September 1896

1 September 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Dr Stephen & his four boys Claud, Gill, Stayner & Russell came by team at 12:30 oclock last night. I engaged Jos. Tate to haul wheat for me & I entertained Dr Stephen & with team & carriage took him & boys to view the City. Sent load of barley to Mill to be ground. Sent 55 bu. & 16½ lbs. wheat for tithing, Sent wheat to Stors & to John Martin.

2 September 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

Doctor Stephen left for home about 9:15 A.M. I had Jos. Tate hauling grain for me from the thresher & I helped unload & moved trees. Attended to the irrigating &c.

3 September 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Went to Mill took grist brought back 27 sacks of chop. barley flower &c. Gave 100 lbs flour to Sister Peter Gillespie. Plowed & scraped at north gate to have yard and excavated for cellar to our house. Jos. Tate helped me. Paid him 28 bu wheat on acct. Did some writing in the evening. [p. 98]

4 September 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather hot.

Jos. Tate helped me & we finished excavating for cellar to New house & in the afternoon went up to rock quarry & quarried rock & worked road.

5 September 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Warm.

I hauled four loads of rock from quarry & had Jos. Tate & Alex. McDonald quarrying & blasting rock.

6 September 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended school & spoke in Theological class & offered the benediction. Gave a blessing to Franklin Bushy between School & meeting.

7 September 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather cooler.

Hauled 5 loads rock. Had Jos. Tate & Alex McDonald helping at quarry. <vitroled 16 bu wheat.>

8 September 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cooler.

Did some repairs on wagon &c & hauled 5 loads sand Tate & McDonald hauled rock 4 loads. [p. 99]

9 September 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cooler

Hauled 8 loads sand. Ge[o]rgie helped me & Tate McDonald & J O Dunn hauled & quarried rock. Folks moving out.

10 September 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cooler

I took team & went to Town for coal attended to sund[ry] business, put up team at Sheets Stables & went down to Sugar House Ward & staid with Dr Stephen.

11 September 1896 • Friday

Sugar House Tooele Weather warmer.

I went out to S L Press Brick Kiln before breakfast & after breakfast went up Town & after attending to business in relation to brick purchase loaded & started home at 1:20 P.M. My boy met me at E.T. with another team & we got home with 4100 lbs coal at 1 A.M. Rock hauling continued in my absence.

12 September 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm. Windy I had two men at work quarrying rock & one unroofing house & assisting me to move. Moved to Wagon shed. I [p. 100] hung curtains, put up stove. Went over to the field & showed Hansen how to use bay mare in Drilling. All took supper with Jos. Tate. Slept at sheds 1st night. I slept on cot out doors.

13 September 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather windy. Y. M. Con. at Grantsville. I remained at home all day. Read. wrote & rested.

14 September 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy

I repaired wagon vitroled wheat & hauled corn. Had Geo. Gee tearing down house & McDonald & Jos Tate hauling rock. Received letter from Archetects Payne & son Mailed letters to Shaffer & Lionberg of Grantsville & Sister Nerva of Farmington.

15 September 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I finished hauling corn, had Cloud horse shoed. Had McDonnell & Tate hauling rock & Geo. Gee tearing down house. Georgie harrowed in afternoon.

16 September 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took the water at 4:30 A.M. & started to S.L City [p. 101] at 6:30 fed at Keslers & at S.L. C. & drove out to Jones Kiln & loaded with lime. Slept at Sheets barn where I put up my team.

17 September 1896 • Thursday

Salt Lake Weather threatening.

I left Salt Lake at 7 A.M. & arrived home at 7 P.M. Bert, Will & May Robinson and Lucy Clark passed me on my way home. Georgie met me with team at Batesville

18 September 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather threatening.

Made lime box unloaded my load of 50 bu of lime & load by Slantey [Stanley] Hanks of 35 bu. & had Geo Gee run off Lime. Jos. Tate & my boys tear down house & I hauled shingles & scraps of lumber from house to woodpile. May Lucy Albert & Will are here still.

Sent by H. S. Gowans to S.L.C. for my plans having rec’d a card of notification.

19 September 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

In forenoon I helped Jos. Tate & My boys tearing down old house & in afternoon went to Grantsville with plans of new hous[e] which came today, showed plans to builders & returned in evening. Geo. Gee was running off lime & mixing mortar. All well. [p. 102]

20 September 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took my family in part to Lake View & attended meeting & spoke for 30 minutes; two speakers preceded me. After meeting accompanied Bp. Shields & col. Sagers to E Leavers where we administered to Sister Leavers Mother Sistir Shummon. & Enjoyed with them all the melons we could eat. Attended meeting here in the evening & Bro. Lyman & I occupied the time 25 min. each.

21 September 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

Lionberg & Shaffer came with tools &c at 10:30 A.M. & commenced to lay off ground for house the cellar havnig [having] been dug in advance. Layed the Corner Stone at 3 P.M. in South west corner of kitchen. Geo Gee & Jos Tate worked all day. Letters from Asenath & Stephen & Card from Fred.

22 September 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy lost about 1 hr on account of rain. Jos Tate & I dug trench Shaffer billed lunches & Mason & tender worked. [p. 103]

23 September 1896 • Wednesday1

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I finished digging trenches & cellar for house. Made bills in evening & prepared for town.

24–26 September 1896 • Thursday–Saturday

Tooele Weather clowded.

Mr Shaffer accompanied me to Salt Lake where we staid over Friday & left for home Sat. 26 @ 3:45 P.M. Arriving home at 1:30 A.M. 27th. While there by bid let contract of furnishing building material outside of Hardware & stairs to Utah Lum. Co. for $550.00 Hardware bill to Western $55.00 & Utah Stove 20.00 making 75.00 for hardware. Let tin to Richard Morrison for $45.00 Had several firms bid on Stairs but did not let the Cont.

27 September 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I bathed & attended school, meeting & Circle occupied 30 min. in meeting speaking A. G Johnson & Apostle Lyman took up the balance of the time. After meeting I pronounced blessings upon Agnes Davis & Matilda Isgren & copied Sis. Davises for her. Attended evening meeting. All pretty well. [p. 104]

28 September 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired wagons, went to field & got straw. Hauled rock from old foundation. Put Springs under wagon & in other ways prepared to go to Town with two loads. Loaded fruit for Isgren. Arranged with Thos. Horman to do carpenter work & take a five rod lot for pay @ $175 $107.50.

29 September 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Went to S.L.C. with two teams My boy Geo. Drove one team took load fruit in for Isgren & brought back 2 loads of lumber. Visited Mother Fred & Carrie at Sarahs in the evening & slept in carriage.

30 September 1896 • Wednesday

Wed. Weather2

S.L. City. Tooele Weather warm in day and cool at night.

My boy Geo. left Town at 7 A.M. & I at 10:40 A.M. & both arrived home at 10:30 P.M. Legrand came down to E.T. & met us. Both brought lumber. Fred & Carlie came out in carriage.

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September 1896, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Tuesday” before crossing it out and writing “Wed”.

  2. [2]This was written in the left margin next to the date line of the 30 September entry.