August 1908

1 August 1908 • Saturday


I took O.S.L. 7:10 A.M. train to Ogden. Was met at Station by Elder David O. McKay. We went direct to the third ward meetinghouse where we met the Priesthood of the N.W. division of the Weber Stake and from them took an expression of their wishes on paper as to what the name of the New Stake Shall be and who the best men of the Stake are.

After Meeting Elder McKay and I spent about 3 hours looking over the papers and making a re-capitulation of same. We then called in Bp. Jas. Wotherspoon of the Third ward who had been selected by The First Presidency & the Twelve to be the President and who stood at the head of the list of those suggested by the Priesthood. He accepted the place with a good grace and chose for his counselors with Elder McCay’s [McKay’s] & my indorsement John V. Bluth and Bp. Francis W. Stratford. These brethren were sent for and they accepted the nomination with good grace. Pres. Shurtliff was consulted by me over the Phone with reference to using Bro. Bluth for we knew The Weber Stake Presidency desired to [p. 51] continue him as Stake clerk in their Stake. Pres. Shurtliff consented gracefully to our suggestion.

These three to be Presidents of the New Stake with Elder D. O. McKay & myself proceeded to select men for the following office, High Council, alternates, Pres. H. Priests quorum and Stake Clerk. We completed the work in time for me to take 8:10 PM O.S.L. train for home which I did arriving home about 9:50 P.M. While at the Third Ward meeting house after close of the Priesthood meeting. The Bishopric of the Kanesville ward were set apart they having been sustained regularly and invited to be present for the purpose. Geo Green an High Priest was ordain<ed> a bishop and set apart to preside over the Kanesville ward by Elder Geo. F. Richards. Edward S. Green was set apart First Counselor by Elder David O. McKay and Elias Petersen was set apart 2nd Counselor by Geo. F. Richards

2 August 1908 • Sunday


I took 7:10 train for Ogden. Was met at train by Elder D. O. McKay. We repaired to the Academy [p. 52] building where we met the newly chosen Presidency in consultation over some unsettled business of the Previous day. One whom we had selected had been excused and another name substituted and the names were arranged with reference to age excepting in the case of Bp. Moroni S. Marriot who was chosen to be both High Counselor and President of the High Priest’s Quorum whom we thought to make the Senior member of the council. This action was ratified by the other members later. Bro Marriot is absent from home.

At 9 A.M. we met these brethren at the Acade<my> and there questioned them and instructed them When asked if these all could sustain Bp. Marriot as Senior member of the Council & Pres. of High Priests Quorum, Israel C. Brown voted no. We made an appointment with Bro Brown at 12 oclock to see if the objections could not be over come which was done Pres Shurtliff & his counselors being present with Bro McKay and myself.

Attended 10 A.M. Con. meeting and occupied 30 minutes quoted Eph. 4:11 And he gave some Apostles &c. We are to preach the gospel abroad & to complete their conversion here and train up our children &c. These [p. 53] officers give their services gratuitously We and ours are the benefactors, we should appreciate them & sustain them. Committee meeting at 12, Noon, with Bro. Israel Brown

Met 192 members of the Priesthood at 1 P.M. We presented the Name of North Weber to be the name of the Stake and the officers as we had them to present and all were unanimously sustained. I presided at this meeting and presented the business.

At the 10 A.M. Meeting By my request Pres. Shurtliff took charge.

At 2 P.M. meeting I presided. The house was well filled.

After the opening exercises I presented the business all of which received unanimous support after which I added a few remarks using in all 20 or 25 minutes. The new Presidency each spoke and Elder McKay occupied 40 minutes these were interspersed with solo & duetts &c.

At the Conclusion of the Conference Those who had been sustained met us on the Stand & they were set apart to their various offices & further instructed as to their duties.

Following is list of the officers as Sustained. [p. 54]

North Weber Stake the 58th organized.


Jas. Wotherspoon Pres. Set apart by Geo. F. Richar<ds>

Jno. V. Bluth 1st Cou. " " "1 D O McKay

Francis W. Stratford 2" " " " "2 Geo. F. R.

High Counselors.

Moroni S. Marriot absent

Sam’l A Blair Set apart by D. O. McKay

Harry E. Baker "3 Jas Wotherspoon

Wm D Van Dyke ord. HP. & " Jno. V. Bluth

Wm H Tolhurst " F. W. Stratford

Isaac C. Brown ord. H.P. & " L W Shurtliff

Geo. H. Buttler " " " "4 C. F. Middleton

Emuel Bachman " " " " G. F. Richards

Haskell H Schurtliff " " " " D. O. McKay

John F Barton Set apart by Jas Wortherspoon

Lawrence W. Sherner ord H.P. & " "5 Jno V Bluth

Henry W. Nelson set apart "6 F. W. Stratford.


Jno. C. Neal ord. HP. & Set Apart by L. W. Shurtliff

Elias S. King " " " "7 C. F. Middleton

Nathan A Hawkes " "8 Geo. F. Richards

Jas. M. Carlson ord. HP. & Set apart by D O McKay

Moroni Chugg " " " "9 J Wortherspoon

Henry A. Anderson " " " " J. V. Bluth

Pres. High Priests Quorum.

Moroni S. Marriott absent

David W. Evans Stake Clerk & Recorder, Stake tithing Clerk & Clerk of the High Council Set apart by Francis W. Stratford.

Patriarchs Pleasant Green Taylor & Jno Carver [p. 55] already ordained. The officers of the Seventh & Eighth quorums of Elde[r]s were sustained and the 4th, 10th, 11th 13th & 14th quorums having been affected by the division of the Weber stake were left to be adjusted later.

I returned home on O.S.L. 5:45 train Having fasted all day I broke fast bathed and retired to bed early.

The weather is extremely warm. My mother who has been staying with Stephen & family the past week went to the Canyon to-day.

Our folks are all well.

Ex Presiding Bishop Wm B. Preston died this day at about 3 P.M. at the home of his Son in law’s Cottonwood. His mental condition has been such for several years as to embarrass the church & his own family and I think it a blessing that he has been called home.

I hear that Arthur Bryan of Walkerville Mont. died of heart trouble a day or two ago.

Yesterday the husband of my cousin Annie Whitney Sanders was buried he having been killed in a Ry Accident on the S.L. & O. Ry late Friday night 31st ult pinned under his engine. They announced that I would be one of the Speakers at the [p. 56] services and requested me to be present but owing to the organizing of the North Weber Stake being on my hands I was unable to be there. Alice & Geo F Jr. were in attendance.

3 August 1908 • Monday


I spent the day at home. Wrote up my journal for the past few days making a brief history of the organizing of the North Weber Stake. Made checks in payment for monthly bills &c.

4 August 1908 • Tuesday


Mama & I took all the children down town at 10 A.M. to See the Barnham Circus parade and in the evening Mama, LeGrand & his girl Ina Ashton, Joel & I went to the circus where we were well entertained.

5 August 1908 • Wednesday


I attended my regular Council meeting at the temple from 10 until one P.M. At this meeting I received the appointment with Elder D. O. McKay to the Weber Stake to complete the organization disrupted by the dividing of the Stake into three, the other two now having been Organized. I brought to the attention [p. 57] of the Council that South Weber ward of Davis Stake would better be annexed to the Weber Stake & made a motion that the annexation be made which motion carried unanimously on conditions that the people of that ward do not object.

I arranged a meeting with the people of that ward for Friday next at 1 P.M. o’clock through Pres Hyrum Grant of Davis Stake.

At one oclock, I attended the funeral services of Ex Presiding Bishop Wm B. Preston held in the Assembly room. The speakers were Bp. O. P. Miller, J. Golden Kimball Pres. F. M. Lyman & Pres Jos. F. Smith. Pres. Lund offered the opening prayr and Bp. C. W. Nibley the closing prayr. The Presidency requested me to accompany the remains & family of Bp. Preston to Logan to be present at other funeral Services to-morrow. I hastened home & got my grip and left on 4 P.M. train with mourners & others and arrived at Logan before dark. A large concourse of people were at the Depot. I was taken by Pres Isaac Smith & wife in their carriage to their home after having followed the [p. 58] cortege to the Preston home and after having driven up to the 7th & 8th wards to see what was being done by way of building new meeting houses, I having assisted the Presidency in dividing the 7th into 7th & 8th three months ago. Pres. Isaac Smith reports that the New River Heights ward is also building a meeting house & both these new wards are delight<ed> over their ward organizations both organized same day.

6 August 1908 • Thursday


At home of Stake President Isaac Smith. A nice rain storm last evening. A cool night and I had a good night’s rest and am well this morning. Wrote up my journal for past two days and did some writing in my Commentary. Subject Funeral Service Thoughts.

I went up to the Preston home at 11 A.M. and from there to the tabernacle at 12 o’clock. Pres F. M. Lyman came over from Smithfield and was present at the funeral services of Bp Wm B. Preston at 12 O’clock. The first speaker was Moses thatcher a brother of the widow Sister Preston He occupied about 30 or 40 minutes [p. 59] I spoke second and occupied about fifteen minutes. Had just fair liberty, spoke deliberately A Solo by Bro. Ballard was sung and I took leave for the 1:30 P.M. train and arrived in Salt Lake at 6 P.M. Found my daughter Alice Minerva on arriving home she having come in from Tooele for a few days’ visit.

Our children are all at home to-night the first time in Several years. Twelve in all living, two are gone before, Amy & Alverda. All are well. My mother went up to the Canyon10 last Sunday and is still there. Sister Asenath is there also. At Dr Stephen’s Camp.

On way down between Ogden & Farmington Bro & Sis D. O. McKay were on the train bound for Lagoon with their three children. I had a nice romp with the baby same age as ours.

7 August 1908 • Friday


I went to Ogden on 9:30 O.S.L. train was met at Station by Elder David O McKay We went up town to the office of the Weber Stake Presidency where we met Pres. L. W. Shurtliff & Counselors and then considered the completing of the organi[p. 60]zations of the Weber Stake. I took dinner at Sister D. O. McKay’s. Bro Heber Scocroft proffered us the use of his Auto and his son Albert as chauffeur to go to South Weber about seven miles distant to meeting and Elder McKay the Weber Stake Presidency and I were the passengers. We held meeting with the people of the South Weber Ward and Pres. Jos. H. Grant & Jesse N. Smith of the Davis Stake Presidency. After the opening exercises I presented to the people the object of the meeting to get the Consent of the people of the ward to be annexed to the Weber stake. I stated that the move originated with the Twelve. Pres. Grant was consulted. The First Presidency & Twelve agreed upon it. The Weber Stake Presidency indorsed it. It would be better for the people making it easier for those who are faithful in attending to their duties of attending Stake meetings to do so. Removing much temptation from such people to neglect those duties. It would give the indifferent members less excuse for neglect. Both are choice Stakes. It will be an honor to be members of either. You will be lothe to leave Pres Grant & the people but you will learn to love the Weber Stake people if faithful with <them>. [p. 61]

Elder McKay and Pres Grant spoke. An oppertunity was given any who might want to Speak and Bp Kendall and several others of the brethren Spoke The question was submitted and all except one as nearly as I could see voted in the affirmative. None voted in opposition. It was a Bro. Cook who did not vote. He asked the question if the move began with the Twelve and I answered in the affirmative. The facts are I asked Pres. Grant about it. He indorsed it. I brought it to the attention of the First Presidency & the Twelve. They indorsed it. Elder McKay having been appointed to the Weber Stake to Complete the organizations we took the matter in hand & had the meeting called. After the question was voted upon the members of the Weber Stake Presidency each spoke also Jessie N. Smith of the Davis Stake Presidency I spoke again about 15 minut[e]s and at conclusion had a good handshake with the people.

Returning to Ogden by Automobile about 4 P.M. we proceeded to consider Weber Stake officers.

Pres Wotherspoon proposed to us a change in the boundary lines of the Stake which we considered but [p. 62] did not concede to believing that those apparent inconveniences would in time be overcome. They would adjust themselves in time and the present Boundary lines would be then conceded to be the best that could be made.

I returned home on the 8:10 P.M. O.S.L.

8 August 1908 • Saturday


I phoned Pres. Jos. Hyrum Grant of Bountiful with reference to good men in South Weber who could be used in the Weber Stake offices and received the recommend of one Adolph Pharnelius.

I obtained the indorsement of Sister E. B. Wells of the change of Presidency of the Relief society of the Weber Stake releasing Sister Jane S. Richards who has been President of the Weber Stake Relief Since its first organization by Brigham Young and make Sister Emily M. Shurtliff the President.

Also obtained indorsement of the heads of Y.L.M.I. & Primaries of the choices we had made.

I wrote up my journal to date &c.

I spent several hours studying & went with my Son George to Liberty park between five & six o’clock where Mama and the children had gone about two hours before [p. 63] We returned from the park at 9 P.M. I completed my journal entry for the day and made ready for Sunday by blacking shoes, trimming beard, bathing. &c.

9 August 1908 • Sunday


I took train S.L. & O. 8:30 A.M. for Ogden. The Davis Stake Presidency went by same train to Ogden the purpose of our going was to attend a special Conference of the Weber Stake called for the purpose of completing the organizations of the Weber Stake depleted through having organized the two new Stakes Ogden & North Weber from the Weber Stake. The visit of the Weber Davis Stake Presidency was due to the fact that at this Conference the South Weber Ward was to be annex<ed> to the Weber Stake.

At the 10 A.M. meeting several of the brethren spoke and I occupied about 30 minutes and presented the matter of receiving into the Weber Stake the South Weber Ward which carried unanimously.

I spoke upon the Subject of Bible Reading. Also reading other Church works. Read the Bible to your children. Bible Stories and cultivate faith in them & a desire to know more [p. 64] about the Scriptures. Read Jn. 5, 39 Search the Scriptures &c. Also Rom 10:14 The Church works are our implements of warfare. We are required to prove them If we neglect, we will not be justified as was David when he had not proved the Armor Saul put upon him. David was justified, we will not be.

Between 12 & 1 oclock with my brother Charles and Bro Middleton of the Weber Stake Presidency called on Aunt Jane S. Richards who is one of the Relief society General Board and who has presided over the Weber Stake Relief society since July 1877 having been called by Pres. Brigham Young just the month prior to his death. The first Stake Pres. of Relief societies in the church. She is now 85 yrs of Age. The brethren thought Aunt Jane S. Richards should be released and I went to see her upon this point She received the suggestion with good grace when I had made the explanations that as a resident member of the Gen’l Board she would have a general supervision over the whole three Stake Presidencies. That to preside over Weber stake now would depreciate her influence with the others as a member of the general Board. They might feel that she is only on a level with them. Re[p. 65]ferred to a time when stakes were presided over by members of the Twelve which has long since been unnecessary. Now is the Suitable time for a change. <{I administered a blessing to her on suggestion of Bro Charles before leaving>

At one o’clock, met the priesthood 253 in number at the 3rd Ward House where the proposed officers were presented by Elder David O. McKay at my request. All votes in the Affirmative.

At 2 P.M. Meeting the Tabernacle was fairly well filled. Elder McKay presented the business. All voting being in the Affirmative. The Presidency of Davis Stake all spoke and I occupied the time remaining about 25 minutes. Spoke of the responsibility as the greatest ever placed upon me in my calling the Organizing of the two new Stakes Ogden & North Weber & the completing of the organization of the Weber Stake. Some delicate matters had to be handled but all had come out well and the Lord had abundently blessed us. The Gospel net catches many kinds of fish. There are some who seek office & when they do not get it become disgruntled, another class who when asked to hold office refuse unless it be what they specially desire especially so in small wards where they think their services can not well [p. 66] be dispensed with. There is another class who when relieved of office for the betterment of the cause become disaffected Notwithstanding the many offices filled in these three Stakes no such spirit as has been mentioned above has been apparent. This shows good training & well established faith. I hope in the completing of the organizations, Auxiliaries, the same spirit will be found through out. Referred to South Weber Coming in and the hope expressed that those who were not at our meeting Friday at S.W. would be as loyal as those who were present & took action. To do otherwise would be opposing that which was inspired of the Lord & would result in a loss of faith except Such should repent.

I then undertook to Glorify God & his Son Jesus Christ. “The fool hath said in his heart There is no God” thus Repudiating his Eternal Father and giving the Lie to all Nature, to tradition reason & revelation. What must the father think of such as he. Atheism & Evolution.

At close of afternoon services we set apart the newly called & sustained officers so far as present. On the opposite page (over) is list of officers and their Setting apart. [p. 67]

Special Conference of Weber Stake Aug. 9, 1908. Ogden Tabernacle

11Lewis W. Shurtliff Stake President

Charles F Middleton "12 1st Counselor

John Watson " 2nd "13

Henry F. McCune P. HP. Quo. by G. F. Richards

Thos. S. Browning 1st Counselor "14 D O. McKay

Chas. C. Brown 2nd " "15 Geo. F. Richards

1 John McQuarrie. retained H.C.

2 John L. Herrick. Retained HC

3 Wilford O. Ridges Set apart H Counselor by D. O. Mc.

4 Thos A Shreeve " "16 by L. W. Shurt.

5 Henry H. Rolopp " absent "17

6 Edward I Rich H.C. absent

7 J. W. F. Volker ord. HP. & HC by C. F. Middleton

8 Wm E. Newman H.P. & H.C. "18 John Watson

9 Francis L. Woods H.C. by Geo. F. Richards

10 Jos C. McFarlane HP. & HC by D O McKay

11 Fred G. Clark HP & HC "19 L W Shurtliff

12 Alva L. Scoville H.C. absent

Alternate High Councilors

W G Rockham ord. H.P. & Alt. H.C. by C. F. Middleton

Chris. J. Brown " " " " "20 John Watson

Joseph A. Fife " " " " " Geo F. Rich[ards]

James R. Beus " " " " " D O McKay

Adolph G. Fernelius " " " " L W Shurt.

David C. Eccles "21 absent

D. Ray Shurtliff Stake Clerk by D O McKay.

Auxiliary officers sustained & not present to be set apart. [p. 68]

After having attended to the setting apart of officers after 5 P.M. I went with Bp. Ensign of the Ogden 1st ward to his home & took dinner and thence to the First ward meeting where I addres<ed> the Saints for 70 minutes. Read from Gen. 1: & 2: and from Rev. 12:7. Also from P. of G.P. p. 12, 15, 19. Spoke of the origin of the two powers. Good & Evil. Read Moroni 7:12–14 Christ the light & the way, the exemplar. He taught & lived the way of life. Lucifer the enemy of God & man.

Returned to Salt Lake on train leaving Ogden at 8:10 P.M. O.S.L. A strenuous day but very successful may the Lord be praised.

10 August 1908 • Monday


I wrote up my journal for the past day recording proceedings of Special Conference of Weber Stake. Remained home studying until five o’clock. Alice & my daughter Nerva having gone to Farmington on 11 A.M. train I took 6 P.M. SL & O train & went to Farmington. Took supper with my sister Minerva, my folks being there We returned on train leaving the Lagoon at 9 P.M.

11 August 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home. In the afternoon 2:15 o’clock I accompanied [p. 69] Pres. F. M. Lyman down town and to the Presidents office where we laid before the Presidency the substance of the trouble between the Burnham Bros of Lovell Wyo & Bp. Jolley & others of same place the former having written to the Presidency with reference to Same, and the letter having been submitted to Pres. Lyman. I made a statement of the case at Pres. Lyman’s request. Pres. Winder, J H Smith & H. M. Smith being present.

At 5 P.M. with my wife and three oldest children went to Wandamere with members of my Circle where at 7 P.M. Supper was served at Kings Cafe 45¢ each.

At about 9 P.M. a thunder storm arose. The lights went out and we had a long wait for cars which discontinued running, the power being off for a season. We were from 9 to 11 o’clock getting home. Lucena & Mamie had gone to the Lagoon and got home on same car with us.

12 August 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular Council meeting at 10 A.M. and Circle meeting at 6:20 PM. Present 21 I received appointment to San Juan [p. 70] Stake and will have to leave home to-morrow afternoon.

Arranged to have family photographed at Shiplers at 12 o’clock noon to-morrow.

Weather pleasant as result of storms. My health good & folks well.

13 August 1908 • Thursday


I phoned RGW. Ry Co. and learned that No. 2 leaving S. Lake at 3:10 P.M. does not stop at Thompsons so had to get a special dispensation which I did through Wm. C. Spence. Pres. Hart was detained by the Presidency and I could get neither a member of the Council of Seventy nor of the Presiding Bishopric to accompany me but at depot found Sister [blank] Bennion of the Primary Board who was going out to Moab to attend to Primary work. On train to Thompson I read from Nelsons Scientific Aspect of Mormonism. Arrived at Thompson at 12 o’clock and got rooms at the Thompson’s Hotel. A good clean bed but bugs galore. Weather cool and pleasant. My health good.

14 August 1908 • Friday


Cool morning. On account of recent storms we will have no [p. 71] dust. Sister Bennion, the teamster and another gentleman passenger left Thompsons at 7:12 A.M. in a four spring mountain wagon for Moab 35 miles distant S. East just across the Grand River. We passed Valley City nine miles from Thompson and at Court House rock Hotel twenty miles from Thompsons we took dinner and were joined there by a young lady resident at Court House. We were ferried across the Grand River. Arrived at Moab at 3 P.M. went with the mail wagon to the Sorensen hotel and from there was invited with Sister Bennion to the home of Sister [blank] Hammond to stay while in Moab. Blacked my shoes, washed & changed my linnen and received Pres. Walter Lyman and his counselors and with them held a meeting and considered names of brethren for vacant. I offered the closing prayr. At supper asked blessing, the brethren went to Bp. Larsons to Supper & to stay.

15 August 1908 • Saturday


I attended 10 oclock Conference meeting. and occupied 35 minutes in conclusion. Compared present church with Primative church which had [p. 72] no stake organizations & officers. What would be our condition now if these stakes were disorganized & all these officers dispensed with. Also stake meetings. At 12 o’clock attended High Council meeting. Present 226

Attended 2 P.M. meeting present 255 Sister Bennion spoke. I spoke in conclusion about 20 minutes Subject Study the Scriptures and tell the bible stories to your children. Told the Story of David & Golia[t]h. The church works are our implements of warefare we should prove the armor.

At 4 P.M. met the Prieshtood for 1½ hours. I occupied 30 minutes Subjects. Bps. should not impose on people with presenting unworthy persons to them to be sustained. Duty of Bps & Ward Teachers to members especially the boys, Lesser Priesthood

Attended a match game of ball between Monticello & Moab. Took Supper with Bro Shaffer and in the evening attended a meeting of the Primary officers & Stake Presidency & Bps. 24 present. Primary work considered.

16 August 1908 • Sunday


Attended council meeting with Primary officers at 9 A.M. [p. 73]

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting. Sunday School session. I occupied about 15 minutes and told of the Sunday shooting at Koosharum where 12 yr old Hatch boy was killed. Disobedience. Also of Elder Burdette’s death by drowning in Germany. Disobedience Also Story of Abraham & Isaac. Obedience. Sacrament Administered Went to dinner with Bp. Larson Had water melon a good one.

At afternoon meeting the business of the conference was attended to Authorities General & local sustained. Bro. Halls of Stake Presidency, Sister Bennion & I were the speakers. I occupied about 35 minutes. Spoke of the beauties of Moab, points of credit & commendation observed in the Stake. Spoke of God the Creator & Father of all. We being His children, having the same attributes and being commanded to be perfect, what manner of beings are we. Our possibilities are to become heirs with Jesus in His fathers King<dom.>

With Pres. Walter Lyman & Pres. Redd I went to Supper with John Petersen At 4 o’clock we ordained and set apart the newly sustained [p. 74] officers who were present.

I ordained Hanson Bayles of Grayson, San Juan Stake a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Grayson ward, he having been sustained by the people of the ward.

I set Clyde A Hammond apart Stake Superintentendent of Sunday Schools. I set apart Orrin A Tangren assistant Stake Secretary of Sunday Schools.

The other settings apart were done by the members of the Stake Presiden<cy> a record of which will be kept in the Stake and a copy submitted to Bro. Geo. F. Gibbs

At the conjoint meeting in the evening I occupied about 35 minutes about 20 minutes on mutual work and balance on Subject of marriage. Told Story of Seviere woman as warning boys to marry in the temples.

Retired to home of Sister Hammond for the night. Bro. Henry Holyoak gave to Sister Bennion and me each a box of peaches which we took with us home.

I feel well satisfied with our conference work and so does sister Bennion as I gave her an op[p. 75]portunity to attend to her business for the primaries during the Conference and to speak at three of the conference meetings.

17 August 1908 • Monday


I retired to bed after eleven o’clock last night, arose at 4:30 this morning and did not sleep very well while in bed so feel somewhat dull this A.M.

We should have left Moab at 5 A.M. but it was 5:30 when the mail driver called for us. We took breakfast at Court-house hotel 15 mi. from Moab. Reached Thompsons at 2 P.M.

West bound train due at 3:05 reported 1 hr 10 min. late.

We went to Thompson hotel where I wrote up my journal for yesterday. Train four hours late I left Thompsons at 7 P.M. Got supper and birth on train

Arrived in Salt Lake at 2:30 or 3 A.M.

18 August 1908 • Tuesday

Salt Lake.

Arrived from Moab in Salt Lake about 3 A.M. took carriage home. Folks well. Weather pleasant.

In afternoon I attended a meeting of the First Presidency & Twelve [p. 76] <Burial Place of Joseph & Hyrum Read this page.>22 at the Presidents office this meeting in Lue [lieu] of the Wednesday Circle & council meeting held in the temple on account of the fact so many of the council are away and Pres. Lyman & Elder Ivins are to leave for Uintah to-night. Present the First Presidency, Pres. F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, A. W. Ivins and myself. I offered the opening prayr At this meeting I received an appointment to Star Valley. Pres. Smith also expects to go on urgent invitation of the Stake Presidency. At this meeting the place of burial of Joseph & Hyrum Smith was discussed.

Pres. Jos. F. Smith Said they were first buried in the Nauvoo House or Mansion I do not just know which not having been there. They were afterward at the instance of [blank] moved to the old Smith Home <burial> Lot. Afterward at the instance of Emma Smith they were moved to a grover some distance either up or down the river I forget the name of the grove & whether up or down the river <Hibbard grove>. They were afterward moved back to the Smith Lot where there are others of the family buried. Pres. Smith’s mother was an eye witness to the burial moving of the bodies from the Smith Lot to [p. 77] the <Hibbard> grove mentioned which event took place in the night. Emma had told the Patriarch’s wife that she intended to have it done that night and the day previous told her it would not be done but about eleven o’clock that night The Patriarch wife, Jos. F. Smith’s mother felt impressed & following those impressions went to the Spot and found them in the act of removing the bodies. The following day Pres. Jos F. Smith then a boy went to the place and found the open grave of as I remember it, Don Carlos Smith. A corner of the lid was broken in and he looked into the casket and saw the face and the worms crawling. Some years ago when Jos. Smith the Son of the Prophet and head of the Re-organite Church moved to Indiependance he wrote to John Smith the Eldest living Son of the Patriarch Hyrum stating his intentions to move his fathers bones to Independance and asking permission to move Hyrum’s remains. John & Jos. F. half brothers conferred to-gether and answered that if he Joseph wished to move his father they supposed he had a right to but that he was not to move the remains of their father [p. 78] but should he Joseph decide to move his father’s remains they desired to be notified of the time that they might have a representative there and they would move the remains of their father Hyrum to Utah. Nothing more came of it.

At the time of Emma Smith’s burial a certain man, I forget his name, said he saw Joseph step off the distances to determine where the Prophet was buried and when they came to dig the grave they dug too close to the Prophet’s grave and uncovered a part of the casket. All this shows the burial to be at that place in Nauvoo. The purpose of Emma having the bodies of the Prophet and Patriarch moved from the Home lot to the grove and of deceiving the wife of the Patriarch was to keep the knowledge of the whereabouts of their burial from the Twelve.

19 August 1908 • Wednesday


I spent most of the day at home reading & Studying. In afternoon I went down town. Ordered photographs finished family Groupe.

Called at Pres. office. Attended my Circle at 6:20 P.M. 20 in attendance. Retired to bed early my head not [p. 79] feeling very well. Light headedness probably from the heat.

Called to See my mother yesterday & again to-day.

20 August 1908 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon at home profitably working on Commentary. Made preparations to go north to Star Valley.

I left Salt Lake on O.S.L. Ry train 1 P.M. in company with President Joseph F Smith and his wife Edna for Star Valley Idaho. On train was Bp. C. W. Nibly on his way to LeGrande Oregon. We rode in pullman to McCammon changed trains for Montpelier at 6:30 P.M. and reached latter place 9:30 P.M. A son of Wm Burton was at the Depot to meet us and directed us to hotel Burgone where we took rooms for the night. I had #40. I phoned to Bp W. Clark and arranged for him to take us over to Star Valley to-morrow fifty miles through the mountains. Had to send and get him from show.

21 August 1908 • Friday

Montpelier Idaho.

At Burghone Hotel. I had a good night’s rest. Am well this A.M.

Pres. Jos. F. Smith & wife Edna and I left Montpelier for Afton Star Valley [p. 80] at 9 A.M. with Bp. Wilford W. Clark We had rain and muddy roads the latter half of the distance and our team became very tired before we got out of the Canyon.

Pres. Geo. Osmond and Counselor Wilford A Hyde with the latter’s team met us at Lowe’s Ranch twelve miles from Afton at about 7:45 o’clock and they put their team on our carriag[e] leaving their buggy for Bp. Clark & we came on to Afton & were serinaded by the Brass band as we entered the town about 10 o’clock P.M. The brass band and sunday school children of Fair view ward had waited for hours for our arrival but had disbanded before we reached the town the hour being late and the night dark and they having no certa[i]nty of the time of our arrival. By pre-arrangement of the Stake Presidency I staid with President Osmond and Pres. Smith and wife put up with Pres. Wm W. Burton a relative by marriage.

Our ride of fifty miles by team was not altogether unpleasant, we enjoyed one another’s company, the luncheon & Scenery &c. [p. 81]

22 August 1908 • Saturday

Afton Wyo.

I wrote up my journal to date and did Some Studying before going to the Conference meeting at 10 A.M. Before entering the meeting house I met Sister Mamie Clark Barrus wife of Orrin Orlando Barris who told me her husband expected to take a second mission towards the close of the year. I asked how many children they have and learned that they have six. He does not know where he will be wanted to go. I asked her how she would like to take her little flock and accompany her husband. She seemed surprised but I thought pleased at the question, Her answer was any thing those hands of hers or her head could do she was on hand to do. I had in mind the fact that Pres. Jos. F. Smith had laid it upon the Twelve & Pres. Lyman had requested me to have my eyes open for a man & wife to go to Georgie [Georgia] to live among a trive [tribe] of L.D.S. Indians and teach them the Language, the Gospel and how to work principally to farm and the thought or inspiration came to me in an instant. ‘This is the Couple.[’] Later I spoke to Pres. Smith about it and he thought them a likely couple for the mission and requested me to confer with them [p. 82] further which I intend to do.

At the 10 A.M. Conference there were present 413. We heard from each of the Stake Presidency after which Pres. Jos. F. Smith occupied the balance of the time 62 minutes and gave us an excellent discourse. Referred to Conversation between Christ & Pilate in which the latter asked, “What is truth.[”] Jesus answered I am the truth. There are some gospel truths as clear as the mathematical truth of 2+2=4. These truths parents should teach to their children some of which are. There is a God in heaven the Creator of all things the Father of all and Jes[us] Christ the Son of God, the Savior & redeemer. Repentance brings forgiveness of sins & there is no forgiveness without it. Baptism is necessary to Salvation &c. Also stated that to know the Gospel is true will not save man he must live the Gospel. The gospel makes free only those who live the same.

Between meetings we inspected the Stake Tabernacle just ready for the plastering.

At Afternoon meeting we heard from Patriarch Cazair and three recently returned missionaries. A lady sang “The Seer” And I occupied about 30 minutes. Referred to the Singing thus far and the appropriateness of the [p. 83] selections. Advised the Singers to Sing those hymns which will touch the hearts of their hearers and their music will be appreciated. No music is too grand or beautiful to be set to these hymns. We are not living remote enough from the Prophet Joseph to appreciate him. We garnish the graves of the anscients but lack appreciation of the Modern prophets. Than Joseph there has been none greater save Jesus Christ. We should by study of his life & history & that of the church in which he so conspicuously figured for to know him is to Love him. The L.D. Saints do not know Joseph Smith & do not fully appreciate him.

For a Bishop to say Bro Jones is a true & consistant LD Saint ought to mean that he thinks and acts as I do for so I should be, hence such a recommend tells me all about the man & I at once love him. To discover the virtues of the people means to love them more. We should be trying to discover their virtues &c.

I spent an hour or so at Wm W Burtons in the evening with the Stake Presidency where we took supper. President Smith being there. We administered to Jos Thos. Burton’s wife and Pres Smith blessed their baby and named it fielding Call.


in house—

out doors


Present Saturd.

10 A.M.


" "23

2 P.M.



10 A.M.





2 P.M.



770>25 [p. 84]

23 August 1908 • Sunday

Afton Wyo.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday, three pages and did some studying before the morning meeting.

At 10 A.M. Meeting President Smith occupied about 40 minutes and I about 20 or 25 minutes. Asked a number of questions about Pres. Smith, Joseph Smith, the Six Presidents, Pres. of Twelve &c all of which were satisfactorily answered. I told the Story of the Hatch boys at Koosharam, Seviere stake & had them bring out the two lessons the 4th & 5th commandments and we recited them in concert & made some comments. Had good liberty and made a hit may the Lord be praised. Held the attention to the Close. Stake Supt of S. Schools Heber F. Burton occupied 15 min. I had a talk with Orlando Barrus & wife at noon hour about taking a mission. They are both willing to go where desired and Sister Barrus suggested that her mother is footloose and would go on a mission if called. She might be called to accompany them should they receive the call.

At the close of the morning meeting Pres. Smith and I shook hands with the children & people as they passed out. At afternoon meeting I was the [p. 85] first speaker the house was crowded and 180 people counted out side. An overflow meeting was announced and held on the north East side of the School house on the grass.

At the main meeting I occupied about 35 minutes with great liberty Subject being the Gospel one of Sacrifice. Our Substance should be submitted as well to the Priesthood who preside over us as our time. Tithing and Consecration &c all bearing upon the completion of the Stake House the crowded condition in the house and the large number who could not gain admission being the evidence of the necessity for the early completion of the same.

When I had concluded, by request of Pres. Smith I went over to the overflow meeting and there occupied about 30 minutes in out door speaking. Had good liberty and spoke on same subject treated in former talk but in a somewhat different way. At conclusion of our meeting 3:50 P.M. I went over to the meeting house and heard through the window, Pres. Smith speak for 25 min. At the evening Conjoint meeting I occupied about 30 minutes. Quoted Mat. 7: [blank] Beware of false prophets &c. [p. 86] A tree is known by its fruits. Jesus is accepted by all Christians as the Christ & Redeemer (a good tree) His fruits are his teachings and the life he led. These are accounted for in New Testament. The tree bearing like fruits is a good tree. Jos. Smith is that tree and the L.D. Saints continue to bear the same fruit. The fact that we do teach true scriptural doctrine is an evidence of the truth of Mormonism. We must acquaint ourselves with the Bible as it is one of the chief weapons we have to use in the battle we are waging against sin & unbelief. Prove the Armor. Related the Story of David and Golia[t]h of Gath. If we do not prove the armor we will not be justified as was David for we have oppertunity, he had not. Under those circumstances we could not claim the Divine aid as did David. Defeat & embarrassment is most sure to follow.

Pres. Smith followed for about half an hour & said more converts had been made through the Book of Mormon than through the Bible and urged the young men to study it also the D & Cov. Read the testimony of Jos. Smith and Sidney Rigdon found in Sec 76 D&C & commented on same. [p. 87]

24 August 1908 • Monday

Afton Wyo.

I arose before 6 o’clock and wrote up my journal for yesterday and made ready to start home. I rested last night but did not sleep as well as usual. Four sermons in one day seemed to disturb my nerves or sleeping powers.

Bishop Wilford W. Clark left for Lowe’s ranch after the afternoon meeting yesterday, twelve miles on our way and Pres. Wilford Hyde is to take us that far this morning where we will go on with Bp. Clark.

My health is good this morning and the weather looks clear now but it is quite cold. Later, we got in to Montpelier at 6 P.M. The roads dry I left the folks at the old cabin while the team was eating to walk up the hill and walked about six miles before the team overtook me. Bp Clark took us to his home where we took supper and spent the evening until after 9 o’clock. Sister Clark having arranged with her neighbor Jones across the street Pres. Smith and wife went over there to sleep and I slept at Bp. Clarks and had a good nights rest.

25 August 1908 • Tuesday

Montpelier. Ida.

At Bp. Clarks I arose at 6 A.M. [p. 88] blacked my shoes, cleaned up and wrote up my journal and did some studying. Pres. Jos. F. Smith, his wife Edna and I left Montpelier on the 10 A.M. O.S.L. Ry train and arrived in Salt Lake 7:20 an hour late. We had an hour and a half wait at McCammon. Train an hour late.

26 August 1908 • Wednesday


I attended my Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M until 2:30 P.M. There received appointment to the Granite Stake Conference. Also an appointment with Pres. F. M Lyman & Elder A. W. Ivins on committee work to answer questions relative to the Church courts collecting debts &c. I met my niece at Dr. S. L. R’s office and had a talk with her about her finances & advised her in the matter. I attended my Circle meeting as usual at 6:20 P.M. present twenty three. I read Luke 11: in part and commented upon it and in connection there with Jas. 1:5, 6 all on subject of prayr.

I spent a half hour or hour at my mothers visiting her.

Weather cooler & pleasant. Our health good.

*At the meeting to-day the matter of the relationship of the Gospel to the [p. 89] <Important Decisions.>26 Seed of Ham (Negroes) was considered having been brought up by a letter from Elder [blank] Badger. We [a]greed that former decisions of the Council stand. Pres. Jos F. Smith said that Elijah Abels (1/8 Negro) in Brigham youngs day received ordination by Jos. Young & had his Seventies license but Brigham Young decided that it was null & non effective. The matter was later brought before John Taylor & Later before Wilford Woodruff and in each case the decision of Brigham young was confirmed In Pres. Woodruffs time the Council of Presidency & Twelve decided that a man known to have in his veins Negro blood of any degree what so ever is not entitled to the Priesthood neither is the man or woman marrying any such. Neither are they entitled to temple blessings.

The question of proselyting among the Negroes considered. It was thought best by some to not make any demonstration in that direction until the Lord gives special direction in the matter. We will not deny any baptism who have the necessary qualifications as the Gospel provides. Faith, Repentance &c. [p. 90]

27 August 1908 • Thursday


I read the paper, wrote up my journal, attended to some business correspondence. Went down town and called on the Presidency and laid before them the matter of calling Bro & Sis. Orlando Barrus on mission to the Catawba Indians of S. Carolina. I called on bro. Geo. Reynolds and found him weak in body but in mind able to converse and to pray.

Towards night Alice and baby & I went to Wandamere where Oliver, Moselle & Mamie had been spending the afternoon chaperooned by Miss Ina Ashton. On my return home I wrote up my journal for the day &c.

28 August 1908 • Friday


I spent most of the day home studying and in the evening went to the Salt Palace races the first I ever attend<ed>.

29 August 1908 • Saturday


I attended the Granite Stake Priesthood. Talked to the brethren of the Priesthood about fifteen minutes on Subject of Ward teachers and to the assembled departments about 20 minutes. Comparisons of Granite Stake with some others in the [p. 91] percentage of attendance at the Stake Conference meetings and the number of missionaries sent out. The comparisons favorable to Smaller stakes. I called at Pres. Bps Office & obtained further Statistics.

Spent the afternoon at home, reading writing &c. Towards night and after Supper Geo. LeGrand & I walked up Third to N. Sts. inspecting property. Both of them having desires for building lots in this district.

30 August 1908 • Sunday


<Weather Cold last night>

I attended the Granite Stake Conference. 10 A.M., 2 P.M. and Conjoint 7:30 P.M. I was first speaker Sat 10 A.M. meeting I occupied about 15 or 17 minutes on Statistics and reviewing report of the Stake for 1907 as obtained from Presiding Bps office. I should have said Pres F Y Taylor was first speaker & I followed him. Bro. Andrew Jensen & Bp. Miller followed me & Pres Lund concluded in a 15 min. talk. Elders John Henry Smith & Hyrum M. Smith were present but did not speak.

We had nice lunch at meeting house between meetings.

At Afternoon meeting there were present 1460 according to count. The Speakers wer[e] in order as fol[p. 92]lows. Willard Young, John Henry Smith & H. M. Smith. Pres Lund spoke about five minutes in Conclusion.

At evening meeting. Elder John Henry Smith & I were the only visitors and we each talked. I Spoke first & occupied about 30 minutes Subject Read Church works as a means 1st of establishing faith. 2nd Equipping the individual for

A. Missionary work abroad and at home

b. To teach your children.

Elder Smith occupied 50 minutes. I spoke deliberately, had good liberty and several told me after that they enjoyed my remarks among whome wer[e] Pres. F. Y. Taylor & Claud Richards.

I came home to Supper and Mama accompanied me to the evening meeting.

<Snow fell on mountains last (Sat.) night.>27

31 August 1908 • Monday


Cool weather.

Grandma Richards came up to stay with us a few days while Asenath is in Nephi. Dr Stephen brought her over in his buggy on my request.

I staid home all day studying & writing. I made a digest of committee work assigned to Pres. [p. 93] F. M. Lyman, Elder A. W. Ivins and me by Presidency. Jurisdiction of Church courts in cases of debt. & collection of same. Formulated report which when presented to the other members may not pass muster.

In the evening Bro. Geo. Lyman Stookey phoned up to know if I could meet him self & wife at the temple to-morrow morning where they are going to be baptized for their health. I made an appointment with them for 8:45 A.M. at temple.

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August 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Set apart by”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “st Cou. Set apart by”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks here and in next three lines for “Set apart by”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “ord. H.P. and Set apart by”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Set apart by”.

  6. [6]Ditto mark for “by”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “ord. HP. & Set Apart by”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Set Apart by”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks here and in next line for “ord. HP. & Set apart by”.

  10. [10]There appears to be a diacritical mark (˘) over the “y”.

  11. [11]This and the next five names are enclosed in a brace to the left.

  12. [12]Ditto mark for “Stake”.

  13. [13]Ditto marks for “Stake” and “Counselor”.

  14. [14]Ditto mark for “by”.

  15. [15]Ditto marks for “Counselor by”.

  16. [16]Ditto marks for “Set apart H Counselor”.

  17. [17]The ditto marks in this line appear to have been written first, and then “absent” was written to replace them.

  18. [18]Ditto marks for “by”.

  19. [19]Ditto mark for “by”.

  20. [20]Ditto marks here and in the next three lines for “ord. H.P. & Alt. H.C. by”.

  21. [21]Ditto mark for “Alt. H.C.”.

  22. [22]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 77.

  23. [23]Ditto marks for “Present Sat.”

  24. [24]Ditto mark for “Sund.”

  25. [25]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 84.

  26. [26]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 90.

  27. [27]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 93.