July 1904

24 July–5 August 1904

Friday Aug. 5, 1904

Tooele Since last I wrote in my journal I have been very busy We got our hay up finishing July 26th Had 220 tons & Bought & put in hay scales & weighed all my hay from the field. Paid $1.50 per ton for hauling what we did not haul our selves. Bought a hay press and am building a hay press house 20 x 32. 9' high.

Sales have been pretty good in implement line also lumber.

Sunday July 24th Prest Gowans and I with my team & surray went to Batesville where we met Elder F M Lyman & Prest C A Orme and there organized the Batesville Ward Bishoprick with E. M. Orme Bishop.

Sunday July 31 Bro. C. A Orme & I went to Mercur with my team & Surray. Got there at 9:30 AM. Attended School & meeting and had good audience and freedom of speech & good spirit and our visit we think was a success. While there except for one meal we staid at Bp Bryan’s & his mother’s. Administered to a little boy named Geo. [blank] who was same day removed to [p. 163] a Salt Lake hospittal thought to be suffering from Appendicitis.

Mond. Aug 1st Returned from Mercur and attended to business as usual. During the Mo. of July Bro Geo Craner Died. I spoke at his service. Contributed $50.00 to the Denver Meeting house and 5.00 to the Stock-holm meeting house.

During July My wife & baby each had a severe spell of sickness but soon recovered. Now Nerva is suffering from sore throat &c.

This 5th day of Aug we did our first day’s baling of hay.

Sat. Aug 5. Attended High Council Meeting and Stake Presidency Priesthood Meetings and about 5 P.M. with my wife & several children started to Salt Lake in a surray arriving in the City at 11 P.M. Put team up at Stable and staid overnight at my son George’s. Sund. A.M. Went up to Aunt Seneys until Meeting time when I went back down to the 8th ward and attended meeting there & by request spoke. Returned to Tooele

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July 1904, 24 July–5 August 1904, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1904/1904-07