1 March 1911 • Wednesday


Snow melting. Health good.

I attended a special meeting of the [p. 141] Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. with 1 hr 20 min. recess. Jno. W. Taylor was before us. We adjourned subject to call. I attended Circle meeting, 17 present dressed for circle & one not so dressed.

Elder Heber J. Grant and Elder Hyrum M. Smith received appointment to Southern Arizona Stakes and a part of California mission, but Elder Grant found it would not be convenient to go and I proffered to go in his stead which proffer was accepted. I made ready and left on S.L. Route train 11:50 P.M.

2 March 1911 • Thursday

All day on train between Salt Lake and Los Angeles. I read two books through Wm Geo Jordens works The Magesty of Calmness and the Kingship of Self Control.

3 March 1911 • Friday

Arrived at Los Angeles with Elder Hyrum M. Smith at 8 A.M. We were met by Pres. Jos E. Robinson at depot and after securing our birth tickets on S.P. Ry to Phoenix we went out to the beach at Ocean Park where Bro. Smiths family are staying and here I wrote up my journal [p. 142] wrote letters, one to Mama and one to my daughter Nerva at Tooele—and did other writing. We are to leave Los Angeles for Phoenix Ariz. at 3 P.M. to-day.

4 March 1911 • Saturday

Mesa, Ariz.

Weather lovely Health good.

Elder Hyrum M. Smith and I left Los Angeles at 3 P.M. yesterday and arrived here at 9:45 A.M. to-day Mt. time. Attended Conference meeting. Heard reports from Pres. Leseuer & Prests of H. Priests, Seventies, Elders & Reliefsocieties and I spoke about 25 minutes dividing the time with Elder Smith who spoke about 35 minutes so that our meeting was 10 min late in closing. I wrote home enclosing rose bud & spray from pepper tree.

Pres Leseuer took us for an auto ride to see the country which is most beautiful. Crops in most all stages of development. We saw wheat fully headed out, about two feet high. The Almond, peach and Apricot trees in bloom also roses, oranges &c. The flies are somewhat troublesom to bald heads. The balmy air is a true delight to feel and to breathe. We are given a generous welcome here. [p. 143]

5 March 1911 • Sunday


Some rain during the day and night. The temperature is just right.

Attended 10 A.M. session of the Conference at which the children were in attendance. 610 present. The school officials presented a program of 1 hr. 15 min. I spoke about 20 minutes and Elder H. M. Smith followed.

I had good liberty I spoke of the love we bear our parents, Why? How best show our love for them & repay to them the debt of gratitude we owe. We have a Heavenly Father. We are in debted to him. Why & how. How repay &c The same by the savior &c

At 2 P.M. meeting <455 attendance> the Authorities were sustained after which Pres Pomeroy, Elder H. M. Smith and I occupied the time in the order named.

I had good liberty and occupied the time left to me about 25 minutes. Love your enemies; duties we owe to one another; do not bear false witness. Read from Mat. 5:44; 6:14–15 Read Hyms pp. 66 & 184 quoted other scripture and sentiment “Don’t look for the flaws as you go through life[”] &c. We took dinner with brother Isaac Dana & wife and supper with brother Henry Peterson & Wife. [p. 144]

At 7:30 P.M. Mutual meeting a nice programme was rendered and I spoke about 30 minutes followed by Elder H. M. Smith. I spoke upon the Subject of character building and had good liberty and after meeting several people came to me and said how much they enjoyed my talk. One a school teacher said she wanted to thank me that my talk had helped her much. I answered, “May the Lord be praised.” I read Matt. 6:1–6 and quoted freely Character & Reputation applications and definations. Quoted “As a man thinkith” No Salvation with out intelligence and no excellence without labor &c. Did not cover the whole ground. <We set apart officers.>

6 March 1911 • Monday

Mesa, Ariz.

Weather stormy.

My health and spirits good. After breakfast, I wrote up my journal for yesterday and wrote letter to my son George wife.

Yesterday I set apart Mahonri A. Stewart a High Counselor and Elijah Allen an Alternate. We met with the Stake Presidency at Pres Lesueur’s home for an hour or two and left Mesa on noon train for Maricopa. We arrived at Maricopa about 2 P.M. and waited until about 4:30 Mt. time for east bound train on which we met [p. 145] Pres. Robinson and continued on with him to Tucson about 87 miles. We left our grips at Hotel Heidel where we had supper and accompanied brother Heber Farr to Binghampton about five miles north where we met with the saints the house, school house, being well filled with children and parents. Elder Farr made a brief report and Pres. Robinson, myself and Elder Smith spoke in the order named. each occupying about 30 min.

I spoke of conditions there generally & advised the people to live their religion and love one another & help one another Recited Abram & Zimri and Matt. 25: When the Son of Man shall come in his glory &c also the Good Semeriton Luke 10:30— We were driven back to Hotel in Tucson arriving about 11 p.m.

7 March 1911 • Tuesday

Tucson, Ariz.

Weather fine

I arose at 5:30 trimmed & cleaned up, wrote up my journal prepared to take 6:50 A.M. train for Benson about Sixty miles distant. We arrived at Benson about 10 A.M. We whiled away the time, Pres Jos. E. Robinson, H. M. Smith & I, until about 1:30 walking about &c when we took train for Besbee arriving there about 6 P.M. Bp. Warren met us at Station and took us to his home where we staid all [p. 146] night. We attended evening meeting about 50 in attendance. Elder H. M. Smith I and Pres. Robinson each spoke in the order named. Elder Smith and I each took about 35 minutes and Pres. Robinson about 20 minutes. I spoke of persecutions as a legacy of the Saints and alwa[y]s was as an evidence of the truth of the Gospel. Read Luke 14:28–30 Count cost. 1st persecution, 2nd self denial, 3rd sacrifice for our own Salvation’s sake, for the sake of our children for generations to come, for the sake of the church, its effect upon outsiders. The church and our faith are measured by our conduct and we bring honor or reproach upon the church by our conduct. I had fair liberty.

8 March 1911 • Wednesday

Bisbee, Ariz.

Weather warm. We left Bisbee at 9:20 A.M. and arrived at Fairbanks switch about 11:20 A.M. We were met by Bp. Curtis of Sen Pedro and Bros. Goodman and Merrill of St. David and taken 8 miles to Pedro examining the dams and canals for these two towns and arrived at Pedro about 1 P.M. Attended a priesthood meeting at 3 P.M. at Bp. Curtis’ home. The bishop, Pres. Robinson, I & H M S spoke [p. 147] in order named. I spoke of the necessity for increased population and that of the right kind and the advantages socially, religiously & financially & intellectually. I told the brethren they need to cooperate with St David & buy the water & land between here & the Pedro Dam and take it all out at the Pedro dam.

At conclusion of the meeting I wrote up my journal and wrote a letter home.

Attended evening meeting. We spoke in order as follows, Myself, Pres. Robinson & H M Smith. I read Lect. 6:1–8 and talked on obedience and Word of Wisdom or on word of wisdom from the standpoint of obedience. I had just medium liberty. Slept at the home of Bp Curtis.

9 March 1911 • Thursday

San Pedro, Ariz.

Weather fine. Health good

Bp Curtis drove us to St David 8 miles where we met the bishopric at 9 A.M. the priesthood at 10:30 A.M. and the public at 2 P.M. We retained the bishop in office, Crosier Kimball, and released his counselors who did not feel that they could work in harmony. We blessed and set apart I spoke at Priesthood meeting & [p. 148] at afternoon. I had good liberty for the Lord blessed me. We administered to a number of sick people. We left St. David about 5 P.M. and drove 8 miles to Benson where we held council meeting and a public meeting. We organized a branch and named it the Robinson branch after Pres. Jos. E. Robinson. We organized a sunday school also and set apart all these officers. I blessed the infant child of John Cosby & wife and named it Naoma.

At St. David, Joseph Woodman and Byron Merril were released from the bishopric. Crozier Kimball was blessed by Pres Jos. E. Robinson by request of Elder H M Smith. Wm G. Goodman was set apart 1st Counselor by Elder Geo. F. Richards and Howard O. Post was ordained high priest and set apart second Counselor by Elder H. M. Smith. Edward T. Lofgreen was set apart ward clerk by Elder G. F. R. (myself)

At Robinson Millard Powell Cosby was set apart presiding Elder by Elder Hyrum M. Smith. John Sherman set apart 2nd counselor by myself. First Counselor, Lebbeus T. Coons, was absent on account of illness. Mary J. Cosby was set apart branch clerk by Pres. J. E. Robinson. John R. Cosby was set apart Supt. Sunday Schools by [p. 149] Elder H. M. Smith. Herbert Goodman set apart 1st assistant by myself. Neils Lofgreen 2nd " by Pres. J. E. Robinson. After the meeting we drove over to Benson and staid all night at Father James M. Cosby’s.

I believe it is just one year to the day since I wrote from Besbee to Pres. Andrew Kimball in whose Stake St. Joseph, these people resided since when they have been added to the California mission, requesting him to enquire into conditions at Benson with a view to organizing a branch. I little thought I would partisipate in its organization one year from this day.

This is the 29th anniversary of my marriage.

10 March 1911 • Friday

Benson, Ariz

Weather fine Health good.

We should have left here for Thatcher on 9:10 AM train. It is now 3:30 P.M. and we are still waiting but expect the train in about an hour. I have written to my son Joel in Eng. to my wife at home and to my Sister Minerva at Farmington while waiting. Later— Took train at 4:50 P.M. and arrived at Bowie at 8 P.M. where we took beds at the hotel and staid. [p. 150] Pres. Robinson had expected to find some of his Elders here but being disappointed in this, returned to Benson on 9 P.M. train from which place he would go to Douglass next day.

11 March 1911 • Saturday

Bowie Ariz.

Weather pleasant. My health good.

We left Bowie after 7 o’clock and reached Thatcher meeting house at 11:05 A.M. Attendance 450. Pres. Layton, Pres Nash, Bro. Call from Mexico Elder Hansen and Elder Hyrum M. Smith were the Speakers. There were 175 religion class children who did the singing.

At 2 P.M. Meeting the Attendance was 506 of whom 180 were children. The speakers were in order as follows; Moody, Larson, Porter representing the High Priests, Seventies & Elders, Bro Belby, the religion classes; Sister Kimball the reliefsocieties; another Elder Hansen and myself. I occupied about 35 minutes, subject. Relegion class, Primary & S. School work. The need the parents have for these. How to sustain these &c.

I staid with Pres Chas Layton. We administered to Sister Philips, called & saw Sister Williams a Socialist by her request and spent the evening at Bro & Sis Nashes’ & Supper [p. 151] with the Stake presidency and a number of others, men & women.

12 March 1911 • Sunday

Thatcher, Ariz.

Health good Fine weather

I attended 10 A.M. Session of Conference, Attendance 810. The sacrament was administered and the speakers were as follows; Elders Hanks, Perkins & Smith.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance was 877. The Authorities were sustained and the speakers were as follows; Pres. Kimball, myself and Elder [blank] Hansen. I spoke upon the subject of charity or love.

Between forenoon and afternoon meetings Elder Smith and I met with the religion class workers and instructed them. At 5 P.M. we met the Y.M.M. Board and instructed them.

At evening conjoint meeting the attendance was 506 each organization (stake) was reported and the speakers were in order as follows; Elder Hansen, Leroy snow, Elder H. M. Smith & myself. I occupied 15 minutes from 9:20 to 9:35 Subject assist one another to preserve and maintain the good names you have. Do not becom[e] [p. 152] character assassins. Thou shalt not bear false witness &c. Story, Dandelines

13 March 1911 • Monday

Thatcher, Ariz.

Beautiful weather. My health good

I wrote up my journal, wrote letters to my Sister Alice and my brother Fred. Attended devotional exercises of Academy school and addressed the students briefly. We left Thatcher for home at 9:40 A.M. Elder Hyrum M. Smith and I. The Hansen brothers, Arthur & Ariel went as far as Tucson. We picked up Pres. Jos. E. Robinson at Benson who continued with us to Los Angeles. We arrived at latter place 7:15 next morning.

14 March 1911 • Tuesday

Los Angeles.

Weather pleasant. My health good.

We arrived in Los Angeles at 7:15 A.M.

Went out to mission house and say [saw] the Elders and others. Elder Smith and I went out to the beach where his wife and children were. I went to pool and had a plunge bath. I left there at 1 P.M. for Los Angeles where I took train for Frisco on my way home. Elder Smith & family to follow later.

15 March 1911 • Wednesday

Arrived in San Francisco at 11:30 A.M. three hours late and two hours too late for No 4 out so I had [p. 153] to wait for No. 6 at 6:40 P.M. I went up town after checking my baggage and got my birth ticket changed from No 4 to no 6, got a shave, saw a show and went with Auto a 2½ hrs. ride to see Frisco. We went out by the Pan Handle approach to the Golden Gate past and through the park to the ocean. Had a wait of 15 minutes at ocean and returned, nineteen people in the car and the charge $1.00 each. I went to the Ry Station and got my grips, then to the wharf at foot of Market street where I took boat across the bay 4 mi. to Oakland pier where I took train No 6 for home, leaving at 7:10 P.M.

16 March 1911 • Thursday

On train.

While at sparks from 9:35 to 9:55 I wrote up my journal. We had delightful weather on the coast and every thing green and beautiful. We came through mountains of snow in the night and here at Sparks, the ground is bare and weather mild.

My health is good & Spirits also.

I bought a book in Los Angeles. [“]Every man a king” by Marden and have been reading it.

17 March 1911 • Friday

I arrived in Salt Lake [p. 154] at 8:15 A.M. on my return from the southern Arizona Stake via. Los Angeles & San Francisco having traveled 3609 miles since Mar. 1st.

I raked off my lawn tied up vines, &c, looked after correspondence and wrote up my books to date.

In the evening Geo & Edith & LeGrand an[d] Ina & baby called & took supper and spent the evening.

18 March 1911 • Saturday


Folks all well. Weather beautiful

I spent the forenoon home, except a couple of hours spent in going down town on business. My sister Nerva came to see us. I left Salt Lake in company with Pres Lyman on 2:30 P.M. O.S.L. train for Pocatello where we were met by Edwin Daniel Harrison the Jeweler and went direct to the Stake priesthood meeting. The attendance was 95. Pres Lyman & I each spoke. I spoke of Dr. J. R. Parks experience as a physician. We are physicians and should not only apply the antidotes when needed but preventitives.

Pres. Lyman & I staid the night with Pres. Wm A. Hyde. A walk of a mile after meeting, made us late in retiring. [p. 155]

19 March 1911 • Sunday


Health good Weather fine.

Attended Sunday school session of conference at 10 A.M. Attendance 358. The sacrament was administesred, the 13 Articles of faith were recited by the school, the Sunday School Sup. of Stake (Merrill) spoke, Pres. Lyman and I each spoke. I told story of the boy & the lie or the Steal, the Story of dandelines The sin of bearing false witness and tale bearing & read Hymn p 297 Truth Reflects.

After School I met with seventies and ordained Royal T. Hale and Erban Green of McCammon, Seventies of 126th quo. Took dinner with E. D. Harrison and I left my watch with him to have new movement put in Waltham double roller 21 Jewels.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 404. Authorites sustained. The speakers were Pres. Lyman and myself. The former occupied 60 minutes and I twenty minutes remaining time. I spoke on prayr and true spirit there of.

Pres. Lyman & I took 4:25 P.M. train for home arriving in Salt Lake 10:20 P.M. Bp. Nibly joined us at Cache Junction.

Phone message came to us this evening that Uncle William Longstroth died about 5 P.M. to-day. No further particulars. [p. 156]

20 March 1911 • Monday


Folks well Fine weather.

I wrote up my journal for past two days, made and mailed certificates of ordination &c. Visited sister Asenath at her home, my son George at his home at noon and took dinner with him. Visited the cemetery and my mother’s grave.

In the evening I attended the Ensign Stake priesthood meeting in 18th ward chapel and addressed the meeting for about 25 minutes after James H. Moyl had spoken. I referred to the intelligent congregation of representative men, learned in the gospel and some skilled in the dividing of the word to the people and teaching them their dutie’s as all of us ought to be by precept and example having passed through the grades of the priesthood and received the instructions imparted in the auxiliaries and other church institutions. The responsibility of leading the minds of such a body of men in thought is a I sense most keenly.

Related Dr Jno. R. Parks experience as a physician & Surgeon and how because of the responsibility he changed his vocation. We have grave responsibilities resting upon us and in [p. 157] a sense are the physicians of the people. We form the presiding authority in the wards and stake, we are the family physicians of those entrusted to our care as organizations and as individuals. We should where possible administer preventives, where necessary antedotes & remedies &c. We are the teachers of the people, the exemplars of the people and the guardians of the people. It is much easier to cure a case of sickness when taken in time so it is easier to correct evils before they become chronic, drink, tobacco etc. To let a person run at large when afflicted with a contageous disease would be a calamity, so is it a calamity to let that boy just now beginning the Smoke or drink habit, run at large or practice those things among his companions without the restraint of correction & pleadings. Labor now with that boy may be the means of avoiding many sleepless nights over that boy and his companions. Large investments properly made bring large returns.

About 10 P.M. I talked with Sadie Longstroth Wright over the phone she called me from [p. 158] Mendon and requested me to be in attendance at the funeral services of her father Wednesday the 22nd and speak to which I answered that I had inter[c]eded to be present and would speak if they so desired.

21 March 1911 • Tuesday


All well. Fine weather.

I turned on the water, put on the hose and sprinkled the lawn. I put up the swings for the children and with barrow hauled sand in to our back yard for the children to play in. Bathed and cleaned up & did some writing &c.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and assisted in setting apart missionaries and instructing same. I set apart David Vernon Shurtliff of Baker City, Ore., to South Africa; Thomas Geo. Harrison of Forest Dale to Gt. Britain.

I went with Alice shopping and bought at Dinwoody’s carpet for reception hall and stairs @ $1.60 per yd made and layed + cost of stair pads.

22 March 1911 • Wednesday


My health good Weather fine.

I took O.S.L. 8 A.M. train for Mendon [p. 159] to attend the funeral services of my uncle Wm. Longstroth. Pauline Doremus and Annie Saunders went on same train and Mamie Whitney Dunn and husband joined us at Brigham. Willard B Richards and wife and my brother Fred and wife were there also. We reached Mendon about 11:30 A.M. and the services were held in the meeting house at 1 P.M. The house was well filled. The speakers were by request of the family, Cousin James Whitney, Bp. Bird of Mendon and myself. I occupied 40 minutes with good liberty but deliberation and I think it gave general satisfaction The strictest attention was given and Aunt Lottie and others spoke of the occasion remarking how nicely every thing went off.

I went to the Cemetery and returned on evening train. Pres. C. H. Hart and H. H. Cummings on same train.

23 March 1911 • Thursday


Health good. Weather pleasant during the day but a nice gentle rain at night.

Folks well and house cleaning. [p. 160] I spent a couple of hours before breakfast watering the lawn and working on back porch putting on new screen cloth &c.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. I attended to some business down town. Walked home with my son George and took supper with him. Returning home I wrote up my journal and did other writing. My appointment this week is with [blank] the Ensign stake conference.

I wrote to Bpr. C. R. Harkes Jr. informing him that I would be at St Luis Conference May 6 & 7, St. Johns 13 & 14 & Snowflake 20 & 21 & on to Price.

24 March 1911 • Friday


Weather ideal All well.

I worked all day about the house. Folks house cleaning. I finished putting up new wire & cloth at rear porch, puttied and painted dining room floor for rug &c.

Wrote letter to my daughter Nerva &c. In the evening my son George & I attended the annual State tournamount at Y.M.C.A. gym. [p. 161]

25 March 1911 • Saturday


Rained last night, fine to-day. Folks all well.

I put down rug in dining room and otherwise assisted with house cleaning work. Wrote to my son Joel in England and sent him a V for a birth day present. Studied, read and wrote. &c.

26 March 1911 • Sunday


Weather pleasant My health good.

I attended Ensign Stake Conference, the morning session held in the Assembly hall and the afternoon session in the Large tabernacle. At the morning services there were present of the general authorites, Pres. John Henry Smith, Seymour B. Young, Anthony W. Ivins and my self. S. B. Young and several of the stake members spoke.

At afternoon session A. W. Ivins and I each occupied about 35 minut[e]s. I spoke first and spoke of the many requirements of the gospel and the necessity for faith and that which promotes faith. Referred especially to true scriptural doctrine, persecutions, weak choses as evidences calculated to inspire faith such as will bring forth good works.

Between the meetings I went with [p. 162] Pres. John Henry Smith to the home of a sister Monson who is ill and we administered to her Pres. Smith anointed and I confirmed.

I attended 27th ward evening meeting and occupied a portion of the time by request. Elder Heber J. Grant was present and spoke first occupying about 40 minutes, subject Improvement Era subscriptions. I occupied about 20 minutes on love or charity. Referred to Jesus’ suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross. Those who crucified him were enemies of the rankest kind yet in the midst of his sufferings he prayed for them. We are commanded to do like wise Matt. 5: and to love them. It was love or charity which prompted the prayr Jesus offered. It was love that sent Jesus to Suffer & die. It was love that led Jesus to lay down his life. Love led the good Samaritan to care for the bruised & beaten. Love leads to all charitable acts. Charity is the pure love of Christ. I had good liberty and spoke deliberately and unimpassionately rather pleadingly.

After the evening meeting Alice and I walked down to my sister Asenath’s and visited a while.

George and Edith took supper with us. [p. 163]

27 March 1911 • Monday


All well. O.K. weather.

I worked all day on the lawn, took sod from rear and put in front where worn away, reseeded the lawn &c. In the evening I attended the Gotch,–Leon wrestling match at the Colonial. I saw the First Presidency, Pres. Lyman, Bp. Nibley and other prominent men there.

28 March 1911 • Tuesday


Weather fine All well.

I attended a special meeting of the Twelve held in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. at which there were present Pres Francis M. Lyman, Elders Heber J. Grant, Hyrum M. Smith, Chas. W. Penrose, Geo. F. Richards, Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, Anthony W. Ivins and Joseph F. Smith Jr Elder Geo Albert Smith was also with us for a short time but on account of his poor health was excused early. We discussed the merits and demerits in Bro. John W. Taylor’s case heard some weeks before. The final action taken and made unanimous by unanimous vote was excommunication for insubordination to the Church and the diciplin [discipline] thereof. [p. 164]

It was shown that he had threatened the lives of two of the Apostles, F. M. L. & J. H. S. He had cursed one of the Apostles who has been sick for about two years and attributed his sickness to that cause. He had disclosed and made improper use of a purported revelation of his father, Pres. John Taylor to the comfort of those who were opposed to the Church action in discontinuing the practice of plural marriage in the church. He had characterized the action of the Church Authorities in relieving Bp. Robinson of Colonial Dublan of his bishopric or presidency over the ward as one of the most unjust and unrighteous acts ever committed. He had confessed to having authorized an elderly man a Patriarch (Wolf) of Canada to mary people in plural mariage. He confessed to having him self performed such marriages since the Manifesto. He would not deny that he had recently taken a plural wife but claimed that his rights were being encroached upon when we demand to him to answer thus incriminating himself. He did [p. 165] not propose to make answers before this body of men that might incriminate him before the law. He had said he wanted nothing to do with any of the Twelve. That if to go to heaven ment to be associated with these he preferred to not go there or words to that effect. He had been dropped from the Council of the Twelve five years ago because he was out of harmony with the First Presidency and the Twelve but had never done any thing to put himself in harmony since but on the contrary had lent comfort to the enemy and had not tried to influence others to be quieted and sustain the Presidency. These and other miner complaints were sustained by statements of the brethren. He told us in council that we could take it for granted he had a new plural wife. We need not go to the trouble to hunt up evidence, that we could do in his case as we deemed best, that he did not care. I called on Pres Lyman in the early eve and he told me he had presented to the First Presidency our decisi[o]n in the J. W. Taylor case and our acti[o]n and that the President said he did [p. 166] not see how we could have done less.

I sat up until 12 o’clock and wrote a six paged letter, letter size, to S. C. Brown of Monroe, Utah answering him on the Subject of the Godhead. Following is a copy of letter written.


Salt Lake City, Utah Mar 28, 1911

S. C. Brown:—

Monroe, Utah.

Dear Brother:—

Yours of 13th inst is at hand. You refer to my discourse delivered in Salt Lake Tabernacle Feb 12th last as reported in Deseret News. You say you do not agree with same as to the personality of the Godhead. You also say, “The Spirit does not bear me witness of the Godhead as the Church explains it.” So you are not only out of harmony with me but with the church as well in the matter of doctrine.

Presidents Smith and Lund were present and heard that discourse and at the close of the meeting the latter shook my hand and said that was good sound doctrine so if you have any controversy it must be with the church. You say you believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost which is one God not three. That is what the Church of England believes, but their [p. 167] creeds are by the Lord characterized as abominations. You say you believe Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. Then please explain and harmonize your views with those of the prophet Joseph’ recorded in D. & C. Lect. 5:1–3. D. & C. 130:22 and P. of G.P. p. 85 Joseph’s visitation by the Father and the Son.

Explain Matt. 3:13–17, the Son in person, the Father’s voice and the Holy Ghost in form of <a> dove. I call your attention to the ceremonies of blessing the Sacrament, and baptizing which have been given by revelation and the distinction there made between the personages. When we confirm members we say, receive ye the Holy Ghost. That does not mean the Father nor the Son.

Of whom was Jesus begotten?

Read P of G.P. p. 15 the account of the fall and the choice of Jesus and explain same from your viewpoint. See the Compendium p. 289.

How do you explain the first Art. of our faith?

Jesus was the Creator under the Father and has as much right to the title of Father of his creations as has Washington to the title of the Father of his country or any inventor to the title of Father of his inventions. See Eph. 3:9. Heb. 1:2 P. of G.P. Moses 1:32, 33; 2:1 [p. 168]

See John 17:11,17 Jesus prayed the Father to make his disciples one even as he and his father were one. Not one body but one in mind. How say you?

But why cite further scripture. If one be not blind, he should be able to see the consistency in the belief of the Church on this subject; and if blind what good can come from placing before him what he can not see.

Notwithstanding the consistency of the doctrines of the L.D. Saints and the preponderance of scriptural evidence in their support, the Sectarian holds on to a single thread and disregards all else. I wonder if you are in the same condition with respect to this subject. No man can find out the truth by arguing against it. It is he that seeketh that findeth and to him that asketh that is given. “But let him ask in faith nothing wavering.” Who but the living oracles are qualified to interpret the scriptures when not understand? The Lord says (D&C 1:38) “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”

Jesus by parable says (Luke 16:29–31) [“]They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. … . . If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one [p. 169] rose from the dead.”

Very respectfully,

Geo. F. Richards.

<See Church History Vol. 1. Intro. p LXXXI Full treatise.>

29 March 1911 • Wednesday


Weather fine All folks well.

I rewrote letter to S. C. Brown of Monroe and recorded it in my journal as above. I hired a man and rig and went over to my sister Asenath’s any got some things which were my Mothers which were left to me.

I attended religion class and Mutual Improvement general board meetings and my circle meeting. Attendance at latter eighteen. Studied until 11 P.M.

30 March 1911 • Thursday


Weather fine Health good.

I attended my regular Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. I bought a book “The New Man” or Knights of the 20th Cent. by Newton N Riddell and spent the afternoon and evening reading same. A splendid book.

31 March 1911 • Friday


Weather fine. All well.

I spent the forenoon at home studying and reading. [p. 170]

Alice spent the day at Edith’s I took dinner there and walked down town with my Son George.

Settled with Continental Life and Insurance and investment Co. Policy $5,000.00. Premium $230.20 Borrowed to the extent of my privilege on policy $790.00 and paid interest on same for on[e] year from Mar. 31, 1911 to Mar. 31, 1912 @ 6%. $47.40 Total $277.60 Paid as fol.

Am’t of additional loan


Dividend on policy


My ck. No. 57



I walked home with my daughter Sarah and called on Uncle Samuel’s widow Aunt Mary Ann and at Edith’s 4th & K. streets.

After supper I went over to Ediths and spent an hour or two and returned home with Mama at 9:30 P.M. Geo. & Edith accompanied us half way.

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March 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-03


  1. Richards mistakenly wrote “Feb.”

  2. Ditto mark for “assistant”.

  3. The “V” Richards wrote here is styled somewhat differently and appears to be a symbol.

  4. This insertion was written in the top margin of page 170.