April 1907

1 April 1907 • Monday

Home Spent the day home reading and did some work in the lawn. At Night I attended the 17th Ward Services where Prest. B. H. Roberts delivered a splendid lecture Subject Elder Orson F. Whitney delivered a lecture on the Gospel “What it is” I by request offered the opening prayr. Present on the Stand of the First Presidency Jno R Winder of the Twelve Prst. F. M Lyman Heber J. Grant Hyrum Geo A. Smith O. F. W. & myself.

2 April 1907 • Tuesday

I attended a conference of the Twelve at 10 A.M. until 12 M. and again from 1:30 PM to about 5:30 P.M.

Attended 17th Ward meeting in the New Tabernacle in the evening. Prest on Stand Jno R Winder, A. H Lund, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant, G A. Smith O F Whit[p. 12]ney and myself.

Prest. Roberts B. H. delivered an excellent address Subject. Achievements of Mormonism

At the Council Conference I had my say and spoke for about 20 minutes or less time.

My boy Oliver is very much better today. May the Lord be praised. Others usually well.

3 April 1907 • Wednesday

I was in Conference with my brethren of the Twelve from 11 AM until 5:20 P.M. without recess. All present except Elder Penrose who is in England.

I got barbered & supper and attended the services in the 17th ward in the evening Elder David O. McKay was the Speaker Subject “Our children & the Future.[”] Prest F M Lyman & I went & returned to gether.

Folks well. [p. 13]

4 April 1907 • Thursday


I met with the Presidency & Twelve fasting and before we parted we partook of the sacrament. We were together four or five hours.

Attended prayr circle in the evening and Alice & I spent an hour at my sister Asenaths where we met Dr Joseph S. Richards, Roscoe Grover, Sister Nerva & Grandma.

Called on Z. S. Bk. and made application for a loan of $1250. to invest in stocks.

I had a couple of adds put in the News & Republican. Offering for sale 120 A lucern farm for $2400 & Teddy horse for sale. After the News came out a man called to See me about the land. I was away from home.

5 April 1907 • Friday


Stormy day.

I attended the Conference meetings and in the evening with [p. 14] my wife & daughter Sarah & my Sister Nerva attended the Concert given by the tabernacle Choir & 300 or more children.

At opening meeting of the Conference the main floor of the large tabernacle was nearly filled. Prest. Smith J. F. occupied about 55 minutes with a splendid statement of the condition of the Church and the faithfulness of the officers &c Then Elder O F Whitney read a declaration by the First Presidency to the Saints and the world setting forth Our faith and doctrines & our attitude upon the questions of difference between the LD Saints & the world.1 It read took 55 minutes to read it and by Prest F. M. Lyman moved its adoption Seconded by Elder John Henry Smith and by rising vote accepted by the Conference. At afternoon the Speakers were D. O. McKay 25 min. Myself 25 min. G A Smith 20 min. H. M. [p. 15] Smith 17½ minutes.

I spoke to be heard. Had good liberty and what I said is a matter of record. Subject Inteligent obedience to the Gospel required. The perpetuity of the Church & work depentent upon such acceptance & obedience.

6 April 1907 • Saturday


I attended all the meetings forenoon, afternoon and evening Priesthood meeting. The proceeding of these meeting are on record. The evening meeting was devoted principally to the consideration of missionary work.

7 April 1907 • Sunday

Sunday A.M. Attended Conference services in Large tabernacle. Afternoon assisted Elder Geo Albert Smith at the Bureau of information where were gathered a large concours of people and speeches were made by the following in [p. 16] order named Elder Bennion, Geo F Richards, Elder Jensen, Prest Jack of Oakley Prest Geo Young of Teton Stake, Prest Duffin late from Central States <& G A Smith> time occupied from 5 to 13 minutes each I occupied 13 minutes with good liberty and good voice & language to express my thoughts Subject. Testamony of the Gospel Its Principles Faith, Repentance Baptism & Bestowal of Holy Ghost & authority. We closed about 3:35 and Elder Smith & I went over to the large tabernacle where we heard Prest Lyman’s closing remarks & Prest Smiths Benediction.

Attended Sunday School Union meeting in the evening.

8 April 1907 • Monday

Attended Special Priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. in Assembly Hall and met the Presidency & Twelve at Prest [p. 17] Winders at 4 PM until 9:30 P.M. By request. I asked the blessing at the table and offered the closing prayr. We had a glorious time. Alice was with me but returned with Prest & Sister Lyman a short time before close of gathering.

9 April 1907 • Tuesday

I attended a meeting of the Apostles and Mission Presidents in the temple which lasted from 10 A.M. until about 1:30 P.M.

I attended a missionary meeting at the Annex to Temple where 16 missionaries were set apart I was mouth in setting apart three whose names are as follows. Wm Arthur Williams <Cent. States> Lionel L. Meryers <S. states> & Moses M Dahle <N States>

I gave some instructions to the missionaries.

At 4 P.M. Alice & I went to the Lion House by invita[p. 18]tion of the Presidency and attended the reception tendered the Zion’s Camp members & the Mormon Battalion. We remained until about 8 P.M. when Alice went home I remained until its close about 8:40 and offered the closing prayr.

Then Lucena & I went to the Tabernacle Concert.

This has been a hard day yet an enjoyable day.

10 April 1907 • Wednesday


I was visited by T. B. Clark who staid with me for two or three hours relating to me his troubles.

I called on my mother and Sister Asenath.

George Sturm called on me and talked about buying my farm. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Twelve and Mission Presidents where it was decided to unite the two papers the Lia[p. 19]hona & the Elder’s Journal under the title of Liahona The Elder’s Journal to be published from Independence Mo.

11 April 1907 • Thursday


I attended council meeting in temple with Presidency & the Twelve all being present except Elder Penrose who is in England. At this meeting I received an appointment to Beaver for next Sunday and to California to leave Salt Lake Thu. the 18th inst to accompany Prest Jno E. Robinson through that mission attending the conferences there and expecially to visit the new Colony of Gridley and adjust matters there.

I attended to some business down town, called on my mother &c Made ready to start for Beaver which I did leaving Salt Lake at 10:30 P.M. the train being 1:30 one [p. 20] hour 30 minutes late starting. Before leaving home I wrote letters to my sons George & LeGrand & LeGrand and to my Brother Fred. Prest Rulon S. Wells accompanied me to Beaver. Prest F. M. Lyman was on same train for Fillmore.

12 April 1907 • Friday

On train Left train at milford 7:30 A.M. and went from Milford to Minersville with Bro. Marshall’s team. Took dinner at Bro. Marshalls and after dinner we were driven to Beaver by Bro [blank] Ayre of Minersville Weather pleasant, my health good. We left Minersville at 1 PM & arrived at Beaver 18 mi. at 5 PM. Stayed at Prest. C. D. White. My rest disturbed by B.B. [bedbugs?]

13 April 1907 • Saturday


Attended A.M. meeting of the Conference and spoke 35 min. [p. 21] subject duties of parents to children. Commended the parents for what they have done in the way of establishing the church School here & the benefits to them & their children this school will be. If we have a duty to perform such as attending Conference, paying tithing &c let us reason thus. If all who have like responsibility do as I do what will be the result then let us do as if all would follow our example then as we know would prove a success. Let each feel that success or failure depends upon what we do. It is a common cause. Let us help one another and one anothers children We are building up the Kingdom in which we hope to obtain an inheritance. There is the Same means of Salvation for the least as for the greatest. Let all be faithful

At afternoon Bro. Tolten [p. 22] & Prest Richard Wells were the chief speakers & occupied each 30 minutes, some reports, a good meeting. Bro. Wells was especially blessed.

After meeting Prest White & Bro Tolten took us up to the School grounds and to the Cemetery.

In the evening we attended the Sunday School Union meeting. Present 100. I by request spoke a few minutes upon the subject of disciplin in S. School. Prayed with Prest Whites family.

14 April 1907 • Sunday


Attended meeting of Prestcy & High Council at 9 A.M. and occupied most of the time telling the brethren of deficiencies especially in religion class work <and Lesser Priesthood> and informing them of what is expected of the Presidency and the Council. Prest Rulon S. Wells bore testamony to what I had said & [p. 23] called further attention to deliquencies & referred to statistical report made last year.

At 10 A.M. meeting the house was well filled and I occupied about 45 or 50 minutes with much freedom. Subject Lesser Priesthood, grading of the Priesthood. Remedy for unhealthy Condition of the Elders Quorums and Seventies. The demand for missionaries and how this demand might be met; the value to a ward that returning missionaries are. The Religion classes & class work. Exhorted those who have in these organizations the teaching of those under 8 yrs of age to teach the 1st principles what the parents are commanded by revelation Sec 68 to do but do not. Also urged parents having children 8 yrs of age to see that they be baptized without delay. After meeting I conversed with Prest White over the Calling of missionaries. [p. 24] Attended afternoon meeting. Prest Wells occupied 35 minutes & I about 20 min. in conclusion. Subject.

The origin of the Gospel. Intended for all our Father’s children Not a bigoted idea that the Gospel as taught by the L.D.S. is the only way, the only plan. It reaches those who died without hearing the Gospel and will save all who would have been saved had they had the gospel in this life. And even those who have heard and rejected it & even though they be wicked as were the antideluvians yet when they shall have paid the penalties of their wickedness & rejection of the Gospel they will have another chance as Jesus preached to that Class. But no force will be used. The Gospel a free gift. Quoted the Himn Know this that every soul is free &c. [p. 25]

At four o clock. Bro. R S Wells & I by request laid our hands upon & I blessed sister Euphrasia Cox from Orderville to be a nurse. She is working under Dr E A McGregor a L.D.S.

Attended a meeting of the Seventies where two of the presidents were released. One of them being present. The names were presented to the Conference to be ordained High Priests. I ordained him, Edward Fernley, an High Priest. Four Elders had been sustained to be ordained Seventies & we ordained them. I was mouth in ordaining Wm Alexander Morgan & Chas. Robert Woodbury. Two of the four new seventies were chosen & ordained Presidents. I was mouth in ordainind [ordaining] one of them, Augustus Fernley a President of Seventy and set him apart to preside in the 12th Quo.

Prest Wells & I took supper with Bro & Sister J. F. Tolton. [p. 26]

Attended the Conjoint meeting in the evening and after the rendering of the programme I occupied 20 minutes referring to the purpose of these organizations to establish the faith of the young & give them a testamony of the Gospels truth. A study of the scriptures necessary that they may learn of the Church organization as it was organized primatively & the Gospel as then taught then the apostacy must be established or there could have been no restoration. Then identify the restoration as that of which the prophets spoke and compare the restored church & Gospel with those of the primative church & Gospel & show the restored authority and taking up the Gospel principles one by one prove same to be necessary & the LDS Gospel the only way &c. Prest Wells followed for 20 min. Subject court ship & marriage [p. 27]

15 April 1907 • Monday


After breakfast I wrote up my journal, issued certificates of ordinations to those who were yesterday ordained by me. Did some studying until noon. Bro. Wells & I left Beaver with Bro J T Tolton for Milford at 1 P.M and arrived there at 5 PM 18 22 miles. Attended evening I occupied 45 minutes subject. Apostacy. Bro Tolton & Bro Wells each spoke. We took train for home at 10:30 P.M. it was 12 o’clock before I secured a birth.

Arrived in Salt Lake from Milford at 7 A.M.

16 April 1907 • Tuesday

Wrote letters, attended the funeral Services of Bishop Geo. H. Taylor held in the Assembly hall. Visited my mother and Aunt Alice Watt at A F Doremuses and blessed Aunt Alice. Attended [p. 28] to business down town. Wrote to LeGrand & George and sent pictures of Oliver & of the house.

17 April 1907 • Wednesday

I attended to some business down town in forenoon and in afternoon went to Farmington on request of my sister Minerva to confer with her on some of her private matters. I blessed her at her request. She had been spoken to by the Stake President about taking the presidency of the Reliefsociety of the Stake. I advised that she chose counselors and other officers who observe to keep the Word of wisdom and in reorganizing or filling up vacancies in the Ward associations to chose only those who keep the word of wisdom I called on Bp J. H. Robinson and counseled him in regard to the Lesser Priesthood [p. 29] organizations which he seemed to appreciate. He said he had a boy in the ward Prest J. W. Hess’ son 7 yrs old who was by his father ordained an Elder when 3 old yrs old. Asked what to do about it. I told him to proceed as if he had never been ordained & let the ward records show only the ordinations he should receive after baptism when ordained by direction of the Bishop. We do not ordain non church members Elders. We at least get them into the church first. I would not want a son of mine to be ordained by one whose only authority was conferred before he was a church member.

18 April 1907 • Thursday


I arose before daylight, cut up kindling, sprinkled lawn, made fires & wrote in my Journal as follows.

Last night I had a dream [p. 30] which when I awoke I associated with my California California mission for which I leave here on 9 P.M. train today.

A Dream

I thought I was viewing some lands or country which was somewhat new to me and as I obtained an eminance from which I scanned the Country over which seemed to impress me as being just ordinany but rather hilly I saw what seemed to be an eagle or some other large bird fly from the ground some distance below me and circle about almost unnoticed by me and presently I saw either the same bird or another like it fly from the same place. It seemed to me to be the same bird <or one like unto it> though that did not seem to have much significance whether [p. 31] or not it was the same bird. It flew along close the ground which led me to think there was a nest there and I had a desire to learn if indeed there was a nest and if so what it contained so I went to the spot which seemed to be under or by a fallen tree or dead log and among dead limbs & rubbish. The nest was illy provised and uninviting though the bird must have been satisfied with it. I saw one egg about the size of a hen’s egg and it was clean & white. I picked it up and examined it and remembered thinking or being disappointed in its size I thought from the size of the bird it should have been larger. When I came to examine the nest more closely I found among the rubbish in the nest other eggs all of which looked dark and undesirable. I [p. 32] went to pick up one of these eggs and it broke & I could see that it was rotten I found others the same and others seemed to be just ready to hatch. One was partly out of the shell and alive. I thought it rather cool to hatch these eggs but was very desirous that they should be hatched and with out my kindling a fire the fire was there on the side of the nest. I drew these eggs over on to the fire but soon saw that they were getting too warm and would be destroyed if I did not move move them so I moved them just off the fire but kept them just on the edge and they soon hatched out and though there were but few eggs as I first saw them, the young increased in numbers until the nest would scarcely hold them and [p. 33] although I had my arms around the nest trying to keep them in they filled the nest and some left the nest for want of room. A healthy lot of birds and those which left the nest seemed to be just as healthy and beautiful as those which remained in the nest. The nest was shallow but large around. One strange thing was that though the old bird had been black the young became white and seemed to change to pretty white rabbits. I saw nothing more of the old bird.

Of the above dream I was impressed that it referred to the Colony of our people now settling in the Sacramento valley (Gridley) Cal.

I attended council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M until 2 P.M. reported my visit [p. 34] to Beaver. Attended to some business down Town.

called on my mother and called on Presidency later

No special instructions given me except to preach the Gospel and instruct the Elders to get the spirit of their missions & then work with zeal & earnestness and do not go to cheap shows & other attractions but be dignified

I boarded the train S L Route before 9 P.M. but the train was about two hours late leaving for Los Angeles Cal. I had a good night’s rest.

19 April 1907 • Friday

On train bound for California. Met Orson Smith and Bro Mickleson on the train both bound for Las Vegas. I read to them the pamphlet by W. A. Mortensen Morton

The LD Saints & the World. [p. 35] A pleasant & profitable day 3 hours late at Las Vegas

20 April 1907 • Saturday

Arrived at Los Angeles about 11 A.M. 3 [h]rs late. Prest. Shepherd of Bear Lake Stake made himself known to me in the A.M and we had a pleasant visit together. He was bound for Los Angeles to meet and accompany home his son who has been doing missionary work for about two years.

Prest Robinson met us at Ry station and took us to mission head quarters where we took dinner and then Prest J E Robinson, Prest. Shephard & Son & I went down to the beach and all took a bath in the ocean The waves where high and we had good sport. Attended Street meeting. Elder Shephard Jr Spoke subject personality of God &c. Elder McCarty spoke [p. 36] pointing out the way to true happiness. Prest Robinson spoke about one hour covering the whole ground and I offered the benediction.

A good audience present who seemed to be well entertained. Some tracts distributed at close of meeting and an invitation extended to all to be present at our conference meetings to-morrow 10 AM 2 PM & 7:30 P.M. Prest Robinson secured for me Room 18 at the Walker on same block as Mission <home.> Prest Shephard had next room.

21 April 1907 • Sunday

At the Walker, Los Angeles

I arose soon after 6 A.M. Trimmed beard, made toilet and repaired to Mission house Met with S. School officers at 8:45 and with School at 9 AM and Meeting at 10 A.M. <Present 148.> I was last Speaker at 10 A.M. meeting and occupied [p. 37] about 25 minutes Subject. What each convert has cost, on average of one to the elder pr yr. in the Cal. mission the past year. Are they worth it! Yes ten thousand times and those not converted are not lost for ever. What their fate quoted Christ preached to the Spirits in prison. &c.

At afternoon meeting <Present 120> two of the missionary elders and Prest Shepherd of Bear Lake stake spoke and I occupied the remaining 30 minutes continued subject of this AM. Read the fate of those of the Telestial Kingdom & who will inhabit it Book Cov. Sec 76. What the nature of the spiritual existance and the Suffering of the rebellious and wicked while their bodies sleep in the tomb? ans. Mental suffering. Jesus’ greatest Suffering was while he was in Gethsemane Mental anguish of Soul. Mental Suffering may be more [p. 38] intense that [than] bodily or physical suffering so shall the debt of sins be paid. “Know this that every soul is free to chose his God &c“ quoted Invited all to repent now. They must humble them selves some time how much better now. How much less the humiliation now than if put off yet there is no other way. We must repent & humble our selves. “Every Knee must bow & every tongue confess.” The gospel requires it. We preach it by authority & administer the ordinances by same authority. “No man taketh this authority upon him self &c” Though we or an angel from heaven teach any other doctrine let him be acursed. We know we are exempt. &c. We call all men to repentance, we warn all men of the judgments to come upon the wicked except they repent. [p. 39]

In the evening I attended the meeting 195 present and some turned away as the isles were full. Elders Swallow, McCarthy Elder Robinson J E & I occupied the time. I took 25 minutes, the remaining time to close of meeting. Had good liberty and testified the Gospel is restored never more to be thrown down or given to another people. We have no compromise to make with the world. If we are right they are all wrong. The Father & Son revealed to Joseph that they were all wrong: this is our claim. If they are not all wrong then Joseph was not a true prophet but we know him to be a true prophet and hence know all other denominations are wrong. The only way yet we are not bigoted but offer a broader, better plan thany [than] any others and it is the truth & we know it is the truth for it has been revealed to us. We may become like our maker what [p. 40] more can any other denomination offer. While we claim there is no other way that there is but one Lord, one faith & one baptism we do not condemn those who die not having been privileged to hear & receive the truth but we look up their geneology, build temples and do for them what they can not do for them selves. Who else is doing as much for the dead? who is doing as much for the living? Elijah has fulfilled the prophecy of Malachi &c.

I went out with Prest. Robinson & others to dinner at Sister Hoopers and to Supper at Bro Jacobsons Restaurant at expense of Sister Willocot.

From my room can hear the music and dancing also the Skating can be seen as we pass the door. Theatres in full blast all on Sunday. [p. 41] We administered to Sister matthews, I was mouth in Sealing the anointing. Prest Robinson Anointed her.

22 April 1907 • Monday

Los Angeles, Cal.

I attended Priesthood meeting from 10 AM to 4:25 P.M. Occupied 40 minutes instructing the Elders. 20 present and all spoke.

In the evening attended Social and made extemporaneous speech concluding with a recital of “Aubo Ben Adhem.” Nice time. I had a nice talk with Bro. Bacon & his wife the latter not yet baptized but just ready for baptism.

23 April 1907 • Tuesday

Los Angeles

I wrote the Council of First Presidency and Twelve my findings at Los Angeles. And at 10 AM went with [p. 42] the Elders and had our pictures taken in a group. At Prest. Shepherd’s expense about ten or 12 of us took dinner at Bro Jacobson’s restaurant. Pres. Shepherd Elders Ellison & Esplin called and saw the interior of the old [blank] church I made contribution of $1.00 to the poor while there for myself & the Elders present.

Returned to my room where I wrote up my journal and read some from the Bible

In afternoon I went to East Lake Park where the Elders and some of the Saints met for an outing. From there Pres. Robinson, Pres. Shepherd and I visited the pigeon ranch owned by one former Bishop Johnson who some 12 or 15 years ago decamped from his home in Sanpete Co. Utah leaving two or more wives and an enormous debt. This farm he says [p. 43] has on it 100000 pigeons. He feeds them from two to three tons of grain daily. Sells from 20 to 40 doz Squabs (young birds) daily @ from $2.50 to $3.00 per doz.

Spent the evening writing and studying.

24 April 1907 • Wednesday

Los Angeles, Cal.

Pres Jos. E. Robinson & Pres. Joseph Shepherd and I went up to Mount Lowe 5000 feet above the Sea. We went through Pasadena, Rubio Cañon, Echo Mountain, and on our return took carriage at Pasadena and rode 2 hrs about the City. This the city of the wealthy of the Country though many spend but the winter months here. A beautiful City. A Prohibition City. In the evening I attended with the Elders a banquet given by Pres Jacobson at his home. Wrote letters to Alice and to George at Chicago: [p. 44]

25 April 1907 • Thursday

Los Angeles

I took breakfast at mission headquarters, took a barbering hair cut & beard trim read the paper, proceedings at Weber & Liberty Stake Conference &c. Elder Funk and I went out to where Erastus Richards lives in Losangeles but received no response to our ringing of the door bell. A futile trip. Prest. Jos E Robinson & I left Los Angeles on 4 P.M. train and reached San Francisco at 11 AM the day following.

26 April 1907 • Friday

San Francisco

Arrived at this place 11 A.M. No incidents unusual or worthy of mention enroute from Los Angeles. Went direct to mission headquarters and from there Prest Thompson of San Francisco Conference accompanied me and we went down to the sea and visited the [blank] gardens, the cliff house, saw the seals, the Golden gate &c thence to the [p. 45] schutes resort and city park and returned to mission house about 5 P.M. From there with Elders Eugene D. Robinson whom I found here and Nielson as guid[e]s I found my way to the Sierra where Pres. Robinson had found rooms. I had room 116. A nice room but was bothered with the flies in the night.

27 April 1907 • Saturday

San Francisco.

I accompanied Pres. Jos E. Robinson up to Mission headquarters about 9 A.M. From there My nephew Eugene D. Robinson accompanied me for a walk up into the old Catholic Cemetery where we witnessed the havock made among the monuments by the earthquake of Apr 18/06

At 10 A.M. met in Priesthood meeting with the Elders about 20 in numbers. Our session continued until 3:20 a duration of 5 hrs 20 min. I occupied 45 minutes instructing the Elders [p. 46] Spoke with freedom and gave good instructions. By request I offered the Closing prayr and had the Spirit of it.

After meeting Pres Robinson & I returned to our rooms at the Sierra and from there went to the Poplar Popular Restaurant and took dinner, breaking the fast. But few of the Elders fasted an[d] a show of hands showed several who do not pray in secret. I instructed them on that point.


28 April 1907 • Sunday


Fasting went with Pres. Jos. E. Robinson to Oakland and attended the three Conference meetings at 10 AM and 2 and 7:30 P.M. Took dinner at Bro. Nethercots and supper at Bro. Hawkley at Alameda about 4 miles from Oakland. The meetings were well attended; at AM meeting there were 157, at [p. 47] 2 PM meeting 155 and at 7:30 meeting 190.

At morning meeting Pres. R. spoke an hour. Pres. Swanson of Frisco Branch and Pres. Philips of Oakland Branch reported briefly and I took the remaining time (30 minutes) Subject disposition of the tithes. At the 2 P.M. meeting Elders E. D. Robinson & Parkinson spoke each 20 minutes. I occupied 40 minutes and Pres. Robinson 20 minutes.

At evening meeting Elder Walter Johns occupied 40 min. Subject Apostacy & Restoration. Pres. Thompson of the San Francisco Conference occupied 30 minutes Subject. Work for the dead. Both talks were fine. Pres. Robinson spoke about 25 minutes and I occupied the remaining six minutes leaving a benediction for the Saints & the people and the Elders. We returned to Frisco after meeting. [p. 48]

292 April 1907 • Monday

San Francisco

I wrote to the First Presidency and Twelve a report of my labors the past week. Went with Pres. Robinson to Oakland after dinner. Sat with the Elders, 25 of us, for a picture. Attended a meeting in the evening held at mission headquarters or rather Elder’s headquarters at Oakland where we organized the Female Relief society. Every thing went off harmoniously and what I believe to be a good organization was effected with the following named Sisters as officers.

Pres. —

Anna Stormfield.

1st Con. —

Phoebe Tidwell

2nd Con. —

Laura King

Sec. —

Violet Tidwell

Treasr. —

Missouri Lewis aged 78 yrs.

Teacher —

Rebecca Nethercot


Rora Dixon (mother

" —

Grace Dixon (dau.

I gave some council and assisted in Se tting the Sisters [p. 49] apart. Prest. Jos. E. Robinson, Pres. Wm Thompson & Pres. Philips also participated. I was mouth in Setting apart Sisters Stormfield and Lewis. I also offered the benediction.

After the meeting I administered to Elder Thos. Cottom for his hearing, to Rebecca Nethercot and to Missouri Lewis. Pres. Robinson anointed and I confirmed or sealed the anointing in each instance.

After the meeting I took leave of the people and with Pres. Robinson returned to San Francisco for the night.

While at Oakland Sister [last name redacted] told her troubles to me. She had been a plural wife and had several children, had been abused & beaten & had taken a divorcement through the church. He had died unfaithful to the gospel and was buried after the fashion of the world. What am I to do? Get you a [p. 50] husband & be sealed to him. Ans.

30 April 1907 • Tuesday

San Francisco. Cal.

Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and I went via of Sacramento to Gridley & held Priesthood meeting with the Colony people in the home of Bro. Farr. There were about twenty or twenty five present. I made a brief talk after which an oppertunity was give those present to express their feelings upon the Subject of Religious work, Colonizing, Land, climate, best location for school building &c Branch president Cole led out and was followed by Bros. Cameron, Hansen & Dewsnup Sr.

The first of the Company came last Nov. 6 mo. ago and there are now 175 souls. A Branch organized, also S. School running presided over by Branch presidency. The climate has some disadvantage being hot and dry during about 4 mo. from [p. 51] June 1st to Oct 1st and the winter season is rainy but these seeming disadvantages are beneficial to crop raising, so reported.

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April 1907, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1907/1907-04


  1. [1]Joseph F. Smith, in Seventy-Seventh Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Held in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 5, 6, 7, 1907 (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1907), 8–9; “An Address: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the World,” in Seventy-Seventh Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, appendix 1–16.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “30” before writing “29” over it.

  3. [3]Ditto mark here and in next line for “Teacher”.