang; I offered prayr; we sang again and I made some appointments to read. Mama read from D.&C. 68:25–28: Geo. Read D&C 93:36–50. Edith read from Moses 6:53–68 all treating upon family government and duty of Parents to Children. I then Stated the purpose of the meeting and what lead up to it. The duty and responsibility of teaching our children and the necessity for our having stated times same as with our prayers, meetings etc. [p. 196]

We assigned the subject of Faith in God for next meeting, next Wed. night.

26 November 1908 • Thursday


This is Thanksgivings day.

The snow is deep and weather cold. Geo. Edith and Joel went to Tooele. I remained home all day. Nerva and Geo. L., Ina Ashton, my sister Minerva and her daughter Rhoda were with us to dinner had between 4 & 5 o’clock.

I worked on loose leaf Commentary most of the day.

Folks all well.

My mother had been invited down to Stephen’s to dinner but did not go on account of the deep snow and cold weather. She remained home.

27 November 1908 • Friday


I spent the forenoon working on my Commentary and was in meeting with my Council members from 2 to 5:15 at the temple discussing the proposed new movement for the Priesthood. Many important changes made in the plan proposed by the Committee chief among which was the elimination of that part refer[p. 197]ring to Stake monthly Priesthood meetings.

I spent the evening working on my commentary of the Scriptures.

28 November 1908 • Saturday


I spent the entire day and evening working on new commentary.

29 November 1908 • Sunday


I attended 27th ward Sunday school and addressed the School about 7½ minutes. Subject 9th commandment. Related the Story of the Dandelions.

I attended the Tabernacle services at 2 P.M. Mathoniah Thomas was the speaker. He occupied 55 minutes. Made a splendid talk. Fred. Grant offered the opening prayr and I the benediction. Called at mothers on way home from meeting. Dr Stephen, Aunt Louise and their daughter Grace called in Sleigh just after I got there. Alice came down before they left.

In the evening I by previous appointment went down to the First ward 6:30 o’clock. Pres. Hugh J. Cannon was present. I occupied 50 minutes with good liberty. [p. 198]

Pres. Joseph F. Smith had suggested that we talk school election so I took up the subject of Parints’ duty to children. Other influences which should be brought to bear upon the child concluding with an exortation to the Saints to exercise their right of franchise next Wednesday at the School election to get in office those who are our friends and who will favor the employment of our teachers. We need their influence five days of each week for nine or ten months. We should be training our sons and daughters to be teachers.

Pres. Cannon, Bp. Worburton and Several others told me after that my remarks were timely and by them much enjoyed. May the Lord be praised.

After meeting Pres. Hugh J. Cannon told in presence of several others that he saw me enter a barber Shop the day before my call to the Apostleship and then thought of me in that connection Saying to him self: “I could sustain Bro. Richards as one of the Twelve.[”]

Wrote up my journal for two days. [p. 199]

30 November5 1908 • Monday


I attended a meeting of our Council held at H H Cumming’s office to consider the mat[t]er of location of the church school at Canada, the matter having been submitted to us by the First Presidency. We decided to recommend Raymond as the location and that Raymond people pay 75% of the Cost of construction, the remaining people of the Taylor stake 15% and the Alberta Stake 10%.

I worked on my Commentary most of the day and until late at night.

I spent an hour with my mother at her home.

I received an appointment from Pres. Lyman to visit Hunter ward Tues. Dec. 1, 7:30 P.M.; Forest Dale Thu. eve. Dec. 3rd and Farmers ward Tues Dec 8 all in Granite Stake.

Rhoda Peterson from Provo with her baby came to stay a couple of days and go to temple.

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November 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Oct.” before striking it out and writing “Nov.”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Oct.” before striking it out and writing “Nov.”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Attendance”.

  4. [4]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 181.

  5. [5]Richards dated this entry “Dec. 1” before crossing it out and writing “Nov. 30”.