February 1891

1 February 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine but windy Snowed some towards evening.

I hitched up the team and went down to Bro. Delamar’s farm after Lydia to visit with us. She not being there I called at Philip De La Mar’s and got her and in the early evening took her down to the DeLaMar farm. I attended the Ward Sacrament meeting in the afternoon [p. 85] where Apostle F. M. Lyman occupied the time. I offered the closing prayr. I also attended a temperence lecture delivered by Prof. Alexander in the Meeting House in the evening. Our children are still sick with Chicken pox.

2 February 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I issued a numbr of School admits and made out my monthly Statement and report. In the evening I attended to the children while Alice and Estella attended a lecture delivered by Prof. Alexander in the Social Hall. Subjects Courtship marriage &c. I wrote to A. F. Doremus in the evening. Sarah had a restless & fretful night. We got but little sleep.

3 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I grubbed sages in East field until 2 P.M. Drove horses in yard, took dinner and then took six horses down to the Basin pasture five miles distant. Called [p. 86] at Charles Pocock’s on my return. He had gone to Grantsville. In the evening I wrote in Journal. Wrote bills and sent to parties owing us. Read my Phrenologocal chart.

4 February 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went down Town and bought a grubbing hoe and grubbed sages all day in East field. In the evening I read the News. During the night Georgie and the baby Amy May were contracting diseases which made their appearance in the morning in the form of Pneumonia with the baby and appearantly Typhoid with George.

5 February 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine and mild. The children were very sick. I attended Fast meeting. Blessed Agnes Speirs Stewart (a babe) and spoke in meeting. Elijah Spray took dinner with me. I talked to him upon the Subject of having his wives sealed to him. Andrew Russell & Peter Clegg came to see our horses. After 4 P.M. I started to the Basin pasture and got the bay [p. 87] horse Rowdy for A Russell to see & try with a view to buying. Attended a Trustees meeting of school Dest. in the evening at Court House. Henry Haines babe died at 6 P.M. Our children being very sick my wife and I sat up all night waiting on them. Got about two hours sleep each towards morn.

6 February 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine most of the day. Wind in afternoon and in the evening wind and snow. Our children Georgie and Amy May were very sick Amy nigh unto death. I went down as far as the Store about noon got some medicines and brought home with me John Gillispie, John McKellar and T.L. Speirs who administered to the Sick. Geo. Gee and Louise Gee called in to see us. Sold a horse to A. Russell for $80.00 Miss Grace McKellar came and assisted us. Remained all night. I went out in the evening to drug store &c and called at Apostle Lymans to hear how Lois was getting on, [p. 88] Wrote to W. J. Robinson of Grantsville and to W. C. S. Bank SLC enclosing 6.00 for N.A.B. Ass. Wrote up journal &c.

7 February 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy about 4 inches of Snow fell. I attended the Stake Priesthood Meeting here in Tooele. Attended to some business at the Court House. Sold to A. J. Stookey Some hay and helped him load it. Waited on the sick of our house Georgie and Amy May were very sick Amy May very low with Pneumonia. Apostle Lyman called and blessed the children. I do so often. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Ward Priesthood prior to holding Ward Conference. I spoke to the people present. Charles Anderson was present he having come up from Grantsville to attend Stake Priesthood Meeting.

8 February 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine but cold. About a foot of snow. I attended the funeral services of Henry Haines’ child and spoke at the funeral services. Prest. Gowans and Counselor Anderson came up and administered to the children. They Georgie and Amy are very sick. There was Ward Conference in [p. 89] the Afternoon and evening but I could not attend.

9 February 1891 • Monday

Tooele Children no better, the baby appearantly not so well. I called in our new Docter Dr. Davis. He said that both Georgie and the babe have Pneumonia, the baby very bad chances against Wrote to Mother, Nerva and Fred. also to Dwyer of Salt Lake and Robinson of Grantsville Attended to some business at the Court House Paid out more than $1900.00 of school funds. In the afternoon the children appeared to be better. The fever reduced.

10 February 1891 • Tuesday

Attended to the chores and to some business at the Court House. Waited on the sick ones, wrote letters &c. Sat up from 1 P.M until morning with the children. We broke our thermomiter but from appearances the sick ones are a little better.

11 February 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine. I attended to the regular work of the place. Went down to Stephen Gee’s and got shaved and shingled. Called at [p. 90] Apostle Lymans and went to See the Clyde Stallions at Mrs Larson’s barn. Attended to Some business at the Court House. The children are some better. and weather fine.

12 February 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the Sick, did the chores sold hay &c. Had two men grubbing sages. I attended to Some business at the Court House. Our children having improved in health so much since the day before, the Dr Dismissed them as patients. I paid him his bill $12.00 In the evening Miss Grace McKellar who had been nursing the sick for a week went home I paid her what she asked $7.00 We went to bed with the children at night, but I kept the two fires burning all night and kept the children covered. I had cought some cold and during the night I took more so that I was quite hoarse and had sore throat. The children are improving. Alice and I are about twos in health both ailing. [p. 91]

13 February 1891 • Friday

Weather fine.1

I bought and paid for a ton and 1100 lbs or 3100 lbs coal. Sold hay to Barber 1780 <lbs.> on I attended to the regular work of the place. Did some work at Court House. &c. Have a sore throat and hoarseness. The children continue to improve.

14 February 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine. but windy Attended to the regular chores caring for animals &c. Wrote letters to Mother and to Fred W. Posted letters and got the mail. Attended to some business at Prest. Gowan’s office and at Co-op Store. Spent the evening at home. Talked with Aunt Lill Richards through the telephone. Mother was there in Salt Lake and will be out Monday on train. Dr. Joseph has been very sick with Qunzy [quinsy] but is better.

15 February 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather continues windy. The snow is rapidly disappearing.

I attended to the regular chores and shaved, read until Meeting time. Atten[p. 92]ded meeting. Was too hoarse to take any part in the exercises. Remained at home the remainder of the day and evening reading and writing. The children are improving in health slowly.

16 February 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy. Snow nearly gone. I went to the Station expecting to meet Mother but she did not come out.

On my return I went to the post office and then at 1 P.M. went to bed sick. There being no one here to do the chores I got up and did the chores and back to bed. Sent word to C. Pocock to come down and do the chores.

17 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather moderated. A very little snow fell. I remained in bed all day in not much pain. attended to several itims of business while in bed. The others seem to be feeling pretty well. Charles Pocock did the chores in the morning and Alfred Hanks did them in the evening. [p. 93]

18 February 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I felt some better and arose from my bed at 11 A.M. Worked the remainder of the day and evening, examining J. R. Clarks Report on Special School Tax and making bills to parties owing School District. 50 in number.

19 February 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I bought stamps & envelopes and posted 50 bills. Waited on man with baled hay; went to Stores &c. Mother came on train and I visited with her in the afternoon and evening. Had Hanks working in the Sages in my stead.

20 February 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine most of the day. It snowed a short time about one P.M. I attended to the regular work of the place. Attended to Some work for School Dist &c. Visited with Mother am not feeling very well. Had a man working at my expense on the Ranch. [p. 94]

21 February 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cool. Took Mother in buggy for a ride. Went up to the Wrench Springs to see the Water Works. I attended a meeting of the Bishoprick and Stake Presidency at President Gowan’s office. We considered the subject of Religion Classes. It seemed to be the mind of the Brethren that I act as Stake Supt. of Religion Classes. I got 15 bu of potatoes, from the Tithing Office. Spent the evening at home visiting with Mother.

22 February 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very windy.

I hitched up my team & buggy ang [and?] took Prest. H. S. Gowans over to Clover Ward 17 miles distant. Attended School there took dinner with Bp. St Jeor and attended Ward Conference in the after noon where I spoke as also in Sundy School. Returned home arriving at 7 P.M. heavy wind still blowing. Folks are feeling tolerably well. [p. 95]

23 February 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine but little windy. This is my 30th Birth day. I wrote letters went to Post Office, to Vowles for shorts, oatmeal &c. Remained at home the balance of the day reading, writing & visiting with Mother. In the evening Alice & I attended Bosco’s Magic performance.

24 February 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold and stormy. I was at the Court House from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. attending to School Trustees business made remittances &c. In the evening Mother, Estella and I attended Bosco’s Show.

25 February 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cool.

I grubbed sages in east field during the day and in the evening I went down to Sister Herrons and spent about an hour visiting with her her daughter lyind [lying] dead at the time having died the night previous. Mother, Alice, Georgie and Nerva went to Bosco’s show. I read the Book of Covenants. [p. 96]

26 February 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold but fine.

I grubbed sages and had Alf Hanks helping me. Contracted to pay him $15.00 to finish grubbing the Sages. I received <letter from> and wrote to A. F. Doremus. Wrote & read in evening. Mother Still with us and all pretty well I have severe cold.

27 February 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did not feel well. Did some writing, posted letters called on Prest Gowans at his office. returned hope [home?] read paper, went to bed early soaked feet &c.

28 February 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Clowdy but warm.

I remained at home in house all day reading and docteringng doctoring myself. Maggie Herron and Mrs Jonnason were buried.

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February 1891, George F. Richards, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1891/1891-02


  1. [1]The date and this notation are written in the left-hand margin.