July 1890

1 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

Hitched up horse and went out and hired two men before seven o’clock A.M. I put up the remainder of our hay. Had two teams hauling hay. I accompanied Elias Morris & Alex. Herron up to see the large reservoir. Worked on my monthly report. Loaned to Geo. Coleman for one year at one per cent per month $400.00.

Paid H. S. Gowans $400-00 for the two lots formerly owned by Donaldson on Main St. Sister Edith Clegg died at about 2 P.M. this day. She leaves 3 children. I rode out [p. 297] in the evening with horse and cart and hired men to work on the Reservoir. Alice accompanied me both in the morning and evening. I learned by Frankie Delemar that three of our horses are in Wilson’s corral at Slag town for damage.

2 July 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot & dry.

I went up to the Reservoir horseback set four men at work on tank lining. One man & team hauling gravel. Sent Tyson McKendrick over to Slag town after horses. Brought animals up from Basin and turned them in south field. Went with Alex. Herron to receive ditch. Attended a Board meeting at 6.30 P.M.

3 July 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot & dry.

I made out my monthly report and sent it to A. F. Doremus. Received a card from Nerva with information regarding black mares. A letter from Doremus asking to learn the cost of a service pipe from street to house. Checks to cover 3d instalment enclosed I attended to some business for the Water Co. paid off a number of orders issued by the Secretary of the Water Co. Attended the funeral services of Sister Edith Clegg and spoke at the services in the meeting house. [p. 298]

1st. Webster’s Chairman’s Guide or Manual rather. <Speaker’s Guide>

2nd. Cushings Manual Ninety fourth thousand.

3d. The Normal Debater.

4th. Jeffersons Manual.

4 July 1890 • Friday

Tooele City Weather fine but hot. It thundered and lightened and the wind blew towards evening. I remained at home until noon when I went down to the Court House and got certificate of stock in the Tooele City water Co. for A. F. Doremus. I having his stock 83⅓ shares in my name transferred the same to him at his request and sent the Certificate to him by mail today. I did some work out side. Read from the Juvenile & Contributor. Wrote letters to A. F. Doremus, Fred W. Richards and Des. Nat. Bank. Sent to the Bank two checks made by A. F. Doremus in favor of the Water Co. $833.33 each for deposit. Took Alice down to the play ground in the after noon Called at Dunn’s and got ice cream. Prepaired the west fence to the Barrington lot. Got cattle from Cleggs. They having been in his lot.

5 July 1890 • Saturday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I hitched my horse in F. M. Lyman Jr’s buggy continued on page 305 [p. 299]1

Tooele Weather fine.

I took my horse and F. M. Lyman Jr.’s buggy and took H.S. Gowans with me down to Grantsville to attend the Stake Priesthood meeting. I offered the opening prayr and made a few remarks by request of Prest. Gowans. Introduced the subject of a uninormality or a uniform method of administering the Sacrament through out the Stake. Took dinner with Charles Anderson President Gowan’s 1st Counselor. Returned via. the U. & N. Switch to see what condition the Water Co. pipes were in. Took the hay rack off wagon and put box on. Saddled a horse and went up to the Reservoir. Saw and talked with Apostle Francis M. Lyman. Asked Bro. Alvin J McCuistion to accompany me to St. John’s tomorrow which he agreed to do. Raked up hay about the stack. Did the regular chores, Shaved bathed and wrote in my Journal. [p. 305]

Farmington March 25/83.

The Aaronic Priesthood was on the earth prior to the days of Aaron and was presided over by Elias whose mission was to prepair the way for the ushering in of every dispensation that the Gospel has been on the earth Just as is the object of the Aaronic Priesthood. “Thus before the coming of Christ John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elias to prepair the way before the coming of the Son of God, he having received the keys of the Aaronic priesthood when at the age of eight days under the hands of an angel. This angel was ?

Also before the Church was organized and the Gospel preached the same Priesthood was restored by the hands of John the Papt. [Bapt.] to prepair the way &c. When John the Bapt. conferred this Priesthood upon Joseph & Oliver Cowdry he said it should never be taken from the earth again till the Sons of Levi offer up an offering in righteousness. This offering is as follows: “The sons of Levi or the descendents of Aaron have a right to the presidency of this Priesthood and some day they shall have it and minister in it as they did of old Now how are they to get it and how are they to know who [p. 300] has the right to this presidency? Ans. for The Priesthood was handed down from father to oldest son from Generation to gen. and that person who would have had it now, had it been handed down to this day would now have the right to it now they will find him out on this wise. They will probably build alters to the Lord and offer fofferings [offerings] there on and the man whose offering is consumed by fire from heaven shall be the ligal heir and his offering shall be the offering which shall be offered up in righteousness and then shall this priesthood be delivered up to the sons of Levi & Dec. of Aaron whom God promised that this Presthood should continue with.

In ordinations in the Priesthood we should not confer the Aaronic or Melchesidek priesthood upon any one as did John the Bapt. & Peter, James & John upon Joseph & Oliver but for if we did, that would give them all powers in the priesthood (ie if we had that power but we should just ordain them to that office in the priesthood not for getting to do it in the name of Jesus Christ & by virtue of the holy priesthood. All ordinations should be done in his name.

Form of ordination of—.

Calling the person by name Bro —— [p. 301]

We the servants of God by virtue of the Holy Priesthood which we hold lay our hands upon your head to <and> ordain you an (Eld . . . Deacen or teacher as the case may be) in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and we confer <and seal> upon you all the Keys, Powers, Blessings & Privileges pertaining to this portion of the priesthood through your faithfulness and all this we do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

Ans. to Question 8.

The law of chastity is included in the covenant spoken of in Rev. on Celest. Mar. Comp. Page 132. The Passage quoted from J. Smiths History Comp. 280 has refference to those who have entered into the new and everlasting covenant. [12 lines blank] [p. 302]

I was born February 23d 1861 at Farmington, Davis County, Utah. My Fathers Name is Franklin Dewey Richards. He was born April 2nd 1821 at Richmond, Berkshire County Mass. U.S.A. He was ordained an Aposlte Feb. 12th 1849. My Mother’s name is Nanny Longstroth Richards. She was born in Clithero, La[n]cashire, Eng. Apr. 15, 1828.

I received several terms of schooling in the Farmington District schools and Aug. 23d 1880 commenced school at the University but to return to 1876 I was ordained an Elder in the Endowmant House S.L.C. & at the same time had my Endowments. Was set apart to act as a Ward Teacher in the Farmington ward by Bp. John W. Hess. June 27, 1880 After attending the University of Deseret <at> S.L City one and one half years I got a position as clerk for the U.C.R.R. In the Carpenter, Car builder’s & lumber department Where I labored for 9 month. In the mean time March 9th 1882 I Married Alice Almira Robinson Daughter of Oliver L Robinson & Lucy Miller Robinson. My Mothers health being very poor and my [p. 303] sister Nerva getting married made it necessary for me to move to Farmington where I lived with Mother until Fred’s marriage April 2nd

when we moved up to Plymouth Box Elder Co. where we had secured a farm. While at Farmington March 30, 1883 I was set apart to act as a Home Missionary in the Davis Stake of Zion. J. W. Hess being mouth.

Spent one week with Mother, Aunts Alice & ann working in the Logan Temple. While there received a telegram telling of Joel Grover’s death which called us from the Temple. While at Plymouth Labored as a Ward teacher. Moved with my family to Nephi to look after Seney’s affairs Oct. 26, 1886 Remained there until the following May when we returned to Plymouth Moved to Tooele to take charge of A. F. D’s Ranch Feb 1st 1888. Was ordained a Seventy by SB Young at Farmington. Feb 3, 1884.

Labored as a home missionary & Ward teacher until I was called into the Stake Presidency and ordained to that office by Apostle Lyman January 29, 1890. [p. 304]

6 July 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took Bro. Alvin J. McCuistion with me in cart and went over to St. Johns. Put up with Bishop Caldwell. Attended and spoke in both Sunday school & meeting. [p. 305]

7 July 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

After doing the chores I turned the cattle into the South field and with horse and cart went up and fixed up the fence near brick yard. Went over to the Reservoir and found what was needed to continue the work of lining the two tanks, framing &c. Went out and hired more men to work on the Reservoir mixing and hauling concrete, carrying water &c. Trimmed willow cuttings. Started teams to hauling gravel. Hitched up another team and went down to the Co-op Store and got our wagon & band rack. Took off band rack and put on plank for hauling gravel. Took the team up to Gravel bank and turned it over to Moroni Tanner to haul a load of gravel after 6 P.M. they being short at reservoir. Attended a meeting in the evening at M. B. Nelsons to settle up our accounts pertaining to the Special Water tax levied in Jan. 1890.

8 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele City Weather hot.

Hitched up before breakfast and went up the Canyon to Parkers Saw mill, ordered 400 feet of inch lumber for the Water Co. [p. 306] Sent Tanner up to help saw lumber. Went up to Reservoir and gave directions how to continue the work. Made opening in South field fence near brick Kiln for gravel haulers and fastened up opening below near sand bank. Ate Breakfast and at 9 A.M. attended a Board meeting. Went up canyon to find pipe to connect sewer pipe with Reservoir. Went down to John McGaws’ & hired him to plaster Reservoirs. Put two wires on the 40 rod fence on west side of the Barrington Lot. Went with Apostle Lyman David James and Bishop up to the Springs gave directions to S. F. Lee in regard to the frame work in small reservoir. Returned in F. M. Lymans buggy he driving. Viewed the Morgan Norquist ditch covering not quite completed. Attended another Board meeting in the evening on the lou grass at Court House

9 July 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the water at 4.30 AM and kept it until 10 A.M. Did some writing in the Books. Wrote two cards and a letter to Abram. Received a letter from Abram telling of black mares. A letter from Fred saying he had found black mares. A card from [p. 307] the Utah Commercial & Savings Bank acknowledging the receipt of 600 monthly instalment in the U. W. B. A. Went up to the Tank and back to Co-op and got 8 in pipe and had it put in for escape pipe.

Went up to Reservoir in the Afternoon a foot and directed the labor in filling ditch North of Reservoir. Went with A Herron & P. Droubay to receive ditch on E. Street. Paid several men as per Secretary’s orders. Last night it was hot all night and at Sunset indications are favorable for a repetition this night.

10 July 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I did the regular chores and before 7 A.M. hitched up the horse & cart and went and saw Heber Dew about digging out crossings for pipe layers. I went down and engaged John Marsden to make a gate for the west side of the South field. I called on Alex. Herron another member of the Construction committee and took him with me up to the upper tank in Canyon where we surveyed the ditch for pipe to conduct the water in to the tank from springs also ditch for slushing pipe and set five men to work on these ditches. While the horse (Old Vick) was tied to a brush he got his [p. 308] foot over the tie strap and hung back, fell on to the shaves and broke one. I wrapped the shave with strap and when I got home, mended it. Took Mr Austin up to see what is needed for the tank as he and his men were about ready to go to work on it. Took Wad. Gillespie off the work at tank and put him on to the Walters’ ditch on E. Street to finish it for the pipes. Saw Jno. McLaws and requested that he visit Geo. Austin and find out his ideas in regard to plastering the tanks which he agreed to do. I helped John Marsden make gate and hang the same in South field fence on west Side. The large reservoir was completed ready for the plasterer in the middle of the afternoon and the workmen moved up to the Small tank. Sixteen Men at work. We are all well. The last evening & night were not uncomfortable. It is cool and nice this evening.

11 July 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

After doing the regular chores I hitched up a team and took the workmen 12 in number up to upper tank. After returning home I took breakfast and then hauled in hay cut along the ditch banks. Hauled lucern leaves and chaff from east side of stacks on to west side near windows into corral for feeding. I cleaned out [p. 309] stable and Vick’s manger. Raked up hay in the barn yard. Hitched Vick in cart took Georgie with me and in the discharge of my duties as a member of the Construction Committee of the Tooele City Water Works, I visited John McLaws and Mr Elkington and arranged with them to plaster the Reservoirs with cement. Went up to the springs to direct the labor there. Went down and saw Jonas Lindberg about letting off Mr Elkington from his building for a few days while he assists in plastering Reservoirs (Successfull) Saw Dan Perry about taking out crossing at post office for pipe Layers. Saw D. Duncan and E. Rowberry about completing their contract at bottom of East Street. Called at Droubay’s and bought a pair of pants. Called at Blacksmith shop and arranged to have some shoes put on the Sorrel horse as he was tender footed and is to be used tomorrow hauling sand up to springs and to lower tank. Sent George over to the shop with the horse and had him shoed. In the evening I read the paper and wrote in Journal

12 July 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

After doing the regular chores I went down to the store and got two candy buckets and sent up to upper tank by Maroni Tanner [p. 310] to carry morter. Sent two teams to haul gravel and sand. After breakfast I went up in the canyon to see to the work there. The men finished their work of lining the upper tank and we sent them by team to the switch. Jno McLaws plastered the small tank. Six inch sewer or crock pipes were imbedded in the cement concrete lining to Reservoir when 8 in pipe should have been used. Attended a meeting of the Board at Noon where it was decided to use 8 in I went up the Canyon and had these six inch pipes taken out. Went down by Skeltons and looked at Isgren’s work of filling but could not receive it as the filling was not properly done. Hauled a load of sods to repair ditch. Received Bank Book from Zions Savings Bank also advertisements of buggies. Wrote to the Z. S. B. & T. Co. Had my 1st ripe apple of the season from one of our trees. No worm in it. Shaved & bathed.

13 July 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine a little hazy. Apostle Lyman accompanied President Gowans to E. T. so I remained at home. I attended School & meeting offered the opening prayr in Sunday School and spoke for 30 min. in meeting. Felt & talked freely. Attended [p. 311] a caucus meeting called immediately after the Ward Meeting where I was chosen unanimously as Nominee for Trustee for a term of three years. The election to come off at 1 P.M. until 5 P.M. tomorrow July 14, 1890. Read the Bible several chapters in Second Samuel & 1st Kings between School & meeting. After Meeting I read from Contributor & Juvinile and did some writing

14 July 1890 • Monday

Tooele Election day Weather warm.

I trimmed Willow cuttings and young Poplars. Went down to Nelsons to answer a call from pipe layers in seeing that the trench is properly dug. Hired several men to work tomorrow digging ditch to make connections for fire Hydrants with mains and to dig trench for our service pipe. Attended the Election for a Trustee for a term of three years one of the Trustees being absent I was by a vote of the voters appointed Judge of election. Acted as Judge of election from 1 P.M. until 5 P.m. I was elected to the office of School Trustee for a term of 3 years votes as follows

G. F. Richards


S. F. Lee


T. W. Nix



57 [p. 312]

Received letters from Mother, Nerva; and Vance of Alpine also two letters from Abram; with instructions to have a 2½ wood pipe put in for service pipe for our service. Attended School meeting in evening.

15 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine. Showered about 3 P.M. I made one trip up to upper tank. Had H. S. Gowans and Georgie were along. Broke the cart wheel down and walked on up the Canyon to tank and back. Georgie & I rode Old Vick down home from the break down. I had three men working on the trenches to connect fire hydrants with the mains. Took P. A. Droubay with me and went down and received ditch on bottom of East & West Streets. Spent the whole day in looking after the works. Received a letter from Fred accepting my offer on sale of horses with his note for same enclosed. Talked with Several men on the subject of using the water with convincing effect. Attended Primary meeting in the evening for the purpose of electing candidates for to attend the County Convention July 19th I was elected as one of the four Candidates. Had men commence the digging four our private Service pipe at $1.25 per rod including filling. [p. 313]

16 July 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele City Clowdy.

I got up at 4 A.M. and took the City water and used until 10 A.M. Had men at work putting in ditch for fire hydrants. Went down and got them started to work at 7 A.M. Came home and Breakfasted. Jos. Henson who was watering for us took breakfast with us. I went down and talked with F M. Lyman who is Prest. of the Water Co. and up to the Tank to see S. F. Lee. Arranged with P. A. Droubay for 1000 feet of 2x10 plank for Water Co. Directed the labor on trenching & hauling. Raked up stack yard or rather Barn yard and finished trimming the poplars and willows in corner South east of the house. I inquired the wholesale prices on nails at P. A. D.s & at the Co-op with a view to buying for the Tooele City Water Company.

17 July 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Weather fine in the forenoon. Clouded up about noon and commenced to rain about 1 o’clock P.M.

I went out in the morning to try and find some 2x8-18 lumber. Failed and so went up to Able Parkers and ordered some [p. 314] sawed. Next to Blacksmith shop, Store and Reservoir. Called of Sam’l F. Lee at his house he being ill and got a bill of nails. I directed the work of digging for fire hydrants filling &c.

I went with David James in his buggy up the canyon to see our works up there. He pronounced them good. Better than he had expected to have found them. Called at the large Reservoir on our way up. Repaired ax by wedging on handle and grinding it. Repaired take line &c. Received a letter from the Co-operative Wagon & Machine Co. describing the Miller Concord Buggy Price $275.00

18 July 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather Cloudy & some wind. I received ditch filling and lumber of Droub[a]y. Went up to the Tank where carpenters are at work also plasterers. Ordered through the telephone of Elias Morris 20 more barrells of cement. Set contract of digging to marshall &c. at Bruna’s. Rained for 1/2 hr. about 2 P.M. I had the Pipe men make our connection of 22½ rods completed it before night. David James was here for some time talking over the affairs of the Water company. I attended a meeting of the [p. 315] Directors in the evening. Solicited the patronage of the people for our canyon water through pipes.

19 July 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine except a few hours in the afternoon, when it was cloudy and rained and even then it was fine as it was just what people wanted. I looked after the Company work of excavating for services. Issued a number of checks as Treasurer for the Tooele City Water Company as per order of the Secretary and kept the accounts of the same. Wrote a letter to David James A. F. Doremus Met with the members of the County Convention as one of its delegates. At this meeting Eugene D. Woolley was appointed temporary chairman and J. W. Tate Clerk temporily temporary. I was appointed one of three on a committee of Credentials. Wrote out the report of committee after examining credentials. After receiving the report I was elected permanant Chairman and Jno. W. Tate permanant Secretary.

After five hours in session voting done by ballot, the Nominees for County offices to be voted for in August stood, as follows: See opposite page.

I was placed in Nomination as County Treasurer. [p. 316]

Peoples Ticket

County Clerk

:Elijah Spray

"2 Recorder

:Thomas Speirs

" Assessor & Collector

:Thos. Williams

" Sheriff & Corinor

:W. R. Gillespie

" Treasurer

:G. F. Richards

" Surveyor

:Alonzo Stookey

" Prosecuting Atorney

:A.J. McCuistion

" Selectman


Order of Proceedure at Convention.

1st A call to order

2nd A Chairman Temporary

3d A Secretary "3

4"4 A Committee on Credentials

5" A Recess for 10 minutes

6" A Report of Committee which should be in writing.

7" A Permanant Chairman

8" A "5 Secretary.

9 Ready for business the Chairman stating the object of the meeting Convention.

10" The Secretary will read the list of offices to be filled.

11" Voting by secret balot or by dividing the house, (the latter is best).

12" A Central Committee to be appointed or the present Central Committee sustained.

13dth Resolutions in order

14" A $100 fee from each Delegate to defray expenses. [p. 317]

20 July 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine with shower in afternoon. I attended Sunday School, Ward meeting, and Teacher’s meeting. Offered the closing prayr in both meetings. Between Sacrament meeting and Teachers meeting I went over to Alford Lee’s, his wife being very sick with what the Doctor called Child bed fever, her child being about ten days old. Thomas & Thomas W. Lee & John A. Bevan also went along. By request of Bro. Thomas Lee I directed: T. W. Lee offerred prayr while we all kneeled down. J. A. Bevan anointed and I confirmed the anointing. Apter [after] applying the ordinance, Sister Lee vonuntarily said she felt better. I met with the Relief society in the Vestry and arranged for a representation of that association or society in the procession on the 24th of July. At our afternoon meeting Thomas W. Lee made a farewell speech as he intends leaving for the Northern regions soon to make his future home. Came home from the meetings found Sister Bost and children here. They took supper with us. Before Sunday School and during the time between meetings and after meeting I read through the Juvenile Instructor of July 15. [p. 318] Thundered Lightened & rained in the evening and during the night.

21 July 1890 • Monday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I superentended the water works. I was going most all day from place to place on business for the water Company. I took hay rack off wagon and put baled hay rack on to be used on the 24th inst. The cattle got out of the South field twice. I found them once in Patrick’s lot. Went down through the field & back to see how things are looking.

22 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I superentended the construction of Water Works putting in the connections &c. Went up to the upper tank to see how things are going. Put in all day on Water Co. work and attended a Board meeting in the evening. Received interest from Ekinstam on money loaned.

23 July 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the City water at 4 A.M. and used it until 10 A.M. Went up in the upper tank to superentend or direct the labor up there. I also had in charge the putting in of the service pipes in Town [p. 319] I found on my return from the Canyon, Aseneth, Sarah Ellen & Polley with children They had come by train and surprised us. Took the folks all up the Canyon to see the water Works and witness the turning in of the water for the first time. Attended the funeral services over the remains of Willard McKendrick.

24 July 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine. very warm I hitched up four horses to haul the Car containing the Relief society in the procession which was fine. I marched in the procession in Bp. Atkin’s conveyance Joseph McKellar driving the Relief team. Mounted procession. Took Alice, Seney, Sarah & Polley in a carriage down to the Y at Spencer’s where we met A. F. Doremus and brought him back with us.

25 July 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather very warm. I took A. F. Doremus, David James and Apostle Lyman in a carriage up to the Reservoir in the Canyon. All pronounced the works a success Took A. F. Doremus to the Tooele Switch. and the other folks to the Garfield Beech. We all had a bath [p. 320] when they went on to S.L. City and Alice & <baby> Georgie & I returned Arriving @ 11 P.M

26 July 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I employed some men and sent them up to work on the Springs putting in the flume. Took hydrants up down to Picket’s, Kirk’s & Gollaher’s. Took Alex. Herron, Jno. Gillespie, and Alex. Fraser in P. A. Droubay’s carriage up to see the works at Springs they now being completed. Carried and distributed poles along the North side of the Barrington lot and wired them up temporarily. I attended a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Tooele Irrigation District in the evening.

27 July 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I hitched our team on P. A. Droubay’s carriage and He Alice & I went down to Grantsville and attended the Stake Quarterly conference which was held in the Pavillion. Prest. George Q. Cannon and Bro. Jenson Editor of the Historical Record were out from Salt Lake City. I offered the opening prayr in the morning. Held two conference meetings and one Priesthood meeting. Took dinner at Charles Andersons and drove home in the evening. Got list of authorities [p. 321] from the Court House by request of H. S. Gowans. A. J. McCuistion waited on me. At the Conference I met Frank Knowlton & Wife Katie.

28 July 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine & warm I took Father Meiklejohn & wife in his carriage, also Alice to Conference. I addressed the conference in the forenoon. Took dinner at Roit[?] Hales. Mariah Walters rode home with us. At a meeting of the Stake Presidency and High Council at 9 A.M. The matter of chosing a Bishop for Grantsville was considered and at another meeting of this body after prayr by Prest Cannon James L. Wrathall was chosen to be the Bishop. Collett having resigned. J. L. Wrathall was set apart & ordained by George Q. Cannon assisted by the Stake Presidency After returning from conference I got P. A. Droubay and Jno McLaws to sign my bond as a School Trustee.

29 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did the regular chores and then before breakfast I went down the street to arrange the work for the day on the [p. 322] Water works putting in service pipe. I met with the Trustees A. J. McCuistion and Peter Clegg and organized the Board as follows.

A. J. McCuistion.


George F. Richards


Peter Clegg


I bolted the poles on to the posts on the north side of the Barrington lot. Took cover of large rack and took rack off the wagon and loaned the wagon & one team to Geo. Nix to get some brush for a porch or bowery I have a sore & swollen thum. It commenced today and acts like it might become quite bad & painful. Last night at bed time Legrand was quite sick with sore throat and fever. I administered to him and he was better at once. Rested all night & is nearly right tonight. I received a letter from Nerva and wrote letters to Prof. Karl G. Maesar & to W. J. Robinson of Grantsville on business for the School district.

30 July 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the City water from 5 A.M. to 10 A.M. Took down the wire fence on east side of the Barrington lot an[d] put up the wires on the north side. Went out to look after the two young calves. After riding through all the lanes and streets I found them North of Town. [p. 323]

Date of Birth

Place of Birth







State or Ter.

Father’s Name

Mother’s Name

George Franklin Richards







Franklin Dewey Richards

Nanny Longstroth Richards

Alice Almira Robinson







Oliver Lee Robinson

Lucy Miller Robinson

George Franklin Richards Jr.







Gerorge F. Richards

Alice Almira Robinson Richards

" " " "




" " "

" " " "

Alice Minerva








" " "

" " " "

" " "







" " "

" " " "

Legrand Richards







" " "

" " " "

" "







" " "

" " " "

Joel Richards







" " "

" " " "

" "







" " "

" " " "

Lillian Estella Robinson







Oliver Lee Robinson

Lucy Miller Robinson

Sarah Ellen Richards




Tooele City



George F. Richards

Alice Almira Robinson Richards

Sarah Ellen Richards

" " "

" " " "

Amy May Richards




Tooele City



" " "

" " " "

" " "

Ruby Richards.




Tooele City



Geo. F. Richards

Alice A. Richards

" "

Lucena Richards




Tooele City



Geo. F. Richards

Alice A. Richards

" "

Mamie Richards




Tooele City



Geo. F. Richards

Alice A Richards.

" "

continued over the Leaf.7 [p. 325]

continued from folio 324 & 325.8

When Blessed

When Bapt.9

When Confirmed




By Whom




By Whom




By Whom


Place of Receiving End.

George F. Richards




F. D. Richards










O. L. Robinson

J. W. Hess

O L Robinson










Thos S. Smith J. E. Robinson

Thos. S. Smith or T Grover

Abraham Rose


Endowment House S. L. City

Alice A. Robinson




J. L. Robinson










O. L Robinson

T. S. Smith

O. L. Robinson










O L Robinson

Thos. Grover


9th Marc. 1882


George F. Richards Jr.




Geo. F. Richards




Alvin Walters




Geo. F. Richards

" " " "




O. L. Robinson.

Alice M.





Geo F. Richards.




John S. Lee




Prest. H. S. Gowans

" " "




Job Welling

Legrand Richards

8 14



Geo F. Richards




Moroni England




Geo. F. Richards

" "




George Smith

Joel Richards




George F. Richards




Jas. M. Dunn




Geo. F. Richards

" "

Lillian E. Robinson










John S. Lee

Geo. Remington







Geo. F. Richards

John Tate

Sarah Ellen Richards




G. F. Richards




Alonzo Gowans




Geo. F. Richards.

Sarah Ellen Richards



G. F. Richards.

Amy May Richards




Bp Thos Atkins in Meeting

Died in Salt Lake City Nov. 10th 1894 at 11-15 A.M.

" " "




Geo. F. Richards

Ruby Richards




Geo. F. Richards

" "




Geo. F. Richards <in Meeting>

Lucena Richards




Geo. F. Richards <in meeting>

" "

Mamie Richards




Geo F. Richards

" "




Geo F. Richards <in meeting>

Continued in Family Record—11

continued over the leaf [p. 327]12



By Whom


By Whom

1st Name

Geo. F. Richards Sr. was ordained a Patriarch by Apostle Francis M. Lyman at the Grantsville Conference Pavillion July 23d 1893 immediately after the Conference adjourned.

This Calling is especially to the Tooele Stake and my fathers house.

Endowment House S.L.C. 1876

Jos. F. Smith

3d Feb. 1884

Seymour B. Young


G. F. Richards Sr. was ordained a High Priest by Apostle F. M. Lyman at his residence in Tooele Jan. 29th. 1890 and by him set apart as 2nd Counselor to the President of the Tooele Stake of Zion having been sustained in Stake Conference at Grantsville to fill that position.

[p. 328]

Books and Pamphlets

28th. Doctrines of the Church by Elder Jno. Morgan

29th Univercity Circular

30th Declaration of Principles People’s party,

35st Platform of " Liberal "13

36 Daily Journal begun Jan 1883.

37 Gaskel’s Compendium14

Set apart as a Home missionary in the Davis stake of Zion March 30 1883 by J. W. Hess and Ancen Call, J W. Hess being mouth.

Released March 28th 1884.

Set apart as a Ward teacher by J. W, Hess in the Farmington Vestry June 27. 1880. Released

Elias Smith, Jno Smith and Oliver S Robinson also Minerva E Richards witnessed my mariage 9th of March 1882 Joseph F. Smith was recorder. [p. 329]

Books and Pamphlets

1st. Cruden’s Concordance

2nd Doctrine and Covenants New Edition

3d Compendium New Edition

4th Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words

5th. Shaws New History of English and American Literature

6th Wilsons Logic

7th. Peck’s Gano Natural Philosophy

8th. Davies’ Legendre or Geometry & Trigenonetry

9th Well’s’s Natural Philosophy

10th Algebra

11th Harveys English Language or Grammar

12th Penneo’s " " " "15

13th. Briant and Stratton common school Book-Keeping

14th Guyots " "16Geography

15th Rays 3d Part Arithmetic

16th "17 Test Examples

17th Hamils Science of Elocution

18th Wilsons Fifth Reader.

19th Thrift or How to get on in the World by <Saml.> Smile,

20th. Sensible Etiquette

21st Zig Zag Journeys in Europe

22nd Rays Algebra Part 2nd

23d Spencers Litters

24th Persecution of the Saints.

25th Art and Eloqueet of Making Love

26 Items on Priesthood by Jno. Taylor

27 Laws of the Teritory of Utah 1882. [p. 330]

9 Was not the angel that ordained John the Baptist, or conferred the the keys of the AAronic priesthood upon him as recorded in Doc. & cov. Old Ed Pge 84 & <4> the same Elias who held those keys of old previous to Aaron’s day?

10 What is the New & Everlasting Covenant?

11 What relation did Adam hold to the Father & Son?

What are the duties of the first seven Presidents of seventies?

How many High Priests form a Quorum?

July 17/83

Can a man who has committed Adultery after receiving his endowments, ever attain to the highest glory or Godhead?

What is meant by being destroyed in the flesh?

[13 lines blank] [p. 331]


1st. What is the offering the sons of Levi are to offer up in righteousness before the Aaronic Priesthood shall be taken from the earth?

2nd. Can the dates in the Bible margin be relied on as being correct? They are the most correct of any thing <we have>

3d. Is it necessary that the Priesthood be conferred upon one before he is ordained to any office there-in? that is, Is there any form of words necessary to be used in ordinations?

4th. Is there a form of words necessary to be used in blessing children?

5th. Is it propper in anointing the sick to say we anoint you or should it be I anoint &c.?

6th. Was John the Baptist a litteral descendant of AAron? <Yes.> and did he hold the Melchesidek Priesthood? <Yes—>

7th. Why do we have bishops who are not married also deacons when the Bible says not Tim 3— 2— 12?

8th J F Smith said <& is recorded in Comp. Page 280> at conference in Bountiful that a man that had committed adultery could not enter the celestial Kingdom though he may repent. Why & How is it that a man shall pass by the Gods & Angels to their exaltation if they abide in his covenant & shed no inocent blood thaugh they may commit adultery other sins? Rev. on Celest. Marr. Comp. Page 132 [p. 332]

Tithing Paid. 1882$41.

" "18 188328.83 [p. [333]]

[End of first volume]

Book 2— July 31st 1890—

To Mar. 11, 1892—

19This is the Property of

George F. Richards.

Tooele City, Utah.

Handle with Care and Return to Owner.

Library Book No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20After 10 days return to

George F. Richards,

Too[ele City] Utah.

21After 10 days return to

George F. Richards,

Tooele City, Utah. [p. [0]]

[2 blank pages]

My Present Status before the People-

Second Counselor to the Stake President-

A Member of the Tooele City Irrigation District Board of Trustees—

A Member of the Board of Directors of the Tooele City Water Company and Treasurer of the Company.

A member of the School Board of Trustees and Secretary of the Board—

Water Master of the Kelsey Ditch.

Candidate for the office of County Treasurer to be voted for Aug 4th 1890.

Employed by A.F. Doremus as Manager of his ranch at $75.00 per month and accommodations of the place— [p. 1]

31 July 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Weather fine with a light shower during the day. As a member of the Construction Committee and Manager of the work of construction I went up on horse back over the ditch between the Lower and upper tanks of the Tooele Water Works and received the filling of said ditch. I spent some time trimming grape vines. I attended a meeting of the Water Board where at my request I was released from Superentending the Works and as the work of construction was completed I, with the other members of the Construction Committee, was released from further service in that capacity. H.S. Gowans was appointed Supt. of the works. I received the School Trustees’ Minute book from Thomas Nix, my predicessor and recorded in it the names of voters and results of election for trustee; also recorded two sets of minutes.

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July 1890, George F. Richards, accessed March 6, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1890/1890-07


  1. [1]This entry is interrupted at this point by an essay on the priesthood dated March 25, 1883, and a brief life sketch of Richards, covering pages 300–304. The journal entry resumes on page 305. The transcript of the essay on priesthood and the life sketch follow the conclusion of the entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and for the next six lines are for “County”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Temporary”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks attached to numbers in this list represent ordinal number abbreviations.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Permanant”.

  6. [6]This table extends over two pages in Richards’s journal. The columns through “County” are on page 324; the rest of the columns are on page 325.

  7. [7]This is written vertically on the right side of the page.

  8. [8]This is written vertically on the left side of the page.

  9. [9]This table extends over two pages. The columns through the first names of the men listed in the “By Whom” column are on page 326; the last names of the men listed in the “By Whom” column and the rest of the columns are on page 327.

  10. [10]Richards confused the labeling of the year and month columns.

  11. [11]This is written diagonally at the bottom of page 326.

  12. [12]This is written vertically on the right side of the page.

  13. [13]Ditto marks for “Principles” and “party”.

  14. [14]After this notation, Richards drew what appears to be a bird.

  15. [15]Ditto marks for “English Language or Grammar”.

  16. [16]Ditto marks for “common school”.

  17. [17]Ditto mark for “Rays”.

  18. [18]Ditto marks for “Tithing Paid”.

  19. [19]These five lines are stamped in black ink.

  20. [20]These three lines are stamped in black ink.

  21. [21]These three lines are stamped in black ink.