October 1906

1 October 1906 • Monday


I assisted in administering to Sister Toone and One Bro. <Thos> Smith.

Boarded the train for Peterson where I waited about an hour for East Bound No 6 which had a board my [p. 163] Son George, his wife and baby and Eunice Robinson enroute to Chicago. I joined them at Peterson and accompanied them as far as Green River reaching there about 4:05 P.M. 1:30 1 hr & 30 min late Train pulled out of Green river Station at 4:30 P.M. for Chicago and I parted with my son & family for as we now calculate about 20 Mo. My train due to leave Green River at 9:30 P.M. Train got in to Green River at 11.22 P.M. Arrived in Salt Lake 9:30 A.M. Tuesday Oct. 2nd.

2 October 1906 • Tuesday

Home Attended a meeting at temple annex where I assisted in setting apart missionaries. I was mouth in setting apart John R. Green of Grantsville to Southern States and Albert E. Burgon to Southern States. I offered the closing prayr. [p. 164] Attended a Committee meeting at F S Richards’ office. Bought Prince Albert Suit for 29.00 at Z.C.M.I. Phoned Joel in the evening.

3 October 1906 • Wednesday

Home Attended Conference of the Twelve in temple from 10 AM until 5:45 P.M. All the members of the Council except Elder Grant were present.

Many topics considered. I offered the Suggestion that in setting apart the missionaries the blessings be not written The same sentement prevailed with the members but no action taken. I called attention to the Revelation which provides that all officers in the Church where there is an organized branch be first submitted to the branch

The Seventies do not regard this as being necessary in filling officers with Seventies Matter talked over but no decision rendered. [p. 165]

Agreed that the Sacrament be administered to the chief present first then as they come in order. Better to have two pass it on the Stand

The idea of the morning stars who sang at the laying of the foundations of the earth See Jobe was laughed at.

4 October 1906 • Thursday

Home. I attended meeting of Presidency & Twelve at temple fasting. We were in session for six or seven hours. Had Sacrament Bro Teasdale asked the blessing.

Attended Richard’s family re-union at 20th ward meeting house and made a talk for about 20 minutes on temple work. Prest Smith also made a talk. Had refreshments & a good hand shake.

Agreed that next Summer we have an outing at some shaded resort private or public. [p. 166]

5 October 1906 • Friday


77th Semi-Annual Conference opened in Large tabernacle at 10 A.M. large attendance Prest Smith made opening address occupied 60 minuets A Splendid talk.

Prest Winder followed and then Prest Lund.

Afternoon. Apostles Lyman & J. H. Smith

At night I remained home Nerva & Sarah attended the concert

6 October 1906 • Saturday

Home Attended Conference at 10 A.M. & 2 P.M. and Priesthood meeting in evening.

At Morning Session Apostles Geo Teasdale, R. Clawson and Reed Smoot occupied the time Afternoon, Apostles H. M. and G A Smith and C. W. Penrose and the Authorities were presented.

At Priesthood Prest Smith and Bp. Miller were the Speakers.

Get out of Debt. [p. 167]

7 October 1906 • Sunday

Home. I attended Conference meeting at 10 A.M. C W Nibley was the first speaker occupied 20 min. I followed and occupied the time allotted me 30 min.

I spoke with freedom and good voice as to be heard well. The house was full and an overflow in the Assembly room.

Subject. Introduction.

The disposition to be hearers only. What we would be if we were living up to the standard of the gospel. The pleasure resorts would be closed on Sundays, Our meeting houses would be filled & we would have to enlarge Temples would have to be built to accommodate the people &c We would love our enemies & pray for them Bore testamony. The Gospel is true as the Stars, as the Sun and as enduring as the everlasting hills, unchangeable [p. 168] Gods own plan with Jesus Christ the Standard bearer. Jesus lived by it The Gospel mod[el] being what He is. It will make us like Him if we obey it.

There would be no tobacco used, no teas or Coffee drunk nor liqur and all the evil effects of taking same would be eliminated. 30 minutes.

Bro Whitney followed me. 30 min.

Afternoon. David O. Mckay 30 min. J. G. Kimball, Rulon S. Wells Jos W. McMurrin & Bro. Heart. Prest. Smith left his blessing with us in an enthusiastic Speech which was the best of the Conference.

My wife has been feeling poorly all day. I called the Dr. S. L. Richards at about 8 P.M. And at 11 P.M. A baby girl was born. About 30 minutes after she took to bed.

Aunt Maria Clark was with us. We had engaged a nurse but the nurse failed to arrive.

<Baby born 11 P.M. Oct 7th>1 [p. 169]

8 October 1906 • Monday

Salt Lake

I attended Special Priesthood meeting in Assembly room at 10 AM. A meeting of the Apostles and mission presidents in the temple at 2 P.M.; a gathering of the apostles and their wives at Prest. Windors at 5 PM until 10 P.M.

Alice and baby getting on fine.

9 October 1906 • Tuesday

S. L. City.

I attended another meeting of the Apostles and mission presidents in the temple from 10 AM until 2 P.M. and a meeting of missionaries at 2 P.M. where I assisted in the setting apart of missionaries.

I ordained Layfaette Orme a Seventy under the instruction of Prest F M Lyman & set him a part a missionary to Gt Britain. [p. 170]

Set apart the following.

Elihu W Beecher. Elba Cassia to S. States

W W Clark Jr. Montpelir to Colorado S. States.

Robt L Whieken. Des. Melled E. Colerado.

Clay Chester Nichals. Brigham City S States

10 October 1906 • Wednesday

S. L. City.

I did some work at CW & M Co on inventery. Determined Cash Discounts to be





Net from C. W. M. Co.






Home to U S Cline



Received All but $500. due from CW & M Co and paid of[f] $3770. at Bank

Nerva Got eyes examined tested & glasses. 12.00 I pd $6.00 & she 6.00

Wrote Letters to Geo. LeGrand & Joel in evening. [p. 171]

In evening Prest Francis M Lyman notified me that I had been selected to take a mission to California & North Western States missions to attend the Conferences there to leave here tomorrow evening 9:30 for Los Angeles. Notwithstanding I am just in the middle of transferring my property and my wife is sick in bed with a baby but three days old, I answered promptly yes I would be ready.

11 October 1906 • Thursday

S L City

I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. Emerging from the temple I met Prest Jos. E Robinson of the California mission and learned that he was not intend. to return to California until Tuesday of next week and that he was going via. San. francisco to attend a business meeting on the 18th so I arranged [p. 172] to leave here Thu. Oct. 18th for Los angeles where he would meet me on the 20th and on 21st we would hold Conference there. I came home for Supper and then returned to the temple where I attended a Circle meeting.

Weather fine and my wife getting on nicely, baby 3 days old.

12 October 1906 • Friday

S. L. City.

I awoke at 2 A.M. lay awake until 3:30 AM and then arose, dressed myself and did some writing until time to leave for Tooele, when I took 7:45 A.M. train.

While at Tooele I attended to the business of sale of my home to U. S. Cline & got his note for 4000.00, secured by mortgage & $500 Cash. Arranged with C. L. Anderson of Grantsville by phone to take the Cline obligation $4000. in part payment on what I owe him. I am to meet him at Wilson Hotel Monday [p. 173] evening next.

Weather cold to-day and I have taken some cold.

13 October 1906 • Saturday

Salt Lake City

I attended to some business down Town. Recd final payment of $500 from CW & M Co. Paid for 3 tons Coal to be delivered next week. Got shingled. Did some work at my desk. Wrote to Geo. LeGrand & Joel. Alice getting better Weather cold.

14 October 1906 • Sunday

Salt Lake City.

I attended 27th Ward Sunday School. Spoke to Parents class and to whole school.

Subject necessity for increase in attendance. Home preparations &c.

Attended meeting at the large tabernacle and sat on the Stand with Prests Smith & Winder, Ben E Rich & Jos. E Robinson. Jos. E Robinson & [p. 174] Ben E Rich were the Speakers & Prest Smith offered the benediction.

Attended 27th ward meeting 6 p.m. Elder Johnson recently returned missionary & W H King were the Speakers. I offered the benediction.

Weather fine.

Alice & babe getting on nicely.

15 October 1906 • Monday

I blessed our baby and named her Estella. Wrote letters. Did some studying and writing. Moved Alice and baby down stairs. In afternoon I went down town and attended to some business at the Bank, at drug store and got Seven bound volumes of the Eras from MIA. office.

In the evening I met C. L. Anderson at the Wilson hotel where we talked over business affairs and I redeemed a $5000. note [p. 175] turned in payment U S Clines note & mortgage $4000. with a check of $1500, the same being endorsed on note and my ck for $1054.45 the $54.45 being interest.

Weather pleasant and folks getting on nicely.

16 October 1906 • Tuesday

Home I did some writing & reading met C L Anderson at Bank and attended to some business with him. Met him later at Wilson Hotel and A. J. McCuistion with me and arranged some business to be consumated later.

Attended a meeting of Missionaries at annex of temple and assisted in setting apart 60. I was mouth in setting apart 9 and I also gave instructions to missionaries. Visited with My Mother and in evening wrote to Geo Joel & LeGrand. [p. 176]

I was mouth in setting apart the following

Ernest Leone Lee of Ogden to New Zealand

Walter Bird Paris Idaho to Gt Britain

Wm Smith Hodge " " " "2

Chas H Brewerton S.L.C. "3

Percy Grover Willow Creek. "

Arthur Lee Howard S. Bountiful "

Leo Hayes Cheminant "

Serge Fred Baliff Jr. Logan to Switzerland & Germany

Sister of " " " "4

Serge Baliffs daughter

Commenced making entries in my Record of Meetings and Record of Ordinations & Settings Apart Commencing with the Conference where I was <sustained &> ordained an Apostle taking the data from my journal.

17 October 1906 • Wednesday

Home. I spent most of the day recording into new records the meetings attended and ordinations and settings apart of missionaries, officers &c since my appointment Brot same down to July. [p. 177]

Spent two or three hours towards evening taking the girls down to ZCMI to fit them up with Coats. Spent an hour with Prest. Lyman from 8:30 to 9:30 PM and received from him some good suggestions.

Mama well as could reasonably be expected.

18 October 1906 • Thursday

I attended Council meeting in temple. Attended to some business down town and made ready to leave for Los Angeles which I did on the 9 P.M. train. Folks well. I phoned Aunt Nerva & Joel before going away.

[6 lines blank] [p. 178]

[pages 179–185 blank]

The moral and religious code represented by the teachings of the Gospel are a type of the highest character.

Many people of the world have been converted to the truth of the Gospel but for whom the standard is too high. It comes in conflict with the traditions of men and the habits of men who are not courageous enough to embrace the Gospel and endeaver to live by its precepts. It is somewhat like temporal investments, If the security is good the Capital is supplied even at lower rate of interest The insurance Co. which offers the most returns is not always the best for the individual for, everything else being equal The more liberal the offer the less secure the Company. Security should be the first Consideration. [p. 186] If we were to offer a place easy to live it might catch the Superficial but those who think deep & dig deep want good returns assured then are they willing to invest.

The Gospel offers the returns The dividends are assured Now Come forward with your investments which means the practice of self abnigation and an application of our best efforts and our means where necessary.

[11 lines blank] [p. 187]

Special Mention.

Levan in Juab Stake has a total population of souls about 600 July 28th has 9 missionaries in the field; 20 pupils attending Church schools away from home and 3 attending the Agricultural College at Logan

Woodruff Stake

People by team came 125 mi. to attend conference.

President Baxter said that Bro. Geo Peart a H Counselor & Stake Supt S. Schools spends no less than one half his time in the attending to his duties ecclesiastically & without compensation.

Weber Stake The Bps. report monthly the per cent of the L.D.S. families in their wards visited every by the ward visiting teachers and those reports frequently showed 100% visited. [p. 188]

Stake Houses, ward houses and Academies are being built an [at] an enormous cost and some built are not fully paid for and these obligations weigh heavily upon the people, but they have been schooled to such responsibilities & burdens and one scarcely hears a murmer

We spend much time and money to spread the gospel abroad but neglect the stranger within our gates. How best reach him? Through the ward teacher who is the watchman and should know every stranger who moves in to his district.

We all should be missionaries seeking oppertunity in all kindness to teach the truth not forcing our views upon any one but in kindness & love seek to do our fellowmen a kindness. [p. 189]

[pages 190–191 blank]

Distributed My Photos as fol.


Heber J. Grant

Francis M. Lyman

Jas. E. Robinson

Nephi Pratt

F. W. Richards

[21 lines blank] [p. 192]

[page 193 blank] [end of seventh volume]

18–20 October 1906

Oct 18, 1906 to Mar. 18, 1907 Inclusive

Book VIII.

Geo. F. Richards5 [p. [0]]

Daily Diary

Salt Lake City, Thu. Oct 18/06, I left S.L.C. for Los Angeles on the 9 P.M. train. Prest. Jos. E. Robinson aboard bound for Los Angeles Bro C. W. Nibley also & family on their way to St. George.

We had a very pleasant trip and arrived at Los Angeles at 8 A.M. Sat. Oct. 20th.

I wrote letter home and cards to Geo. LeGrand and Joel and accompanied by Elder Thompson Prest of the Los Angeles Conference went out to West Lake Park, thence to East Lake Park, thence to Rosedale Cemetery by Car thence returned to Mission headquar[t]ers where joined by Prest J E Robinson we repaired to Bro. Jacobson’s Restaurant where we took dinner. Bro Jacobson is President of the Los Angeles Branch (a Local Elder) Prest Robinson and I then took car for the Ocean beech 17 miles distant. Visited [p. 1] San Monica, Ocean Park and Venice, three resorts and viewed the ocean. Wind blowing quite hard. Returned to Los Angeles just in time to attend Street meeting. Two meetings held I attended one. Elder Parkinson spoke followed by Prest. Jos E. Robinson who delivered a splendid discourse for about one hour

I studied stayed at night across the Street from Mission house in a rooming house and had an awful night with the bugs

Attended Conference meeting in forenoon Sunday. Prest. J. E. Robinson was 1st Speaker and occupied about 30 min. followed by Eugene D. Robinson who spoke about 15 minutes Subject, Restoration of the Gospel. followed by Elder Gull who occupied about 20 minutes on 1st principles. I occupied 30 minutes. Encouraged the Staints. Subject the Holy Ghost & operations of the [p. 2] spirit. Wives should be true to their husbands and husbands regardless of their faith. Do not break up families, it is not necessary.

Present at A M Meet. 136

I went with Elder Thompson to Dinner at Sister Hoopers. At afternoon meeting Present [blank]

At forenoon meeting






At Afternoon meeting Bro Jacobson Prest. Los Angeles branch reported

Relief Society & Mutual organizations. Short on Visiting teachers. Doing good work. Presented Authorities

Sister Holman Lady missionary reported. 12 mo. in mission with her husband Elder Thompson Conference President of Los Angeles Conference reported. More inquiries about the Gospel than he could answer. The Saints not visited enough Short of Local material. Need more Elders. Hold 2 [p. 3] Street meetings each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday nights and bear testamony to about 1000 people each week on the street.

<Administered to one Sister Picket.>6

I occupied about 30 min. Subject. The local Elders Should join in the work as much as possible. He that is called should warn his neighbor Read 38 sec B. Cov 40 v. The traveling Elders should have more liberty to preach to the world. If you had the numbers we would call some of the local brethren in to the field as our boys at home are called. Their only education as a rule to prepare them for this work is the education had in the Lesser Priesthood and Auxiliaries. It is not sufficient that we be good but that we work work work. Talk about faith being all [p. 4] that is necessary? The Gospel requires work all the time. Did Paul sit down in idleness believing that a profession of faith was all that was necessary. It is the Gospel makes the man and not the man which makes the Gospel therefore put your faith on the Gospel & not man and whatever the actions of the man it does not effect the Gospels truth neither should it effect our faith.

Prest Robinson talked 35 minutes, Subject work for the dead.

I walked 12 blocks to supper and walked back with Bro Thompson. Sister Willicot paid for the meal, for some 8 or ten of us at Bro Jacobsons restaurant.

Attended evening meeting Present [p. 5] A number of Strangers present. I occupied 45 min. and Prest Jos. E. Robinsen followed for about same length of time. My subject Text Joel 2.32 “Who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord shal[l] be delivered” &c. “How shall we call on him in whern [when] we have not believed &c”. “No man taketh this honor upon himself.” “Though we or an angel from heaven teach any other doctrine,” “I saw another angel fly” We know we are teaching the right doctrines “He that doeth His will &c” Also by comparisen with the Scriptures and by comparisen with the object lessons given us by the Savior and by reasen. “The Keys of the Kingdom restored & authority from John the Baptist & from Peter James & John. The message of the Angel the Bk of Mormon: A fullness of the Gospel the stick of Ephraim, Truth came [p. 6] out of the earth and Righteousness came down from heaven”

Bible, Book of Cov & Bk of Mormon in hands of Ephraim for the Converting of the world. The fruits being good Joseph the tree must be good. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Study the Book of Mormon & by the Spirit you shall know its truth.

You have your agency but justice & Judgment is reserved of God and men will be judged according to their deeds. We offer you in Kindness the Gospel. & call men to repentence & warn the nations & after the warning of the elders shall come the testamony of earthquake &c Judge after investigation having heard both sides without bias to do otherwise is unwise yea foolish judgment. [p. 7]

I offered the evening prayr. with the Elders. Slept at Mission Head quarters.

22 October 1906 • Monday

<Hold street meetings Sat. eve>7

Priesthood meeting

Traveling Elders present. Prest. Robinson made a few opening remarks.

Elders. Jas. Beacock Aged 62 yrs. Tender feelings. Need better quarters to meet in. 18 16 Mo. in field. Labors at San Bernardino. Hot Temps 117 to 120° Only one of family in church. Parents left the Church.

*Elder M. E. Holt. 6 Mo. in field. Part of the time at Riverside Long beech & Los angeles. Changes due to poor health. Health poor now. Expenses over $300.00 in 6 Mo Dr Bills & clothing over $100.00 of above

Good Spirit

*Elder H A. Gull. Been in field

Labored since last May in River Side $12,000 Pop. The last month have been laboring in San Bernardino. [p. 8]

Expenses about $20.00 per mo.

*Elder. <Lorenzo> Smith labored in Los. Angeles from May to July Then at Long Beech one week with Elder Collins Since when have been in San Bernardino Loves the brethren. Tender feelings: Age 18 yrs. Expenses $25.00

Elder <Marion> Greenwood 4 months in the field.

Exp. $110. in 4 mo. including fare out here. Labors in Los Angeles.

Elder <J. A.> Harding

Laboring in San Diago. Small Branch organized. Hold Street meetings occasionally.

Exp. 15. to $16.00. 18 Mo. in field.

Elder L. G. Parkinson from Franklin 18 mo in field. Labors at Oakland. Branch there. Lately has been at Long Beech. 2 or 3 mo. tracting needs being done. Now in Los Angles. Street meeting productive of good.

Dignified & good Spirit.

Expenses about 18.00 [p. 9]

Has testamony. Testifies of the Divine Mission of Joseph Smith when oppertunities are afforded. Defends the Elders. Intimates that he is not entirely well.

Elder R. T. Swallow 18 mo. in field Last. 6 mo. at Red Lands and San Bernardino. Sunday Schools is better attended of late. The weather being cooler helps.

Expenses 21.00 to 22.00

Elder Eugene D. Robinson from Canada. Determined to overcome his weaknesses. Last 6 mo. spent in San Diago. Getting access to families. Expenses $12 or $13.00 Good Spirit. Health not best. 18 mo. in field!

Elder Holman 12 mo. in field Has wife in field. Labors in San Diago

Expense about $13.00 per mo. His wife about 13.00 "8 Labors at San Diago. [p. 10]

Elder Ellison, Jas. E.

Labored at Sanfrancisco 3 months. Loved Sister Harding Collins being buried to-day. Elder Collins is a true Servant of God. Arrived Feb. 6 8. 1906. Labored in Los Angles 5 Mo. Health not good. Expenses about $25.00

Elder Wm Thompson

Prest. Los Angeles Conference. Had felt at times as if walking in mid air. Had seen the Countinance of his companions had shown under the influence of the Spirit of God. The Sick had been healed by the same power. Came Mar 17, 1906 to field.

A lovely Spirit, A man of God. Expense $15. per mo. current. Loves Prest. Robinson.

Prest. Robinson spoke.

I occupied about 45 minutes and cried like a baby under the influence of the Holy Spirit as did some [p. 11] of my brethren.

A veritable Pentacost Not much out of the ordinary spoken but much felt. How blessed to be in touch and have our hearts attuned so as to feel the inspiration the Lord has for us By request I offered the Closing prayr.

After supper had at about 5 P.M. Prest Robinson and I took car at Post office Corner and went out of town N.W. to Crandalls’ and administered to Sister Crandle at her request. In the evening I attended a dance for our people.

23 October 1906 • Tuesday

Los Angeles.

Am well, weather fine and in good spirits and have much to be thankful and to praise the Lord for.

I wrote a card home to Mama before leaving Los Angeles for Catilina Island. Left San Pedro harbor on SS. Hermosa 10:20 [p. 12] A.M. Arrived at Avalon Catalina Island 12:50 P.M. Enroute Saw flying fish. Jelly fish. & sea weeds. Took Boat of glass bottom and went out among Submarine gardens Saw Seals, and fishes and flowers of many varieties. Took dinner and returned to Los Angels via. San Petro Harbor. Distance from Losangeles to San Pedro about 17 or 18 mi. & from the latter to Catalina 17 mi. Sea was smoothe going over but was quite rough returning.

In the evening was held a sociable for the Elders & Saints. I offered the opening prayr. We had a very pleasant time.

24 October 1906 • Wednesday

Los Angeles

Wrote letter home and went up to photograph galary where we sat for a group picture. Prest J E Robinson & I took train 2:15 P.M. & went to San Diego 126 miles south & 17 miles from the Mexican [p. 13] line. Arrived at San Diego @ 6:20 PM. Went to St James Hotel where we staid all night. Attended a meeting of the Saints in the evening 15 present besides Prest Robinson & myself.

I occupied 47½ minutes in a sort of fireside talk. Prest. Robinson talked about 30 min. Saints seemed very happy to See & hear us.

25 October 1906 • Thursday

San Diego.

Prest. J E Robinson and I went over to the Coronado Island. Left Sandiego on 8:35 AM train and arrived at Los Angeles <126 mi> at about 1:30 P.M. Took dinner at Bro Jacobson’s Restraunt and from there with Elder Parkinson went out and saw the turky ranch and its birds Returned to Mission head quarters and had a trim up, bathed and went out to C L Anderson’s home and while there met Bp. Ocleberry of Nebo stake & Bro Anderson. Sister Anderson [p. 14] very sick. We consecrated a bottle of oil and administered to her. I was mouth under Bro Andersons direction in consecrating the oil and sealing the anointing Elder Thompson who accompanied me there, anointed her. Attended the evening testamonial meeting and was last of 25 bearing testamony. An excellent meeting, no dirth of spirit as many as 3 at a time arose to speak and all bore faithful testamony. After close of meeting and I offered Closing prayr one Mrs Bacon not a member of the Church requested a conversation with me which I granted. She had a former husband who died a member of no church, nearing his death he seemed to change in feature. The wrinkles left his face & he seemed more beautiful than ever before. She had two children by him and she wanted to know to which [p. 15] husband she should be sealed. Her present Husband is a member of the Church and has been married before but had some trouble & they separated.

I advised her the proper thing would be for her and her children to be sealed to her first husband.

We held a council meeting after the testamonial meeting and I there instructed the brethren as to proper mode of administering the Sacrament The necessity for having a branch clerk & keeping a record of proceedings of the meetings, the necessity for calling the boys into the Lesser Priesthood & giving them something to do.

There are in this Conference

12 Male missionaries

1 Female "9

not including 4 Elders in Arizona.

The 13 were at our Conference. 291 Pop. of Los Angels Branch. [p.16] Of the 12 male Elders 4 are ailing.

1 Released on acct sickness.

26–27 October 1906


Los Angeles.

I remained in writing and reviewing work. until time to take train when with Prest J E Robinson and my Nephew E. D. Robinson we left Los Angeles for San Francisco. <Saturday>11 Stopped off at San Jose for two hrs or <Sat AM.> such thence on to Palo Alto where we stopped off a short time and by cab visited the Stanford University grounds and saw how the Earth quake had demolished or wrecked those structures now in Course of re-construction. Endowment of $40,000.000. Arrived in San Francisco about 2 P.M. <Sat.> Visited some of the Saints there and saw the Town in park. Went up onto Knob hill where we could better View the ruined City. About 16 sq. miles of the heart of the City is reported as representing the Dist Burned over [p. 17] Crossed the bay to Oakland arriving just before dark and took rooms at the Merritt hotel, Cor. 12th & Franklin Streets. In the evening I attended a Street meeting where there were in attendance about fifty or 75 people and the meeting was addressed by three of the Elders. Wrote to George; LeGrand & Joel.

28 October 1906 • Sunday

Oakland. Cal.

Fasted and attended meeting at 10 A.M. At Conclusion of other speakers I occupied 35 minutes. Subject: All must be workers. To be good is not sufficient. Sacrifice is necessary and if all is required it should be given without reservation. Sustain those who preside that God may sustain you as you forgive others that you may be forgiven of God and as you hope to have good done you so you do good [p. 18] to others. The measure meted shall be meted to you again only heaped up pressed down and running over. It is more blessed to give than receive. So we all should be teachers and in teaching others we become eficient & get the Spirit of the Gospel which edifies us as well as those we teach. All should be teachers by precept and examples. Those who sow seeds of contention & strife should be labored with in kindness and if they do not repent they should be dealt with and not be allowed to corrupt the whole Branch or conference as a diseased branch of a tree not treated corrupts the tree.

Prest Robinson & I took dinner with Bro. Hawkley & wife & her Mother Summers.

Attended Sunday Afternoon meeting and occupied 30' minutes Subject. Joseph Smiths vision of the Father & son Quoted Solomon “Train [p. 19] up a child in the way it should go and when it becomes old it will not depart from it” also Tis education forms the human mind, as the twig is bent the tree is inclined” This being true The false education the world has had for Centuries makes it not to be wondered at that when the light did come the vision of the Father & Son to Joseph that the world would hardly accept his testamony. It was so different from their lifes training that the Father & Son should have personal form &c. Joseph did not get the idea from the Scriptures but by the vision he saw yet it is born out by the Scriptures. Their appearance so beautiful is accounted for in the fact that they are perfect in all their attributes and when we become perfected we too [p. 20] will be like them else how is it Phrenologists can read the character of men if their characters are not stamped on their features & in their forms. Josephs prayr too was answered and he was made to know his mission though but a boy. He was like other good boys except that he was no doubt one of the Noble ones whom the Lord showed to Abraham who was to be the rulers. Ordained to the work of bringing forth the Gospel in its fullness and to be the Lord’s Mouthpiece. This the Old not a new Gospel. The same as had been many times upon the earth and as many times taken away because of the wickedness of men. God had identified this as the Kingdom David saw and it is to Stay. The Priesthood has been conferred and men are called as was Aaron & sent out to preach the Gospel. It is to [be] preached to [p. 21] all the world as a witness and then Shall the end come. The doors of the nations are to be opened where it has not been preached and the gospel carried to all nations. The Devil sought the over throw of the work when Joseph first kneeled to pray in the woods. He failed as he had done before & the Gospel is being preached to some 30 or 40 nations Civilized & semi Civilized. and they are being gathered to the tops of the mountains & being exalted above the hills. Christ is Coming to Claim his Kingdom & we are to be his subjects & finally Joint heirs with him in Our Father’s Kingdom.

President Robinson & I took supper at the Restraunt with Sister Spencer & her husband a non member.

Attended evening meet[p. 22]ing and occupied 45 minutes. Subject continued from this Afternoon talk. Faith in the God who visited Jos Smith Such faith begets repentance baptism succeeds repente[n]ce then the Holy Ghost in logical succession. Jesus thus taught it & his life exemplified it. 2 By Grace ye ar[e] saved through faith. 3d Redemption for the dead. &c. Still at Merritt Hotel.

29 October 1906 • Monday

<Good spirited meeting.>12

<Meeting 5 hrs.>13


At Merritt Hotel Cor. 12th & Franklin St. I attended General Priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. about 20 Elders present and all spoke. I offered the closing remarks of about 40 minutes and offered the closing prayr by request.

I also offered closing prayr at night meeting last night concluding the Conference. At Priesthood meeting closing we kneeled in circle and prayed for [p. 23] Brother Nethercot’s sick child. After meeting I accompanied Prest J. E. Robinson across the bay 4 mi where we arranged for my transportation to Portland. by courtesy of Harry France & Mr. ——

Prest. Robinson went up town to visit friends and I returned to Oakland starting from Alameda pier.

Took dinner on boat going from Oakland to San Francisco Health good. Weather foggy and cooler to-day. I wrote home to Alice, and to all the Children.

Spent about one hour at the dance. Sat up until 12 o’clock writing.

30 October 1906 • Tuesday

Oakland. Cal. Merritt Hotel

Weather foggy. I wrote to President Joseph F Smith and Counselers reporting my labors in this the California mission from the 20th to date. 10 days [p. 24] I am myself well pleased with what I have seen of the work being done in this mission. President Robinson has the work well in hand and both Elders and Saints respect and love him.

I accompanied the Elders & saints to Piedmont Park where with some of the Saints we associated together pleasantly for two or three hours and had lunch on the grass.

Returned to the Hotel and from there repaired to the Studio for the purpose of having our pictures taken but some of the Elders failed to materialize and the thing fell through. Returned to my room and did some writing. Wrote to My wife & my Mother and in my books. Retired about 12 oclock. This hotel is noted for its flees [fleas].

31 October 1906 • Wednesday


President Robinson and I took leave of my Nephew [p. 25] Eugene D. Robinson and left to cross the bay about 8 A.M. Secured my transportation to Portland and returning by bote took train at Wharf on Oakland sid[e] and went direct to Sacramento. Enroute we had to cross the bay from Costa to Benecia which we did on train on Ferry boat Solano 425 ft long 4 railroad tracks side by side and capaci[t]ated to carry 23 cars & 3 Engines.

<Finished reading Great truths while on train from Oakland to Sacramento.>14

Arriving at Sacramento we took rooms at the Hotel Turclu. Cor K & 8th St. My Room 109. After Cleaning up we went out & got lunch, thence visited Doctor Cartwright a Special friend of Prest J E Robinson’s and one who treats our Eldrs free of charge when they are ailing. Thence to the Capital building which at this time is being repaired at great expense. Enquired for Governor Pardee but learned [p. 26] that he was sein [seen] to leave with his Suit case presumably to leave Town.

We visited the E B Croker Art gallary a gift both building and contents from Mrs Croker to the City of Sacramento. Thence to the River harbor, thence to the depot where I bought birth to Portland. thence to the hotel. Made ready and went to meeting. Only about 30 present due no doubt to the fact that there was a Democratic Street parade and meeting. Prest J. E. Robinson and I each spoke about 30 minutes, a quiet talk, good spirit and after the meeting a social chat. Sister Wheeler an aged lady whose sight is impaired having brought oil with her at her request we administered to her Prest Robinson anointed & I confirmed. At the hotel we visited and talked over affairs until nearly 12 o’clock. [p. 27]

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October 1906, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1906/1906-10


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the right margin.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Paris Idaho to Gt Britain”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark here and on next three lines for “Gt Britain”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Fred Baliff Jr. Logan to Switzerland & Germany”.

  5. [5]The preceding three lines were written on the inside front cover.

  6. [6]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 4.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically on the left side of the page.

  8. [8]Ditto mark for “per mo.”

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “missionaries”.

  10. [10]This insertion was written vertically on the left side of the page with a bracket drawn to indicate that it corresponds with the first seven lines of the entry, ending approximately with “for San Francisco.”

  11. [11]This insertion was written vertically on the left side of the page with a bracket drawn to indicate that it corresponds with the rest of the entry.

  12. [12]This insertion was written vertically on the left side of page 23 next to the portion of the 29 October entry on that page.

  13. [13]This insertion was written vertically on the right side of page 23 next to the portion of the 29 October entry on that page.

  14. [14]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 26.