1 June 1911 • Thursday

Eagar, Ariz.

Pres. Udall, Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and I left Eagar about 8:20 A.m. for Snowflake via. White mountains of the Mogalone range and after traveling through beautiful timber most all day we camped on Cluff Cenica about 35 miles from Eagar and about 23 miles from Snowflake Showlow where we found a brother Whipple from Showlow awaiting our arrival to take us on to Showlow. Here we camped for the night. Here about four or five years ago while [p. 228] some of our people were camped brother Hatche’s seven year old girl got lost and notwithstanding a diligent search was made by many people she was not found until three weeks later. She had waded the White River and was about seven miles from camp still in the timber.

2 June 1911 • Friday

Cluff Cenica in White Mountains of Ariz.

Here Pres. Udall took leave of us going direct to Hunt and we continued on our journey to Sho<w>low reaching there at 11 A.M. We took dinner with a brother Ellsworth and attended a public Special meeting in their New meeting house not quite finished. I was first speaker and occupied about 60 minutes. Spoke of my experiences of early life making a home &c. I read Lect. 6:1–8 and commented. Elder Smith followed me on parable Luke 14:7–11 Applied to Conference set as feast. &c.

After the meeting we rode to Snowflake about 20 miles with a brother [blank] Stratton of Snowflake We took super at Pres. Samuel F. Smith’s after which I went to Pres. James M. Flake’s where I staid. I had [p. 229] a bath and general cleaning up and retired at 11 P.M. Recd letters from home, one from my Son George and one from Alice written from Tooele, both announcing the birth of a 10 lb boy by my daughter Alice Minerva Tate, her third child born May 28, 1911. Mother and child doing well.

3 June 1911 • Saturday

Snowflake, Ariz.

Am well. Weather fine.

I arose early, cleaned my clothes & cleaned up for saturday and wrote up my journal and wrote home to Alice and to my daughter Nerva.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting and greeted the presiding brethren before meeting. A brother Paul Smith 92 yrs of age came on to the stand and taking my hand said I want to thank you for rebuking the cancer on my face. It has almost enterely left me. I answered, May the Lord be praised. While at St. Johns brother Jarvis said the little girl that I administered to 9 mo. before is healed (St Vitus Dance or Chorea[)].

At 10 AM meeting the attendance was 251. Stake population 1900. Pres. Sam’l F. Smith reported things in splendid condition. The report from Presiding bishop’s office shows [p. 230] this stake above the church in nearly every point of comparison. Principal of the Academy Jos. Peterson spoke after which I occupied about 35 minutes on Academy building burning, rebuilding and acknowledgment of Gods providences, followed by Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. I read Job. 1; 2:1–11 & other scripture & commented on same.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 388 or above 20% of the stake population, the speakers were Pres Olof Larson, Jesse S. Bushman Ret. Missionary, Wm H. Gibbons of St. Johns, Jos. F. Smith Jr. and myself. I occupied about 40 minutes Advised the insurance of public buildings and homes against fire. The burning of the Showlow meeting house last June and the Academy building last November are object lessons. Advised the people to be careful to not let their children get lost in the timbers the death of Bro Hatche’s little girl is an object lesson. The Lord has put us under obligation to him in giving his Son that we might live again & have eternal life. If a man give me a gift and I accept it I place my self under obligation to him. If he ask a favor I am in duty bound to grant it if in reason. Gods asks something of us; it is reasonable too & for our own good. [p. 231] If the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof then are we indebted to him, how show our gratitude? By trying to please him. We are also dependent creatures and if wise would court him who has the giving.

Elder Smith and I went to Supper at Bro. Riggs’ Sister Rigs is a daughter of Aunt Mary Jane Robinson Wess. A cousin to my wife. We while there blessed brother Rigg’s mother who is nearly prostrated over the recent accidental killing of her son at Mesa.

We attended Stake priesthood meeting in the evening. Business was attended to and Elder Smith & I each spoke. I advised cleaning up the towns, putting pig pens, corn yards & barns back of the Streets, also to make better privys and keep them sanitary. Advised proper guardianship work on part of Stake & ward officers and promotions in the priesthood. &c.

After priesthood meeting we attended a meeting of the home missionaries and I instructed them that the first qualification is willingness, therefore let each be faithful in filling his appointments & I also discovering all had filled missions advised that they preach the first principles. [p. 232]

4 June 1911 • Sunday

Snowflake, Ariz.

Weather beautiful My health good.

I fast this day and am happy in it as in all other religious duties performed. I wrote up my journal, studied the Scriptures &c.

I attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting, the children present. Attendance 456 or 24% of the stake population. The sacrament was administered. The speakers were in order as follows, Bishop Levi M. Savage of Woodruff, Quince R. Gardner S.S. S.S., Pres. James M. Flake, Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and myself. Elder Smith occupied about 35 minutes on first principles. I occupied remaining 20 minutes, told story Gerhardt also Wellington and quoted from Jn. 21: “Feed my sheep.” And commented.

At close of Conference meeting I attended a meeting of the 83rd quorum of Seventy and instructed them. Read from D&C 124:139, 140 and talked of missionary work and Seventys work at home, year book &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance was 556 or 29% of stake population. The authorities were sustained. I occupied 50 minutes with good liberty on duty of parents to children, followed by Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr on Genealogy.

Elder Smith and I took supper with Jos. W. Smith. At evening meeting [p. 233] there was an orotorical and musical contest, two young men Rogers & Bushman and two young ladies Porter and Smith competed in orotory. I made a few remarks in conclusion.

After the afternoon meeting we set apart a number of stake officers. The stake Reliefsociety was reorganized.

5 June 1911 • Monday

Snowflake, Ariz.

Patriarch Joseph H. Richards took Elder Jos F Smith and me with his team to the St. Joseph ward via. Woodruff a distanc of 45 miles. We held meeting at Woodruff at 11 A.M. I spoke first and occupied about 55 minutes with good liberty. Subject. The Holy Ghost, its His mission. &c. We took dinner with Bp Savage and administered to his afflicted wife. His daughter rode on to St. Joseph with us. At St Joseph ward we held meeting and Elder Smith spoke first on the Holy Ghost. I followed and occupied about 60 minutes on observance of the Sabbath and charity & love. Good liberty.

After meeting we shook hands with many people and at Brother Hansen’s where we were staying we administered to the infant child of a Sister Nelson. Retired at midnight. Staid at brother Hansens. [p. 234]

6 June 1911 • Tuesday

St. Joseph, Ariz.

My health is excellent. The weather is beautiful.

Elder Jos. F Smith Jr. & I took train at about 6 A.M. No. 1 local and rode to Winslow about 20 miles where we stopped off and had breakfast and got No. 7 out of Winslow and arrived at Williams the Junction of the Santa Fe and branch line to Grand Canyon of the Colorado arriving at about noon Left Williams at 1:30 P.M. and arrived at the canyon at 4:30 P.M. we spent thre[e] hours at the Canyon and during that time walked about three mile east on brink of the Canyon and went a piece down the Bright Angel Trail. Leaving the Canyon at 7.30 P.M. we reached Williams at 10.30 P.M. 60 miles and took No. 3 limited for Los Angeles. We got clergy half fare which cost us 9.25 from Williams and the fare from Williams to Canyon and return is $6.50 full fare.

7 June 1911 • Wednesday

On train Santa Fe No. 3. for Los Angeles where we arrived at 230 P.M. Pacific time. We took our belongings to Salt Lake Route Station, thence up town to City ticket office where we [p. 235] got our birth tickets to Salt Lake on No 2 leaving Los Angeles at 8 P.M. We then went out to the Beach. Got off at Venice, had a bath and walked over to Ocean Park and from there took car via. Santa Monica to Los Angeles. We took our train out of Los Angeles on time 8 P.M. I retired early and had a good night’s rest & Sleep.

8 June 1911 • Thursday

On train from Los Angeles to Salt Lake Had a good night’s rest and feel fine this morning. Edler Jos. F. Smith Jr. same.

While stopped at a siding waiting for No 7 I wrote up my journal.

9 June 1911 • Friday

Salt Lake.

My health good. Storm last night and cloudy to-day.

I arrived from Los Angeles at 6:30 this morning after an absence of 23 days in company with Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr.

We left here Wed. May 17th and went via. U.P. Ry. to Denver where we held meeting, thence to San Luis Stake and attended Conference, thence by [p. 236] train to Bluewater N.M. where we held two meetings, thence to Ramah N.M. by team 45 miles & held meeting, thence on 80 miles to St Johns and held Conference, thence on by team to Eagar, Nutrioso, Alpine & Luna holding meeting at these wards, Thence to Showlow of Snowflake Stake via White mountains and on to Snowflake & attended Stake Conference, thence to Woodruff & St. Joseph wards & held meeting in each, thence to Grand Canyon of Colorado & Los Angeles & Ocean Park/Venice & home.

All well at home.

This day I considered my mail & correspondence bills &c.

I went down town and had my hair cut, my shoes heeled & Soled, called on my sons George & LeGrand at their offices and walked home with Geo. I had my watch set right at Boyd Parks and regulator touched on 17th May the day I left home for the South and to-day when I called at Parks I found it right to the second.

10 June 1911 • Saturday


All well.

I remained home until about 4:30 P.M. writing letters &c catching up with my work. At time mentioned Alice and I with the children and [p. 237] LeGrand and Ina went to Liberty park. We took lunch and ate our suppers there and got home about 9:30 P.M.

11 June 1911 • Sunday


All well. Weather very warm.

My Son LeGrand having received an appointment by Pres. Smith to go to Ogden and attend a conference of the Dutch people to-day I concluded to go with him. We left Salt Lake on 9 A.M. train and arriving in Ogden at 10.10 A.M we went direct to the Academy building where the Conference was being held. Quite a number of the brethren who had labored in the Netherlands spoke, my Son LeGrand among the number. We took dinner at a brother John Volger’s and attended afternoon session of Dutch conference held in 5th ward house and addressed the meeting, my remarks were interpreted by a brother Dubry. I spoke of the necessity for pinning the faith upon the perfect law of the gospel & not on the Sleeve of individuals. The folly of our losing our faith in the gospel through the follies of others. Their folly ought to [p. 238] be a warning to us.

Elder Whitney O. F. who had been appointed to be present did not get there for the morning session but was present at afternoon session and intended to remain to evening session.

I returned home on train leaving Ogden at 5.50 P.M. and found George & Edith at our home. They took supper and remained until about 9.30 P.M. My Son LeGrand remained in Ogden to attend the evening session of the Dutch Conference.

This has been the warmest day of the season we think.

12 June 1911 • Monday


Warm weather. All well.

I called on Jos. F. Smith Jr. at Historian’s office and we went to the President’s office and finding Pres. Smith there alone we presented to him some of our findings in the Stakes of San Luis, St Johns & Snowflake stakes recently visited by us.

I bought hammock & running chair & other business attended to and at 6 P.M. Alice & baby & I took S.L. & O. train for Lagoon and from there went to my Sister Nerva’s where we visited with her taking 9.30 P.M. train for Salt Lake. Had good visit. [p. 239]

13 June 1911 • Tuesday


Hot weather Folks all well.

I went out to Tooele on train leaving Salt Lake at 10.20 A.M. Spent the time at my daughters Nerva’s until train time. Arrived at home i.e. in Salt Lake at 6 P.M. in rain storm. I was called in to Robert Skelton’s to administer to Louisa Gee who is very sick with Pneum[o]nia

Alice & I and George Met LeGrand & Ina at New buildng two blocks up the street. The brick are being laid. Geo Went to work at his office, LeGrand & Ina went home with us and spent the evening and we had ice cream. A letter from Joel written at Liverpool June 2nd received.

14 June 1911 • Wednesday


Rained during the day. Folks well.

This is flag day, the 134th Aniversary of the adoption of our National flag. I spent the forenoon home studying and went over to Edith’s to dinner Alice being over there.

I walked down town and attended General board meeting of the religion classes and presided. The mutual board meetings have been discontinued for a few [p. 240] weeks during the hot weather. Attended my Circle meeting, the attendance being seventeen. During the day I phoned Stephen L. Richards Jr. and he asked to be released from membership and he was accordingly released.

Every thing looks lovely after the storm.

I met Sister Joseph E. Robinson of California mission on street and She informed me that brother Robinson is in L.D.S. hospittal having undergone an operation for rupture two weeks ago.

15 June 1911 • Thursday


Weather clowdy, cool and some rain.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 1.35 P.M.

Attended the funeral services of Louisa Gee held at residence of Robert Skelton at 2 P.M. and occupied 40 minutes. Paid tribute to her life and considered for comfort of all pre-existance, mortality, Spiritual existance again, immortality and exaltation. Jesus the teacher & exemplar through it all. He the author of our salvation. Immortality not sufficient. Exaltation our aim. This had through obedience to law & through the atonement wrought out by Jesus. [p. 241]

I received appointment with Prest. Rulon S. Wells to Star Valley Conference which necessitates our leaving Salt Lake to-night. I took a walk with Alice up to my Son LeGrands in the evening and at 9.35 Started to train Our train left Salt Lake at 11.45 P.M. We arrived at McCammon at 6 A.M.

16 June 1911 • Friday

Elder Rulon S. Wells and I left Salt Lake at 11.45 o’clock last night. Arrived at McCammon at 6 A.M. Took train No 6. for Montpelier at 6.05 and arrived at montpelier at 9 A.M. We were met at Ry. Station by a brother George who at request of Pres. W. S. Burton had engaged a team for us to drive to Star valley. I drove the team and we left Montpelier at 9.45 A.M. and arrived at Star Valley Afton at 9 P.M. Rained hard on the way and the road from Giveout to Half way about eight miles was just awful. I had a severe headache at half way but it got better after treatment. When we reached Afton I staid at Pres. Osmond’s and Pres. Wells at Pres Burtons. I retired at 11 P.M. and had a good nights sleep & rest. [p. 242]

17 June 1911 • Saturday

Afton, Wyo.

Am well. Beautiful morning

I went with Prests. Osmond, Burton & Wells to the Burton creamery after breakfast & before morning meeting.

At 10 A.M. meeting the attendance was 210. The speakers were in order as follows, Prests Geo. Osmond, Wm W. Burton, myself & Pres R. S. Wells. I occupied 35 minutes. Spoke of some of the advantages of this country as contrasted with Arizona where I had just been. Contentment the foundation of happiness. What God has done for us what he proposes to do for us, what we should do for our selves &c.

At afternoon session the attendance was 332 + babies perhapse 340. The speakers were as follows, Leroy Dana & Tayson, returned missionaries, J. F. Astle Pres of Seventies, Pres. Wells & myself.

I occupied 30 minutes subject. “faith in God.” After meeting I spent about 30 minutes talking with Bp. Cranney of Smoot ward over conditions there. I took dinner with A. L. Hale

Wrote up my journal after meeting.

Took supper with Pres. Burton & family. and spent the evening there. Slept at Pres. Osmonds.

Satisfied with this day’s work. [p. 243]

18 June 1911 • Sunday

Afton, Wyo.

Am well Fine weather

I attended 10 A.M. meeting, attendance 562. Sacrament was administered. I occupied 35 min with good liberty. Pres Wells spoke about 13 minutes. story Greek & Athenian. Pres Burton spoke about 5 minutes.

I told of Sunday fatality on Utah lake in which six lives were lost. quoted 4th Commandment. Self-denial & Sacrifice. What we owe God, the Savior, our parents ourselves & others. How repay, by obedience and doing good to others quoted When Jesus shall come in his glory &c. Recided Aubo Ben Adhem. At close of meeting met with the Council of the 103rd quorum of Seventie and gave advice.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 585. Authorities Sustained. The speakers were in order as fol., Joseph Tayson, Clarence Wild, Elmer T. Kimball, Elmer Von almond, Pres. Wells, myself & Pres Osmond.

I occupied 30 minutes, Subject, The Holy Ghost, one of the trinity, personality, His mission, how conferred, who worthy subjects &c.

At close of the Conference I attended a seventies. Addrssed the [p. 244] meeting and assisted Pres. R. S. Wells in ordaining three seventies. I ordained two of them, Wm. A. Hyde and Thomas E. Titenson. In the morning we administered to the five year old boy John Anderson, afflicted with diabetis.

I received from Sister Orlando Barrus of Fairview a souvineer from the Catawba Indians of Roddy, S. C. in form of a pottery vessle of their make.

I wrote up my journal and made certificates of ordination after Seventies meeting.

Attended conjoint mutual in the evening and spoke. subject. What we have to learn & to be before we can obtain the blessing of Eternal life, our guiding star as we have been singing. Charity & forgiveness. Pres. Wells & others spoke.

19 June 1911 • Monday

Afton, Wyo.

Am well.

Good weather, bad roads.

Pres. Rulon S. Wells & I left Afton for Montpelier at 8 A.M. and arrived at 6:15 P.M. I was the driver both going and returning fifty miles one way. We took supper with brother Leroy George and accompanied him to the Second Ward priesthood class [p. 245] meeting and addressed the meeting. Subject. Why we should attend regularly these meetings and make home preparation for same. A school of the prophets, of the high priests, Seventies, Elders & lesser priesthood quorums. We should graduate from one degree to another by study and activities and become skilled teachers &c.

Elder Wells & I put up at the Burgoyne hotel.

20 June 1911 • Tuesday

Montpelier, Ida.

Am well Fine weather

Having a bath tub in my room I took a bath before dressing. I wrote up my journal for yesterday. After breakfast Pres. R. S. Wells & I called on brother <Leroy> George the employe of Pres Wm Burton who gave each of us a small cheese. We left Montpelier at 9:30 and arrived in Salt Lake at 5.05 P.M. found folks all well except baby Ray who has cold.

At an outing at Wandamere last Friday our baby, Ray, took the prize of $5.00 for being the youngest child of largest family. He is the 15th The money is to be placed in the bank where it is to remain for eighteen years. [p. 246]

21 June 1911 • Wednesday


Am well Folks usually <well.>

My daughter-in-law Edith expecting confinement soon requested met to give her a blessing. I went over there K & 4th Streets before breakfast. Consecrated a bottle of oil. My Son Geo. Anointed Edith and I confirmed same and prayed for & blessed her for the ordeal of confinement.

I considered the mail. Wrote my son Joel and enclosed check of $25.00

I wrote Aunt Lottie Longstroth of Mendon about temple work. I wrote my brother Fred at Logan.

I called at Johnson’s and priced head stones & monuments with a view to getting one put up at my mother’s grave.

My daughter-in-law Edith gave birth to a nice baby girl at 1.17 P.M. She did not call her husband until about 12.30 o’clock. The baby had been born about 15 minutes before the doctor (Stephen) arrived. Mama and Miss Dunn, the nurse, and George were with her. I think the Lord heard our prayrs and granted our petition. I visited Edith three times this day.

I attended Religion Class board meeting and Circle meeting. [p. 248]

22 June 1911 • Thursday


My health is good, folks well.

I attended weekly Council meeting. Received appointment to Seviere Stake for next Sunday. Meeting from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

F. D. Steed & wife staid over night with us.

23 June 1911 • Friday


All well. Weather pleasant

I spent the day home reading writing, Studying &c.

24 June 1911 • Saturday

Home. Weather pleasant. All well.

This is the 107th anniversary of the birth of father Willard Richards. Nothing doing by way of celebration.

I left Salt Lake on R.G.W. Train 7:50 A.M. for Sevier Stake to attend conference. On the train I learned that conference is being held in Monroe ward so I went by train to Elsinore and from there by stage to Monroe about seven miles. I met Pres Robert D. Young at pavilion and he arranged for me to go to Jacob Magleby’s where I made my stay while in Monroe. I attended a public meeting held in the evening at which there were present 410 people.

I occupied 45 minutes. Subject Character vs Reputation & Character [p. 248] building. Elder Rulon S. Wells who had been with the people during the day occupied about 20 minutes. Subject marriage treated in his characteristic way.

25 June 1911 • Sunday

Monroe, Utah.

Weather pleaseant Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting, the children in evidence. Attendance 920. Sacrament administered. Elder B. F. Grant present. I spoke 30 minutes Subject. Love. What God has done for us, what the Savior has done for us, what our parents have done for us, what impelled them to do what they have done, what we owe them, how best repay them. I had good liberty. Ex presidents Seegmilller & Bastian each spoke.

At 2 P.M. Meeting the attendance 990. Stake population 7797. Authorities Sustained. Elder B. F. Grant occupied 60 minutes by my request subject temperance & prohibition. Pres Wells follow<ed> for 15 minutes, then I followed 15 minutes & Pres Robert D. Young spoke about 15 minutes concluding after 4 P.M.

I spoke upon prohibition. Referred to the attitude of Pres Smith & gener authorities and read Luke 16:19–33 Lazarus & Rich man. If you heed not the prophets ye would not hear one raised from the dead, who is going to lead you, Saloon men or the [p. 249] prophets. At the close of this meeting I ordained a number of the brethren for which see my record of ordinations of this date.

The Stake presidency and I went to Annabella ward and held meeting and installed a new bishopric and instructed the pepole and the new bishopric especeally. I ordained the brethren as follows;

Wm S. Daniels High Priest and Bishop

Herbert Roberts, (First Counselor,) High Priest

Samuel Arthur Kay, (Second 〃)High Priest.

We went to Richfield after meeting in auto owned by James M Peterson of the Stake Presidency and I staid over night with him.

Elder B. T. Grant attended temperance meeting at Richfield and Elder R. S. Wells attended a temperance meeting at Elsinore.

26 June 1911 • Monday


Warm weather. My health good.

I was informed that the time for the train to leave Richfield was 10.10 A.M. but the schedule is & has been for months if not years 10 A.M. I missed the train I waited at station until 12.30 and got a freight to Thistle arriving there at 8 P.M. Waited until 10:50 and got No. 3 passenger for Salt Lake and arrived in Salt Lake at 1.15 A.M. Took track [p. 250] buss up town and auto from there home. This has been a hard dusty days work.

27 June 1911 • Tuesday


All well. Warm weather.

This is the Anniversary of the martyrdom of the prophet & patriarch Joseph & Hyrum Smith. It is also the special election day on prohibition.

I arose in good time, took bath & fixed up, read papers and letters of correspondence, Wrote up my journal from notes, made certificates of ordinations and mailed them to the several parties ordaned Sunday. Wrote Pres. C. A. Callis of Southern States mission about Sterling Heppler of Richfield and Fern Magleby of Monroe as missionaries &c.

At 2 P.M. I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where we set apart twenty-nine missionaries and instructed them. I was assisted by Pres. J. W. McMurrin and I set apart the following.

1. Hyrum Lorenzo Sterling of Spanish Fork, Utah, to Great Britain.

2. Emma Julia Walkley of Salt Lake to Great Britain.

3. Herman Johann Franz Behling of Millcreek to Switz. & Germany.

4 Marsh Charles Hubbard of Willard to Switzerland & Germany. [p. 251]

5. John W. Jones of Ogden, to the Netherlands.

I was one of the speakers in instructing the missionaries. Subj. The way in which the missionary work is conducted and the results therefrom is a marvel and wonder to the world. About 2000 missionaries constantly year after year giving their time of two to four years and some a second mission, paying their own way & expenses and the fact that while they meet the learned ministers of the day they convert but are not converted.

He that is warned should warn his neighbor is the spirit of the work. Quoted. “True religion and undefiled re” ie. alleviate destress assist those in need. It is better to feed the Soul than the body. Eternal life is God’s choicest gift. You are instruments in his hands in bringing men to Salvation & eternal life. It is the Lord’s work to Succeed you must have his help to receive which you must have the Holy Ghost but he will not dweel [dwell] in unholy tabernacles. We make our tabernacle unholy by evil thoughts, words and actions. “He that looketh upon a woman to lust after her &c” [p. 252] “He that committeth adultery in his heart shall not have the Spirit &c” [“]The light of the body is the eye, if thy eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light” &c. [“]If thine eye offend thee pluck it out” “If thy right hand offend thee cut if off.” [“]Court the Spirit & he will attend you and assist you in your studies and in the discharge of all your duties.”

Alice and I, George, LeGrand, Ina and Sarah poled our votes this day infavor of closing the Saloons and against the sale of liquors.

I wrote a letter to my son Joel in Preston England.

28 June 1911 • Wednesday


All well. Weather threatening.

I remained home studying &c until towards evening when I attended my circle meeting in the temple and on my way home called and saw Edith & the new baby.

29 June 1911 • Thursday


Clowdy. All well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve and received an appointment with President Charles H. Hart to attend Carbon Stake [p. 254] conference to be held at Schofield Saturday and Sunday July 1st & 2nd

I borrowed at State Bank five hundred dollars and paid off a note of mine given my brother Fred of like amount.

I phoned to President Gustave Iverson at Price about the Carbon stake conference. I wrote letters &c. LeGrand and Ina took supper and spent the evening with us. Rhoda Knowlton has slept at our home the last night and is with us to-night. I should have recorded yesterday, the fact that in the election on prohibition on the 27th Carbon County and twenty-three towns and cities of the State of Utah voted wet i.e. for the sale of liquor among which are Salt Lake, Ogden, Farmington Sandy and other small towns mostly mining districts.

30 June 1911 • Friday


Cold & Stormy I have some <Cold>

I spent some time, hanging screen door, repairs of lights &c I put in a good day studying the gospel. Pres Iverson of Price came to town and phoned to me. I arranged to go out with him on 7 P.M. train to Colton thence to Schofield. [p. 254]

We made our train and reached Colten at 11.30 P.M. and put up at Craner, Marbel hotel.

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June 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-06


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