November 1891

1 November1 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I shaved and went to Sunday School. After Sunday school I read from the Contributor and wrote in the Journal for yesterday and the following Sentiments

Eternal Evidences of the Gospel.

1st Founded upon the Rock of Revelation according to Christ’s Statement to Peter that such should be the case.

2nd Those who yield obedience to the Gospel receive a testamony or knowledge of its truth accod[p. 200]ing to the saying of the Savior. “This doctrine is not mine but his who sent me. If any man will do his will he shall know of the Doctrine &c.”

3d The similarity or sameness of the doctrine taught by this Church & the Primative Church.

4th The Same offices in the two Churches both of which are the Church of Christ.

I attended meeting and occupied a portion of the time talking to the people. Prest Gowans was present also two strangers Bro. Ashworth & another both of whom spoke.

In the evening I attended Joint Session of Young mens & Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Associations. Was called upon to write for the Intelegencer for next Joint Session.

2 November 1891 • Monday

I made out monthly Statement, issued bills, attended to some business at the Court House as County Treasurer and in the afternoon took Alice and the two babies in the buggy and went over to Stockton and Saw Bro. DeLaMar about handling hay for us. In the evening I was writing letters & reading until about 10:30 P.M. [p. 201]

3 November 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather remarkably warm. I plowed sage ground in South field in the forenoon and had five men pulling & burning sages. In the afternoon I paid A. F. Doremus’ Taxes having received his check of $105.70 for that purpose. I also made payment of $4337.63 in redeemed notes and Abram’s check to the City Mayor S.F. Lee for 56⅓ shares of Water Company stock for Abram. I attended to some business at the Court House, bought a goat of D. F. Hedges for the boys. In the evening I had writing and accounts to fix up which took most of the evening. Read the News for a short time. All usually well. Childrens cough continues about as usual not bery [very] bay [bad?].

4 November 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather very fine.

I had four men at work clearing sage land. I went to the Station and got a dozen 40 gallon barrels for apple cidar. Got straw for floor, loaded a load of baled hay and took over to Stockton & DeLa Mar. [p. 202] Letters from Abram, Paul Droubay and the Herald Co. In the evening, I wrote letters, in Journal and book accounts and read for a short time & retired

5 November 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I looked over B. L. Bowns property with a view to reporting its condition to Abram. I went up Middle Canyon horseback with Thomas Horman, crossed over the divide and down Left hand Kelsey in Settlement Canyon to our mining claim. Worked on the claim a short time and came home via. Settlement Canyon. Attended a temperance lecture in the meeting house delivered by Dr. Iiliff. Alice and Georgie Accompanied me.

6 November 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine but cloudy.

Sprinkled a little during the day. I attended to some business with Prest. Gowans and with R Warburton for Abram. Attended to some business at Store, with Vowles, James James and at Court House Did the usual work on the Ranch.

In the evening I attended a lecture held in the Meeting house Alice accompanying me. [p. 203]

7 November 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cloudy & cold

I took team and buggy and went down to Grantsville taking with me Miss Monteith and Prest. H. S. Gowans. Attended a brief session of the County Teacher’s Institute in the forenoon and a three hour’s meeting of the Stake priesthood. Took a late dinner at Charles Anderson’s and Attended a lengthy session of the Institute in afternoon. Acted as a judge in the debate by A. J. Stookey & N. J. Robinson Shall Corporal Punishment be Banished from the School Room? A. J. Stookey had the Affimative and was the successful debator. Prest. Gowans rode home with me in the evening. Wrote letters

8 November 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Cold and cloudy. Hailed a little the previous night. I took Prest. H S Gowans with me in my buggy to Grantsville. Put up at Counsellor C. L. Anderson’s and attended Sunday School and meeting and spoke in each 15 minutes in School and 40 minutes in meeting. Between School [p. 204] and meeting, I assisted in confirming Sisters Judd & Hale who had recently been re-baptized I was mouth in Confirming the latter the late [blank] Gee Hale’s wife. On our way home we called in Bro. [blank] and administered to his wife afflicted with a kind of Pneuralgia in eyes &c. Also called in the late Bp Hunter and Administered to him, he being afflic[t]ed with paralisis of one side and Kidney affection.

9 November 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine but cool.

I attended to some business at the Store and Court House; had my head read by Prof. Aulguire Plowed in South field. Elijah Spray took dinner with us. In the evening I attended a lecture delivered upon the Subject of palmistry by Prof. Aulguire and from there to the Wiszard Martin’s Show.

10 November 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Stormy Day but not much wet fell. I bored and corked barrels, repaired Cidar press, painted Sign board, measured hay stacks &c. In the evening I wrote to Abram, Attended Prof. Aulguires lecture on Physiology and read the paper. [p. 205] Estella, Georgie, Legrand and Joel attended the Wizard Martin’s Show. Alice Accompanied me to the lecture before the show.

11 November 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I called on Prof. Aulguire and got my chart. I attended to some business at the Court House. By request went down to James Kirk’s with Prest. Gowans and Bp. Atkin where we consecrated a bottle of oil and administered to James Kirk Sr. Repaired fence on north side of old field and north side of East field. Turned the Kelsey water off by Dunns fence. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board and after meeting accompanied J. C. DeLaMar and Prest H. S. Gowans up to McKendricks where we consecrated a bottle of oil and administered to Bro. McKendrick who is afflicted with weakness and shortness of breath. Sent letters to Abram and Zion’s Bank Received letters from Bank, Steve & Fred. All are usually well. Loaned G. Remington $10.00 Wrote to Fred.2 [p. 206]

12 November 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy.

I plowed sage ground in South field all day. In the evening I attended Prof. Aulguire’s lecture Alice and Georgie Accompanied me. Sat up late after lecture examining the deposits and chicks [checks] issued on Zion’s Savings Bank.

13 November 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather unsettled and at night was the coldest of the season thus far.

I plowed all day in South field. In the evening I worked on Bank account until a late hour. Received from Zions Savings Bank a large check book containing three hundred check[s] all numbered and each check having my name printed across the end in large characters.

14 November 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold in forenoon and cloudy in afternoon. Heavy frost the past night. I went down to Bp. Atkins to see about having the hall cleaned up ready for School. Called at Store and at Prest Gowan’s office. Plowed in South field among sages part of the day and looked over apples moving them from pitt into the house into boxes. In the evening [p. 207] I shaved bathed and wrote up my Journal for yesterday and to-day. Worked on the Bank accounts comparing my accounts with Bank statements. Letters from Seney and Mother. While at the Store was introduced to Elizabeth Broomhead Gowans.

15 November 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold but clear.

With my team and buggy, Bro. Gowans & I went over to St Johns where we met Bro. C. L. Anderson and all attended School and spoke about 5 min. each. Took dinner with the Bishop and attended meeting in the afternoon and evening and came home after the evening meeting. Organized the Young mens & Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Associations and set apart the officers.

16 November 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather keeps cold.

I milked the old roan cow she having had a calf the night previous. Sold two loads of hay to Dr. Davis delivered by Barber. I attended to some business at the Court house and sorted over apples. Received [p. 208] from the Salt Lake Herald Co. the American Encyclopedia Britannica published 1891 at a cost of $23.60 in half Morocco binding.

In the evening I accompanied by Alice attended the Lindsay Theatre whe[re] the Wage Worker was played.

17 November 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine but cool.

I sorted over apples in the forenoon and in the after noon plowed in South field but at a disadvantage the ground being frozen. Had two men pulling Sages in the afternoon. In the evening I put books away in book case and did some writing. I rented my house on the McKendrick lot to Jno. McKellar Jr. @ 4.00 per month to take effect on the 25th inst.

18 November 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine but cold night. I attended to the usual work of the place and plowed in South field. Spent the evening reading the papers.

19 November 1891 • Thursday

I plowed Tooele Weather warmer

I plowed all day in South field [p. 209] breaking up sage ground. Had five men pulling and burning sages.

In the evening I attended Y.M.M.I. Ass. and lectured upon the habit of gum and tobacco chewing from a Physiological and refinement Standpoint.

20 November 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Father Gowans aged 92 years died about noon to-day and Wm Caseties hay stack burned down to-day. I finished plowing in South feald in forenoon and in afternoon repaired fences, removed wire & brush obstructions in South Street.

Called and saw Father Gow[a]n’s and chatted with Prest H. S. Gowans in the evening.

21 November 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold and cloudy.

I trimmed hedge fence and attended to the regular work of the place. In the evening I shaved, bathed and read the News. All well except Legrand who has a lame knee caused by falling down to-day running a thorn in the knee. Loaned Jas Henson $30.00 for one year. [p. 210]

22 November 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I shaved, blacked shoes and read from Book of Mormon & Book of Covenants and at one P.M. Took team and buggy and attended the Funeral services of Father Gowans aged 92 years and by request I preached occupying with freedon [freedom] 30 min. Let Prest. Gowans & wif[e] ride to & from the Cemetery in my buggy. I walked up and rode back with pall bearers. Took Alice & three girls around a few blocks for a ride and after doing the chores attended the evening meeting presided over by the Elders. Read Civil War until after 11 o’clock PM.

23 November 1891 • Monday

Tooele I trimmed hedge fence on South line and burned the trimmings in the evening forenoon. I inspected South Street with a committee from the City Council, call on the three Schools, and at Prest Gowan’s Office Made measurements of BL Bowens lot on north; and &c as per request of Abram.

In the evening, I wrote to Abram and a card to Mother, wrote in Journal and attended Ward Teachers Meeting. Spoke in meeting. [p. 211]

24 November 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went to R.R. Station ang [and] got 5 barrels and plowed in South field. Spent the evening at a meeting of the Teachers & Trustees at Methodist Chapel.

25 November 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cloudy but warm. I moved hay into stable, took rack off wagon and put away in wagon shed raked up about and plowed in South field. In the evening I went over and saw Bro. Geo Craner about the purchase of his home and farm. No conclusions arrived at.

26 November 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

This being Thanks-giving day I did not go out to plow but did some job work and sold a load of hay to Nels Johnson and spent the most of the day reading Took Alice & children for a ride just at night fall. Spent the evening home reading. [p. 212]

27 November 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I plowed all day in South field and shaved and attended a committee meeting in the evening at the Methodist Hall.

28 November 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I employed Frank Barber to plow in my place while gone to Vernon. Took my buggy and team and took Prest. Gowans with me to Vernon We left home about 1:30 P.M. and called at Ajax and fed our team and had a lunch Arrived at vernon about 6:30 P.M. Put up at Bp. Sharps.

29 November 1891 • Sunday

Vernon Weather fine.

We attended School and meeting in the afternoon and evening. I spoke in all three. We completed the ward organizations by ordaining Israel Bennion a High Priest and Bishop’s Counselor and Supt. of Sabbath Schools also set apart two assistants to the Supt. and set apart the officers of the Y M & L M I Association. Took supper at Israel Bennion’s. [p. 213]

30 November 1891 • Monday

Vernon Weather cloudy.

Prest. H. S. Gowans and I left Vernon for home before daylight. Drove over to Ajax’ and took breakfas[t] and fed our team. Arrived home at 12 M found all tolerably well. In the afternoon and evening I made out monthly Ranch Report and wrote an article for the Young People’s paper Inteligencer.

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November 1891, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Richards wrote “Sept” before writing “Nov” over it.

  2. [2]“Wrote to Fred” is written vertically in the right margin.