June 1888

1 June1 1888 • Friday

Tooele Took Alice and children to station to go to S.L.C. & Farmington Brought back from Station new mower, rake & harness’s Put rake up. Unloaded mower &c. Took Box off wagon and hay rack on.

2 June 1888 • Saturday

Attended Perry Hanks trial for using water out of his turn. Was summoned as a witness. Put rake

3 June 1888 • Sunday

Attended two meetings, read papers &c.

4 June 1888 • Monday

Rained. Put up new mower went to see Road Commission, G. Atkins & others Wrote A. F. D. Repaired forks.

5 June 1888 • Tuesday

Repaired mower looked over lucern that was wet Hauled in hay for feed. &c.

6 June 1888 • Wednesday

Commenced hauling hay 1st day with two teams, three wagons and seven hands. Raked Lucern &c. [p. 133]

7 June 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Hauled hay until about two o’clock when we had to wait for hay to make. Finished out the day hauling rock off lucern.

8 June 1888 • Friday

Took Commission to view place for road onto the bench on east boundry. &c Broke old mower.

9 June 1888 • Saturday

Took two teams plow & scraper and three hands and went and made dugway up hill on east of boundry line at a cost of $10.00.

10 June 1888 • Sunday

Staid home until about 6 o’clock when we all went up to Mr. Dunn’s, staid an hour, did chores & went to meeting at 8 P.M.

11 June 1888 • Monday

Commenced hauling hay again with six men and a boy to drive to & from a man to cut and one watering animals at pasture.

12 June 1888 • Tuesday

Tooele Had Eleven men at work in the hay.

13 June 1888 • Wednesday

Had eleven men at work in the hay. Finished Cutting first crop of lucern except a little sythe work among trees and on ditch banks. [p. 134]

14 June 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Had men at work hauling hay. I sold hay raked hay with Stallion &c.

15 June 1888 • Friday

Raked hay, raked down stack. Had men haulling hay.

16 June 1888 • Saturday

Tooele Finished hauling first cutting of hay. Delivered to A. J. McCuistion three loads hay @ 800. Raked down stacks and put wire on them.

17 June 1888 • Sunday

Tooele Attended ward meeting and went over to Gee’s & staid about an hour.

18 June 1888 • Monday

Tooele Reraked lucern all west of barn yard, Moved hay around to end of stack, hauled in rakings &c

19 June 1888 • Tuesday

Tooele Went up to the Calemit mine above Stockton to see about furnishing them with hay. Took carriage and family. Wind blew cold.

20 June 1888 • Wednesday

Tooele Raked and cleaned up barn yard; and stack yard, cleaned out stables &c.

21 June 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Had the horses brought up from pasture caught and tied up one iron gray 3yr old mare and Doll’s bay 2yr old mare, Had rocks picked up off lucern &c. [p. 135]

22 June 1888 • Friday

Tooele Repaired fences, harnessed two colts 1st time and handled them. Had large roan cow brought up from pasture to milk.

23 June 1888 • Saturday

Raked down stack, worked bay 2yr. old for the ist [1st] time, dug new potatoes, took folks out for a ride in the evening with sorrel colts.

24 June 1888 • Sunday

Attended meeting, was visited by Bro. & Sis. Gee after meeting. Read paper &c.

25 June 1888 • Monday

Tooele Did the regular chores, repaired shed sides, worked among cuttings & trees in corner. Drove old Vick on cart to see Mr Huff. Worked Gray 3yr old filley for first time ever worked. Miss Gee spent an hour with us in the evening.

26 June 1888 • Tuesday

B. F. Knowlton was here, hitched up colt, drove up to Hank’s, raked among trees in corner. &c.

27 June 1888 • Wednesday

Hitched up the young mare again and took the watermaster up to Parkers. Dressed down west side of hay stack &c. Had band brought up &c. [p. 136]

28 June 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Caught a wild 3 yr old colt harnessed & saddled it and drove it in after noon, repaired harness. &c.

29 June 1888 • Friday

Tooele Repaired manger, repaired hay rack, raked up yards after wind. &c.

30 June 1888 • Saturday

Examined land irrigated, waited on Vowels with bull, went shopping, picked peas & did the regular chores.

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June 1888, George F. Richards, accessed March 6, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1888/1888-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and replacing it with “June”.