June 1906

1 June 1906 • Friday

On Train to Star Valley. Arrived at Montpel about noon <9 A.M>. Bro. Wm W Burton joined us on train from Pocatelo We accompanied him with his team to Star Valley. Left Montpelier at 9:50 A.M and arrived at Afton at 9:15 P.M. Roads muddy sidling & steep up hill & down but, we got through all right and received a warm welcome by Prest. Burtons family where we staid all night and made head quarters.

2 June 1906 • Saturday

Afton at Wm W. Burtons. Bro. D. O. McKay and I slept to-gether last night. Health good and fine weather. Attended morning Con. meeting. Heard reports from Prest of Stake, President of High Priests quorum, Prest. Seventies. Bro Mckay and I each spoke about 20 minutes with good freedom and good spirit Afternoon Continued reports from several Bishops, Relief societies, Elders [p. 44] and Religion classes and then Bro. Mckay spoke about 30 min. After After-noon meeting we called together the Stake Presidency High Counselors & Alternates, Presidency of High Priests and Presidents of Seventies and catechised them as to their support of Prest Smith and his action in relation to the practice of plural marriage as against some others in authority all voted in the affirmative.

Asked as to who paid full tithing Answer All. How many keep the word of wisdom? All the High Counselors except 3 present, 3 Bps excepted. One Patriarch & President of High Priests with one Counselor. After talking to them for some time followed by Bro Mckay asked how many of all present had resolved to keep the word of wisdom from now on and all except one aged High Counseler Bro. [blank] who thought perhapse he would better be excused from the Council, voted in the affirmative Leaving my blessing with them, closed [p. 45]

3 June 1906 • Sunday

Afton Wyo.

At Bro. Wm W. Burton’s. Well. Good Weather

Attended Sunday School session of Conference spoke 25 min on training of children Quoted Rev. on Parents teaching their children &c.

After A.M. meeting held general Priesthood meeting for about an hour and Bro McKay & I gave instructions. I answered the question how get Elders to attend their meetings? Ans. Train the boys up through the grades of Priesthood offices to Elder and they will appreciate the priesthood and attend their meetings. Avoid ordaining unworthy individuals to the Priesthood.

I spoke with freedom for about 1/2 hr.

Sunday Afternoon meeting.

House filled & good attention & good spirit prevailed. I spoke 35 min. on sacrifices for the Gospel with a view to impress the Saints with the necessity for them doing their part in the building of their stake house. Took dinner with Prest Osmond. Attended Conjoint Y. M. & Y. L meeting in evening and addressed the people with consider[p. 46]able freedom upon the Subject of the Gospel’s beauties Made comparisons the Gospel with Dogmas of the Christianity of the world. The necessity for the Holy spirit to testify of the truth & of the written word which Spirit the world repudiate not believing in revelation. The Stake President expressed his satisfaction with the Conference and the Visit paid them by Bro McKay & myself.

4 June 1906 • Monday

Afton Wyo.

Bro Mckay & I left Afton on stage at 7 A.M. and reached Montpelier at about 6 P.M. Took room at the Hunter house. Here learned that Mrs Hunter’s daughter had married Franklin <R> Richards son of Uncle Samuel and when Cousin Frank came home from his work I visited him and enjoyed a good talk on family relations, business &c Learned that he is State Fish and game commissioner of Idaho Bro. Arthur Burton who came over on the Stage with us put [p. 47] up at same hotel and paid our lodging bill. We were called at 3 A.M. and took train at 4 A.M.

5 June 1906 • Tuesday

Montpelier, Bear Lake Co. Idaho.

Left Montpelier for Pocatello 4 A.M. Arrived at 7 AM and had a wait of 5 hours for Noon train. Repaired to the Bannock Hotel where we breakfasted and I wrote up my journal for a couple of days, read from Keelers Priesthood &c while waiting for the train. Met Wm Stevensen at the Bannock hotel. Health good. Met Prest. Pond, Noah S of the Pocatello Stake also Bp. Milo A Hendricks of Pocatello ward. and elder Stratford & family Rained while in Pocatello and until we reached Box Elder Valley Reached Salt Lake at about 8 P.M. Was met at Depot by my Bro. Fred who had on my invitation come down from Fielding with his wife and Son Fred to see my home & business with a view to buying same. We left Salt Lake [p. 48] on the Midnight train an hr. & 20 min late and reached home about 3:30 A.M.

6 June 1906 • Wednesday

Home Tooele.

Arrived home about 3:30 A.M. My son met the train for me my Bro Fred, his wife & Son Fred. We slept Several hours after which we looked over the business, home & surroundings and drove up to the Cemetery and over to the field. Took E Dalton to See the farm with a view to buying farm. In the afternoon took Fred, Carlie & Fred Jr. to Depot. Sidney Isgreen called and I sold to him my bench farm for $1500 to be pd. next Monday 11th.

71 June 1906 • Thursday


Went to Salt Lake City on early train. Attended Council meeting from 10 AM until about 2:45 P.M. Took painter and Carpet man up to our new home 1010. 3d st where [p. 49] measure-ments were made for carpets & blinds & I engaged the painting & papering and paper cleaning done for $60.00 Alice & Ruby came in with me and while I was at Council they were working at the house. At 3 P.M. Alice met me at Coop furnature Co. where we picked out our carpets. We staid at Sarah’s over night

8 June 1906 • Friday

S. L. City.

Had painters at work on the house. Alice & I picked out the paper for new home and she did some cleaning while I did some trading Bought lamps, Ordered phone put in house &c. Sprinkled lawn in evening Joel came in to City and up to the house while we were there.

Staid at Sarah’s overnight

9 June 1906 • Saturday

I attended Y M & Y L M [p. 50] I. meeting at 10 AM & 2 PM in Barrett Hall. At forenoon session by request I spoke a few minutes. Between the meetings I accompanied Bp. Wm Burton, Prest Wells of the Des hospittal, John Henry & Geo Albert Smith up to the Des. Hospittal where we set apart the trained nurses I set apart Sister Leigh Clayton who afterward approached me saying she had years ago had a patriarchal blessing and it Contained the same promises as this blessing & she seemed much pleased.

In the evening I went up to Farmington where I staid all night at Nervas. Mother was there also.

<Assisted Joel in buying a watch & chain &c.>2

10 June 1906 • Sunday


I went to Salt Lake on O.S.L. and attended Conference meetings of the Y M & Y L. A. [p. 51] at 10 A.M. & 2 P.M. & 7:30 PM Attended Organ recital at 4:15 P.M. Wrote in Journal between afternoon & evening meetings. Had excellent meetings. Slept at Sister Sarah’s.

11 June 1906 • Monday

S.L.C. Went out to Tooele on morning train. Sold to John M. Isgreen my bench farm for $1500 & got pay for same.

Sold to John A Bevan my 40 A farm at head of the Street in front of Remingtons $800. and got the pay for it.

Sold a 40 A to John Marsden and had the deed made out signed & acknowledged and he was to have accompanied me to S L City the 12th to get the money & make settlement but backed out in the evening. By invitation my wife & I and some of the children spent about 2½ hours in the evening at Bro & Sister J W Tates where we [p. 52] had ice cream & cake and spent the time in pleasant conversation. Administered to Anna Isgreen Bevan (good results)

12 June 1906 • Tuesday


Went in to Salt Lake on the 5 AM train. Took breakfast at Sarah’s. Wrote in my journal. Attended to some business at the banks. Made deposit at State Bank of $2300.00 & Opened account there.

Assisted in Setting apart 7 missionaries, Prest S B Young & I attended to it I directing. I ordained one Seventy & set him apart & set apart three others

Names as follows.

Geo G. Frandsenord. Seventy <Price Carbon Co. Ut.>

Archibald Henry Andersen

Elmer Cole.

Gustavious Williams

I cleaned up house after paperers & painters & phoned home to Tooele. Folks got car of household goods loaded & shipment made. [p. 53]

13 June 1906 • Wednesday

S. L. City

Staid last night at Sister Sarahs. Met the train this morning & met Alice & family. All took breakfast at Sarahs. Went up to our new home after breakfast. Had two vans (Watsen J.C) moving our things from depot. Ry. Chg. $20. Van Chg $11.50 We put down carpets; put up furnature &c so that at night we well were pretty well fixed up for sleeping.

14 June 1906 • Thursday

Salt Lake

Attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. Question.

Was Moses Thatcher’s Priesthood taken from him? Ans.

Prest Smith, Jos. F. said his understanding is that the only way one’s priesthood can be taken from him is by excommunication from the Church. Parley P. Pratt held that in trying an elder in the Sandwitch islands [p. 54] who was charged with attempted rape. Prest Geo Q. Cannon was present there and entertained a different view & contended later for same. Prest Smith’s understanding is that a man may be silenced Silenced and prohibited from the exercise of his Priesthood and such is the Case of Moses Thatcher. Geo Albert Smith testified that that is the idea Moses has as he Geo. A. had heard Moses express himself. *From above I deduce the fol. A man can be deprived of his priesthood only by excommunication from the Church.

About 5:15 P.M. I accompanied Prest. F. M. Lyman down to the Presidents Office where I assisted him in Ordaining Bro. Isaac Higbee Rodgers a Bishop and setting him apart to preside over the Papago ward and the Indians there about in [p. 55] the Maricopa Stake.

I attended Prayr Circle in the temple at 6.20 P.M. Was given the names of James H. Anderson & F. M. Lyman Jr. whom I am by appointment to visit and try and get from them a better attendense at prayr circle.

15 June 1906 • Friday


Assisted Prest F. M. Lyman in administering to his daughter Lois V. Dunyon I sealed the Anointing.

I redeemed my deed to new home from escrow on payment of $5000. $500. having been already paid.

Borrowed of Utah nat Bk $2500. for 30 days. Made some purchases and attended to business down town. Alice Richards, Dr. Stephens Daughter was operated on at hospittal to-day.

16 June 1906 • Saturday

S. L. City Home

My wife & baby, Bro F. M. Lyman & wife Rhoda and I went out to Tooele Ward and attended [p. 56] Stake Conference. Two regular Conference meetings held this Saturday. The forenoon meeting was taken up with reports The afternoon aside from reports I spoke about 45 minutes reporting the Stake as I found it when in the presidency. Advised that we all consider ourselves as missionaries and try and save those now neglected. After the afternoon meeting attended a meeting of the High Counselers & Bishops where Prest. Lyman took the Brethren in hand and learned that four present had been using either tea or Coffee but all promised to do so no more. At this meeting Chas R. McBride was sustained to be 2nd Counseler to Prest Gowans and C A Orme as 1st Counselor. John England a High Counselor to fill the place vacated by Bro C R McBride and John A Lundberg chosen to fill the place vacated by John England [p. 57]

In the evening I attended a testamonial given in my honor by the people of the Stake at the Brick Social hall. There were about 450 present over 14 yrs of age. Good talks were made by Prest C A Orme of the Stake Presidency, S W Woolley of the High Council, John Gillespie of High Priests Quorum and John A. Bevan of the Seventies All spoke of my labors and gave many testamonials & complements much appreciated by me and yet they were perhapse some what extravagant. Prest Gowans made a nice speech and presented to me a nice leather upholstered chair as a token of respect and appreciation of my stake labors. I responded with an express[i]on of my appreciation of what had been done & said and of the beautiful, costly and useful gift, spoke of my business relations with the people for [p. 58] the passed past 18 years, no suits of law and very few suspense or bad accounts. Bore my testamony to the truth and referred to a dream had Mar 22nd last in which I saw & embraced the Savior and was thrilled with his love & presence.

Ice Cream & cake was served free to all the Audience by beautiful young ladies. I thought the affair was a complete success and so far as the present was concerned a complete Surprise.

After the Social I shook hands with many of the people who wished me well and the blessings of the Lord.

My wife & I staid at our home with my sons & Geo’s family.

17 June 1906 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School prayr meeting at 9:45 A.M. & S. School at 10 A.M. Prest S B Young present. at the [p. 59] concluding exercises I spoke about 2 15 or 20 min. S B Y spoke before me.

Attended a Seventies meeting for about 1 hour after School. Attended afternoon meeting Bro Lyman & S B Young were the Speakers & I desmissed the Conference. After meeting I assisted in setting apart the brethren. I set apart Chas. A Orme & John England and Prest. Lyman set apart Bro C R McBride & J A Lundberg after which we instructed the stake Presidency.

My wife returned to City on 5 PM train.

By invitation I took supper with C R McBride & family & Bro Lyman. Attended Conjoint Y M & Y. L. Association meeting in evening. Prest Lyman spoke on subject of missionary work and I on subject of marriage & how to secure happiness lasting. Talked with Bro C. R. McBride after [p. 60] meeting about a matter of a private nature about which I had a dream some time ago. Left it with him.

18 June 1906 • Monday


Weather pleasant. With my team Geo. F R. Jr took Prest. Lyman and me to depot and we went in to City on AM train.

I assisted in putting down carpet, repairing door locks &c. Visited my Niece Alice Richards at Hospittal and administered to her. Bro. Fairbanks & Dr Stephen laying on hands with me. My mother returned from Farmington and I went down to Asenath’s & visited with her a short time in the evening. Oliver spent a restless night. Had taken cold.

19 June 1906 • Tuesday

S. L. City

Oliver sick of cold & fever.

I did some odd jobs about the house. Did some writing and phoning. Between 11 & 12 A.M. [p. 61] received word from Dr Stephen to go up to the Hospittal. I invited Prest F M Lyman to go with me and we went up and administered to my niece who on the Friday previous had undergone an operation. I got excused from assisting to Set apart missionaries and remained at Alice’s bed side until after her death which came at 5:20 P.M. Assisted in administering to her several times and prayed with the family apart in another room two different times. Mother and Aunt Seney called in the evening. I accompanied mother home. Asenath went down to Dr Stephens. I administered to Oliver during the night the second time.

20 June 1906 • Wednesday

S. L. City

I wrote letters, did some studying Cut the lawn also Bro Lyman’s repaired water tap. &c

Communicated with Mrs Hersey about buying home. [p. 62]

Phoned my Son Geo. at Tooele in morning and again in evening. Administered to Oliver in early morning. He better in evening.

21 June 1906 • Thursday

S. L. City

I met Bro. Stephen & family and Sister Asenath at Cemetery in the morning and we selected and bought cemetery lots. I took 2 Seney 2 & Dr Stephen & family 4 My lots case One $40 & one $50 & Deeds 1.00 making $91.00

I attended Council meeting as usual and was mouth in the op. prayr. Appointed to visit the Ensign stake conference next Sunday. Also funeral of my niece Alice Richards.

I did missionary work with James H Anderson & F M Lyman Jr & got both out to Circle meeting which I attended and in absence of Prest. Lyman presided at Circle. A Good spirit prevailed. 14 dressed.

At 8 P.M. I met Mrs. Knight Hersey & Turman at university [p. 63] club house and talked over the matter of purchase of my property at Tooele. They seem to think favorable of the proposition.

Subscribed for the Intermountain Rep. Daily.

22 June 1906 • Friday

Tooele <S L City>

I spent 7 or 8 hours working on my lawn, digging up weeds, raking & cutting grass.

Towards evening Alice & I went down to Dr. Stephens & back.

23 June 1906 • Saturday

Tooele. <S L City>

I remained home all day. Did some out door work and read papers, books &c. Oliver improved in health.

24 June 1906 • Sunday

Home Attended Ensign Stake Conference at 10:30 AM & 2 P.M. At forenoon meeting I spoke a short time Subject “Sunday amusements.” We should not attend these resorts for amusements on Sunday [p. 64] Attendance slim. Good reports of tithing paid &c.

Excused from meeting at 3:30 P.M. I went down to Sugar House and at 4 P.M attended funeral service of my niece Alice Richards. Hired a carriage & teamster and took to Cemetery Alice Sarah & Ruby Aunt Nerva, Rhoda & Marcia. Furnished flowers. And dedicated the grave & grounds secured by the family for burial. Large Cortege and large & interesting services.

25 June 1906 • Monday

S. L. City

Alice, Aunt Nerva & I took the children out to Salt Air in the A.M. they having free tickets from the Sunday school. Returned to City on 3 P.M. train and went to the Calders park where we attended the meeting of the daughters of the Pioneers.

26 June 1906 • Tuesday

Home. Alice & I accompanied the Old folks to Ogden where we spent a very pleasant day. Rode up [p. 65] and back in Presidents private Care Car by the Presidents invitation & from Cars to Glenwood Park by Automobile & return same way.

27 June 1906 • Wednesday


I did some studying and writing and in the afternoon went down town and had my teeth examined and cleaned up $1.00

28 June 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting at 10 A.M. In afternoon I went down town, posted a letter & a picture to Elder Heber J Grant Liverpool Eng. Attended Prayr Circle in evening. 6:20 Did some repairing about house.

At Council meeting Prest Smith said when the Apostles are sent out into the Stakes to attend Stake Conferences They are authorized to select & ordain Bishops and Bishops Counselors and set them apart or ordain them, however, [p. 66] Presidents of Stakes should anticipate their necessities and submit the names to the Presidency of the Church that the Council may pass on the name. The Apostle visiting the Stake should be clear that it is the right thing to do. The Presidency of the stake should in all cases receive indorsement of the Presidency & Twelve. An apostle should not summarly dismiss a stake Presidency before consulting Presidency of Church Patriarchs should be chosen and ordained only after the Council or Presidency of the church have passed on the name. The Apostles have all authority when sent out to do every thing necessary but it is safe to take Counsel. Be clear before doing any reorganizing.

<Important>3 [p. 67]

29 June 1906 • Friday

<Visited Malad stake.>4

Home I went down town and made some purchases for the furnishing of our best bed room. Made repairs about house Hung Screen doors & hammock Wrote up Journal and at 4:05 Left Salt Lake on O.S.L. Ry for Malad via. Collinston & Fielding. My Mother accompanied me to Fielding. My Bro. Fred accompanied met us at Collingston with team and Carriage. Staid all night with my bro, Fred.

30 June 1906 • Saturday

Malad Stake

With my brother Fred left Fielding by team at 4:35 AM and arrived at Malad at about 9:15 A.M; put up at Bp. <Wm H.> Richards’. Attended Conference meeting in forenoon. Reports and I spoke about 30 minutes Subject General duties of Saints. General prosperity prospective The Lord designs to bless us. [p. 68] We should prepare our selves by faith for what the Lord has for us. Too great wealth not accompanied by faith commensurate might prove our disaster. The Lord knows best. perfect as he is. Offerings should be given liberally that the poor be provided for regardless of their location.

Bro. And. Jenson Assistant Church Historian followed with a few interesting remarks about 20 min.

Took dinner with Bp. Wm H. Richards. Attended the Afternoon meeting. Reports &c until 3:15 when I spoke about 20 40 min. Subject Love the people for their faithfulness. While the Lord is no respectors of Persons He does appreciate & love faithfulness & those who try to please him. We are all missionaries and have work to do all around us. Set good example and teach people. Sustain the [p. 69] auxiliary organizations who train & teach our children and teach our own. Train up a child &c quoted. Clense ourselves that we may go into the temple and receive blessings then live for their fulfillment We may lose our wives or our husbands & other blessings through unfaithfulness as all blessings are promised on faithfulness. We should keep the Covenant to keep the Commandments as fast as made Known unto us. An intimation from the Lord is all that should be necessary. We should anticipate his wishes & do the things we know will please.

After Afternoon meeting Attended a meeting of the High Council, High Priests Presidency, Patriarchs, Bps & Counselors & Presidents of Seventies and instructed them in relation to Lesser Priesthood, Religion Class [p. 70] work, attendance at meeting. weekly meetings of Bishoprics and word of wisdom.

Bro Jensen made announcements about fixing up ward records the Succeeding week as he is going through the stake for that purpose. Bros. Jensen, my Bro. M. J. R. Prest Ward & Bro. Thomas took a walk up on the hill and viewed the valley adorned in her robes of green.

Returned to Bp. Wm H Richards’ where I wrote up my journal

Attended a Stake Sunday School Conference Concert in the evening at the meeting house.

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June 1906, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1906/1906-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “June 2” before writing “7” over the “2”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 June entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 67.

  4. [4]This insertion was written at the top of page 68.