November 1894

1 November 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I plowed in South field until about 4 P.M. then took team & went to Batesville took family along for a ride and I bought of Mr Ladell a pair of mares one one year old and the other two yrs. old. Attended Prof. Beesleys concert in the evening.

2 November 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in south field baled hay all day. [p. 36] Arthur Stayner Jr. called and staid all night.

3 November 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in South field until middle of afternoon when Abram & his son Henry came & I got the horses in the yard and looked them over and looked over the field. Sat up until a late hour.

4 November 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine

I looked over ranch with Abram in the forenoon when he went home and I attended meeting, copied and recorded a blessing and attended evening meeting Alice accompanied me.

5 November 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in South field, hilled in trees for winter &c. In the evening I attended a joint meeting of Rep & Dem’s.

6 November 1894 • Tuesday

Election Day.

Tooele Weather fine.

I voted the Republican ticket straight. Took my family for a ride. Met with Apostle Lyman, Prest Gowans & others at Prest. Gowan’s office where we talked over the matter of organizing a Prayr Circle. Spent the evening at home. Arthur Stayner Jr. called on his way to Vernon & staid all night. [p. 37]

7 November 18941 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I plowed in South field and picked apples.

Spent the evening at home reading & writing.

8 November 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to some school business with P. Clegg. Took Amy to the Doctor, with team & wagon went to Basin Pasture and repaired fence. Dr. Davis prescribed for her and gave us medicine but did not indicate to us her true condition, I believe though he did not <know> the true condition. Her nose had bled for several days, the blood had oozed from her lips, tong[ue] and mouth and purple Hemorage had set in and made its appearance on the body. About t[wo] weeks previous she had Jaundice so said Dr Davis and a few days later had fever and a rash for three days which resembled scarlet fever. She had seemed languid and fatigued but otherwise not very sick. Rested well usually at nights. Written Nov. 11th 1894.

9 November 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in forenoon, went to report to the Doctor but he had gone to Mercur When I came in at noon from plowing finding her condition no more favorable than the day previous and her nose [p. 38] still bleeding having bled slowly but continuously since early morning we decided to go to the City with her. So we hurriedly got ready and I took the folks in family conveyance to Station excepting Georgie & Joel who did not come home from school at noon and consequently did not know. Alice, Nerva and the baby accompanied Amy to the City Little did we think when we bid her good-bye at the Station that it was the last good-bye in this life and when on the cars Mamma held the baby up to bid us another good bye poor little Amy sat on the opposite side of the car holding a cloth to her bleeding nose when her poor little arms must have felt like they were about to drop off. she had bled so much, become so weak and was so fearful that the blood should drop. A contemplation of these little incidents causes copious tears to flow, with grief almost unbounded. After taking the folks to the station, I returned to plow and in the evening attended a meeting of the School trustees until a late hour but not so late nor I so tired but that I could bow in secret prayr petitioning the Lord in behalf of our little girl. [p. 39]

10 November 1894 • Saturday

<Our Darling Amy May Died this Day>2

Tooele Weather fine.

Arose, had prayrs as usual and while eating breakfast, Bro. Geo. Bryan came with telephone message saying for me to go to the city soon as possible. Without finishing my breakfast I got ready soon as bossible [possible] and started with team & buggy at 9:15 A.M. Arrived in City at 2 P.M. put up my team at Geo. Atkins and made my way direct to Nona Smith Nelsons where I learned immediately that our darling Amy had expired about three hours before. Alice nearly heartbroken with grief. After a period of two or three hours intense grief & mourning, we set to work preparing to go home that evening by team. My buggy being inadequate for the occasion I exchanged with Sarah Ellen and got her spring wagon which nicely answered our purpose and having the body well packed in coffin & coffin screwed down to rough box we left the City at 7-17 P.M. and arrived home at 12:30 A.M. Found Bro. & Sis. C. R. McBride here awaiting our arrival who gave us valuable aid and Bro Mc. remained until morning thus giving [p. 40] us an oppertunity to get a little rest. When the Doctors Richards and Wilcox saw Amy they recognized her ailment to be Purple Hemorage and gave her medicines for same. She rested as well as could possibly be expected until about 7 A.M. Saturday when She commenced to scream with pain and continued until death relieved her, with possibly some relief from about 9:30 A.M. the effect of injected morphine by Drs. Jos. & Wilcox. The Doctors thought the blood clotted & pressed the brain & that the final complaint was Congestion of the brain a result of the former ailments.

11 November 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I spent the day at home mourning with and comforting my family while Our Darling Amy May lay cold in death before us. Sent for Sexton F. D. Horman and arranged with him to prepare grave and vault, wrote some letters, and entertained friends who called to see us and our little Amy. Administered to Sarah and later Bp. Atkins & Geo. Craner assisted in administering to her. She is quite poorly today, vomiting and fever. Sister Barbary Bowen sat up with us. [p. 41]

12 November 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

We prepared for the funeral which took place at our residence at 2 P.M. Sent team to Depot but none of [o]ur folks came Received a letter from Seney containing the word that Mother had been overcome with grief at learning of our apparent missfortune in the death of Little Amy.

We laid away our little girl in peace At the Services Bp. Atkin presided, Bro offred the opening prayr Singing led by Bro. Beesley. Remarks were made of a consoling nature by Bro. John Gillespie and Prest. H. S. Gowans, closing prayr by Bro. Abel parker and dedicatory prayr at the Grave by Moroni England.

Called the Doctor in to see Sarah and he prescribed for her. Had no fever but indications of Jaundice seen in the white of the eye. She rested pretty well through the night. Alice and the folks feel as comforted as could well be expected.

I wrote letters to Abram & Fred, and State Bank.

13 November 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather continues dry and pleasant but considerable sickness is about town. I settled my own and Abram’s taxes, Paid Siddell for two colts $50.00 wrote letters to our folks. &c. [p. 42] Sarah feels better and others feel well as could be reasonably expected. Geo. Gee had my team after wood.

14 November 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had horse shoed; got wheat from granary to take to Stephen. Put up 25 bu. of wheat for Mr Russell on Mr Nelson’s order. Bought gloves of indians, measured land cleared of sages &c &c. Spent the evening at home. Redeemed my note of $125.00 held by State Bank.

15 November 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy looking cold wind blowing. I started to Salt Lake at 9:30 A.M. Took 14½ bu. wheat to Dr S. L. R. Went direct to Stephen’s in Sugar House ward arrived at 3 P.M. and went up Town on car and did some trading & met Steve at Sarahs he having brought carriage up to exchange. I rode down with buggy. Sat up until 12 oclock visiting Stephen.

16 November 1894 • Friday

Sugar H Ward Weather cold. Coldest night last night of the season. I started for home at 10:30 by team & buggy & alone arriving home at 3 P.M. Had Geo. Gee plowing in my absence. I found letters awaiting me from our folks Sympathizing with us in our bereavement. [p. 43] Wrote letters to Sarah, Polly & N.A.S.L. & B. Co. Sarah is about well again & others tolerably well.

17 November 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold & clowdy. I raked rubbish out of cellar, hauled straw down from my field to bury vegetables in. Plowed in South field Geo. Gee brought me a load of cedar stumps with my team. I spent the evening at home reading writing &c. blacked my shoes and bathed.

The folks are all well again, wrote to Abram.

18 November 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I shaved and attended school and meeting and offered the closing prayr at meeting. Home Missionaries spoke A. J. Stookey & J. L. Lee Consecrated oil for Alvin Walters. Read from Voice of warning after Afternoon meeting. Took folks up to Cemetery after School. All are pretty well. Wrote to Mother.

19 November 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took a team & family conveyance & family to Depot & met Aunt Lou & took the folks for a ride. Got vegetables from J. A. Bevans. Attended to Some business down town, repaired gate &c. [p. 44] Spent the evening at home reading.

20 November 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in South field and took Aunt Lou to Depot on her way home. Folks not exactly well. Spent the evening at home.

21 November 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold & dry. I plowed in South field, got collar repaired at Shoe shop. Wrote letter to Mother. All tolerably well. Spent the evening at home

22 November 18943 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold & dry. I took buggy to shop and had it over hauled and repaired at a cost of $2.50 got chicken feed from granary, washed the buggy. Went to See H. Dolling about painting my buggy. Spent the evening at home. Sold dried apricots to P. A. Droubay @ 5¢ per lb. Rec’d letter from Mother & card from Nerva. Wrote to Mother.

23 November 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in South field in forenoon & finishing a land brought the plow in for the season. Scraped greese off young trees. Took fruit to Droubay’s & got onions from Tithing office. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Folks all pretty well. [p. 45]

24 November 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

Georgie & I went hunting horses between here and the Point of the mountain & through hay field. My horse fell on me and hurt me severely in the region of the ribs & heart. Bathed and retired to bed early. Letters from Abram & Mother.

25 November 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant I went to Clover by horseback and spoke for about 40 minutes in Afternoon meeting Called at Basin pasture and ousted sheep herder & sheep. Arrived home about one hour after dark. Fed my horse (Berdie) at St. Jeors’. Dr Davis examined my ribs.

26 November 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine & dry. I attended to some business down town, repaired fence &c. In the evening I attended School Trustee’s meeting.

Wrote to U.A.S.L.&B. Co. Abram & Mother.

27 November 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I took horse & cart and got J. W. Tate with me and we visited Thos. Horman and administered to him & called at Alvin Walters’ & saw Mariar Walters who had just died at 8:15 Went to Basin pasture and repaired fence In the evening wrote to [p. 46] my Bro. Fred & Sister Alice of Fielding. Called on Dr Davis & reported my condition being suffering to some extent from effects of fall from horse.

Folks are all well now except myself, and I expect to be all right in a short time.

28 November 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine again. I received letter from Abram & answered it. I scraped gum off young trees and banked up about the roots. Went up to Mr. Hanks & talked trade but did not conclude trade. Went to Court House and looked up the law in relation to estrays. Folks all well except myself and I am improving from the effects of my fall from horse. Received card from Nerva.

29 November 1894 • Thursday

<Thanksgivings Day>4 Tooele Weather dry.

We had a nice dinner prayr of thanksgiving &c. Traded my family conveyance to C. D. Hanks for self binder, Sulkey plow and Single harness. Attended the funeral services of Miss Mariar Walters Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans were the Speakers. Spent the evening at home. The baby Lucena got her fingers badly mashed in the bedroom door. Folks tolerably well. [p. 47]

30 November 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather continues fine and dry. I brought my binder & sulkey plow down from Hanks farm & put away in sheds, hauled in barrells of vinegar & Press from apple orchard &c. In the evening I attended a religion class meeting where A. J. Stookey, J. S. Lee & Wm Spry were the Speakers. I offered the opening & Apostle Lyman the closing prayrs. Legrands leg pains him, The baby’s fingers seem to be getting better & others usually well.

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November 1894, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Richards mistakenly dated this entry “1892” instead of “1894”.

  2. [2]This sentence is written vertically in the left margin next to the 10 November entry.

  3. [3]Richards crossed out an illegible word or beginning of a word before writing “1894”.

  4. [4]This is written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 November entry.