March 1891

1 March1 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather clowdy and windy.

I remained in doors all day Alf Hanks did the chores. Ward Conference at Grantsville.

Read the paper and the Little Worlds. [p. 97]

2 March 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine, cloudy & stormy I made out my monthly report for the month of February 1891. Issued bills to a number of those owing the Ranch. Notified parties whose notes would be due in a month or six weeks when they would be due. Wrote to Nerva a letter a card to Seney. I took Mother to the Station in my buggy Georgie went along. Called at Sister Remingtons to See her she being very sick. David Adamson’s daughter was there sick too. Both had Pneumonia and were very sick. Was writing most the day. Wrote to A F Doremus. Joel was taken sick was in bed all day. Others usually well. Several persons in town are very sick and a number more ailing A very sickly time all though the Territory. La Grip [La Grippe] and Pneumonia predominate in these parts.

3 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine and dry.

I wrote notes to a number of persons whose notes will be due soon notifying them of this [p. 98] fact. Did some business at the Court House and at Prest. Gowan’s office. Gave $5.00 as a donation to sister Herron. Did the chores, had Alfred Hanks at work in my place at my expense I not being well. Joel is feeling better and others about as usual. Spent the evening at home.

4 March 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Snowed part of the day. I was at home most of the day reading and writing. Attended Seventies meeting and sat up with Mrs. Larson who died at 12 45 night

5 March 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine some snow during the night. I wrote letters attended Fast meeting, was mouth in blessing the oil. Attended a Board meeting of Water Co. in the afternoon. Sold hay to James St. Clair. In the evening I went down to James’ and to M. B. Nelsons.

6 March 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I met with the Water Co. Board in the forenoon and in the afternoon I hauled chaff from Vicks stall to Cows and hauled hay into stall. Spent the evening at home. [p. 99]

7 March 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine but cold. I hitched up team and Prest. Gowans with me we went to Grantsville. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting and a meeting of the High Council where [first and middle initials and last name redacted] was disfellowshipped or rather fellowship suspended for two weeks at the end of which time he is to be excommunicated from the Church if he does not comply with the former decision of the Council. Took dinner at C. L. Anderson’s got home at about 5.30 P.M. In the evening I shaved wrote up my Journal from Mar. 3d from memory. Read Juvenile &c.

Folks all tolerably well.

8 March 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Sunday school and offered the Benediction. Attended the Services of Sister Larson and offered the opening prayr. Attended the Young Men’s Conference in the evening afternoon and High priests [p. 100] meeting in the evening where A. J. Stookey lectured upon his experience as a missionary in the Southern states giving some valuable instructions to future missionaries.

9 March 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the regular work of the place; sold a load of hay to Frank Barber; wrote letters; attended to some work at Court house; received work done by Hanks grubbing sages &c In the evening I attended Ward Teacher’s meeting and spoke to the brethren for a few moments.

10 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy all forenoon but fine in afternoon. I wrote A. F. Doremus a lengthy letter regarding the water works & water owners’ work at springs. Posted a letter to Mother. Received letters from Mother, Alice Grover and Abram Doremus.

I called at Court House, sold to hanks 1511 lbs baled hay; with team and scraper I scraped up manure in south yard Plowed in East field in afternoon. Spent the evening at home writing and reading. Folks pretty well again. [p. 101]

11 March 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine, froze quite hard last night, thawed the ground out about noon. I burned sages in east field in forenoon and in afternoon plowed and burned sages. Took Alice in buggy down to Remingtons after 6 P.M. to see Sisters Remington and Adamson who were both sick with Pneumonia. Administered to them, Bro. David Adamson assisting. I had intended to meet with the Elders in the evening but was until 8 P.M. with the chores which made me too late for meeting. Mailed a letter to Abram and Cards to Allie Grover, Mother at Farmington and Des. News Co.

12 March 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did the chores and before breakfast went down to the Store. Talked with [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] upon the subject of his being disfellowshipped and the probability of his being cut off the Church for not complying with the decision of [p. 102] the High Council in the Case of [first and last names redacted] vs. [first and middle initials and last name redacted]. Advised him by all means to abide by the decision of the Council. After breakfast I went down to the Court House, examined the records, and title of the McKendrick lots. With Thomas and John DeLaMar looked over the place and arranged to pay them one thousand dollars for the place. Went to R. Warburtons to examine the water record had transfers made on record &c.

I sold to Sam’l F. Lee one ton of hay on water tax account pitched it on. Went up in east field and burned sages. Paid Sarah Gee $70.00 school money. Attended YMMI Association in the evening and by request occupied a portion of the time. Spoke freely and easily. Read Juvenile; Little World and wrote to Aseneth after meeting. Wrote diary for the day.

13 March 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I sold A. Hanks a load of hay @ 5.00, burned sages &c. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. [p. 103]

14 March 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I burnt sages in east field. Joseph Tate came up in the forenoon and Prest. H S Gowans in afternoon. The former to buy horses and the latter to arrange about my going to E. T. tomorrow to attend Ward Conference as he had to take M. F. Cowley to Grantsville and had to hold meeting here to-morrow afternoon. Subject Defense fund. I washed my buggy in the evening. Bathed, shaved wrote read &c. Wrote a letter to A. F. Doremus and posted at noon.

15 March 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather beautiful.

I went down to E. T. and attended Ward Conference. Prest. Gowans was here at Tooele at meeting there were also present here Apostles Lyman & Taylor and Elder Cowley. I had the Conference in charge. The Bishop Moss and Counselor Maxwell were sick and could not attend. I attended their Sunday school there and found it in a flourishing condition.

Returned home in evening and attended [p. 104] the Sunday evening meeting Presided over by the Seventies. After meeting I called to see Bro. Green who was very sick with Kidney complaint. Bros. S. F. Lee B.L. Bowen & I administered to him and the desired results were obtained in part at least. He rested well most of the night and not so bad as before to next day noon when I visited him. Georgie accompanied me to E. T. and to meeting and to see Bro. Green. The apostles & others went to Grantsville and held meeting in the evening. Apostle John W. Taylor and Alice’s Brother Legrand came from Salt Lake in a buggy arriving here about 1 P.M. Took dinner and Alice accompanied them to meeting in the afternoon.

16 March 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I bought lucern seed, cleaned out stables and cleaned up about the place generally. I attended to some business at the Court House.

Took Alice for a ride in the afternoon.

I called at Bro. Lymans and saw him. Visited Bro. Green who was very sick and administered [p. 105] to him. Spent the evening at home.

17 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I sowed lucern seed and harrowed it in. Spent the evening at home.

18 March 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I scraped out the yards, signed recommend for Samuel Lee & Annie Nelson and her mother. Matthias Cowley called and shaved while here. I went with him down to see John England.

Took Prest. Gowans and M. F. Cowley in my buggy to LakeView where we held meeting in the interest of defense fund. All three of us spoke.

19 March 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine in fore noon, rained in afternoon. I took Prest. Gowans & Bro. Cowley in by buggy to E. T. where we held meeting in interest of the Defense fund All three Spoke. Called on Bishop Moss. He & wife were sick. Ate dinner there. Parted with Bro. Cowley and returned home. Called at Yates’ and got [p. 106] lucern seed, called at the mill and saw there Bp. Wrathall and Bro. Ridalch.

Burned sages after my return. In the evening I attended joint session Y.M. & Y L. M.I. Ass. and spoke. Wrote in journal from Monday 16th to date.

20 March 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather stormy in forenoon.

I attended to some business at the Court House as Treasurer. I burned sages in East field to a finish. I sowed 100 lbs of lucern seed and did some harrowing. Prest. Gowans called to see me about buying an acre of water of Bro. Green for Water Co. Spent the evening at home reading the paper. We are all well. A letter from Fred.

21 March 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I finished the lucern planting in East field. Plowed a piece of ground for garden. Hauled ashes off. &c. Got through with chores about 8 P.M. after which I blacked my boots, shaved and bathed. Wrote in Journal. Wrote to A. F. Doremus. [p. 107]

22 March 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I rode over to Lake View with Con. Chas S. Anderson where we attended Sunday school and meeting in afternoon and evening. I drove Bro. Anderson’s horse home after the afternoon meeting and my team back to evening meeting Estella and Nerva accompanied me. It was Ward Con. and in the evening I addressed the meeting. Bro. & Sis. Anderson put up at Prest. Gowan’s. Snowed several inches during the night.

23 March 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I attended to some business at the Court House, at store and called on Prest. H. S. Gowans & Bp. Atkin. Spent the evening at home.

24 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day. A nice lot of wet snow has fallen the last few days which will be of incalculable value to the farming portion of the community. I wrote letters and mailed. Bought Neats foot oil at Droubays. [p. 108] Received of A. F. D. bal. on his water assessment $350.00 I attended to some water Co. business with H. S. Gowans. I went to the Basin pasture and repaired chain fastening to the gate. I called on the following named sick people. Sister Jane Due Bowen, Samuel F. Lee, Sister Nethercot, John Marsden and sister Jenson. Administered to Sister Bowen and Sister Nethercot. Bro. Nethercot was found dead in the snow this morning. His wife will soon follow. Sister Dews Baby 16 months old died yesterday.

25 March 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine but wet and muddy. I baptized and assisted in confirming William C. Isgren who is prepairing to go on a mission to Great Brittain Baptized him in the Mill race at Bro Parkers. I attended the services of Bro. Nethercot’s funeral and by request made remarks Attended the funeral services of Bro. & Sis. Dew’s little girl and spoke there also dedicated the grave. Sold hay to John B Gordon and Benj. Howell. Halled hay into Vicks stall. Spent the evening at home. [p. 109]

26 March 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I loaded a load of hay that tipped over the night before by Bert Howell. I trimmed apple trees, refilled old well. &c. In the evening I attended the Young Mens Meeting and went down to James Martins and administered to his little boy. Wrote a letter to mother

27 March 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I hauled tree trimmings out of apple orchard into street. Attended the funeral services over the remains of Sister Nethercot held in Meeting House. Apostle Lyman preached the sermon. Referred to the death of Prest. Daniel H. Wells and his funeral to take place next Sunday. I attended to some business at the Stores and at Brick hall with School Trustees measuring some lumber &c. Attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board in the evening and by request of Heber Due, Apostle Lyman Prest Gowans and I went down after meeting and administered to little Heber Due who was very sick with what [p. 110] they called Membraneous Croup. Bought a pair of new boots of John England made to order and paid for them $7.00.

28 March 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy, I wrote to Abram; hauled apple limbs out into street. Attended to some business down town. Attended a theatre in the evening.

29 March 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather stormy most of the day. I shaved, read the papers, wrote letters and attended meeting in the afternoon and evening.

30 March 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy part of day. I attended to some business at the Court House. Released two mortgages one for Geo. Davie and one for Mrs Busenbark. Sold a load of hay to Larse Jonnason, took harness apart and greased harness. In the evening I wrote letters Sent for a music box to N. Y. City. Joel & Sarah are not well.

31 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I sold two loads of hay to John Gillespie. Greased harness, made out County Treas[p. 111]urers report; worked on Ranch Monthly report. &c.

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March 1891, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Feb” before crossing it out and writing “Mar.”