February 1907

1 February 1907 • Friday


I phoned Joel at Tooele. Attended to Some business at Bank and at Prest’s Office.

Made two trips down town Alice & I spent an hower [hour] or two with Mother in the evening.

Nina broke out with a rash. We sent for Dr Gill who pronounced it German measles. Obtained a birth on Pullman and left for Anaconda via. Butte on 11:45 PM train. [p. 123]

2 February 1907 • Saturday

On train

I left Salt Lake City for Anaconda at 11.45 last night and Arrived at Anaconda about 6 P.M. Prest Lyman & J. W. McMurrin were on sam[e] car as far as Idaho Falls. Prest Nephi Pratt boarded the train at Pocatelo and he & I came to Anaconda. We were met at Station by the four missionary Elders Lyman J Garner Prest the Conference, Elders James L Lindsay, Frank W Harris, and Daniel Ricks also Elder A L Berk who was formerly a missionary in this Conference and who found him a wife here. Elders Pratt & I put up at hotel Visited an hour or so with the Elders at my room learning conditions existing in the Conference.

Temperature below zero and frost falling. [p. 124]

3 February 1907 • Sunday

Anaconda. Mont.

I attended S. School and spoke to the little Children and later to the whole school. Instructed teachers to teach the children before 8 yrs old the first principles. I spoke upon the principle of Courage. “Have courage to do right” and told the Story of the boy engineer who saved the train load of excursionests though he would not fight.

Afternoon meeting I occupied 30 minutes & Prest Pratt the same. Elder Gardner about 17 min. & Elder Garner reported Anaconda Conference.

Subject. The Gospel a broad platform. Man is what God was and what God is man may become. Controversy in heaven What we stood for. Satan’s banishment. He becomes alike the enemy of God & of man and seeks to overthrow Gods work & destroy man in hell. &c. [p. 125]

Pres’t Pratt & I took dinner with Brother & Sister Short. I had fasted about 28 hours At evening meeting there were present about 75 of whom about 20 were strangers & several catholics. I spok[e] 68 minutes with good freedom. Subject Apostacy and restoration of the Gospel. Read from Mosheims sayings on apostacy & read some prophesies on same subject. Quoted the officers in the Church and why they were placed there. They are not found in any one or in all the less or more denominations of to day. If they had them they would not know what to do with them. Spoke of Joseph’s first vision the necessity for it, the importance of it and what was told Joseph & how their Creeds were in the Sight of God an abomination. &c. Prest Pratt spoke about 25 minutes in Conclusion on same lines. The Lord helped us. [p. 126]

4 February 1907 • Monday

<miles traveled to anaconda & return 912 mi.>1


Last night I retired late and had a wakeful night. Slept between the hours of 4 & 7 A.M. Arose at 7:30 prepared for meeting with Elders at 9:30 and wrote up my journal.

I attended a meeting of the Anaconda and Butte Elders at 9:30 AM until 1:45 P.M. There were Seven Elders, Bro Pratt & I; all spoke and we had a good time.

I left Anaconda at 3:25 P.M. Connected with Butte train O.S.L. at Silver Bow and never left the car until I reached the Salt Lake City at 12:20 A.M. P.M. Tuesday. We were delayed at Cache for several hours on account of a wreck at siding near the Bear River Canyon.

5 February 1907 • Tuesday

On train from Anaconda. Arrived at Salt Lake at 12:20 P.M. Accompanied Alice to the Mattinee. Took Nina & [p. 127] Edna with us. Got proof of my likness from the photographer for Annex photograph and presented it to the Presidency who pronounced it good. I also showed it to President Lyman and he thought it good also. I called on Prest Lyman in the evening, also talked with my mother and my brother Fred over phone in evening he having just come from home, Fielding, now at Asenaths

6 February 1907 • Wednesday


I went over to Asenath’s and accompanied Fred & Carlie over here via Main St. on Cars.

I visited some with the folks read papers &c Went down town to attend a meeting of the Gen’l Board of Religion Classes at Prest’s office at 4 P.M. and there found the Presidency and six of the Twelve in Council hearing Prest. B. H. Roberts’ paper on the eternity of the Spirit [p. 128] to go into the Manual the chief point of which was that the elements spiritual were by some kind of birth evolved into a spiritual body or those elements were clothed with a spiritual body So that the elements were & are eternal but the Spiritual body had a birth It was the Spiritual body of the Christ that the Brother of Jared saw. Christ Said this is the body of my Spirit meaning His Spirit body.

In the evening Fred & Carlie attended the theatre. “Yale”

7 February 1907 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 <A.M.> until 2 P.M. Was in Council meeting with Prest Lyman and Bro Teasdale from 2:30 to 5 P.M. examining papers. An appeal from the High Council of St. Louis Luis Stake Attended prayr Circle in the temple at 6:20 P.M. and [p. 129] a concert in the Large tabernacle at 8:30 P.M. Prest Lyman and wife & Alice & I went to Concert to-gether.

My Brother Fred & wife are staying with us while the latter is being treated by the doctor.

8 February 1907 • Friday


I went down town after dinner and read before the Presidency a letter I had written to Prest C. A. Orme for the Presidency of the stake answering questions in relation to members of the Church who are members of lodges & their rights in the Church in answer to a letter of inquiry from Prest C A Orme Prest Gowans being sick. The question originated in the Stake Priesthood meeting The Presidency indorsed my letter stating that the Stake Presidency should not let the letter go out of their hands Advised that it be read to [p. 130] the High Council but not to the Stake Priesthood meeting and that the Stake Presidency be instructed to bear the responsibility of what they present to the Priesthood meeting and their actions toward individuals and not shoulder all the responsibility on to the Presidency & Twelve, directing all criticisms at them. Follows Copy of letter written Prest C. A. Orme of Tooele Stake Presidency above referred to.

1010. 3rd St. Salt Lake City. Utah.

Feb 8, 1907.

Prest C. A. Orme

Erda. Utah.

Dear Brother Orme.

The matter about which you write has recently been before our Council and the following is the Sentiment of the Presidency and Twelve as nearly as I can voice same.

We make some distinction [p. 131] between those who were members of Secret and Fraternal Orders before coming into the Church and those who have joined such orders since becoming members of the Church.

The former class should be taught the position taken by the Church Authorities on that matter, that there is all in the Church that a man or woman could righteously desire; that the gospel if lived up to, will make its adherents one and united in all things even to love their brother as them selves and to love all mankind as our Father’s Children and as far as possible do them good, defend their lives their characters, their Civil and religious rights &c. These accomplishments should be attained in the Lord’s own appointed way, through the Gospel, that His name may be glorified and the [p. 132] honor be His.

All our energies as Church members should be directed along the lines indicated by the Gospel for the accomplishment of the above named purposes. To belong to the Secret orders divides one’s allegiance and his time and we think is wholly unnecessary.

When such persons shall have been thus taught as best you may be able, assisted by the Holy Spirit, you can with propriety that soon as they can see their way clear to do so, they should sever their Connections with such organizations. A person of this class who is otherwise faithful and worthy having demonstrated a willing and submissive spirit may be admitted to the temple or be promoted in the Priesthood at the discretion of the local [p. 133] Priesthood.

Of the second class of persons, will say; They should be taught as above indicated and be requested to withdraw from such organizations before being promoted in the Priesthood or going to the temple either for their own blessings or to do work for the dead. They are supposed to have known the attitude of the Church upon this question and with their eyes open and contrary to Counsel have joined these orders. They should now be required to give evidence of a willing and obedient spirit without which they are not entitled to further honor or greater blessings either at the hands of their brethren or of the Lord.

As to labor unions, while as a rule we are not in sympathy with their principles and methods, there may be [p. 134] instances where in order to obtain employment, some of our people have to join such organizations. We do not think this fact should prevent an other wise good Latterday Saint from enjoying all the benefits and blessings of the Gospel.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo. F. Richards

1010. 3rd St Salt Lake City Feb. 8.1907

Dear Bro Orme:

Enclosed find letter answering questions propounded in yours of 4th inst I have read it before the First Presidency who give it their indorsement. The President requests that the letter be retained in the hands of the Stake Presidency. It may be read before the High Council that they with the Stake Presidency may understand the case matter alike, and then that body should in [p. 135] their own way present it to the Stake Priesthood meeting since there is where the question originated; but the Presidency and High Council should bear the responsibility that attaches to that body and not shoulder it on to the Presidency & Twelve. This especially as it relates to the action taken in individual cases. I hope I have made myself clear and that the answers given will be satisfactory. With kind remembrance to Prests Gowans & McBride, the Council & Sister Orme I am Your Sincere Brother

Geo. F. Richards

I wrote letters to George & LeGrand Accompanied Mother over from Asenath’s &c.

I visited some with Fred & wife & Mother at our home. Called on Prest. Lyman and talked over some matters of mutual interest. [p. 136] I re-wrote letters to C. A. Orme into my journal page 131.

9 February 1907 • Saturday


I took train 10:30 A.M. for Butte Wyo. [Montana?] to attend Butte Conference. On train I studied Apostacy from Out Lines of Ecclesiastical History by Roberts. committing to memory a number of verses Admissions of Apostacy by Christian writers. See Outlines page 213 or Ready reference page 77. also Some of Mosheim’s writings. A profitable day for me. Delayed in Pocatello some time and arrived in Butte at 7 A.M. Was met at Station by Prest Nephi Pratt.

10 February 1907 • Sunday


Attended S. School 45 present. Good programme, good spirit I occupied about 15 or 20 min. Told the Story of the Dandalines (Bearing False Witness.)

I attended Afternoon meeting. Prest Pratt princi[p. 137]ple speaker. He occupied about 45 min. I occupied the remaining time 15 minutes. (Duty of Parents to Children.)

Prest Pratt, Elder Garner and I took supper at Bro & Sister Andrews.

At evening meeting 130 present about 35 of whom were strangers & investigators, I occupied 65 minutes. Subject. Apostacy & Restoration and the personality of God as Joseph Saw Him.

After meeting hand shaking and then I went to Elders’ quarters where I remained until 12 oclock having a social chat with the Elders relating cases of healings &c & in conclusion I prayed with them and leaving my blessing with them I left for home Prest Pratt accompanied me to train. While at Butte I gave to Prest. Pratt My Combination Book of [p. 138] Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants & Pearl of Gt Price. Had tried while in Salt Lake to get one for him but could not find one. He appreciated it very much. Had never before seen one like it. Mine was a pleasant trip and I was well sustained of the Lord.

11 February 1907 • Monday

On train from Butte. Left Butte 2:15 A.M. Went to bed at 12:20 A.M.and arose about 7.<30> A.M. Health good. Train Should arrived in Salt Lake at 7:35 P.M. but did not reach Salt Lake until 11:20 P.M. Arrived home at 12:20 A.M.

12 February 1907 • Tuesday


I met Prest. Lyman and the First Presidency at the Presidency’s office and laid before them the matter of buying a meeting house site at Nampa, Idaho. I mad[e] a good & favorable impression and was instructed to write Elder Ezra J [p. 139] Merrill to get an option on the Sight Site for 30 days I wrote him as follows.

1010. 3rd St Salt Lake City, Feb. 12, 1907.

Elder Ezra J. Merrill

Nampa, Idaho

Dear Brother Merrill;

Your letter of 2nd inst. reached me at Butte on the 10th I arrived home late last night and this morning presented to the Presidency the matter about which you wrote, in the most favorable and forceful manner possible which I could do with good grace being myself thoroughly converted as I expressed to you while there.

You will remember I suggested that you get if possible a figure on the whole block or the front half as I thought the brethren might want to buy the whole in order to exclude undeserable business and [p. 140] or residents from the locality That seems to be their desire. You did not say if more than 100 feet front could be had.

I am instructed to write you advising that you obtain, soon as possible, an option on the front half of the block or if that be not possible, then on the 100 feet front (2 lots) for thirty days, at the lowest figure possible and report to us what can be done

It was suggested that you might be able to get the 300 ft front for $2400.

I thank you for your Kind invitation to me to attend your Conference on the 17th. Can not say at this time whether I shall be able to be present.

I am with very best wishes

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo F. Richards.

Called on Claytons Music Store with Prest Lyman and arranged to buy $1000. worth of Preferred stock [p. 141] in that Company of Bro. Spense at par 8% dividend paying stock.

I visited my mother for a couple of hours.

With Prest. Lyman sat in the afternoon and evening reading evidence in a case appealed from the High Council of St Louy Stake to the First Presidency. [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] Case. Adjourned until 10 A.M. tomorrow.

13 February 1907 • Wednesday


I met Prest F. M. Lyman and Bro. Geo. Teasdale at Historian’s Office at 10 A.M. where we examined papers which Came up from the St. Louy Stake High Council on appeal.

Had my barbering done at barber shop. Bought $1000. worth of Stock (Preferred) in the Clayton Music Store at par value $100. per share. It pays 8% quarterly.

Went with Alice & children to Newcombs photograph galary [p. 142] and had the Children’s picture taken. Attended a committee meeting at F. S. Richards’ office and a meeting of Genl Board of Religion Classes at Prest. Office.

I met and saluted F. J. Cannon on the Street after he bowed to me. Gave Alms to two different individuals.

14 February 1907 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. Attended Circle meeting in the evening. Received an appointment to Nampa to attend Ward Conference Sunday 17th and to Attend Panguich & Kanab Stake Conferences visiting the Wards between Sundays <also St George & Parowan> Wrote to my Son George &c.

I assisted in administering to Theodore Tobiason & sealed the Anointing. Prest Lyman Anointed I prayed at Alter also to close Council meeting.

Maria Clark staid over night at our home— I wrote to LeGrand. [p. 143]

15 February 1907 • Friday


I went down town and attended to some business. Got birth to Nampa. Called at the Presidents office and was informed that I would be expected to visit the four stakes in the following order Panguitch Kanab, St. George & Parowan holding meeting between Sundays &c. I applied to Prest Kimball J. G. for one of the Seventies to accompany me. This by request of Prest. Smith.

I wrote to the Presidents of Panguitch & K[a]nab Stakes as follows.

1010. 3rd St. Salt Lake City

Feb. 15, 1907.

Prest David Cameron,

Panguitch. Utah.

Dear Brother Cameron,

I have an appointment from the First Presidency to attend your Quarterly Stake Conference on the 23rd & 24th insts. I will most likely be accom[p. 144]panied by one of the First Council of the Seventies. We will leave Salt Lake on the R G. W. Ry. Train which leaves here at 8 A.M. and Thursday 21st and should reach Marysvale at 5:25 P.M. Please Have some one meet us at Marysvale to Convey us to Panguitch and very much oblige

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo. F. Richards

1010. 3rd St Salt Lake City Feb. 15/07

Prest. Edwin D. Woolley

Kanab. Utah.

Dear Bro. Woolley

By appointment from the First Presidency, I will attend your stake Conference on the 2nd & 3rd of March and will most likely be accompanied by one of the First Council of Seventies. We will be in attendance at the Panguitch Stake Conference on the 23rd and 24th insts. Will likely hold [p. 145] meeting at the first settlement south of Panguitch Monday morning of the 25th and would like to visit as many of the wards from there on to Kanab as it is possible to do holding meetings with the Saints and would like if you would make the appointments with the people and assist us to fill same. Please write me at Panguitch informing me where you will meet us and when, that there may be no misunderstandings or misconnections and very much oblige

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo F. Richards.

Had a conversation with Prest Lyman at his solicitation on Character of F. K. Jr. who had this day harrassed Prest. Smith with his presence & abuse.

My Sister Nerva called and visited with us a few hours & took Supper with us. [p. 146] I left S. L. City on 11:45 PM train for Nampa. Took my bed about 11 P.M. and arose about 8 A.M. at Pocatello.

16 February 1907 • Saturday

On train at Pocatello

Left Pocatello at 10:20 A.M. and arrived in Nampa about 5:40 P.M. Was met at Ry Station by Pres. Ezra J. Merrill Prest. of the Branch and James E. Hart. I went home with Bro. Merrill and staid with him over night. Prayed at night with family.

17 February 1907 • Sunday


Had a good night’s rest. Have a touch of sore throat contracted last Thu. through changing from heavy to light under wares. Weather beautiful. Prayed with the family. Attended S. School Attendance 85. Previous Sunday 71. I occupied about 20 minutes.

Went home to dinner with Bro. James E. Hart and slept there at night. Attended afternoon meeting and occupied 20 minutes [p. 147] in conclusion. Attended evening meeting and occupied about 40 minutes. Subject Salvation for the dead. Not as good freedom as I sometimes have. Prest Pratt spoke 25 minutes with good freedom. Set apart officers.

18 February 1907 • Monday


I left Nampa at 8:50 and A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake 11 P.M. Had religious conversation with one Mr Patterson of New-York.

19 February 1907 • Tuesday


I wrote letters to Geo. F Jr. to Joel to Geo Lawrence Tate, to Joel Nerva. to Ben E Rich and to Presidency and the Twelve reporting my labor & findings at Nampa.

Called on President Smith and reported progress in buying Meeting House Site at Nampa & at his request telephoned to Elder Ezra J Merrill at Nampa to secure the 200 foot front [p. 148] by 150 ft. back for $1000.00

Attended to Some business at the Utah National Bank with Jos. Nelson. Borrowed $1890.00 @ 6% 30 days and made him ck. of $2250.00 with which to pay for 15 shares of Bank Stock @ $150.00 each Six shares in mothers name.

Bro & Sister McBride called on us in evening. I called on Mother & Sister Asenath during the day.

Weather pleasant. Some of us ailing with colds.

20 February 1907 • Wednesday


Folks about as usual not all well. None very sick. Weather fine.

I wrote letters to Geo Jr, to my bro Fred, and to Bro C. R. McBride. Phoned to Joel. Talked with Prest Jos. F Smith & reported findings of yesterday’s phoning to Ezra Merrill. about Nampa Meeting house Site. [p. 149]

Having received written concent of Bro. & Sister McBride I this day had sealed to me their daughter Edna May (dead) (Alice (my wife) acting as proxy & Prest. Francis M. Lyman officiating in the Ceremony.

Made necessary preparation to leave in the morning for Panguitch, K[a]nab, St. George & Parowan Stakes. Prest. Chas. H. Hart accompanying me. Received from Southrn States Mission framed picture of Present Presidency & Twelve and Jos. Smith, Hyrum Smith Joseph F. Smith & John Smith,

This day after a hard fight for four years Senator Reed Smoot won out & retains his Seat on a vote of 43 to 27 Cost to the Government of $50,000. The Church is vindicated at last. The Devil suffers defeat, Zion prospers. There are more people investigating [p. 150] the Gospel, more tithing being paid, more temple work being done than ever before. We never were so numerous & never so strong before. There is absolute unity with the Presidency and Twelve and the other General Authorities so far as I have been able to discover.

I made opening talk in the temple meeting. Spoke with freedom for about 15 minutes the time allotted. Subject sacredness of the Covenants we will this day make Sacredness of the house in which they are made. Necessity for previous preparation. Clean hands & pure hearts necessary. If we have kept our covenants thus far made & remembered the object of our living it will not be difficult to make & Keep the Covenants to be made this day

21 February 1907 • Thursday


I left Salt Lake City on 8 A.M RGW. Train for Marysvale [p. 151] accompanied by Prest. Chas H. Hart of the First Council of the Seventies. Arrived at Marysvale at about 6:35. We were met by Bishop Morrill of Junction Piute Co. the County Seat and were taken from Marysvale to Junction by him arriving there at about 10:30 after supper retired to bed at 11:40 P.M. I lead in family prayr.

On the train nearing Marysvale I became acquainted with one Brother Willis a brother of Bro Willis of Willis Home Drug Co and Son of the S.S. Singer Willis He lives at Joseph just before entering the Canyon and seems to have a good spirit. Proffered to take care of us at Marysvale if we would stop there.

Weather threatening storm.

I had a cold when I left home and it does not seem to be worse from our day’s ride.

Distant From Salt Lake 200 mi. to Marysvale, 16 mi. [p. 152] miles to Junction; 37 mi. to Panguitch. = 253 miles.

22 February 1907 • Friday

Junction, Piute Co. Utah

Washington’s birth day.

Prest. Chas. H. Hart and I rode with Bro Ira Hatch from Junction to Panguitch 37 mi. between the hours of 9 AM and 2:30 P.M. Put up at Prest Cammeron’s. Took dinner and attended a 4 o’clock meeting of the Stake Presidency and High Council of more than 3 hrs. duration. Learned that the Stake Presidency are in the habit of visiting the wards of the stake but twice or three times during the year, that the members of the council are regular home missionaries and ward visiting teachers: That the H. council meet but once in 3 months and that at time of Stake quarterly conference. I recommended that the [p. 153] High Council be released from regular home missionary work and that with their assistance the Stake Presidency visit each ward every quarter (3 mo.); that the Presidency & High Council meet monthly and one of these meetings should be of the nature of a conference where each member shall be asked to give expression of his feelings, his observance of the commandments &c Suggesting that the High Counselors may be used as home missionaries in emergency cases and in visiting as Ward teachers they should avoid committing them selves on any questions of difference which might arrise which might disqualify them to sit in council should the case reach the H. Council and if they could be spared it would be safer to excuse [p. 154] the H Counselors from acting as teachers. These points were taken up one by one and discussed and unanimously decided upon (Adopted).

The President reported the Presidency and High Council all united and good faithful men. Good quiet Spirit prevailed at meeting all except one or two being present. I occupied 20 or 30 minutes in all. I think it was a very profitable meeting.

We called in the dancing party in the new hall which hall is a credit to the Town owned by incorpraters and under good management. There is also a nice Tithing office nearly completed. Light rain at night.

23 February 1907 • Saturday


I attended Conference in the forenoon Spoke 45 minutes in conclusion of meeting Subject. Parants’ duty to teach [p. 155] their children; loyalty to the Auxiliaries; prosperity of Zion; disposition of the tithings.

Went home with brother Houston to dinner.

Attended the Afternoon meeting. Prest Hart occupied 35 minutes, I concluded with a 20 minutes talk. Subject. Amusements; we want to make the people old & young happy here and here after. The Gospel if lived up to will make them happy here and hereafter.

Attended priesthood meeting at 5 P.M. Answered many questions before the meeting all satisfactory to all. I spoke in conclusion about 20 minutes Subject. Give proper attention to lesser priesthood and raise the Standard of the Ward teachers Make his work model. [p. 156]

24 February 1907 • Sunday

<Attended meeting of SS. workers 9:30 & addressed same.>2

at Panguitch.

Attended S. School session of the Conference. House well filled.

I occupied about 20 minutes. Subject. Sacrament. Mind suffering more intense than bodily suffering. Relating Mine disaster. 15 days under ground. Think of the Saviors sufferings mental as well as physical.

Attended afternoon meeting and occupied 35 minutes Subject. Apostacy, the requirements of the gospel sacrifice. The Book of Mormon contains a fullness of the Gospel and fulfills the prophicy of John. The Armenian Presbyterian Minister was present afternoon & evening.

After evening. Afternoon meeting I ordained Sextus Ellis Johnsen a High Priest and Bishop and Set him apart to preside over the Cannonville ward [p. 157] Set apart Joseph Ipson to be Stake Clerk.

At evening meeting I occupied 10 minutes Subject Geo. Washington. He was an instrument in the hands of the Lord who led Columbus, the Pilgrim Fathers &c Prepared for the ushering in of the gospel. I attended a meeting of the Seventies from 420 to 5:40 and spoke about 20 minutes. Subject. think about the Gospel, talk about it, tell it to your family & study it until it become a part of you.

25 February 1907 • Monday


I left Panguitch with Prest Cammeron, Prest Hart with Prest. Houston for Hatch 18 mi. South of Panguitch and arrived there about 12:30 P.M. Held meeting from 1 to 3 P.M. I occupied 45 minutes in conclusion. Subject. Congratulations; Pioneer life. My own [p. 158] experiences pioneering. Marriage & that in the temple and do your full duty in the bearing of the Souls of men. Defend one another’s character & good name and protect the virtue of your sisters or your neighbors sister or daughter. Live in peace together and be happy.

I followed Prest Hart who occupied about 20 min. Prests. Cameron & Houston had each spoken briefly.

Bishop Burrows stated that all these boys keep the word of wisdom not one of them smokes and the number of men who do could be counted on the fingers of one hand & have fingers to spare.

By expressed wish of the people we appointed a meeting for to-night. The members of the Presidency Commeron & Houston left on their return home 3 4:15 P.M. just as brother Roundy [p. 159] arrived he having come for us.

My cold some better. Roads dreadfully bad. Threatening storm.

Prest Hart and I went to the home of Bp. Burrows and assisted by Prests. Cameron and Houston administered to Sister Burrows who has been sick for about eleven weeks. We also Consecrated a bottle of oil. I accompanied the Bishop down to See the aged Sister Hatch Bro Ira Hatch’s Mother and later went to the Bishops home and prayed with the family. Prayed with the Bp and the Sister Hatch his mother in-law where I am staying I wrote to the Presidency & Twelve a report of my labors and findings in the Panguitch stake.

Attended meeting in the evening. Nearly all the people present. The boys sat in front [p. 160] seats and were very attentive Prest. Hart occupied about 50 minutes diversified talk embracing, music, good reading &c

I occupied about 50 min reasonable good liberty not enthusiastic but quiet conversational spirit & tone much same as at afternoon meeting.

I took up statements of the Presbyterian Minister mad[e] on the Streets at Panguitch Sunday afternoon that the people he represents believe in revelation; that they do not believe in a New Bible and do not believe baptism is necessary. If they believe in revelation, why reject the revelations given through Joseph Smith. Or if they have revelations why not write them and produce same for inspection. And who is he that he should rise up & say that the words of Christ were idle and meaningless. In changing the [p. 161] ordinance he fulfills the prophesy of Isaih. &c. The book of Mormon fulfills the Prophecy of John.

26 February 1907 • Tuesday


With Brother J. D. Roundy, Prest Hart and left Hatch at 8:30 A.M. and arrived at Graham (Ranch) at 1:20 P.M. Put up at Bishop Macdonalds. Prest. Chamberlain came from Orderville and met us and all staid over night. The roads were very bad.

We made an appointment for a meeting at night but later cancelled it on account of bad roads and a stormy night This on account of the People & the Bishops request.

I offered prayr at night.

Arranged by phone to have St Geo. People meet us next Tuesday on the road beyond Moccasin.

I am better of my cold. [p. 162]

27 February 1907 • Wednesday


We drove from Graham down to Glendale Prest. Thomas Chamberlain, Prest Hart and I. We Staid with Bp. R. J. Cuttler Jr. Attended meeting in the evening. Good attendance. Prest Chamberlain made a few opening remarks and I followed. Spoke with freedom but deliberately for 65 minutes. Subject.

Read Hymn. Know this that every soul is free &c.

Our mission is to save. We will go far out of the way to do so but would not if we could force men to embrace the Gospel. That is what Satan sought to do, to take away their agency. You came into the church of your own volition. No force was used and if you were over persuaded it was because of a desire for your welfare. You can get out just as easily as you [p. 163] came it in but if you remain it you must behave your selves and not be a reproach to the Church. Lucifer would have robbed us of our agency and God of His honor & his Glory. Jesus Stood for Religious liberty and the maintaining of God’s honor and the doing of His will. We stood with Him & drove out Satan & his followers & thus incurred their enmity. Satan seeks the overthrow of Our Father’s Kingdom and the destruction of man. Whom will we serve. Whom are we serving? Have we forgotten the purpose of our existance and think that we wer[e] created only to work for the things of this earth and to seek only the pleasures of this earth? These are but matters incidental to the great plan and purpose of our being Such pleasures are but fleet[p. 164]ing and the things of this earth our wealth should be used to purchas greater and eternal blessings. Related the dream of the woman & her Guide & the Hovel for her eternal home prepared with what she by her gifts and good deeds had send on before her. &c.

Prest. Hart occupied 30 min, A good meeting and I trust good impression made. Sat up until 11 P.M. I prayed in the family. Wrote home last night and to-day I wrote cards to Oliver & Edna. I am almost well of my cold Weather beautiful this evening but cold. It Snowed considerable at Graham last night. Bishop Graham Macdonald of Graham ward speaks of his people as being a good people living their religion. Prest Chamberlain speaks of the people [p. 165] of Glendale as having many back sliders among them and much immorality.

I related to Prest Hart some of my experiences the following morning 28th and recommended that he have his eyes open for oppertunity to have some good girl or women sealed to him.3

28 February 1907 • Thursday


Prest Thos Chamberlain Prest Hart and I drove down from Glendale through Orderville to Mount Carmel from Glendale 7 miles. We put up at Bishop Hans C Sorensen’s Prest Edwin D. Woolley from Kanab joined us in the afternoon. I wrote to Joel and to my wife Alice. In the evening we attended the meeting at which nearly all the people of the ward were present. Prests. Cameron & Woolley each spoke a few minutes. Prest Hart spoke 30 minutes mostly on Authority [p. 166] I occupied about 35 minutes with good freedom, good attention and a good spirit prevailing Subject. The mercy of God in giving to us a knowledge of the Gospels truth through obeying the Gospel. He who best keeps the Commandments and lives his religion knows best the Gospels truth. Would we retrace our steps and prove Joseph Smith as a Prophet, false and return to a belief in infant baptism and annul our marriages and believe that if we ever be reserected we will not retain our identity, have no association with our wives & children. Commented on hymn sung. [“]We thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet &c” Re[a]d NC Clemenson’s statement that the bible is our only guide the light to our path the lamp to our feet. How could the Church be organized from the bible and if it could be perfectly organized without a prophet it would [p. 167] have no power to save without authority from God. They never could get that authority from the bible. The boy who in swimming with his companion boy baptizes him is as much recognized of the Lord as the Minister who became such because he felt in his heart a desire to preach, the incentive being to make an easy living. Christ conferred upon Peter the Keys of the Kingdom and th[e] power to seal or lose loose and it would be sealed or loosed in heaven. No man could rob Peter of this authority. Had it been in the form of an aparchment they might have robbed him of that but then they would have been as barron as before, of authority. Made some quotations showing an apostacy, “Church of Englands Homily on the Perils of Idolatry” Smiths Bible Dictionary of the Bible, John Wesley & Roger Williams. Christs Prophesy, Paul’s [p. 168] Prophesy &c The education of the Christian world for 18 centuries had been Such that an object lesson had to be given. Joseph Smith one of those noble ones whom Abraham saw came & The Father and Son appeared to him. With Joseph his faith as to the Personality of God & the Son was perfect. What ever might come he knew that God lives & that Jesus lives & that they have bodies and their countinances are most beautiful. Also he knew that all denominations are rejected of the Lord.

The above is a synopsis of my talk as I remember it after sleeping on[e] night.

Weather is pleasant and my health is good.

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February 1907, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1907/1907-02


  1. [1]This insertion was written in graphite in the top margin of page 127.

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 157.

  3. [3]See “Historical Context” on the About page of this publication.