1 May1 1911 • Monday


Weather clear Am well.

I arose at 6:30, made my toilet and wrote up my journal for yesterday before breakfast, also issued certificates of ordinations to those whom I ordained yesterday.

Elder Wells and I left Heber City at 1:45 and arrieved in Salt Lake at 5:45 P.M. When I reached home found no one there, borrowed Lymans key and phoned over to George’s and learned the folks were there and on [p. 194] invitation went over to Supper returning home with the folks before 9 o’clock. I went up to my son LeGrand’s and staid about an hour.

2 May 1911 • Tuesday2


Weather beautiful My health good.

I attended a committee meeting consisting of five of the Twelve and three B.Y.U. presidents where the matter of whether or not the church should continue the teacher’s college work in the B.Y.U. was discussed. We decid<ed> unanimously and positively that the teachers college should be maintained and encouraged, and will so report to the Church Board of Education. One session was held with the whole committee & Supt. Cummings and B.Y.U. presidents and afternoon session with the committee alone when conclusion was reached.

By invitation of Elder H. J. Grant Alice and I attended the Salt Lake theatre in the evening occupying his box. Alice is developing a cold.

3 May 1911 • Wednesday


Beautiful weather.

I this morning answered a letter of one of our Socialistic brethren from Thatcher, Ariz. Geo. W. Williams Jr. as follows; [p. 195]

<For former letter see Apr 4th 1911>3

Salt Lake City, Utah. May 3, 1911.

Geo. W. Williams Jr.

Thatcher, Ariz.,

Dear Brother:—

Your communication of 22nd ult is at hand answering which will say, that I have no desire to argue with you the merits or demerits of Socialism, neither do I want to be discourteous by not answering your letter. I not infrequently see comments in the papers on Socialism, pro & con; enclosed find clippings as example.

I will say, brother Williams, that I have never known of a person being excommunicated from the church because of his being a socialist or even having been tried on such charge. Those who have left the church have done so on their own account and that by degrees. When their condition has become so apostate as to be hurtful to the body, the church, they have had to be dealt with. The church endeavors by advice and counsel to restrain its members from that course which it deems harmful to its members.

Anything antagonistic to that which God has inspired, whether in church or government, is deadly to the faith, and if socialism does strike at the constitution and the laws of govern[p. 196]ment conforming thereto, as charged by some, that may be the secret of failing faith on the part of L.D.S. adherents thereto. I repeat, it is the advise and counsel of the general authorities of the church that its members do not affiliate with Socialism. When men disregard the counsels of the Holy priesthood and men in authority, they are at least on dangerous grounds.

May the Lord bless and guide you aright in all matters.


Your brother

Geo. F. Richards

I wrote to Pres. Herrick of Western States mission, to Pres. Christensen of SanLuis Stake presidency, to Pres Udall of St Johns, to Pres S. F. Smith of Sno<w>flake and Bp. Randall of Pine in Maricopa Stake notifying them of the approaching visit of Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. and myself.

I attended Y.M.M.I.A. general board meeting and my prayr circle meeting in the evening.

4 May 1911 • Thursday


Weather ideal. Folks all usually <well.>

I recorded a sheet of 19 names of females in temple record, my son George having employed a sister Buchanan to do the work of endowing them. [p. 197]

I attended regular weekly council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. and received appointment to Summit stake conference next Saturday & Sunday.

I wrote to my son Joel in England. Studied and read papers &c. LeGrand and George called in the evening and talked over plan for buying a lot on which to build.

5 May 1911 • Friday


I spent the day home reading, writing and studying. LeGrand and Ina took dinner with us at 6:30. This day LeGrand arranged for a vacant lot on S. St between 3rd & 4th avenues for $725.00 and George arranged with the State bank to borrow $750. for one year on our three signatures with which to pay for the lot. It is their intention build a double house on this lot within the next few months as homes for themselves.

6 May 1911 • Saturday


Weather pleasant.

My health and that of the family is good. I took 7:10 A.M. train for Henefer, Summit Stake to attend Summit stake conference. Pres. Chas. H. Hart joined me at Ogden. On train were Elders Penrose & H. M. Smith [p. 198] on their way to Lyman, Woodruff Stake. We arrived at Hennifer about 9:50 and conference commenced at 11 A.M. in the newly completed meeting house. It is intended to have the house dedicated at this conference. This is the first meeting held in the house. The building cost about $7,000. of which the church furnished $2,000. and seated it with seats from the Salt Lake Temple assembly room. The house is frame but is beautiful in design and nicely finished.

At opening meeting 10 11 A.M. Bp. Micah F. Harris made opening speech; Pres. Moses W. Taylor followd then Pres. Hart and my self.

I occupied about 20 minutes. Subject House warming. Dedication of these temples (bodies) yet have them to care for and use, so with the house.

This house an evidence of love of the Lord and desire to worship him.

At afternoon meeting the speakers were in order as follows: Geo. W. Young of Stake presidency; John Jones of Echo, recently returned missionary; bishop Pack of Kamas; bishop A. J. Cannon of Park City or Parleys Park; myself and Pres. C. H. Hart. I occupied [p. 199] about 40 minutes, subject— Read Lecture 6:1–8 and commented. “He that knows to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.[”] Men and women brought up in the church know pretty well what they should do and not do and when they do not do it, they are in sin and have need for repentance for there is no salvation in sin and no forgiveness of sin except through repentance. All have need to repent. We may not be required to make the sacrifices here spoken of but we should have the willingness to do so and if we have then the little sacrifices will be met and thus we give evidence to the Lord of our faith & faithfulness. We charge the world with professing faith without works, do we not profess more and fail to do the works? When we do not know our course is approved of God, we can not have faith as we otherwise could &c.

After meeting we witnessed a ball game between Coalville and Henefer teams, the latter winning A theatrical was presented at night for the benefit of the New meeting house by Coalville people. I sent my 50¢ but remained at [p. 200] brother [blank] Richens home, wrote up my journal for the past two days and retired early to bed. i.e. before 10 P.M.

7 May 1911 • Sunday


Weather pleasant. My health good.

I attended the morning session of the Summit Stake Conference. The sacrament was administered and the Speakers were in order as follows: W. H. Manning reported Sundayschools of the Stake, John M. Mills from the General Board of the Sundayschools, Pres. Chas. H. Hart of the First Council of Seventies and Pres. Thos. L. Allen of Stake presidency.

At close of morning conference meeting we held a S.S. Union meeting at which the Stake sundayschool Superintendency were released and new superintendency sustained as follows; Lyman Crittenden of Hytsville Stake Superintendent, Geo. L. Hobson first and James N Astin second assistent.

I fasted until afternoon meeting.

At afternoon conference meeting the Authorities were sustained, Elder Bond of Echo recently returned from a mission and Expresident Cluff spoke I spoke and concluded with a dedicatory prayr of the meeting house, occupying 60 minutes with good liberty. [p. 201] Subject. Mormonism and willing spirit Thy will be done. Pres. Moses Taylor made a few closing remarks.

We repaired to the home of Alma Richins where the Grass Creek ward bishopric and Stake S. School Superintendency were set apart as follows.

Bp. Edward Sawley set apart to preside over Grasscreek ward by Geo. F. Richards. Richard John Stone, (high priest,) set apart First Counselor by Pres. Moses <W.> Taylor. Harry Ross, high priest, set apart second counselor by Pres. Thos. L. Allen; Lyman Crittenden of Hoyetsville set apart stake Supt. SundaySchools by Pres Chas H. Hart, Geo. L. Hobson set apart first assistent by G. F. Richards, James N. Astin set apart second assistant by Moses W. Taylor.

After breaking fast we drove to Coalville ten miles with Alma Richens son where we attended conjoint meeting of the Young people in the Stake house. Pres. Hart & I were the speakers.

I occupied about 30 minutes, Sub. Close the saloons & temperance. Good liberty. I feel that we had a very good conference. Pres Hart and I occupied the same bed at brother Alma Richen’s Saturday night and at Pres. Moses W. Taylor’s Sunday night. We retired late. About 12 o’clock. [p. 202]

8 May 1911 • Monday


Weather warm, some wind.

Pres. Hart and I left Coalville by train at 8:30 A.M. and spent two hours in Echo reached Salt Lake at 2 P.M.

Called at my Son’s office and saw plan of house he & LeGrand expect to build on a lot purchased of Bro. Romney between third & fourth Streets on St St.

I spent the afternoon writing up my journal and other records, attending to my correspondence &c. Spent the evening at home.

9 May 1911 • Tuesday


Stormy at night.

I spent the forenoon at home writing &c. Spent about an hour with my sister <Asenath> at her home

Attended a missionary meeting in temple annex where we set apart and instructed a company of missionaries. I set apart the following:

1. Geo. Hamp of Grace, Idaho to Gt. Britain

2. John Jasalsky of S.L. City to Swis & German

3. Earl Gregg Frandersen of Basalt, Ida. to Netherlands. I also blessed a Sister Jacobs for a visit to Denmark and assisted in setting apart others.

I attended to some purchases with my wife down town. [p. 203]

Next Sunday the 14th will be my wife’s 47th birth day. Today in answer to a letter I wrote last Friday, I received from Jeweler E. D. Harrison of Pocatello, Idaho a quotation of $55.00 on a 14 K. ladies Hamilton watch and pin the regular price being $68.00. I wrote him enclosing check for $55.00 requesting him to send watch & pin.

This day I bought my wife a $7.50 Spring hat for a birthday anniversary gift.

10 May 1911 • Wednesday


Weather stormy in morning.

I attended a special council meeting of the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2:15 P.M. and from 4:15 to 8 P.M. an investigation of Elder M. F. Cowleys case. Adjournment taken until to-morrow 2 P.M.

I also attended a meeting of the board of directors of the Utah Implement, Vehicle Co between 2:30 & 4 P.M. Attended to some business as well.

In the evening my sones George & LeGrand called and we looked over plans for a double house home for them and discussed matters pertaining thereto. [p. 204]

11 May 1911 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. All the folks well.

This is my sister Minerva’s fifty third birth day. I sent her some roses and phoned her congratulations. Sent flowers to Ina my daughter-in-law and took supper with her. Alice, Geo & Edith, and Aunt Annie W. Robinson were there also.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. and a special meeting of the Twelve from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. at which Bro. M. F. Cowley’s case was concluded. He was deprived of the exercise of any of the rights of the Priesthood or deprived of the right to exercise any of the prerogatives of the Priesthood.

12 May 1911 • Friday


Weather pleasant Folks all well.

I spent the day home studying and writing until about 11 P.M.

I called and saw Pres. Lyman, my neighbor, and received from him a copy of the proceedings in the Taylor Cowley case when they were dropped from the Council of Twelve also decision of the Council in Moses Thatcher’s case. These I recorded in a large record book where I record important matters. They were loaned me for purpose of recording. [p. 205]

13 May 1911 • Saturday


Weather fine. Folks all well.

I spent the day home studying and writing. &c

14 May 1911 • Sunday


Weather fine My health good.

This is Mother’s day and my wife’s birth day the 47th. I made her a present of a gold watch and pin. Net price $68.00 It cost me $55.00. I bought it of E. D. Harrison of Pocatello. I went to Ogden on 9 A.M. train with Pres. Jos. F. Smith where we attended the Ogden Stake Conference two sessions. There were also present of the General Authorities: D O McKay, John Smith & J. G. Kimball. I occupied about 23 minutes in afternoon on Motherhood, home & love and on saloon closing. Returning with Pres. Smith reached Salt Lake at 5.45 and spent the evening at home Geo. & LeGrand and their wives spent the evening with us. We walked up to the Cemetery and placed some flowers on my mother’s grave.

15 May 1911 • Monday


Windy. All well.

Alice and I and the three youngest children went out to Tooele on the [p. 206] 7:45 A.M. train and returned leaving there at 4 P.M. We spent the time at Nerva’s and Estella came down and visited with us.

On invitation of Elder H. J. Grant Alice & I went to theatre with him in the evening. The follies of 1910. A comic opera.

16 May 1911 • Tuesday


Beautiful weather.

I cut the lawn & watered it.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and was mouth in Setting apart the following:

1. Parley Milton Porter of Franklin Idaho to Northern States.

2. August L. Harder of St. Anthony to Southern States.

3. James Hinckley Mason of Parker Ida. to Eastern States.

4. Henry Springer Coleman of Midway Utah to Eastern States.

I addressed the missionaries. Subject. The scriptures as implements of warefare. [“]A <work>man is known by his tools,” A wood chopper must not only have a good ax but must be skilled in its use if he would succeed A warrior must not only have a good gun but must be acquainted with it and skilled in its use if he would succeed. The Standard church works are your implements [p. 207] of ware fare in the battle you are called upon to fight against sin. Two churches that of the Lord & that of the Devil, the Kingdom of righteousness and the Kingdom of sin. Your tools are sharp. It remains for you to become acquainted with them and to become skillful in their use. David refused the armoraments of Saul and bare handed he slew the giant Philistine. God was with him. He was justified in not proving the armor. Not so with you. The Lord expects you to prove your armor and if you do not do so He will not sustain you and you will suffer defeat and humiliation.

I attended to some business down town.

My son George & wife spent the evening with us.

A sister Bell lately from Lancashir England, Nelson branch, Called and with her a friend sister Etoff & they took supper with us.

I wrote to Pres Christensen of San Luis Stake, Bp. Hakes of Bluewater N.M., Pres. Anderson of St. Johns and Pres. S. F. Smith of Snowflake. [p. 208]

17 May 1911 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather My health good.

Folks usually well excepting the baby who seems fretful possibly his teeth are troubling him.

I signed a petition to the City Council this day asking that Third Ave be paved, I went down town and made some purchases, attended to some business & made preparations for leaving home for a trip of about four weeks to Denver, San Luis, St. Johns & Snowflake.

I took train at 5:20 P.M. with Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. on O.S.L. to go via U.P. to Denver. On the train were seven missionaries five of whom were for Eastern and two for Northern States. We got to see the points of interest along the route as far as Echo before darkness set in. Elder Smith sat with the Elders and explained points of interest that far.

18 May 1911 • Thursday

On U.P. train.

Windy and clowdy. My health is good.

I slept and rested well last night and enjoy my train travel, reading, thinking & conversing. Arrived at Denver on Schedule time 5:30 P.M. We were met at the Ry. Station by Pres. John L. Herrick and taken to his home at Mission headquarters where we stayed while in Denver. [p. 209] There made the discovery that Pres. Herrick married my Sister Josephine’s daughter Jane whom I met for the first time so far as I can remember. She is an intilligent, beautiful and attractive woman and doing a good missionary work. I was delighted to form her acquaintance and wonder that I had not done so before.

We held Special public meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 and notwithstanding it was a week day night and the saints are very much scattered there were in attendance estimated about one hundred. The seats nearly all filled. Several musical selections were rendered and Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr. and I did the preaching. I spoke first and occupied 65 minutes deliberately yet with good freedom and Elder Smith followed for 20 minutes. I spoke of the necessity for an exercise of faith in God, to recognize all his attributes, maming [naming] them, and the perfection their of, that he is the father of all, the Creator of all, The relationship we sustain to him and what we may become. [p. 210] What he has done for us, why we should love him and obey him, necessity for repentance and a strict compliance with the law. After meeting many came up and were introduced to us.

We sat up until about 11 o’clock visiting.

19–20 May 1911 • Friday–Saturday


Clowdy Am well

Arose at 6 A.M., made my toilet, wrote up my journal for yesterday and wrote letter home before breakfast. After breakfast my niece Jane Richards West Herrick read to Elder Smith & me her production of an operetta for children entitled “Bo Peep” singing the song parts which was very entertaining. She and three of the girl missionaries sang glee songs. We went out in Auto and called at work shop of the Automatic switch Co. and saw their works, their new shop in course of construction and at their office saw the perfected Switch & dummy engine in operation. This at courtesy of the Call brothers of said Company. We want to the Denver house [p. 211] with Pres Herrick, wife & three call brothers and had dinner. Returned to Mission headquarte[r]s where we spent a couple of hours and went to train.

Leaving Denver at 6:30 P.M. we went in safety arriving at Alamoso at 5:35 A.M. where we changed cars and continued on to Romeo where we were met by Pres. Samuel Jackson of the Stake Presidency and taken to Manassa about three miles. Elder Smith put up at Bp. Sam’l Jackson and I with Pres Christensen.

<Saturday May 20/11 Cold.>4

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting. Attendance 130. The Speakers were in order as follows; Samuel Jackson Jr of Stake presidency, Bishops of the three wards, Crowther of Sanford, Valentine of Richfield and Jackson of Manassa thin I spoke & Elder Smith spoke in conclusion. I occupied about 30 minutes on individual responsibility and official responsibility and obligation. I have to make sacrifices and deny my self and comply with the law. I also have to labor where my servi[c]es are required. As the people & the work are judged by my conduct, I am [p. 212] responsible to the church and the people for my conduct. &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was [blank] The Speakers were Pres. E. S. Christensen, Elders, Scofield, Burtleson, Geo Carr, Dalton, Jos. F. Smith Jr and myself. I occupied 30 minutes. Read Ezek. 3:17, D&C 133:36–; 18: & 20: in part and talked on missionary work and our obligation there to. We should prove our armour, God will not encourage our idleness by assisting us to what we are not willing to work for. Between meetings we were in council and after afternoon meeting, a number of vacancies having to be filled.

I received a letter from my son George by special delivery about a proposition from Bro Huntington of Tooele of purchase of our dry farm lands to which I wrote a reply and mailed at once. I also received a letter from the Presidents office which had been written to Pres. Smith by one Peter Mortenson about a difficulty he is having with the Stake & ward officers, with a notation to send to me at Manassa. This was received on my return home from meetings at about 6 P.M. We made arrangements to meet with the [p. 213] parties concerned at 8:30 A.M. to-morrow. Supper at Bp. Jackson’s. I wrote up my journal, read the papers &c.

The quorum priesthood meetings in this stake had discontinued for the summer but on our recommendation it was decided to hold them three out of four Sunday evenings of each month in connection with the Young Ladies meeting, the fourth Sunday to be used for Conjoint mutual meetings.

21 May 1911 • Sunday

Manassa. Col.

Weather fine Health good.

I met with Elder Jos. F. Smith, the Stake presidency, the Bishop of Sanford, the Council of the 92nd quorum of Seventy amd members of a committee at Pres Erastus S. Christensen’s where I was staying in council at 8:30 where we considered and investigated a grevious difficulty existing between bro. Peter A. Mortinson of the Council of the Seventies and the ward and Stake authorities. Bro. Mortensen started to build an opera house contrary to counsel of Ward & Stake Authorities. He says he will not dispose of the building when built, to an outsider neither will he conduct amusements there in of any kind [p. 214] contrary to counsel and directions of the priesthood. A minute of the meeting was kept & signed by Pres Christensen and brother Peter Mortensen.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting. Sacrament was administered. Stake S. S. Schools spoke also Sister Dunn of Primary, Bro. Soul of Academy & R. Classes, myself and Elder Smith. I occupied 30 minutes subject, Told of Pres Christensen’s 3 yr. old girl straying 1½ miles from home the day before one shoe off and mud, wet & cold. Leave the 99 safe in the fold to go after the lost one. Apply to moral & religious loss. Story of the Perry Child’s death. We should live so that even when circumstances point to us as guilty of an offince, it will not be believed. The boy who smokes & drinks never knows what passes him by on that account. He wonders why that young lady does not reciprocate his attentions. &c.

At close of morning meeting met with the Seventies and attended to some business, I ordained Elder <J. A.> Dupriest a seventy. Elder Smith, Bp. Jensen & I walked about ten blocks to ordain Elder Wm I. Brady ordained by Elder Smith.

At afternoon session the authorities were sustained, and Elder Smith occupied 40 min. I followed 30 min. & Pres. Christensen 10 min. I had excellent liberty. Read Luke 16:19 to 31 Parable of [p. 215] Lazerus & Rich yon. A sin of omission This an example of sins of omission. All such sins which we commit place us in a similar light and will mean disappointment to us. We should be doers not hearers only. Good satisfaction.

After meeting Elder Smith and I ordained & Set apart quite a number of officers. We went to Sanford, administered to Wm. O. Crowther, younger, At evening meeting a combination of ward & conjoint mutual meeting. The ward bishopric was reorganized. I presented the business. Elder Smith & I ordained the brethren of the new bishopric in the meeting see record of ordinations.

I ordained & Set apart James P. Jensen Bp & Lars H. Mortensen an High Priest & set him apart second Counselor. Elder Smith set apart Erastus Beck first counselor. The retiring and newly installed bishoprics spoke also Pres. Christensen Elder Smith & I.

I gave instructions to new bishopric.

I took supper with W. O. Crowther and spent the night at Swen Petersen’s.

22 May 1911 • Monday


Cold morning. Am well.

Elder Smith & I were driven three miles by a brother Mortensen, mail driver, and took D. & R.G. train at La Jara for Santa Fe 6:50 A.M. About 11 A.M. [p. 216] we were halted on account of a burning bridge and detained an hour. This delay caused us to lose our right of way and consequently our train connection at Santa Fe. As we got down on to the LaGrande river about noon it became quite warm. While waiting at the burning bridge and at dinner Station I wrote up my journal to date for yesterday till noon this day. On our way to Bluewater N.M. thence by team to St. Johns Ariz. Later. We were due at Santa Fe the Capitol of N.M. at 3:36 PM but did not get in until 5 P.M. thus failing to get the 4 P.M. train to Lamy on the main line of Santa Fe Ry. and had to take the 7.20 train. This delay caused us to Miss No 1 train and we got No 9 at 10 P.M. for Bluewater.

23 May 1911 • Tuesday

Bluewater N.M.

Pleasant weather.

Elder Jos. F Smith and I arrived at Bluewater at 4 A.M. and were met at Station by Welcome Chapman counselor to Bp Collin R. Hakes and he drove us to the town nucleus about one and a half miles to a brother McNiel’s who gave us a generous welcome We retired to bed and got about 2½ hrs. sleep.

Attended a meeting called for 9:30 A.M. Good attendance. I spoke first followed by Elder Smith each occupied 40 minuts I spoke of the progress of the work and of Some of its trouble, magazine articles, [p. 217] persecutions in England, troubles within the church with people who try to be a law unto them selves. &. A nice lunch was served in the house of meeting, and another service conducted from 1.30 to 2.30 Elder Smith and I each occupying about 25 min. I spoke of the necessity for a course of life such that we know we are approved of God. Faith is not sufficient, knowledge is not sufficient we must do the necessary works. A knowledge of the necessity for baptism will not save one without receiving baptism in fact the knowledge will Condemn us if we do not the works.

We left Bluewater Elder Smith Bp. C. R. Hakes and his counselor Jos Teitjen with two saddle horses and a light four spring buggy with single seat & top to seat. We drove about 12 miles and camped on the bank of a stream in the timbers. Here one of the saddle horses became frightened and ran off with the rope about 20 feet long dragging. Bro Teitjen with the other horse had gone down to a camp house below and when he came back it was getting dark and he was very sick trying to vomit &c so an effort was not made to find the horse at night. We camped out but had a good night. Bro. Teitjen rested well after 10 P.M. Elder Smith and I each had a cot to sleep on. [p. 218]

24 May 1911 • Wednesday

On mountain 12 miles from Bluewater

We broke camp at 6:30 A.M. Bp. Hakes, Elder Jos. F. Smith and I in buggy and Bro Teitjen on horse back, he went to trace his horse intending to meet us at Ramah at night if not before. When we got about 2 miles beyond Sawyer on the Continental divide the hind wheel broke down. We decided to unload our things, put a skid under the Axle and Elder Smith and I remain and care for the things while Bp Hakes should go back to Sawyer with the team & rig and try get either another wheel or another rig of some kind such as he might be able to do. It is while sitting here in the sun & wind that I wrote the foregoing for yesterday and the afternoon of the day before. We anxiously await our companion with rig at 10.10 A.M.

Ramah. 4 P.M. Arrived here in lumber wagon at 2:20 P.M. Put up at Bro. Frihoff G Neilsons and when cleaned up wrote home, had dinner &c. On way we broke both tugs Pres. Udall is here and we have a meeting called for this evening. Pres. Udall came prepared to take us with him through the St. Johns Stake and to Snowflake to relieve the Bluewater brethren who are very much needed at home. [p. 219]

In view of our misfortunes thus far and present developments Elder Smith and I have decided to not visit Pine ward and I will write Bp Randall to that effect from this point.

We attended a public meeting in the evening, attendance good. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres Udall, Pres. Rencher, my self, Elder J. F. Smith Jr Bp. C. R. Hakes. I occupied 60 minutes Advised the people to employ a competent engineer and have him inspect the reservoir dam as to its safety and then if his judgment confirms that of the Stake presidency and my own, that they proceed to strengthen and make safe the same; also spoke upon subject of obedience and applied it directly to word of wisdom. Had good liberty and satisfaction, may the Lord be praised.

We held the brethren a few minutes after meeting and they resolved to carry out our instructions. I advised them to encourage their sons and other desirable sitizens to locate among them by letting them have some of the land and letting them work on the dam and get some water stock. I spoke of the advantages that would accrue by an increased population.

Elder Smith & I staid at Frihoff Neilson’s [p. 220]

25 May 1911 • Thursday


Elder Smith and I in company with Prests. Udall & Rencher left Ramah at about 7 A.M. for St. Johns. We inspected the Blackrock dam & reservoir while nooning. We also spent about a half hour in the Indian Zuna Village. We camped out at night. This has been a windy day, otherwise it was a pleasant drive.

26 May 1911 • Friday

One day out from St Johns.

Windy My health good.

We arose about 5 A.M. and broke Camp at 6:30 A.M. In addition to those with our team were Bp. Hakes & Counselor Tietjen and Bp Ashcroft and brother Lewis the former bishop of Ramah. We reached St. Johns at 5 P.M. and Elder Smith & I were taken to Pres. Chas. P. Anderson’s of the Stake presidency where we made our Staying place.

After having cleaned our clothes, shined our shoes, trimmed, bathed, suppered &c., we attended a bishop’s meeting and later a High Council meeting where important work was done. I ordained Grover Cleveland Udal of Hunt ward an High Priest and set him apart second Counselor to Bp. Ashel Smith of Hunt. In the high Council meeting Chas. C. Marwell of Egar was [p. 221] excommunicated for the killing of Elder James C. Greer of Same place.

On my arrival here I found letters awaiting me, one from my wife and one from my son George.

27 May 1911 • Saturday

St John.

Beautiful weather My health is good.

I wrote up my journal before breakfast, made certificate of ordaination &c. After breakfast I wrote a letter home.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting. Attendance light and very tardy. The speakers were, Chas. P. Anderson of the Stake presidency, Samuel Lewis of Ramah a High Counselor, Joseph Teitjen of Bluewater, Bp. Asahel Smith of Hunt ward and Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr. At 2 PM meeting attendance somewhat improved but very tardy. The speakers were, Wm D. Rencher of Stake presidency, Bp. Hakes of Bluewater and myself. I occupied 45 minutes. Subject. Faith the moving cause of all action, without faith not possible to please God or obtain salvation. The creations of God are witnesses for him which he expects us to recognize and if we do not as Paul says Rom, 1:16–24 we are without excuse. An intelligent conception of Him his personality, his attributes, his creative powers &c necessary to <the exercise of> an intelligent faith in him. [p. 222] There were present a gentile doctor and a ranger to whom I especially directed my remarks.

At close of meeting we had a counsel meeting, the Stake presidency and Joshua Gibbons who as committing magistrate admitted to bail Chas. C. Maxwell of Eager who killed Jas. C. Greer which caused the people to be outraged in their feelings and much trouble developed.

Elder Smith, Pres. Udall & wife and I took supper with brother Joseph Patterson and after Supper we administered to brother Richie who had a paraletic stroke some time ago.

In the evening we attended a priesthood meeting. We here on my suggestion inaugurated a system of holding weekly priesthood meetings during the Summer time on Sunday evenings three Sundays of each month in connection with the Y.L.M.I.A. the extra Sunday night for conjoint mutual the Same as we did in the San Luis Stake a week ago. I spoke as did Elder Smith. I bore down pretty hard on the Subject of punctuality and attendance at meetings of Conference priesthood &c. At close of meeting though late we detained the Presidency and laid before them the plan of the Bear River Stake of getting ward teachers [p. 223] to work. We arranged a meeting for the High Council at 9 A.M. to-morrow to try and arouse in them interest and activity. Retired to bed late. I feel that this has been a profitable days work. Administered to Bro. Kemp of Concho

28 May 1911 • Sunday

St. Johns.

Beautiful weather My health good.

I arose at 6 A.M. and after cleaning up and arranging my toilet I wrote up my journal for yesterday and framed work for High Council meeting this morning and at 9 AM met with the stake presidency and the High Council. Later. I met with the high council and Stake presidency from 9 to 9:55 and again from 12.25 to 1.30 and again from 4.30 to 6.30. I catechised the members and found some very unsatisfactory conditions. Two of the council members complain against Pres Udall and these were appeased. Seven of the high council members had been in St. Johns Sat. of Conference and did not come to meeting, six or more of them were not keeping the Word of Wisdom, some not having family prayrs more than once a day, some not observing to keep the Sabbath day holy &c. We made impressive the necessity [p. 224] for these men living nearer the Standard and all promised to keep the word of wisdom. We instructed them to not ordain to any office in the Church those who will not keep the word of wisdom.

At 10 A.M. Conference meeting the sacrament was administered a memory gem given and concert recitation, the Stake Supt of Schools M Christensen spoke, also Bp Ashcroft of Ramah, Bp. Gibbons of St. Johns, Pres. D. K Udall, myself & Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. I occupied about 20 minutes. Subject. Feed my sheep, told Story of Gerhar<dt>.

At 2 P.M. meeting the authorities were sustained Elder Smith occupied 45 min. Subject. Genealogy & Temple work. I occupied 40 minutes. Subject. Marriage for Eternity, Read Luke 16:19–31 Rich man and Lazurus and commented on same. Applied the principle to word of wisdom, temple work, prayr, Sabbath &c. He that knows to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin. Pres Udall made a few closing remarks. At the evening meeting after the opening exercises the lights went out and the meeting was brought to a close. Elder Smith and I went with the Stake presidency and administered to a Sister Bothlessburger who had some weeks previously fallen and broken her leg in the hip region. We also administered to Sister Ethel Whiting. [p. 225]

29 May 1911 • Monday

St. Johns. Ariz.

Beautiful weather Am well.

Arose at 5 A.M. and after making my toilet, wrote up my journal for yesterday, wrote letters &c before breakfast. Left St John in Auto a Mr. Johnson employed on reservoir our chaufuer and looked over land to be covered by new reservoir and went up to dam where we were met by Sister Udall and several other ladies and we had a camp lunch after which we looked over the dam in Course of Construction.

Pres. Udall, Elder Smith & I continued on another 23 miles to Eagar 33 miles from St. Johns. Arrived at 7 P.M.

At 8 P.M. we attended a well attended meeting of the Saints of Egar ward. The speakers were in order as follows, My self 50 min., Elder Smith 40 mn and Pres. D. K. Udall 10 min. I had good liberty and spoke of the attitude of our enemies towards us at the present time and what our attitude should be towards them. Persecution an evidence of Gospel truth. &c. I slept at Bp. Udall’s.

30 May 1911 • Tuesday

Eagar, Ariz.

Windy Am well.

Arose at 6 A.M. and at 7.10 we left [p. 226] for Luna 40 miles distant. Pres. Udall, Elder Smith and I were driven by brother Edmond Nelson in his or with his team and Pres. Udalls wagon. We reached Nutrioso, at 10 o’clock where we are scheduled to hold meeting at 11 A.M. I wrote up my journal to date.

At meeting I spoke first a last and occupied about 50 minutes Subject. Joseph’s first vision, Creeds an abomination &c. A schoolteacher and his Son also a school teacher were present Mr. Hafford and this drew out the remarks along that line.

We went on to Luna, forty miles from Eagar where we held meeting at night. Took supper with a brother Amasa O Reynolds and Elder Smith & I slept at Bp. Thompson. At Luna I spoke on Subject of Mormonism. Gospel restored and Church established in fulfilment of prophecy. Read D. & C. 133:36 & 109:72 Occupied about 45 min.

31 May 1911 • Wednesday

Luna, Ariz.

Pres. D. K. Udall, Bro. Nelson, Elder Smith and I left Luna at 7 A.M. and reached Alpine 12 miles at 10 A.M. I wrote up my journal for the last 24 hrs. and wrote to my son George. Meeting at 11 A.M. My health good. [p. 227]

Later. At Alpine meeting the speakers were in order as follows, Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr., myself and Pres. Udall. I occupied about 45 minutes with good liberty Read Luke 15,11–end of chapter. Prodegal Son and talked on Subject of being clean in our lives, repenting of our sins &c At close of meeting I was introduced to the School teacher, an outsider, who said he enjoyed my remarks. We continued our Journey after dinner and reached Eagar at 7 P.M. Here I read in the Des. News of 25th an account of the accidental killing of the Son of Bro & Sister C. R. McBride. Staid at Bp. Udalls. Wrote to C. R. McBride & wife a letter of condolence also wrote to my son Oliver.

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May 1911, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-05


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Apr.” before crossing it out and writing “May”.

  2. [2]Richards wrote “Tuestay”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically on the left side of page 195.

  4. [4]This insertion was cross-written vertically over text on the left side of page 212.