July 1908

1 July 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the temple between 10 & 2 o’clock

Attended to business down town wrote letters to C. C. Richards and to the Malad Stake Presidency.

Called on my mother. &c.

No appointments for this week.

2 July 1908 • Thursday


I spent the day at home reading church History, Settled the bills for last month’s expenses. Renewed fire insurance policy on home for three years. $2600.

Alice and I spent an hour in the evening with Mother and my Sister Asenath at their home.

3 July 1908 • Friday


I spent most of the day at home reading Church History and church chronology, writing &c Wrote letter to my son George at Tooele.

I went down town about 3 P.M. and got Fountain pen from Repair shop, Helds, bought blank book for Comentary and commenced writing in same copying from smaller comentary.

A hot day. All well. [p. 20]

4 July 1908 • Saturday


LeGrand went with Willard Smith Ina Ashton and Winny Richards up the Canyon to be gone over the 4th & Sunday. Mamie went down to Grace Richards’ and spent most of the day. Joel & Sarah went to Salt Air about 6 P.M. The others of us remained home all day and went down to my Mothers for an hour in the evening. I spent the day studying and making a new commentary of Religious Subjects.

Weather warm, temperature 85° We are all well.

5 July 1908 • Sunday


I attended temple fast meeting 10 A.M. Alice accompanied me. I bore testimony. Attended Fast meeting in 27th ward at 2 P.M. Gave $1.00 each meeting and attended to my fast & prayrs.

Attended evening meeting at 27th ward Henry S. Tanner was the Speaker. Occupied about 30 minutes Subject Book of Mormon & South American Country associating the two as he found them on reading former and visiting latter. After meeting my son Joel & I walked up into the cemetery and from there to Grandmas where we spent 1/2 hr. [p. 21]

At ward Fast meeting I assisted in blessing three babies, consecrating a bottle of oil and administering to a sister. I blessed and named Mildred Irene Powers (infant)

6 July 1908 • Monday


I spent the day studying and making new Comentary of Scriptures.

In the evening Sarah, Oliver & I walked down to Grandmas 876 First Ave.

Folks all well.

7 July 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home working on Commentary and the Scriptures.

Attended missionary meeting at temple Annex where about 14 missionaries were set apart. Elder John Henry Smith presided. Pres. J Golden Kimball and I set apart seven. J. H. Smith, Seymour B Young and JW McMurrin set apart the others. I was mouth in Setting apart the following.

Hyrum J. Hardy. Marysville Ida. Cent. States

Parley Elliott Butterworth. Franklin Ida. West. States

Wm N. Stephens Jr. Rexburg "1 South. "2

Hyrum Alma Campbell Haden Ida. Cent. "

After meeting I called at Pres. office and inspected Circle Roll & record.

Called at Mother’s and spent an hour or two. Alice was there and we went home about 7 P.M. Asenath [p. 22] and her girls out to Salt Air.

Warm weather, folks well. I received this day from German E Ellsworth of the Northern States mission a leather back song book complimentary.

At the missionary meeting I offered the opening prayr and instructed the Elders. Encouraged them to study the Standard church works. They are to be your armour You will not be justified when in battle to say Lord help me I have not proved this armor. You have different opportunities. David laid off the armor of Saul not having proved it & God sustained him. You must become acquainted with your instruments of ware fare or you will be embarrassed.

8 July 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. Then with Pres. Lyman, Elders Clawson & H. M. Smith before leaving the room considered the appeal of one Bro. Stevens of Garcea of Mexico against his Bishop & counselors appealed from High Council. Appeal sustained or rather Decision of High Council of Juarez Stake Sustained.

I called on Bro Hamilton G Park a [p. 23] member of my prayr circle who in course of our conversation, grasped my hand and kissed me. He said that while he is meeting with Elder Grants’ circle he does not feel as much at home and would gladly attend if his work would admit of it. Bro. Park is one of God’s noble men.

I attended my circle meeting in the temple from 6 to 7:15 P.M. I spent several hours in the afternoon on new comentary. In evening I spent a couple of hours reading “More Letters From a Self Made Merchant to his Son.”

9 July 1908 • Thursday


I spent the day until 5:30 P.M. at home studying and then went down to the 15th Ward and by appointment met Bro J. M. Christensen, a member of my Circle, at his home and from there we visited Bp. Boud, Bro Johnson counselor to Bp. and Bro Alex. Backman members of our circle & took up a labor with them which I think will be productive of good.

10 July 1908 • Friday


I went with Nephi excursion leaving Salt Lake at 7:30 A.M. Went by train direct to Experimental Station [p. 24] four miles south of Nephi. Teams were at train to deliver us about a mile to Ex. farm where we were treated to lemonade & Ice Cream & Sandwiches. Viewed the crops & listened to the lectures. In Mr. Geo. Whitmore’s auto Pres. F. M. Lyman, Elder H. J. Grant, B. F. Grant and I returned to Nephi Mr Whitmore’s Son Mont. Chauffeur. We took dinner at the Forest Hotel at Mr Whitmore’s expense after which we with same company & auto went over to Dog valley eight miles west of Nephi where we saw the Large Steam plowing engine at work. Here the two Grants & I walked through plowed ground & wheat field for probably a mile and a half.

Returning to Nephi without mishap went directly to the meeting house where a booster meeting was in progress and we went in and enjoyed remaining portion of the services Closing at 7 P.M. we just had time to reach the train which left Nephi at 7:20 arriving in S.L.C. about 11:15 P.M. A tired dirty lot.

11 July 1908 • Saturday


I spent the day home studying until 6 P.M. when Alice, the baby & I went for an Auto ride up to the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon [p. 25] with Bro H. J. Grant & his wife & Sister Empey. Called at my mother’s about 9 P.M. and spent an hour visiting. Folks well, weather warm. I phoned my son George that his chair &c had arrived from the east and his office is vacated.

12 July 1908 • Sunday


I attended 27th ward S. School and Ensign Stake S.S. Union meeting at 20th ward and made a talk. Subj. Prayr. Make them brief and suited to the occas<ion.> Spoke briefly at S. School.

Attended Sacramental meeting in 27th ward

Spent the evening at home.

13 July 1908 • Monday


I spent the day until 5 P.M. at home working on Commentary & Scriptures. Called & saw my mother between 5 & 6 Alice and the girls had gone down to Liberty Park leaving home between 3 & 4 o’clock. Joel met the train from Tooele & George came in. We all with Legrand & Ina Ashton went down. Had a nice lunch and sports on grass. Returned home leaving the part [park] just at dark and on reaching home retired early after reading & learning the 124 Par. of Sec 88 D.&C. & Prayr as usual

Clouds, thunder and some rain afternoon. [p. 26]

14 July 1908 • Tuesday


I met with Pres. F. M. Lyman, Elders J. H. and H. M. Smith as a committee and heard case of appeal from decision of Juarez Stake High Council in the case of Bro. Walter Stevens vs. Bp. Jno. E. Steiner of Colonia Pacheco Mex.

This same man Stevens made complaint against Bp. John T. Whetten of Colonia Garcia Mex which complaint was heard by the High Council about the same time and was brought up on appeal. Both charges were most unreasonably founded and in each case the decision of the High Council was sustained.

I spent most of the day at home studying on Commentary on Scriptures

Called to See my mother in the evening. Folks all well.

15 July 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the Temple at 10 A.M. and Circle in the temple at 6 P.M. At latter meeting it was agreed to change the time of meeting to 6:15 to accommodate Bp. Boud and Bro Johnson his counselor of 15th ward.

We also agreed to have an outing at Wandamere at some future date not yet named, within two [p. 27] or three weeks the time to be considered next week.

Bros. Russell, Poulton & Lyon were appointed a Refreshment Committee & Bros. Jones, Ashton & Fullmer a committee on Amusements.

My son George is fixing up an office in the Templeton to begin Dental work and moved his desk from my home. I spent several hours sorting over papers and fixing up desk for use.

16 July 1908 • Thursday


I spent the day until 4 P.M. working upon Commentary. Attended the funeral services of Horace Whitney son of Elder Orson F. Whitney about 27 yrs of age held in 18th ward chapel. Pres. F M Lyman offered the opening prayr. The speakers were in order as follows. B. H. Roberts, J. G. Kimball & Elder John Henry Smith. I offered the closing prayr. I called in Uncle Henry P. Richards’ home after the Services. Called at my son George’s Office & thence with him home.

After Supper I went down to my mothers where I spent with her an hour or more of time. She is usually well.

Made ready and left home at [p. 28] 11 P.M. for Ry Depot where I took train for Millford with Pres F. M. Lyman.

17 July 1908 • Friday

We reached Milford at 8:30 A.M. Pres. F. M. Lyman & I. Had breakfast on train. Were met at train by Bro. Jacob T. Tanner of the Beaver Stake Presidency who drove us to Beaver City between the hours of 8:35 AM & 1:35 P.M. Called and saw tithing premises at Minersville a part of which one of the Minersville merchants is desirous of buying 66' x 80' He offers $100.00 for it.

At Greeneville we called & saw Father Philo Carter who married Pres Lymans Sister now dead. He is one of the Batallion 79 yrs old & draws a pension of $20 per month from the Government.

Pres. Lyman stopped off at Patriarch John Murdock’s and I went on up to Pres. J. F. Tolton’s of Stake Presidency, where I received a kindly greeting. I spent the afternoon writing, Journal and working on Commentary. Had a severe headache and towards evening I attended a meeting with Pres. Lyman and the Stake Presidency at Bro John Murdocks where the matter of reorganizing the Beaver Stake Presidency was considered & decided upon All the members of the Presiden<cy> [p. 29] being agreed. At this meeting my ailment turned into Sick headache & I went home to Bro Toltons very sick. Took large dose of salts & after a time my head quit aching and I felt better and had fair nights sleep & rest.

18 July 1908 • Saturday

Beaver, Utah.

I had fair night’s rest last night and am almost well again. Feel some effects of my sickness of yesterday. I have a little hoarseness.

Attended 10 AM meeting Present 210 Pres. White and Several Bishops reported. I occupied 25 minutes and Pres Lyman occupied remaining 25 min. I spoke of reports made. Spoke of the burdens born by the people of Beaver in connection with the School and the benefits derived from same. Called attention to their needs for a new tabernacle and a Bps. Store house. The effect of individual effort all organizations are benefitted there by. Pres. Lyman spoke on same topics recommended that the Presidency make application to Pres. Bishopric for a new Office & advised when they get ready to build that they build after the order of the Payson <or S. Fork>Tabernacle.

In afternoon meeting Bros. J F Tolton, & Hickman were the principle speakers before Pres Lyman who spoke last. [p. 30]

At 4 P.M. we met the priesthood and there received names from which to chose a Presidency for the Stake after which we heard the brethren air some differences they had with Pres White over Land & grazing.

Pres. Lyman & I with Prests. White & Tolton rod[e] up to the School grounds.

Pres. Lyman & I then took supper at Bro John R Murdocks and after supper we considered the papers referred to and decided to Nominate Bro. J. F. Tolton. We sent for Bro Tolton and with him decided on Jacob T. Tanner for First Counselor. Then sent for Bro. Tanner and with him decided on Bro. Sam’l O White Bp of West ward for 2nd counselor. We sent for Bp White & with him we considered the brethren of the ward to find a bishop to succeed Bp. White. We agreed upon Charles E Murdock, Bp Whites 1st Counselor & sent for him. He demurred but took until Morning to decide. Later that night he returned and reported to Pres Lyman that he would not accept the office. Ours was a late Session that night held at the home of Patriarch John R Murdock where Pres. Lyman was staying. That same evening the SS Union meeting was held in Meeting house. [p. 31]

19 July 1908 • Sunday


Was called by Pres. Lyman to Bro. J. R. Murdock’s about 9 A.M. with the Stake Presidency and we were informed that C. E. Murdock had answered that he would not accept the office of Bp of Beaver West ward. We decided to have the Brethren of that ward together after the morning meeting & get their views expressed on paper.

At the morning meeting I spoke about 25 minutes. Two or three others spoke & the Sacrament was administered.

At 12 oclock we had the brethren of the West ward together & got an expression from them on paper and with the Stake Presidency we agreed to name for Bishop Frank F. D. Farnsworth. We sent for him & we consulted together and agreed on his Counselors Chas. E Murdock and [blank] Paice

I went home with Pres Lyman as we were to not eat until after 4 P.M. & that at Pres. C. D. Whites.

Having chosen Bro Farnsworth for Bishop left vacancy in the High Council & Presidency of the High Priests Quorum. We selected Pres. C. D. White for this position & [p. 32] sent for him & we had a conference with him. He accepted gracefully this honor as he had gracefully tendered his resignation when it was suggested that a reorganization of the Presidency was advisable. In all this work there were no bones broken. The brethren accepted of the positions modestly and in the proper spirit.

At the 2 P.M. meeting the Gen’l authorities were presented also the New stake officers all of whom were sustained without opposition. Also the Ward officers were sustained there being a good representation of the ward members present. All the members of the New presidency and the new Bishopric of West ward spoke preceded by Bro. C. D. White all manifest a good spirit. I followed for about 12 or 15 minutes & Pres Lyman Concluded running 20 minutes over time.

At conclusion of the Conference 4:30 We administered to a young girl for heart disease & weakness & to a lady afflicted. Pres Lyman anointed & I confirmed the anointing in each instance. After which we attended to the [p. 33] ordaining and setting apart of the newly sustained officers as list listed below.

We took supper at Ex Pres. C. D. Whites Attended Conjoint meeting in the evening. Pres. R. R. Tanner, Elds. Shepherd, Wolfendin. Y.L. President & a young Lady on the life of John GreenLeaf Whittier spoke and by request of Pres Lyman I occupied the remainder of the time about 35 minutes Subject Atheism & Infidelity. Evolution. God our Fath[e]r. Had good liberty.

Attendance at Conference fair.

Sat 10 A.M.

210 present

"3 2 P.M.


" 4 P.M.

65 " Priesthood

Sund. 10 AM

420 "

"512 Noon

47 " Priesthood West Ward.

" 2 P.M.

460 "

" 8 P.M.


We feel that this has been a successful and a profitable Conference. I made my home at Prest Tolton Ate two meals away.

Following is list of ordinations & settings apart.

Wilford Webb of Greenville ordained an High Priest by Elder Geo. F. Richards.

John Frank Tolton Set apart the President of the Beaver Stake of [p. 34] Zion by Pres Francis M. Lyman

Jacob T. Tanner Set apart First Counselor to Pres. Tolton in the Stake Presidency by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Saml O. White Jr. Set apart by Pres F. M Lyman 2nd Counselor in Presiden<cy>

Charles D. White Set apart a High Counselor and President of the High Priests’ quorum by Elder Geo. F. Richards.

Franklin D. Farnsworth was ordain<ed> a Bishop and set apart to preside over the Beaver West ward by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

Charles E. Murdock was set apart First Counselor to Bp Farnsworth by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Geo. Paice was set apart second counselor to Bp. Farnsworth by Pres F. M. Lyman.

20 July 1908 • Monday

Beaver, Utah.

Pres. Francis M. Lyman and I with Pres. J. F. Tolton drove down to Minersville. We called at Greenville and administered to the little babe of Sister Webb Carter. At Minersville we were to hold 2 P.M. public meeting but the Diphtheria having broke out in the home of Bp. Baker the Quarantine officials have ordered all public gatherings be discon[p. 35]tinued. We had in Stake Priesthood meeting accepted the resignation of Bp. Baker and Geo. Marshall was sustained by the Priesthood meeting to be ordained a Bishop to preside over the Minersville ward.

We had Bro. Geo Marshall and Bro. Wm. Wood Jr & Bro Henry Walter Hall together at Bro. Geo. Marshalls home We having agreed with Bro. Geo. Marshall that these should be his counselors. Several hours were spent in counseling the brethren.

Ordinations followed.

Geo. Marshall was ordained a Bishop and set apart to preside over the Minersville ward, by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Wm Wood Jr. was set apart First Coun. to Bp Marshall by Pres. F. M. Lyman

Henry Walton Hall was ordained a High Priest and set apart second Counselor to Bp. Marshall by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Geo. Marshall Jr. was set apart Ward Clerk by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

These officers are to be sustained at the first public meeting the Stake Presidency to be present. This is an innovation but circumstances seem to justify the action.

We reached Minersville about 12:30 o’clock & left for Millford at 5 P.M. [p. 36] Bp. Geo Marshall Took us to Milford.

We took 9:35 P.M. Train from Milford for home and arrived safely at Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M. Tues.

21 July 1908 • Tuesday


Pres. Lyman & I returned home from Beaver reaching Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M. Elder A. W. Ivins was on the same train returning from Mexico.

I bathed, changed clothes and went to the Quarterly Conference of the Twelve. Called on my mother on my way to meeting. We were in session from ten to about 4 P.M. An interesting conference. The Absentees were Bro Reed Smoot gone to Europe. Elder Penrose in Europe and Elder Whitney whose absence was not accounted for.

I spent the remainder of the day working on Commentary on Scriptural Subjects.

22 July 1908 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency & the Twelve, a quarterly meeting where the Sacrament was administered. Meeting from 10 A.M. until about 3:30. After the First Presidency retired the Twelve continued in session until 5 P.M. in Temple when a recess of 30 minutes was [p. 37] taken for 30 minutes and we continued council until 7 p.m.

Subjects which claimed our attention were Pres. B. H. Roberts’ attitude towards Elder Reed Smoot’s Candidacy for to succeed himself as a U.S. Senator and the letter or letters written by him and published which were calculated to humiliate the First Presidency & the Twelve especially Elder Smoot. Also considering names for Mission Presidents in the Missions of the U.S. also helps for Pres Penrose in the European Mission as clerk and to assist on the Star.

Alice & I called on my Mother in the evening.

At Council Meeting Elder David O. McKay and I were appointed to organize the Ogden Stake, the N.E. section of Weber Stake, next Saturday & Sunday.

23 July 1908 • Thursday

I attended a committee consisting of the following. Pres F. M. Lyman H. J. Grant, H M Smith & I to consider claims of the Church Schools for help the ensuing year. In session from 10 to 1:30 and attended a missionary meeting from 2 to 4:40 P.M. Here I set apart five missionaries and blessed a Sister Brown for a [p. 38] trip to California.

Following is list of names I set apart.

James Walker of Salt Lake to Gt. Britain

Frank J. Adams of Bluff City. to Gt Britain

Herman E. Kratzer of Salt Lake to Switzerland & Germany

Heinrick F. C. Grune "6 to " "7

John H. Russell of Tabor Canada to Eastern States.

H. M. Smith assisted me in all except the last one. Prests. S B Young & Jos. W McMurrin in that instance. I assisted in setting apart others.

At home I wrote several letters in the evening.

24 July 1908 • Friday


Weather warm & family all well.

I worked on my Commentary all the forenoon. Spent an hour with my mother at her home.

At 2 P.M. we went to Salt Air Alice, Geo. & Edith, Joel and the young<er> children except Sarah who came out later with Cousin Evan Richards. LeGrand went up in the canyon the day before with his cous<in> Willard Smith for a several days stay. We had a pleasant time. Most of us bathed in the lake. Mother, Joel Ruby, Lucena & I at one time. Geo. & Edith later. Alice & I with Ruby Lucena & younger children left the Beech at 8:30 P.M. for home Mamie [p. 39] not with us she having gone up the canyon with her cousin Grace Richards.

25 July 1908 • Saturday


I went to Ogden on 8:10 A.M. O.S.L.R. train where I met Elder David O McKay as per previous appointment.

By missunderstanding between Bro McKay & myself a meeting of the Priesthood of the NE division of the Weber Stake was called for Sunday morning when I had understood and desired that it be Sat A.M. The purpose of my visit was to assist in effecting an organization of the new stake.

The Presidency & Twelve having decided upon the name of Thos. B. Evans for President, we sent for Bro Evans and presented the matter to him and he accepted the responsibility in the proper Spirit. We then cast about for two men to be his Counselors. Bro. Evans named Charles C. Richards and Thos. E. McKay and we indorsed his choice. We then sent out for these two brethren and submitted the proposition to them. They accepted in the proper spirit. We then proceeded to canvas the field for other [p. 40] Stake officers at 7:45 we had the slate pretty well filled and I return<ed> home on the train leaving Ogden at 8:10 P.M. Called at the Bee Hive and Saw Pres Smith. Asked if we should organize the auxiliaries. He said if we were clear as to who should fill the offices we might. Suggested that we better not be in too big a hurry. That some people think because they are made by the Apostles or Presidency, they owe no special alliegence to the Stake Presidency and it might be well to leave the Auxiliaries to the Stake Presidency who can select names of men & women to head these departments & send them up to the Presidency for indorsement. I also asked his advice with reference to choosing David McKay to Preside over the High Priests Quorum instead of Bro Loren Farr 88 yrs of age who had presided over that Quorum in the Weber stake. He indorsed the action. Later I consulted Bro Farr & he said he thought it the right thing to do. Retired to bed after eleven oclock.

26 July 1908 • Sunday


I took 87:10 train for Ogden. Met Bro. Bradford on train and had talk with him. We had thought to use him as Stake Supt. S. Schools but he says he [p. 41] is a member of the 5th ward in Weber Stake. Had been approached by Stake presidency and also by bro. Scocroft & requested to continue his residence in that stake & labor with Bro Bradford in the S. S. Suberintendency which he had indicated his willingness to do. I felt to release him from further consideration in the New stake and when presented to the brethren they sustained my attitude.

At Ogden Depot Bro David O McKay and Bro. Scocroft with latters auto met me and we went direct to the Stake Academy building where we met 170 of the Priesthood of this N.E. Division of Weber Stake. I presided at this meeting. Stated what had been done, not giving any names and requested that they write on a sheet of paper the names of the best men in the Stake and a name for the Stake. While the Priesthood repaired to the tabernacle to attend the general meeting, Bro McKay & I examined the papers. We left Pres Shurtliff to preside at the meeting. The papers revealed the fact that Ogden is the preferred name for the Stake. They also brought forward others names which had been overlooked and were of assitance to us. [p. 42]

We were busy with the newly selected Presidency Prests Shurtliff & Middleton associated from 12 until 1 P.M. at which time we met the Priesthood again in the 3rd ward house 246 being in attendance. I presided at this meeting and presented the name of Ogden as the name of the new stake which was unanimously accepted The names of the officers as we had them arranged and as named here, after were presented and sustained

When the name of Thos. B. Evans was presented there were about half doz. votes in the negative. An oppertunity was given the opposers to make known their objections after meeting. At close of meeting one brother came up & said he had made a mistake through a misunderstanding that he could & would sustain Bro Evans. The fact that Bro. Evans is not at present living in the Stake but only preparing to move in being the owner of property in the Stake may have let some to think he was hardly eligible. From Priesthood meeting we repaired to the Tabernacle where we met 851 people the house being well filled and a few standing in the doorways. I presided at this meeting. After opening exercises I occu[p. 43]pied about 25 minutes talking upon subject of division of Stake. Benefits to accrue. Three times as many people bearing office & the people better looked after and more activity expected which means increased spiritual life. I presented the names of the officers as they had been sustained at the Priesthood meeting and they were unanimously sustained. The Name of Ogden having first been sustained as name of the Stake. After a solo by Bro. Cragan We asked each of the brethren of the Presidency to express themse[l]ves which they did in about 5 or 7 minutes each but in a credible way. Then Pres Shurtliff occupied a few minutes & we had a dewet [duet] & chorus by Miss Sarah Pingree and Bro [blank] and Bro David O. McKay occupied about 30 minutes. The time being used we now closed the meeting bro. H. H. Cummings offering the Benediction. We had all the new officers remain and excepting two or three who were absent we put to them the question. Are you willing to take upon you the responsibility of this office and magnify the calling and office to the best of your ability. this in [p. 44] substance. All expressed this willingness. We then proceeded to set apart the brethren as follows. Bro. McKay having asked Prests Shurtleff & Middleton to remain we out of courtesy asked them to assist us in blessing & setting apart which they did.

1. Thos. B. Evans an H. Priest was blessed & set apart the President of the Ogden Stake of Zion in the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D. Saints by Elder Geo. F. Richards

2. Charles C. Richards was set apart First counselor in the Presidency by Elder David O. McKay.

3rd. Thos. E. McKay a Seventy was ordained an High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor to Pres. Evans in the Ogden Stake Presidency.

4. David McKay Patriarch was set apart President of the High Priests Quorum by Elder David O. McKay.

Fol. High Councilors Set apart so far as present

1. Angus T. Wright absent

2. Marcus Farr by Thos. B. Evans

3. Nathan J. Harris by Chas. C. Richards

4. Sam’l G. Dye by Thos E. McKay

5. Jos. R. Morrell. absent

6. W. M. Mckendrick. Absent

7. Chris. J Jensen. Absent

8. Carl E. Peterson by Lewis W. Shurtliff

9. Geo. E. Ferrin ordained H Priest and [p. 45] set apart H Counselor by C. F. Middleton.

10. Reuben T. Rhees Set apart H.C. by Geo. F. Richar<ds>

11. Hyrum Belnap Absent.

12. Miles L. Jones Absent.


1. John. W. Chambers ordained H Priest & set apart by Elder David O. McKay

2. Albert E Stratford ordained High Priest and set apart Alternate by Thos. B. Evans

3. Frederick Barker ordained H. Priest and set apart Alternate by C. C. Richards

4. Elijah A Larkin ordained H Priest an[d] set apart alternate H.C. by Thos. E McKay

5. Gilbert Thatcher Set apart by L W Shurtliff

6. Lester H Froerer Absent

Frederick William Hodgson was [s]et apart Stake Clerk, Stake Tithing Clerk, Recorder and Clerk of the High Council by Geo. F. Richards

After the setting apart I instructed the brethren as to their duties and the faithful performance of the Same occupying about 15 or 20 minutes concluding about 5:50 P.M.

I went home with Elder D. O. McKay to Supper and he took me in his buggy to the Ry Station where I took train for Salt Lake at 8:10 P.M.

On the train between Ogden & Salt Lake I formed the acquaintance of one Mr. H. H. Hays of Livingston Mont. Agt. for Wylie Camping Co. in the [p. 46] Yellowstone Park. He represented to me that one can get round trip ticket on O.S.L. to Yellow Stone Park for $17.00 That his company has stages leave the Ry terminal every day and for $40. each takes the passengers through the Park six days drive feeding and lodging them. That a ten days trip can be made for $50.00 or $2.50 per day over the six days. Said he could give me a 30.00 rate owing to my being a clergyman.

27 July 1908 • Monday


I spent a couple of hours visiting my mother. Wrote up my journal for three days past. In the past two days I have had more responsibility entrusted to me than ever before being the Senior member of our Council in attendance & consequent<ly> having to direct, preside at meetings, present the officers and the business that was necessary in the organizing of the Ogden Stake of Zion the 57th Stake in the Church. The Lord sustained and aided us & all was done satisfactory & well so far as I know & could judge & I feel wonderfully well over it. It was a strenuous two days time. May the Lord be praised for our accomplishments. [p. 47]

I spent the most of this day working on a scriptural Commentary I am making.

In the early evening Loren J & Sarah Robinson came and staid with us over night.

28 July 1908 • Tuesday


I attended a meeting of the Committee appointed by the Presidency to adjust claims or applications of the different Church Schools made upon the Trustee & trust said committee Consisting of the following persons.

Pres. F. M. Lyman

H J Grant

H M Smith

G. F. Richards

H. H. Cummings

We were in session from 9 A.M. to 2 PM Adjourned to 9 A.M. to-morrow.

I spent the remainder of the day on Commentary.

29 July 1908 • Wednesday


I attended to some committee work at Supt. Cumming’s office from 9 to 10 A.M. Equalizing church school appropriations.

From 10 A.M. to 3:45 P.M. I was in Council with my brethren in the temple. A most interesting [p. 48] meeting. Attended my Circle meeting at 6:15. At this meeting the time was changed to 6:20 by request of Elder O. F. Whitney’s Circle members so as to not meet at same time, their time of meeting being 6:15 P.M. Also that Bros. Boud & Johnson may be favored. From 7:30 P.M. until 9 P.M. I was with Elder Geo Albert Smith & the Patriarch John Smith on appointment of Pres. Jos. F. Smith to visit S. B. Smith who had appealed to the President by letter for financial assistance. We did not complete our labors but adjourned the work until 9:30 A.M. to-morrow. At our Council meeting in the Temple The matter of buying the Lodge Building at Stockton was submitted to me with authority to act. I was also appointed on a committee with Bro. G. Albert Smith as referred to above and with Elder David O. McKay was appointed to attend to the organizing of the N.W. Division of the old Weber Stake next Sunday at Ogden which will be the 58th Stake in the Church.

30 July 1908 • Thursday


I met at Elder Geo Albert Smith’s at 9:30 A.M. Patriarch John Smith, Sam’l H Smith & the latter’s mother. We enquired into S. H. Smiths financial [p. 49] affairs having been appointed to do so by the Presidency, they having received an ergent appeal for assistance by way of a loan of $900.00 When thoroughly conversant with his affairs, Elder Geo. A. Smith and I made a reporting to the First Presidency who authorized us to carry out our reccommendations and they would varify at the bank. We spent most of the day on this business. Sat in Counsel with the Presidency and Presiding Bishopric for an hour or two at the President’s office. Completed the new Commentary so far as taking from former one is concerned the latter being a larger book, more full information and more care taken in its preparation with room for additional insertions.

I wrote to my daughter Nerva in the evening and recommended that her husband go to School.

31 July 1908 • Friday


I met Elder Geo Albert Smith at Pres Office 8:30 A.M. on committee business account S. B. Smith. Spent most of the day at home studying [p. 50]

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July 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1908/1908-07


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