September 1895

1 September 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm, south wind. Alice was sick during the night with Cholera & unwell to-day. I took my team & buggy & President Gowans accompanied me to E.T. where we put up our team at Bro. Griffiths Took dinner with Brigham Davies. Attended School & meeting. I occupied 38 minutes in [p. 166] talking to the people & spoke with freedom Returned home about 6 P.M. remained at home the remainder of the day & retired early.

2 September 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm. I moved hay press & had J. M. Isgren do some work on it. I set the tires & set the machine for baling. Received load of wheat from J. B. Bowden on interest account.

Went up to Cemetery to see F. D. Horman about baling for me. Also arranged with E Green to help me bale hay. All pretty well.

3 September 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I sold three loads of hay off top of stack to E. Green preparitory to baling 1st crop hay. Attended the funeral of Bro Philip DeLaMare’s 1st wife Took team & carriage & occupied 30 minutes talking by request. After the funeral I took Alice & family for a ride.

4 September 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm. <Signed Temple Recommend for Dykes>1

I sold several loads of hay to E. Green. Repaired Baler tongue, hay forks, shovel &c.

5 September 1895 • Thursday

Fast Day.

Tooele Weather pleasant, night cool. I Shaved, took the Kelsey water at 9 A.M. Attended Fast meeting & blessed Mrs. McLain E Kenstaur’s baby & offered the [p. 167] the benediction Fasted. After meeting I gave blessings to Florance & Mary Ann McLaws, before dinner. After dinner gave blessings to Sister Geo. Lee, Martha Heggie & Liza Smith. Attended baptismal at Coleman’s pond where Joel was baptized by Joseph M. Dunn & confirmed by my self at Vestry. Assisted in confirming two others Marsden boy & P. A. Droubay’s girl. Rewrote Florence McLaws’ blessing in evening.

6 September 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather cooler.

I had two men baling hay by contract. I used Kelsey water irrigating all day. Rewrote 1 one & recorded two blessings Attended the funeral services of Silas Orme’s baby. J. A. Bevan & Prest. Gowans spoke. Moroni England opened & I closed by prayr. Helped B. L. Bowen move the cidar mill down into orchard. Repaired sweep to baler &c. Folks usually well.

7 September 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm cool nights. I attended to the irrigating until 9:30 A.M. then left it with my son George & I took team and carriage and went to Grantsville Prest. Gowans & wife & Estella accompanied me. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting, took dinner with Prest. C. L. Anderson & Prest G & I returned & Sister G. & Estella staid [p. 168] down over night. Had men at work baling hay. I recorded two blessings or rather re-wrote & recorded one. Gill Richards went home & took my watch to City to have regulated. At Priesthood meeting I made opening remarks of about 15 minutes.

8 September 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took my team and carriage and went to Grantsville to attend Stake Y.M.M.I.A. & took Prest H. S. Gowans, B. L. Bowen & Sister Rhoda Lyman with me & brought Sister Gowans, Estella & Hyrum Lee in addition back. I offered the opening prayr of evening session. A good conference it was. I attended School here in Tooele before going. Left George with the irrigating. On my return at 11 o’clock P.M. I found my water missing & followed the creek up as far as B L Bowens & finding no waste that far concluded that it must be stolen so went down & got the Water Master G. A. Rimington & we followed the Creek up examining every sluice until we came to Mr Angel’s where we found he had three streams instead of one & fully 3 times what he was entitled to. We called him up & he went with us & adjusted it I proposed to settle with him for $5.00 before tomorrow morning at 12 M. He refused to do so I came home with water master. Arrived home at 3:30 A.M. [p. 169] I brought my horses in & fed grain, looked after the kelsey water, wrote in my journal &c waiting for 4:30 A.M. when I took the City water & retired.

9 September 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended to the irrigating & re-wrote two blessings. Filed a complaint against Mr Angel for stealing my water.

10 September 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I attended to the irrigating. Took Alice and the five girls to Station on their way to the City. Did some writing.

11 September 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended to the irrigating until 9:45 A.M. repaired wagons, loaded two wagons with baled hay for S. L. City. Picked some fruit &c. Bathed & did some writing.

12 September 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy, warm & dusty. My son George & I went to Salt Lake with two tons loads of baled hay. Left here at 3:45 A.M. & arrived at Abram’s at 3:45 P.M.

Attended to teams, cleaned up and went up town. Got my watch & Saw Simpson tried to collect from him. Went back to Abrams & unloaded both loads of hay after Supper & then George & I went down to Dr. [p. 170] Stephen’s where we allen Staid all night. Alice & the five girls being there & having been there Since Tuesday evening.

Retired late. &

13 September 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm & windy. I went up town with Alice on car that arrived at 10 A.M. Did a little trading and met Dr Stephen at Dentists at 11 A.M. On advice of Dentists decided to not have Alices teeth drawn but fix them up. So Alice had to remain in City until next Wednesday. Did some trading and Started home with George & teams at 2:30 P.M. Had a windy & dirty trip arriving home near 9 P.M.

14 September 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant though dry & dusty. I propped up sheds & did sundry out door jobs. I received a lengthy letter from Mother and answered it also wrote to J. E. Robinson of Farmington. Recorded a blessing. Read from Live stock Encyclopedia. Estella, the Boys & I at home Alice & children the 5 girls are in the City.

15 September 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took my team & buggy & Prest. H. S. Gowans with me & we went over to Clover ward & attended school & meeting & both spoke at school & meeting & had [p. 171] good help & great liberty & I offered the benediction at meeting. I took dinner with Sister Bush and Prest Gowans took dinner with Bro. Jordan. Called at Sister St. Jeor’s and got a callyflour [cauliflower]. Called at Sister Burridges & got lunch by invitation. Arrived home about 7:45 P.M. All o.k. except Estella who is suffering from what seems to be a swelling or felon on the finger.

16 September 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy & dry. I had an attack of cholera morbus in the night and am quite weak to-day & unable to do much labor. Spent most of the day reading and writing. George got his colt in from the field & rode it. Estella’s 19th birth day.

17 September 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy threatening rain. I sacked up about 16 bu of wheat & Sent to Town to Doctor Stephen by my son George & Estella. I repaired Cidar mill. I & the two boys Joel & Leg[rand] went up to Cemetery & worked in afternoon. I sold my sheep to John England for $1.50 per head. In evening I gave blessings to J. G. Dorman & wife and re-wrote both before going to bed. Received letter from Mother & mailed one to her. Circulated petition &c. [p. 172]

18 September 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy, some rain in afternoon.

I met the train & brought Alice & the five girls up from station in buggy. Mr Angel called on me. Alice & I went over to the Main St. lots & picked ground cherries & called at Bro. Craners. Alice had all her upper teeth out while in City. I took petition around for signers, Geo. accompanied me he having got home from Salt Lake early in Afternoon. By request went up to the Lee’s & administered to Ella Lee Barber. Prest. Gowans anointed & I confirmed the anointing.

19 September 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy.

I hauled straw out into South field & scattered to burn sages, Attended to the irrigating and at 4 P.M. attended the trial of T. J. Angell charged of missdemeanor in appropriating water unlawfully. He was fined $15.00. Cloud shoed <Took Alice for a ride.>

20 September 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather windy. And about 6 P.M. Commenced to rain at about 7 P.M. commenced to snow & snowed all night. I hauled straw up into South field & burnt straw & attended to the irrigating. Delivered a load of hay to. Thos. [p. 173] DeLaMare, raked up stack yards.

I went to bed at about 8 P.M. sick at stomach & headaches. At 10 P.M. my wife coming to bed informed me that the snow was several inches deep. I got up & went over to my lots & worked with trees until 4 A.M. snowing all the time. Being very tired I retired at 4 A.M. & in the morning continued the work. The storm continued without ceasing until about 12. M. next day & off & on there after until night.

21 September 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy. At 11 A.M. snow measured 20 inches deep & snowed several hours there-after. The snow is wet & heavy & trees every where are broken and deformed. I cared for animals, cleaned off trees, went to Store. Shoveled snow &c. Bathed & retired early.

22 September 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant over head but heavy wet snow under foot. I attended to the usual chores. Shaved and wrote up my journal for several days recorded two blessings Attended Ward meeting which was sparcely attended on account of inclement weather & was consequently made a testamonial meeting. Wrote letters &c. [p. 174]

23 September 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but snowy & sloppy & cold last night.

I cleaned snow off stacks & hauled hay out to horses in South field & East field. Horses having gotten out of South field I hunted them up & put back in. Caught brown colt and took over to F. D. Horman’s to try with a view to buy. Got my buggy from the Smith’s & took Alice to the Store. Wrote several letters and retired soon after 9 P.M. Estella went to show with Hyrum Lee.

24 September 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm & snow fast disappearing. I cared for animals, hauled hay out into fields for horses, went on horse to look for other horses. Picked fruit &c. Got Pet & Luce down from East field. Wrote letters to Mother & to Sister Alice. Folks usually well. Letter from Mother.

25 September 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather very pleasant Thawed all last night & to-day the snow is nearly gone. I attended to the animals & went out south to Basin pasture & west of Town hunting horses, Attended the funeral of Nordquist, Killed by club in the hands of Geo. Bates. Bro Larkin offered the opening prayr. Prest. Gowans preached [p. 175] the funeral sermon, I offered the benidiction & Bp. Atkin dedicated the grave. I got to-matoes from Sam’l Johnson, went to the Store & got theatre tickets & sold dried Apricots for 4½ ¢ per lbs. Called on Wm. Marks in the evening & had a talk on school & religious matters.

26 September 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went to Look for horses that got out of pasture during snow storm. I hauled tree limbs into street. Attended the funeral of Alex. McKendrick’s baby and preached the funeral sermon, also dedicated the grave. Took Alice & little girls & Mame & Maud Hammond for a ride, got tomatoes from Wm Cassities. Folks all tolerably well.

27 September 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant, ground dry. I went over to John Bowen’s field & got 6 head of ranch horses just from the Canyon. Had Edward green plownig [plowing] sage ground, I took fruit driers home, hauled hay into Box stall stable & sold hay to Joseph Lee, & vinegar & wheat to Mrs Fenstermaker.

28 September 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather very pleasant. I repaired fence in South field, piled up fruit driers &c had E Green plowing. [p. 176] I attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele & by request offered the opening remarks.

Several others Spoke & Apostle Lyman among others. Attended High Council meeting & considered [first and last names redacted] case. He was given until next Priesthood meeting day to comply with the decision of High Council. August K. Anderson & John Anderson took dinner with me. Bought a horse of Henry Johnson for $1.50 & the boys on going over to the field to water animals found my best colt dead in the Stable supposed to be kicked to death. I wrote to Abram, Shaved, bathed & in the evening Alice & I attended the theatre Cast upon the world by Home troop.

29 September 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very pleasant. I attended School here at Tooele & offered the opening prayr, occupied the time of Ellen Parks class answering questions to them. Spoke for about 12 minutes to the School. I took my team & Bros Lyman & Gowans & their wives to Grantsville where we attended the funeral services of Father Matthews. I offered the opening prayr & Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans did the preaching. In the evening I attended the meeting here in Tooele Apostle Lyman Spoke 1 hr & I closed the meeting. [p. 177] at close of evening meeting Apostle Lyman ordained Alonzo Gowans an. Elder. Prest. Gowans ordained Matthew Speirs an Elder & I ordained P. W. Dunyon a Teacher.

30 September 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine, Some what cloudy towards evening.

I delivered dried fruit to Droubay, Wrote to Abram, Made Ranch report for Sept. month, issued bills to parties ownig [owing]. Had two men baling hay. I helped the folks shake carpet & put it down, & other work cleaning & moving.

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September 1895, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]This is written in the right margin around the 4 and 5 September entries.