January 1890

1 January 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele City Made out my monthly report and sent to A. F. Doremus. Spent the afternoon at Bro. Vance’s and the evening at home writing, fixing up my accounts for a new year.

Weather windy & cold New year’s eve and cloudy New Years day.

2 January 1890 • Thursday

Windy & cold. Went up the Middle canyon ditch to try to get the water down by putting the two streams, City & Kelsey, together. Found this impossible as the ditch was full of snow full length. Attended Fast meeting. Drove the animals all over on to Main Street to water. Hauled a load of water from the Mill. In the evening I [p. 240] set up a stove in the front room. Wrote up my accounts and sent out bills to parties owing us. &c.-

3 January 1890 • Friday

Wind & cold. Attended to the regular work of the place and attended a water meeting Read from the Xmas Herald in the evening. Mormon Persecution by Geo. Q. Cannon.

4 January 1890 • Saturday

Wind & snow. Bought potatoes 5 gal. Coal-oil & 25 lbs. Oat meal. Trimmed Apple limbs and attended to the regular work of the place. Wrote and read from Xmas Herald in the evening

5 January 1890 • Sunday

Attended meeting in afternoon. Lydia Delemar visited with us in the evening until 8 oclock after which we read from Bancroft’s History of Utah an account of the Mountain Meadow’s Massacre.

6 January 1890 • Monday

Went to the Basin pasture horseback. Looked after the animals there. put rack on wagon and sold to H. Beauchamp a load of hay. I hitched up our team and loaded the hay. Attended Lesser Priesthood in [p. 241] the evening and took the minutes.

7 January 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Went to the switch to meet A. F. Doremus but he did not come. Worked on the Stack yard fence. Attended a meeting of the Water Board in the evening.

8 January 1890 • Wednesday

Went with Alice to the Dentists, & worked on stack-yard fence. Read in U.S. Secret Service in the evening.

9 January 1890 • Thursday

Worked on stack yard fence. Copied catechism for Sunday School review during the evening.

10 January 1890 • Friday

Snowed all day. I had G. E. Howells hauling manure in forenoon while I sawed boards into four foot lengths for fence & in the afternoon we worked water ditch from our yards to Jos. Dunn’s cleaned out the snow so the water could come down. Paid up my tithing for 1889 in full. $7200. here & $63.17 in Plymouth ward. Received of H. S. Gowans a gold pen for which I sent to S.L.C. by him. Wrote in Journal, wrote Catechism and read the News in the evening [p. 242]

11 January 1890 • Saturday

Tooele City Snowed most of the day. Took down the sleigh and put shaves in it and took Alice to the dentists & broughet her home. Bought two strings of bells for $2.50 Made paths hauled water, worked on stack yard fence. Read from U. S. Secret Service in the evening.

12 January 1890 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and Ward conference in the afternoon, was mouth in prayr in opening the meeting. Apostle Lyman and Prest. Gowans were present. The ward Teachers were numbered & sustained 38 in all my number being 6. Spent the evening at home reading & writing.

13 January 1890 • Monday

Worked on stack yard fence. Received letters from Abram & Seney. Sent letters to Fred & Mother and a card to Sagers of Lake View Sent a bunch of stamped envelopes to Fred. Attended Teachers meeting in the evening. Got some Aleril fluid at the Court house to write with. Snowed all day.

14 January 1890 • Tuesday

Finished the stack yard fence all excepting making and hauling hanging the gates. Snowed most of the day. [p. 243] Wrote the Chicago Cooperative Purchasing Association at Chicago ordering a sewing machine for Sarah A. Robinson; also wrote their Western Agt at Salt Lake City, accepting an offer to solicit membership or members. Did my usual writing in Journal & keeping accounts; Read the paper &c. Good sleighing. Alice is having Seven teeth filled & one stump pulled by Dentist Hodges at a cost of $1000 A. J. Mc.Cuistion’s wife died Yesterday at 2 o’clock AM. and is to be buried tomorrow. Services in the Meeting House at 11 AM.

15 January 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Talked with Abram through the telephone Attended the funeral services of A. J. McCuistion’s Wife. Took Alice and the children for a ride in the sleigh. Went up to the divide and turned Kelsey water into City ditch. Attended a committee meeting at 6 P.M. and Water meeting at 7 P.M. held in the Court house. Was appointed one of three on a committee to collect a tax of $300 from the water owners of Middle Cañon and superentend the expendature of the same on Said Cañon Wrote A. F. D. [p. 244]

16 January 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Took Alice to the dentists, shoveled drifted snow, Wrote A. F. D & Fred. Received a letter from Fred saying they had all been sick and Bell & Doll mares drownd in the river. Loaded and sold to G. E. Howell part of a load and loaded a full load for Mr Campbel. In the evening I attended the Young mens Association and practiced my Sunday school class on catechism for Sunday School review. Weather windy in forenoon drifting the snow badly. Calm & warm in afternoon. Wind rose again in evening.

17 January 1890 • Friday

Wind blew all day, went down to the store & adjusted scales. Took Alice & children down to Sis. Vance’s in slay. Made gate for Stack yard fence did the regular chores taking all the animals over on to the West street to water. Went after Alice & children with slay in evening, took dinner or supper at Vances, Bro. Vance cut my hair. Brought Bro & Sis. Vance up and She remained here while he attended Choir Practice. I subscribed from for O. F. Whitney’s Poems. Played checkers with Sis Vance in the evening Heavy wind at night. [p. 245]

18 January 1890 • Saturday

Tooele City Wind blew until about 5 P.M. When the wind ceaced and from 4 P.M. the snow fell very fast. During the day I made a gate for stack yard fence and attended to the regular work of the place. There being no water in the City or Kelsey ditches, I have to drive the animals to Main or West street to water. In the evening I did the usual writing of accounts & my Journal, shaved and read the News. Bathed &c.

19 January 1890 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School in the morning and Sunday School Review in the After-noon and evening at which my class took part in answering questions. Wrote letters after meeting.

20 January 1890 • Monday1

Attended to the regular chors and delivered two loads of hay. Attended a meeting to consider the matter of incorporating for the purpose of laying pipes to conduct water into town for culinary and other purposes. I subscribed for $1000.

21 January 1890 • Tuesday

Sold to Mrs Hoagland one load of hay Made a fire in the forge and straigh[t]ened two pairs of large Strap hinges [p. 246] for gates and enlarged the holes for bolts. Hung one gate. Cold & clear weather. Visited as a teacher in the evening.

22 January 1890 • Wednesday

Hung gate & delivered to Mrs Hanks 2500 lbs hay. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Weather clear and very cold at night. No coal to be had for weeks on account of the drifting snow which Locks the trains.

23 January 1890 • Thursday

Besides the regular chors, I went to the mill twice, went up to the divide and turned the water all into the City ditch, went down to Henry Marshall’s to get him to work for lumber, brought a new flour bin from <Wm> James Dunns he having made it to order for $7.00 Spent the evening reading United States Secret Service.

24 January 1890 • Friday

Made a pair of double gates for north side of stack yard fence. Attended Teachers meeting in the evening. Received a letter from Mother saying she had sold her property in Town for $24,000. Read from US Secret service after meeting. Blowed & snowed all day and blowed all night. Snow drifting & thawing. [p. 247]

25 January 1890 • Saturday

Tooele City Wind still blowing and thawing. Went to the switch 3 miles distant for coal, Got hinges from store and enlarged the holes for bolts and hung double gates. In the evening I shaved, bathed and read from United States Secret Service.

26 January 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Attended Sunday School and read from United States Secret Service in the afternoon & evening excepting from about 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. during which time Bro. & Sis Vance were here. Weather calm and warm All well. At Conference in Grantsville was sustained as Counselor to Prest Gowans

27 January 1890 • Monday2

Worked on Stack yard fence hanging gates, making fastenings &c. In the evening I wrote to A. F. Doremus, wrote in Journal &c Read from United States Secret Service. Finished reading it through.

28 January 1890 • Tuesday

Finished the stack yard fence and assisted in baling hay. Read News in the evening. Also from Stanley’s Travels.

29 January 1890 • Wednesday

Sold one ton of baled hay and two loads of loose hay; helped load and weigh them. Went to the Switch and got coal, weighed & piled up baled hay [p. 248] baled by Marshall & Pocock.

Was informed by President Gowans that I had been sustained by the Stake Conference at Grantsville held Jan. 26 & 27, 1890 as Second Counselor to H. S. Gowans President of the Tooele Stake. I met in the evening at Apostle Lymans with Apostle Lyman, H. S. Gowans, Bp. Atkin, Counselor Geo. Craner, John Gillispie and F. M Lyman Jr. where I received instructions from Apostle Lyman after which I was ordained a High Priest and set apart as 2nd Counselor to President Gowans in the Tooele Stake of Zion; Apostle Lyman being mouth. I received a good blessing with many promises.

30 January 1890 • Thursday

Weighed tagged and piled up baled hay, helped with the manure hauling; Wrote to Chicago and sent $41.35 for suit of cloths Websters Unabridged Dictionary, shoes, satchel &c. In the evening, I wrote to Fred & Nerva, wrote my Journal &c.

31 January 1890 • Friday

Baled hay piled up wrote on monthly Report. Went down to J. A. Vance’s where Alice was visiting. Took supper there & Staid the evening. [p. 249]

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January 1890, George F. Richards, accessed March 30, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1890/1890-01


  1. [1]Richards did not date this entry.

  2. [2]Richards wrote the date for this entry on the previous line between the words “to” and “Prest”.