May 1891

1 May 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I made out my monthly report, aided in baling hay &c. Took Sam’l. Lee’s horses to him and had settlement with him.

2 May 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather continues fine.

I attended to the regular work of the place. Sold two loads of hay, attended to the irrigating and took Prest. H. S. Gowans with me to Grantsville to attend Priesthood meeting. Took dinner at Chas. Anderson’s Took Alice in buggy to See Geo Remington who has just returned from a two year’s mission to England. Went up in the Canyon for the children who were up on an excursion. Wrote letters & <in> [p. 122] my Journal from memory since Apr. 28th 1891.

All are well.

3 May 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine

I shaved and remained at home until 2 P.M. Attended Ward meeting also in evening.

4 May 1891 • Monday

Attended to some business at store & Court house. Did some writing at home. Letter from Mother enclosed $1000.00

5 May 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm and windy.

I took a load of baled hay over to Stockton. Plowed among grape vines; Issued bills to parties owing. Attended to the regular work of the place.

6 May 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I cleaned out the Barrington ditch. Attended to some business at the Court House

7 May 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy and warm.

I used the City water from 5 until 10 A.M. Attended Fast day, fasted and gave donations. Blessed John M Isgren’s baby Confirmed my boy Georgie after baptism. was mouth in prayr previous to [p. 123] baptizing. I attended Miss Marshall’s & A J Stookeys schools in afternoon. Wrote to Mother and Nerva in the evening.

8 May 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I unroofed a part of the large hay stack hauling the damaged hay away and putting it by its self. Sold and delivered to William Vowles 2800 lbs of hay. Took Alice to the Station on her way in to Salt Lake to do some trading. Cheap fare on account of the visit to Salt Lake of the U.S. President Harrison. She took only the baby with her. I called by my lots and at John Marden’s also at Droubays & Vowles. Held a School Trustees meeting here at our house in the evening. Sat up until 12 o’clock.

9 May 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather continues fine.

I sold a load of hay to Coleman, Tyson McKendric hauled it; sold baled hay 2 bales to Co-op Store. I put a sweep in the hay press and moved and set it. [p. 124] I hitched on the buggy, took all the children with me and went up to see Alex. Fraser and down to Hormans to see Ed. Green engaging them to bale hay next week. Did some writing in evening, Shaved, bathed &c. All well.

10 May 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Sunday school and meeting and offered the Benediction in meeting and the opening prayr in school and after school was mouth in consecrating oil. I wrote to A. F. Doremus and read the News.

11 May 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I baled hay in forenoon and met Alice at the Depot. Took a load of baled hay over to Stockton in afternoon and weighed up the hay baled during the day. Had Green helping me in forenoon & he & Fraser in afternoon. Wrote up some accounts in evening. All are well and happy. A letter from Mother to-day in reference to Bank stock. I wrote to Mother & to Apostle H J Grant. [p. 125]

12 May 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I visited A J Stookey’s School in forenoon and in the afternoon I loaded a load of baled hay and took over to Stockton and sold two loads after my return. I drove the Gray mare & Lucy. In the evening I took Vick in cart and alice & two babies and went down to Peter Nelsons to try and get a hand to work baling hay. Received a letter from Fred and in the evening I answered it after attending to my other writing. All are well and happy.

13 May 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

We arose early and started for Salt Lake by team & buggy. Alice, baby and I. We left here at 5.30 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 10 A.M. Had the buggy repaired, made purchases to the amount of $50.00 or $60.00 Left Salt Lake at 4 P.M. and arrived home at 9 P.M. On our way home we were hailed by a trickster who mulched us in the Sum of $20.00 A dear experience but I trust it will be [p. 126] a profitable lesson. Rained some in Salt Lake.

14 May 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine excpet a few hours towards evening when it rained.

I baptized and confirmed Sarah Gee who is to be married to Robt. Skelton Jr May 20th 1891. I used the Kelsey water all day and also the City water; assisted with the hay baling &c.

15 May 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I raked up about the Stacks, moved the hay press, used the Kelsey water all day.

16 May 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took Ed. Broad with me to the Basin pasture to repair pump. Made three trips and were then thwarted in our purposes and had to send to Salt Lake for a casting. Bathed in evening.

17 May 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine but had a shower of rain in afternoon.

I remained at home in forenoon and in afternoon took Alice & babe in buggy to Grantsville [p. 127] to meeting. Spoke for about 45 min. Attended funeral services over the remains of A. K. Anderson’s child at the Cemetery and offered the Dedicatory prayr. Alice suffered during the night from pain in Stomach received relief through administration

18 May 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to some business at store and Court house; went up the canyon horseback hunting Joel & Legrand and found them at home on my return. Sold two loads of hay. Took horses and cattle to Basin repaired fence &c. Wrote up my journal in the evening.

All are well tonight.

19 May 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cloudy, some rain. I raked over the grape vine grounds and made furrows by which to water them. I hauled up a load of wood from the Donaldson lots and unloaded it in the evening. Did sundry other work. [p. 128]

20 May 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day. I hauled up two loads of wood from my lots, attended to some work at the Court house &c

21 May 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy & fine.

I went to Basin pasture to look after the animals. Took Alice along in the buggy. Repaired fence, propped up shed &c. shaved.

22 May 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine & stormy.

I sold hay, engaged Geo. Remington to do our cutting of lucern. Sharpened two hay knives &c. Wrote letters.

23 May 1891 • Saturday

Tooele I howed the garden and plowed the lot, made furrows &c. In the evening I wrote up my journal from memory from May 19th to date. Bathed &c. Wrote to Ed [Editor] of Juvenile asked questions. Received my agriculturists four volumns [volumes] bound in two books. [p. 129]

24 May 1891 • Sunday

1210 P.M., An Essay.

There are two kinds of spirits (Jos. Smith) Tabernacled and non tabernacled. Both kinds existed before this world was formed. God was at that time an imbodied or tabernacled Spirit. We were non tabernacled spirits. Tabernacled spirits have power over non tabernacled spirits except when they revolt against that which comes from God, so says Jos. Smith Comp., The Bible tells us God is a spirit and the denominations of the earth place great stress upon it but the fact is that he is a Tabernacled spirit as we are only that he is immortalized and has flesh, bone and spirit not blood as we have. We expect by passing through the same ordeals as he did to become as he is. We were not born upon the earth because there was an earth not peopled but the earth was made for us to dwell upon and as soon as it was made ready the emigration commenced from that world to this and soon after the migration from this world to the other commenced and the process has ever since continued. Before we came here we [p. 130] understood the plan and doubltess [doubtless] sang together when the corner stones of the earth, so to speak, were laid. We anticipated coming upon this earth as a mission to perform certain work necessary to be done before we could arrive at the stage or blessed condition of our God. He in his state could enjoy blessings, associations, relationships and that we in our spiritual condition could not enjoy.

To attain to the glorious state that our father had attained was our aim and object. A mark set high but by so many of us lost track of in this life. In order to attain to that state of immortality we had to pass through a life like this where we could prove our selves and the society we would chose We are given our free agency to act as we wish and hence show what we are good bad or indifferent. We get our bodies here which by passing through death become immortalized fit to live for ever. We form relations here to last for eternity and lay the foundation of our own kingdoms here-after by our posterity. We often lose sight of this most [p. 131] important part of our mission here and only form relationships for time thus failing in this part of our mission. We should not forget the object we had in view of coming into this life. We do not do as well as we know and are too slow in carrying out our good intentions.

He that does his duty no matter how humble is the one that has the approval of the Lord It is not position that will save us but our daily works, not our intentions, <“The road to> “Hell is paved with good intentions.[”] The roads to apostacy Neglect of duty, faultfinding and any thing that drives from us the Spirit of the Lord.

The perfection of God & his Plan for the salvation of the Human family.

25 May 1891 • Monday1

Tooele Weather fine with light shower. I took Broad with me in the cart and went down to the Basin pasture and repaired the pump. Drove the animals in to water and lift water in the troughs for tomorrow. Sold a bale of hay to S. F. Lee and one to John Stewart and a load of loose hay [p. 132] to Alfred Lee.

24 May 1891 • Sunday2

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Sunday School and taught a class of young ladies in the Book of Mormon and addressed the School. I attended the ward Sacrament meeting where Thomas L. Speirs and Wm W. Riter were the Speakers. I attended a meeting of the Relief Teachers after the Sacrament meeting and by request addressed the sisters. After this meeting I assisted in administering to Newman Remington.

Spent the evening at home and retired early. Louise Gee called in in the evening. All well.

26 May 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant with a light shower of rain.

I hoed out young poplar grove, Attended to some business at the Court house and sundries sundry other jobs.

27 May 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine

I had Lee & Lougy helping me and in fornoon we were moving hay in hay yard. In the afternoon they baled hay and I went to Basin [p. 133] pumped water for animals and spiked down plank. In the evening I wrote letters to Mother and Fred.

28 May 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy

I took the City water at 4 A.M. and used it until 10 A.M. Had Edg. Lougy & Alf Lee baling hay and I assisted them in the afternoon. Sold hay to F Barber and McCuistion. Wrote letter to Abram Doremus. Read from the Juvenile in the evening.

29 May 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy and cold. I had Edg Lougy and Alf. Lee helping me and we moved several tons of damaged hay and baled up some. Answered a Call from Abram through the Telephone Shaved, raked up stack yard &c.

30 May 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cool and clowdy. I attended to the regular work on the place. Met Abram & family at the Depot. Looked over the place with Abram and took him to the Basin where we took the pump out of the well and drew water [p. 134] for the animals.

31 May 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Spent the forenoon at home while Abram and Polly went out for a walk. In the afternoon I took Abram in the buggy up the Canyon to see the water works and then took Abram and family in my buggy to the Garfield beech on their way home. Georgie went along, Six persons in all.

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May 1891, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]The date line for this entry is written after Richards wrote and crossed out “Sunday May 24th 1891”.

  2. [2]This entry was written out of order.