December 1909

1 December 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly council meeting of the Presidency & the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Received appointment with Pres. Chas. H. Hart to Bear Lake Stake to attend Conference. over [p. 21]

I called on Dr. Stookey and had my nose treated via diagnosis to determine the real cause of my eyes watering so much. I am about convinced that the bones of the nose will have to be removed to effect a cure. I attended weekly Board meeting of Religion Class Board of which I am a member also Prayr Circle in temple at 6:15 and later on my son Georges invitation Alice & I accompanied him & Edith to the Orpheum theatre.

2 December 1909 • Thursday


It has been very cold.

This day the 15 month’s old child of Stephen L. Richards Jr., Hellen Mirrill Richards. died from the effects of burns caused by a celluloid comb explosion setting fire to her clothes.

I wrote several letters, paid some bills, attended to some business down town, arranged to get goods from Z.C.M.I and get a liberal discount on same and gave an order for from $50 to $75 worth of good[s] I judge. Attended to several small jobs such as taking down [stoney?] repairing water faucet &c. Called and saw my mother &c.

3 December 1909 • Friday


I left home on O.S.L. train 8 A.M. for Paris Idaho to attend Stake Conference. I was joined at Cache Junction by Pres. Chas. H. Hart. We arrived at Montpelier where we quit the train at about 6 P.M. late train. We went to Bp. Clarks whome [home] and staid all night. Weather very cold, some snow.

My health good. [p. 22]

4 December 1909 • Saturday

Montpelier, Idaho.

Pres. Chas H. Hart and I rode with Bishop W. W. Clark to Paris 10 miles distant. The weather very cold but we are well prepared for it so that we did not suffer. We staid at Pres. Joseph R Shepherd’s. Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting. The attendance was [blank] The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Joseph H. Shepherd, myself and Pres. C. H. Hart. I occupied 45 minutes with good liberty. Subject, sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven; tithing, offerings, worship &c.

Pres. Hart & I met with the Presidency of the stake in council.

At 2 P.M. meeting the Speakers were in order as follows; Wilford W. Richards my brother who is a member of the Stake Presidency, Thos. R. Wilks and Morgan J. Rich both recently returned missionaries both of which whom spoke well and Pres. C. H. Hart. Pres Hart went to Bloomington two miles distant where his mother resides & staid over night. I attended Religion Class Union Board meeting in the evening and occupied about 30 minutes subjects. Guardianship work, character of the RC work, &c.

5 December 1909 • Sunday

Paris Idaho.

Attended Sunday School session of the Conference and at my suggestion the school children were seated in front of the pulpit. They had formerly occupied the gallery. I talked to them on the subject of self denial & obedience and told the story of the bunny & the snake. The other speakers were, Stake Supt. John A Sutton [p. 23] Wm L. Rich of the Stake Presidency, Prof. Bramwell of the Fielding Academy and Pres C. H. Hart. Sacrament administered.

I fasted until after 5 P.M. and at noon met the Presidency & H. Council. Bp Price of the 2nd ward Paris was released from the Bishopric on his resignation.

At 2 P.M. meeting Attendance [blank] The authorities were sustained and I occupied the time from 2:30 to 3:20 Song Pres Hart the time from 3:25 to 4:10 P.M.

I spoke upon the Subject of tithing & read Luke 14:28–30 & D&C Lect. 6:1–8

After 4 P.M. I attended a Seventy’s meeting and Set apart LeGrand Rich Humphries a member of the 11th quorum Council and ordained James Henry Davis a Seventy and set him apart a member of the 11th quorum. Pres Hart ordained <Gottlieb> Hubschmid a Seventy.

At evening meeting the Conjoint Mutual the speakers were Prof Bramwell, Sister Zundall and Pres C. H. Hart I had a confidential conversation with Prof Bramwell after evening meeting in which he laid before me his plans to go to school next year and asked my advise. I told him that personally I favored it but since it would mean the discontinuance of his work at the Fielding Academy I would bring the matter to the attention of the First Presidency and make answer by letter which greatly pleased him.

I feel satisfied with the conference meetings and have peace in my Soul. [p. 24]

6 December 1909 • Monday

Paris, Idaho.

My brother Wilford W. took Pres C. H. Hart and me from Paris to Montpelier with team and sleigh in time to take the 9:30 A.M. train for home via McCammon. I arrived home at 5:30 P.M. i.e. in S.L.C. I spent the evening reading and writing. Folks well at home.

Alice and Ruby attended the Salt Lake theatre in the evening.

I wrote to Pres. Jesse W. Crosby Jr. of Cowley Wyo. a letter of Condolence over the death of his wife Sarah. Retired to bed late.

7 December 1909 • Tuesday


I arose from my bed about 6:30 A.M. Did some work flushing toilet, making paths in snow and other work of a physical character.

I called to see my Mother. Attended a missionary meeting held in the Temple Annex where we set apart and instructed about 24 missionaries. I was mouth in setting apart the following;

1 Francis LeRoy Cheeney of Burley, Ida. to Cent. States

2 Wm Edward Edwin Tinsley of " " "1

3 Isaac Smith Richman of Teton "2 to S. States

4 Leonard Kingsford of Downey, Ida. to S. States

Assisted Pres. S. B. Young in blessing four others and he assisted me.

I also instructed the missionaries.

I called on Drs. Stephen & Gill Richards and arranged with them to remove from my Shoulder a small growth which gives me some trouble being irritated by my clothes the same to be [p. 25] attended to to-morrow.

I consulted Dr. Stookey and arranged to have some bones removed from my nose Thursday at 8:30 A.M. to relieve the tear duct so as to cure the tear dropping or watery eyes.

I attended to some business at Z.C.M.I. I called at the President’s office to See the First Presidency about Prof. Bramwell’s proposition but they were otherwise occupied. I called on Pres. Lyman in the evening and had a talk about current events and got his leave of an absence from travel for a few days after nose operation.

About 8 inches of snow and moderate weather. My health and the health of the family is good. Mother is able to be about the house.

By consent of the Doctor I this day removed the plaster Cast from the left leg & waist of our boy Oliver put on Aug. 4th last. His leg is so sore he does not try to walk on it but uses his crutches.

At the breakfast table where we were all gathered about except Oliver and Estella I talked to the Children about the housework and of the necessity for constant effort to overcome the evils of their dispositions & of doing deeds of kindness to one another such as is taught in religion classes It was taken in proper Spirit and I have hopes it will be productive of good. I had a similar talk with them a few weeks previous [p. 26]

8 December 1909 • Wednesday



Weather moderated. My health and spirits good.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple, the usual place. I received the appointment with Elder David O. Mckay to attend the Ensign Stake Conference next Sunday. I offered the closing prayr. After the meeting with Pres. Jos. F. Smith and several of the Twelve and the Patriarch looked over certain improvements made on interior of the temple on 4th flour [floor].

Alice and I took our boy Oliver to the office of Drs. Stephen & Gill Richards that they might see his leg and the effects of the plaster cast which he had worn for four months up until yesterday when with the Doctors consent I removed it. The ankle is chafed, swollen & sore could tell but little about the effects on his lameness as his leg is still stiff & sore. While at the office Dr Stephen removed a small growth from my shoulder which had become quite sore from the chafing by my clothes. One stitch closed up the wound. I had no local anesthetic. We took Oliver & Estella down the Street to See the sights in the Show windows.

I attended my prayr circle in the evening from 6:15 to 7:30 and at conclusion of the meeting I [p. 27] went with my son George to his office to put away his instruments and he accompanied me home. Edith came from Union meeting and they staid until after eleven o’clock.


9 December 1909 • Thursday


I went to Dr. W. M. Stookey’s office accompanied by my son at 8:30 A.M. by appointment and had the terbinate bones taken from my nose one on each side also a spur of bone abnormal growth farther back in right nostril sawed off. The parts were well cocainized so that the operation was painless but the pain and inconvenience which followed were something most unpleasant. My nostrils being both filled with cotton to stop the hemorrhage I could neither eat nor drink and it was with difficulty I could talk or even breathe. I also had a severe headache all day and night. I was at the Drs’ office from 8:30 to 11:45

This night a block meeting was held at our home. It was a very stormy night and but few came but they held meeting. I was in bed suffering with severe headache &c. My Son Joel administered unto me after the meeting.

10 December 1909 • Friday


I endured having both nostrils closed up until after 2 P.M. when I went to the Dr’s office and had the guaze removed and drank & [p. 28] ate the first since the operation. I had quite a severe headache all night & day and otherwise felt quite ill.

11 December 1909 • Saturday


Nursed myself all day and between times did some reading Read from Geikie’s Life & Words of Christ.

My nose gives me constant annoyance.

12 December 1909 • Sunday


My sister Asenath Grover came over and spent a couple of hours with us & had dinner with us.

My nose requires no less nursing than yesterday. Am confined to the house, generally indisposed. Others usually well. My mother feeling fairly well.

I met Dr. Stookey at his office at 4:45 P.M. and underwent treatment for my nose and felt better and had a good night’s rest.

13 December 1909 • Monday


I spent about two hours with my mother. Went down town and had my nose treated &c.

I learned of the death of the daughter of S. R. Gee of Tooele, of Swen Nelson & of Father Ekenstam. I wrote letter of condolence to S. R. Gee & wife.

My nose is slowly healing I think

Weather. Snowed lightly all day. Good sleighing. Folks well. [p. 29]

14 December 1909 • Tuesday


Sun shines bright. Good sleighing. I had a private conversation with Pres. Francis M. Lyman in which I expressed the though[t] that it would be well for members of our Council of Twelve to who have but one living wife to have some good dead women sealed to them while they are here and can look after their own interests as I have done, and perhapse Pres. Lyman could present it to these members in a way that they would take no offence. I would have my brethren avoid the disappointments which must follow neglect of oppertunity.

I spent most of the day writing and reading and studying. Called on my mother during the day.

15 December 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the Temple from 10 A.M until 3 P.M. Called on Dr. Stookey and had my nose treated. Called on Dr. S. L. Richards and had the stiches stich removed from my shoulder where one week ago today a small tit like growth was removed.

Attended Religion Class Board meeting and Prayr Circle Meeting. The weather is cold and sleighing good. Folks usually well.

A letter from the Bishopric of the Logan Eighth ward to The First Presidency was read in our council [p. 30] meeting to-day in which they ask if I could not come up and organize a prayr circle and dedicate their prayr circle room in the New Meeting house. The ward was organized under my direction and I ordained the brethren and on this account they desired me to come up and attend to this pleasant duty. The meeting house has been dedicated by Bp. C. W. Nibley; Elder Hyrum M. Smith being present, but the Circle room was not at that time ready for dedication.

Spent an hour in the evening visiting with Pres. F. M. Lyman and talked 30 minutes over the phone with my son George.

16 December 1909 • Thursday


I spent the entire day at home. Read a book of 160 pages through. “Moral Stories”. I took the time to correlate these stories placing like stories under like headings and listing same for my commentary.

While treating my nose before retiring at night the hemorrhage commenced anew and bled profusely. It bled again during the night.

17 December 1909 • Friday


My nose bled considerably during the forenoon. In the afternoon I took Oliver down town and let the Doctor see his leg which seems to be getting better. I [p. 31] took him to Z.C.M.I. and got him some shose [shoes], to the drug store and got him rubbers for his crutches. I called and saw Dr Stookey, who examined my nose and seemed satisfied with the progress being made. He did not dress it but said my treatment of it is as good as his would be.

I put in considerable of the day reading and studying & nursing my nose troubles. Weather 5° above zero 8 AM. L.D.S.U. closed this day for the Hollidays and Joel, Sarah, Ruby, Lucena Geo & Edith attended the School party in the Odion. Mama & I went to the theatre. “Top of the World.’ at night

18 December 1909 • Saturday


Weather very cold.

Alice, Edna Moselle, Estella and I took 7:45 A.M. train for Tooele where I went in company with Pres. F. M. Lyman to attend Stake Conference.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting. Attendance 75. Speakers in order as follows. Pres F M Lyman, Pres. C R McBride, Bp Ed. C. Eckman, Bp. August K. Anderson, Bp. John G. Shields and Bp. Silas C. Orme.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 109. Speakers in order as follows; Pres. Jas. C. Orme; Bp. M M Stookey, John Gillespie, Edward Atkin and I.

I occupied about 35 minutes. Subj: [p. 32] Attendance at meetings, tithing &c read report from San Juan Stake. We need to raise the standard to which we hope to attain.

Attended a Seventies meeting after 4 o’clock where we ordained some Seventies. I ordained the following; John Raymond Green, Albert Clark Hammond and Charles Lewis Robinson.

Pres. C R. McBride took Pres. Lyman and me up to the cemetery and over to the new townsite to See developments. I called and saw Estella Lee & children in evening. Slept at my daughter Nerva’s with wife and babies.

19 December 1909 • Sunday


I attended Sunday School Session of conference at 10 A.M. Attendance [blank] Speakers in order as follows; A. J. Stookey Pres. F. M. Lyman, Geo. F. Richards and W. A Morton. I told the story of Shutting out Wellington. Also the story of the Hatch boys. Taught them that they should love their parents because of what they have done and they should love the Father and the Son for what they had done and manifest their love by doing the things they would have them to do. (Be Obedient).

At 12 o’clock met the Presidency High Council, Bps &c for an hour Selected Sister Etta Bates of Grantsville to succeed Sister Huntington as Stake Primary president and attended to other business. [p. 33]

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 283 Authorities sustained, speakers as follows: Pres H. S. Gowans. W. A. Morton and myself. I occupied 35 minutes, subj: Evidences of the Gospel. True scriptural doctrine, Our missionaries never converted by ministrs. Persecution a legacy. Weak chosen &c Read the Scriptures and correlate the evidence and you find every principle well sustained. Let him that teacheth any other Gospel be accursed.

At evening meeting, Conjoint. Attendance [blank]. Inteligencer read J. A. Lindberg and Ellen Park reported and Pres Lyman occupied 45 min. I offered the benediction and after the meeting I set apart my son-in-law Geo. L. Tate a stake aid in the Y.M.M.I.A. Spent a pleasant evening with George L. & Nerva.

Weather moderated some.

20 December 1909 • Monday


Weather cold.

I wrote up my journal for the past two days. Did some trading at Tate’s store and took noon train for Salt Lake. Arrived home at 2 P.M. Had Sweep clean chimney and flue at cost of $3.00

In the evening I attended Ensign Stake Priesthood meeting in 18th ward chapel. Learned of the death of John P. Sorensen one of my circle members. Weather cold. [p. 34]

21 December 1909 • Tuesday


I phoned John P. Sorenson’s family my condolence, gave contribution to poor through Salvation Army. Spent an hour with my Mother at her home. Took dinner with my Son George. Called & Saw Dr. Stookey and had him treat my nose. Spent several hours with Alice shopping. Spent the evening writing and reading.

Folks well and weather cold with sufficient snow on the ground to make good sleighing. Walks icy.

The University of Copenhagen report on Dr. Frederick Cooks claims at having reached the North Pole appears in this evenings News The report states that records submitted fail to show what he claims.

I wrote a five paged letter to LeGrand & Ina at Portland, Oregon.

22 December 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple. At this meeting it was decided to change the time of holding our council meeting from Wednesday to Thu. of each week at 10 A.M.

Attended Religion Class Board meeting at the Presidents’ office and Circle meeting in temple at 6:15 P.M. Attended to some business between meetings. After evening meeting I took Circle Record to Pres. office and [p. 35] listed in my memoranda book the names of my circle members and the number of times each had attended Circle meeting this year 1909. Folks usually well. Weather fine but cold.

23 December 1909 • Thursday


Weather continues cold.

I remained at home until about 11 A.M. I called on Uncle Samuel’s widow Aunt Mary Ann and on my mother at her home. I attended the funeral Services of John P. Sorenson in 21st ward chapel and spoke about 15 minutes. Pres Lund was present and spoke briefly. There were eleven of the Circle members present to which Bro Sorensen belonged.

I attended to some business down town and inspected the rooms in the Bishop’s building occupied by the Primary and Young Ladies Mutuals Mutual Officers. &c.

Received a request from Bp. Maxwell of 27th ward to speak at the Sunday evening meeting next Sunday for 30 minutes Subject Life Lives of the Savior and of the Prophet Joseph.

24 December 1909 • Friday


I spent most of the day at home studying. Called and saw my Mother, Went down to Dr. Stookey’s office and had my nose treated. Attended to some business down town My son George & I attended the [p. 36] Salt Lake Theatre in the evening. “The Traveling Salesman”. Sat up until one o’clock arranging Christmas t[h]ings on tree &c. George & Edith with us and all the unmarried children. Good Sleighing. Joel has quite a sore throat and cold.

25 December 1909 • Saturday


Arose at 6 A.M. and assisted the children with their presents. I called & saw my mother on my way to Christmas meeting. At the meeting the attendance was light. Of the general Authorities, there were present, Prests, Winder & Lund, Elders Grant, H. M. Smith Geo. F. Richards and O. F. Whitney. I offered the opening prayr and Bro. Whitney made the talk by previous appointment. Pres. Lund offered the benediction. My Son George and I walked down to meeting together and returned on the car together. I spent about an hour with my nose (hemorrhage) and longer with toilet trying to flush same.

Did some writing and studying.

26 December 1909 • Sunday


I attended 27th Ward Sunday School. My son Joel made a 30 minute talk upon the Life of Christ and Sister Lutie Friar made a talk on the life of the Prophet Joseph. Sister Talmage was reading a christmas story when the alarm of fire was given. The music commenced to play and the [p. 37] children marched out to the music and when the house was cleared the fire department wagon was on the ground but the fire was extinguished. Che [The] cause of alarm was a blaze in the partition of basement caused from the stove pipe.

I attended the Services in the Tabernacle at 2 P.M. Pres. Lund & Elder H J Grant were the speakers and Pres Smith offered the benediction. An excellent meeting. I attended the 27th ward meeting in the evening and occupied 40 minuts on the Life of Christ and of Joseph Smith At close of meeting learned of the death of Aunt Minerva Richards, wife of Uncle Henry P. Richards which occurred at 2:30 P.M. today. My Son George had a fall on the icy walk and shook him up considerably.

27 December 1909 • Monday


Alice and I visited Uncle Henry P. Richards at his home where his wife Aunt Minerva’s body lay in state. We spent about an hour with him, then called on Aunt Charlotte my Fathers widow at Bro. Webber’s. We went down town and attended to some business.

In the evening we called on my mother & Sister Asenath and spent about an hour. I did some reading and studying between times.

The weather continues cold freezing day & night. Good sleighing [p. 38]

28 December 1909 • Tuesday


Alice and I attended the funeral services of Aunt Minerva Richards, wife of Uncle Henry P. Richards held in the 18th ward chapel. The speakers were in order as follows. Bp. Clawson, Elder O. F. Whitney, Benj. Cluff and Pres. Jos F. Smith. I offered the dedicatory prayr at the grave. The remainder of the day I spent at home reading and studying, writing letters &c. Wrote to Andrew Jensen Denmark, to Stayner Richards England, to A. Zabriskie Richards Scotland and to my Son LeGrand at Portland, Ore.

Clear cold weather. Good sleighing.

<Prof Ernest Bramwell called.>

29 December 1909 • Wednesday


Weather cold and good sleighing.

Frank Steed and wife took dinner with. I spent the forenoon at home reading Church history.

By previous appointment I met Bro. Ernest Bramwell at Prof. H H Cumming’s office where we three talked over the matter of Bro Bramwell’s release from presiding over the Fielding Academy at Paris, Bear Lake to go East and study a year. Prof Cummings favored it and said he would bring the matter before the Church Board of Education later which he did and the Board indorsed it which made Bro. B. very happy I called and saw Dr. Stookey who examined my nose and said it is healing nicely.

Visited my Son George at his [p. 39] office. He was just moving from Templeton 2nd to Templeton 3rd floor. Dr. John Taylor is giving up his profession on account of his eyes and is recommending his patients to my son George who is to give Dr. Taylor 25% of all proceeds from Dr. Taylors patience coming to him during first year.

In the evening I attended Circle meeting in the Temple as usual. There were eighteen in attendance. After prayr I talked to the members about using their talents God given, for the building up of the kingdom. Also spoke of the necessity for settlement of tithing and paying in full. A safe way is to pay monthly. Bros. Castleton and Lyons were appointed a committee to provide for funeral Services of members of the Circle, flowers to be paid for by the Circle members. The brethren contributed 25¢ each to pay for the flowers sent to Bro. Sorenson’s home. The Gospel seems dearer to me than ever as I make greater effort to live the Gospel law and make sacrifices for the Gospel’s sake. I believe this is a correct principle. If we would have others to appreciate the Gospel get them to working for it and giving for it. Folks well.

30 December 1909 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple [p. 40] from 10 A.M to 2:45 P.M. the first meeting since the change was made from Wednesday to Thursday. My turn at Altar and was blessed of the Lord. Much business transacted. I spent the remainder of the day and evening at home reading and writing. Am reading Church History.

In the evening the girls had company, a sort of party.

I have contracted a cold the last day or two.

31 December 1909 • Friday


I spent about 1¾ hrs with my mother visiting, I visited brother Samuel Backman a member of my circle and with Bro D. R Lyons visited brother John Gray another Circle member urging better attendance. Attended to some business down town. Spent the evening at home. Retired about 10 P.M.

My cold somewhat improved.

The past night was warmer, thawed during the night and all day to day. Snow and ice going fast.

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December 1909, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Burley, Ida. to Cent. States”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Ida.”

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 27.

  4. [4]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 28.