December 1902

1 December 1902 • Monday

I bought 2 miles of ties on narrow guage [gauge] Ry. for 20.00, of Engineer Taber & commenced hauling. Hauled ten loads and had hauled on shares the remainder 28 loads being hauled to my place by other people and Sold out side of the above $12.75 worth.

6 December 1902 • Saturday

took my team & carriage and Bros. Gowans, Gillispie & B L Bowen accompanied me to Grantsville where we attended priesthood meeting & considered the subject of labor tithing. Took dinner with Bro. C. L. Anderson.

7 December 1902 • Sunday

Fast day.

Remained at home, fasted and attended School, afternoon & evening meetings & Prayr Circle. Between School & Meeting time I administered blessings to Edith clegg & Evlyn Gordon. At meeting by special request of the mothers I blessed Sister Molly Kirk McCuistions baby & named her Sadie May and Sister Alfred Hanks baby & named him Theodore.

8 December 1902 • Monday

Arose at 3 A.M. made fire and copied two blessings and recorded them in Record of blessings. Made Nov. Report & sent in to U L. Co. & did other work & looked after my business.

9 December 1902 • Tuesday

I attended to the work of my business inside & out and in the evening I attended mutual meeting & lectured on subject of Home Ministry. After Meeting Alice & I went down to J. W. Tates it being Sister Tates birth day & a surprise party. Had a pleasant evening.

10 December 1902 • Wednesday

Attended to business & wrote up journal to date from memory. [p. 113]

11 December 1902–5 January 1903

1903. Jan 5th From memory I undertake to write from memory my Journal from last writing Dec. 10th.

On Sunday Dec. 14th Prest. Gowans and I with my team went to Grantsville and attended School and meeting. Organized Sunday school with Leroy Anderson as Supt. E D Woolley 1st assistant and Anderson 2nd assistant. Stake S. S. Superintendency present. We assisted them.

Tuesday Dec 16, George came out from Salt Lake for his bride to be. Wednesday 17th Alice & I accompanied them to City to be married. We went on up to Farmington and staid over night at J. H. Robinson Visited with Nerva & other folks.

Thu. Dec 18th We came down from Farmington on Dummy arriving in Salt Lake at 8:20 A.M. & Met George & Edith & Bro & Sister Dunn at temple. Had Sarah along to tend the baby. I had sealed to me Mary Jane Hammond by permission of her folks Geo. her brother & Sister Wood her aunt.

We did other work endowments & sealings. Witnessed the marriage of George & Edith. We staid at Dr Stephens that night. Geo and Edith staid at their new rented home.

Fri. Dec 19th Legrand accompanied us home by train for a two weeks holliday from school Festivities & pleasures were the order of the days for a couple of weeks. Geo & Edith, Nerva & George were with us Xmas eve & night and frequently during the Hollidays.

Sund. Dec. 21st Memorial Day of the Prophet Joseph birth. Attended school & meeting and in latter was one of the Speakers. E M Orme the other.

Monday 22nd George’s & Edith’s Wedding reception was held at her fathers home. Our family were all in attendance.

Sunday Dec 28th I filled the Stake Presidency’s appointment at St. John. A success throughout may the Lord be praised.

<Geo. & Edith Went to Salt Lake to live Sat. Dec 27th. Christmas Day we had Dunns people here to dinner. During the Hollidays I made inventory of lumber; made annual settlement with Lumber Co & with C W & M Co.>1 [p. 114]

Thu. Jan. 1, 1903. Our family took dinner with Bro. & Sister Tate, and spent the evening there except that the young folks went to Party. Light snow on ground fell last night.

Fri. 2nd Attended to business generally.

Sat. 3d " " " "2 Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele and presided. A good & Spirited meeting. Legrand Returned to City.

Sunday 4th Fasted, gave cash contribution and attended School, two meetings, Circle & S. S. Teachers meeting. Bore testamony in School. At Ward meeting, Sam’l W. Lee & I blessed the babies He blessed his own and I blessed Sister Robt. M. Lucas’ baby & Named her Sarah L. Have had some sickness in the family the past two weeks or more. All are better at this writing.

Monday Jan 5, I wrote up Journal since Dec 10th <Took Children to Equestrian Show.>

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December 1902, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically across the left margin of page 114.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Attended to business generally.”