October 1909

1 October 1909 • Friday


I spent most of the day at home studying and &c. Did some trading down town and put new hinges on swing door.

I attended missionary meeting in temple annex and I set apart the following; [blank]

I also gave instructions to the missionaries.

In the evening I attended a missionary farewell for bro. Charles Price and by pre arrangement made a talk.

2 October 1909 • Saturday


I met with the Twelve and Mission Presidents in temple from 10 A.M. to 1:40 P.M. & from 3 P.M. to about 5:30 P.M. or 6 P.M.

A very interesting meeting.

3 October 1909 • Sunday


I attended Conference meeting at the Tabernacle in forenoon and afternoon and [p. 200] Sunday School Union meeting in the evening. Between forenoon and afternoon meetings I was with Pres. F. M. Lyman in Council &c in his office. The Presidency of the Tooele Stake were with us and while there we set apart the E.T. ward bishopric as follows.

Pres Lyman ordained Joseph M. Yates a High Priest & Bishop and set him apart to preside over the E.T. ward.

I ordained Wm Milton Knowlton (son of Quince) a High Priest and set him apart 1st Counselor. Pres Lyman ordained Arthur Henry Wilcox a High Priest and set him apart 2nd Counselor.

We considered the advisability of dividing Tooele Ward into three wards and disposing of a part of the Tooele Meeting House lot and from the proceeds of the sale assist in building two other meeting houses. We agreed on the above and that we would recommend same to the First Presidency.

At 4:30 P.M. I attended the funeral services of Bro John Gibson in 27th ward house. The Speakers were, Bp. Woolley of 21st ward, James E. Talmage, Bro Park. myself & Jos. E. Taylor.

Beautiful weather; slieght rain in evening and during previous night.

Attended Sunday School Union meeting in the Tabernacle in the evening.

4 October 1909 • Monday


I attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting, 2 P.M. meeting and 6:30 P.M. Priesthood [p. 201] meeting and between 12 & 2 o’clock met with Pres. Francis M. Lyman, the Presidency of Millard stake and the Bps. of two of their wards.

At the afternoon meeting I occupied 35 minutes. Spoke to be heard and with good liberty. Subject. Missionary work placing especial stress upon the home ministry work. Weather pleasant. Some rain in the evening.

I walked down town in the morning and called on my mother.

5 October 1909 • Tuesday


I attended Special priesthood meeting in Assembly hall from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. and a special meeting in Pres. Lyman’s Office newly fitted up in the New Bishops building from 1 to 2 P.M. At this meeting Pres Lyman and I ordained and Set apart the following officers; Pres Lyman ordained Wm Blood of Kaysville a Patriarch and set him apart to labor in Davis Stake.

I ordained Francis Henry Nalder of Layton P.O. Syracuse ward a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Syracuse ward. Pres Lyman ordained Arnold D. Miller, Son of W H & Hellen Miller an High Priest and set him apart first Counselor to the Bp of Syracuse and I ordained Samuel Cook an High Priest and set him apart Second Counselor in the Bishopric.

At 2 P.M. I attended a general [p. 202] officer’s meeting of the primaries and spoke.

After 4 P.M. Alice Geo. F. Jr and I went to the fair and we got home at 8 P.M. Did some writing in the evening.

6 October 1909 • Wednesday


I attended fore and after noon meeting of Conference and at 4 P.M. met with the Twelve at Pres. Lyman’s office and heard what Pres. [first and middle initials and last name redacted] had to tell about his sister’s relations with Bro. [first and last names redacted] a suspicious case indicating marriage with a married man. Adjourned until 10 A.M. to-morrow when Bro [last name redacted] will meet with us. I got word to him through Bro. Goddard.

At the forenoon meeting Pres. B. H. Roberts was called upon and occupied 50 or 60 minutes for the most part devoted to a criticism of the present Church administration.

It should here be known that Pres B. H. Roberts was handled by the Council of the Twelve and Seventy some months ago for being out of harmony. He withstood us all and his case was presented to the First Presidency and there it has since rested and the argument made by him before the Conference is, I judge, the argument he had prepared for his further hearing when it comes if at all.

At the last moments of Conference [p. 203] in the afternoon Pres. Jos. F. Smith denounced him and his talk in unmeasured terms without mentioning his name. Pres Roberts went to the President when the benediction had been offered and just what was said I do not know i.e. what passed between them. I shook the Presidents hand and told him I thanked the Lord for those concluding remarks. I felt they were appropriate and needed.

Bp. M. M. Stookey called in the evening and showed me a record his brother had gotten up for family use with loose leaves.

Folks well. Weather pleasant. I took dinner with my son George. I wrote my brother Fred.

7 October 1909 • Thursday


I attended a council meeting of the Twelve at 10 A.M. [first and last names redacted] was before us.

At 12 noon, Pres. Francis M Lyman and I went to the State Fair and returned together about 5:30 P.M. Spent the evening at home writing & reading.

8 October 1909 • Friday


I spent the forenoon at home and in the afternoon Alice and I went to President John R. Winders’ where the members of the Presidency and the Twelve with their wives were met. Supper at 5:30. A splendid [p. 204] supper was served and a very pleasant evening spent.

9 October 1909 • Saturday


Made a trip down town and exchanged lamp globes. Studied until evening. In the evening Alice and I attended the Theatre “The Third Degree.” at Salt Lake Theatre.

10 October 1909 • Sunday


I attended Liberty Stake Conference meetings in the Assembly Hall at 10 A.M. and in the Tabernacle at 2 P.M. I occupied 35 minutes in the afternoon meeting with good liberty. Text. Psalms 23: [blank].

In the evening I accompanied Pres. Lyman to the First ward meeting where the bishopric was reorganized. Bishop Joseph Warburton who is 79 years old had served as bishop for 48 years. He was released and by Pres. Lyman ordained a Patriarch. I ordained John C. Duncan a bishop and set him apart to preside over the First ward. Bro. Joseph R. Squires was ordained a High Priest and set apart 1st counselor by Pres F. M. Lyman and Edwin C. Davis was ordained an High Priest by myself and set apart 2nd Counselor to Bp. Duncan.

Between afternoon and evening meetings I called & saw my Mother who is sick in bed and I administered to her. After my return home at night I wrote up my journal and <made certificates of ordination.>1 [p. 205]

11 October 1909 • Monday


I spent most of the day reading Church history. Called down and saw my mother for a short time. She is in bed to-day and I have such a severe cold I feel almost sick. Weather pleasant.

12 October 1909 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon home reading church history and in the afternoon at 2 P.M. attended a missionary meeting in the annex to temple where 43 Eldrs were blessed and set apart for missions and instructed there-fore. I assisted Pres Lyman and personally set apart seven as follows.

John R. Robinson Jr. Paragoonah. to Cent Stats

Jas. H. Porter of Thatcher Ariz. to Northern "2

Thos. Lester Riddle, Marion, Utah. Southern "

Phineas H. Teeples Pima, Ariz. to " "3

John Nelson Jonas. Richmond Utah to " "

Samuel Rutherford. Oasis, Utah to Western "4

Edwin Curtis Little of Clawson, Ida. to " "5

I also instructed the Elders briefly.

Later I called at my brother Franklin S. Richards’ where their Son Joseph T. is lying in state having died last Sat A.M.

Sarah Jane Dunn and her Son Oliver came from Idaho this afternoon direct to our home. Oliver is about to go upon a mission.

My cold is still on and very troublesome.

13 October 1909 • Wednesday


I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and [p. 206] the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. I here received the appointment to visit the Conferences of the California mission and will have to leave home tomorrow night.

I attended the funeral services of Jos. T. Richards son of Franklin S. Richards held at the father’s home 175 A. St. also went to the cemetery and offered the dedicatory prayr.

Attended Circle meeting in the evening at temple 20 in attendance. My Son George accompanied me home and spent an hour or two with us.

14–16 October 1909


I did som writing in the morning. Attended to some business down town Administered twice to my Mother during the day she being very sick. Attended the funeral Services of Sister Vilate Peart and occupied about 30 minutes of the time with good spirit. Prepared to leave for California on the night train.

I left Salt Lake on 11:50 P.M. train for Los Angeles and reached my distination Saturday Oct. 16th at 8:20. late 20 m. I had a very pleasant trip. Slept well both nights and studied all day Friday I was met at Los Angeles Station by Pres. Jos. E. Robinson who took me to the Walker hotel near Mission headquarters. Mrs. Montgomery, Proprietress where I was given room 5 a comfortable room facing the Street on west. [p. 207]

16 October 1909 • Saturday

Los Angeles.

Arrived at 8:20 A.M. and took room 5 at the Walker. Attended priesthood meeting from 10 to 4 o’clock and broke fast about 5 P.M. at mission headquarters. At the meeting there were twelve traveling Elders, three local Elders and Elder Blazzard from Southern States on a visit. These all and Pres. Robinson and I each spoke (except bro. Matthews Local) I occupied 65 minutes. Read from 84th and 88th Sections D.&C. Follows are names of the Elders present & who spoke.

1 Elder Kirkham from Garland. 20 Mo. out.

2 "6 Vickers from Nephi. 10 mo. out

3 " Burt "7 Rexburg. 10 " "8

4 " Bingham " Benjamin 7 " "

5 " Vandyke " Ogden 10 " "

6 " Hansen " Fielding 2 " "

7 " Cahoon " Deseret, 3 " "

8 " Poulter " Ogden, 3 " "

9 " Crocket " Logan, 5 " "

10 " Critchlow " Ogden 20 " "

11 " Burton " Afton 17 " "

12 " Sowards " Manasse Col. 9 " "

Brother Loobeer, Local

" Matthews "9

" Weaver "

After supper Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and I walked up to Dr Kratt’s hospittal and saw Elder Oliphant from Orange ville, Emery Co, Utah who is recovering from a 7 weeks sickness from Typhoid fever. Pres. Robinson returned with me to my room when we talked over our itinarary &c after which I wrote up my Diary for the <day.>10 [p. 208]

Before meeting I wrote a letter home and mailed same. After writing up my journal and before retiring I wrote a letter to my Son LeGrand at Portland Oregon.

17 October 1909 • Sunday

Los Angeles. Cal.

Weather pleasant but hazy. Temperature about as in Salt Lake when I left home. Comfortable with heavy weight suit. My health good. almost free from cold. Excellent spirit.

I attended Sunday School session before 10 A.M. and three conference meetings at 10–2 & 7 o’clock and spoke at each 30–30 & 50 minutes. Subjects. Why Jos. Smith was chosen as God’s mouthpiece and why we should believe in him and his testimony. Faith in God. Church organization and Gospel restoration not gleaned from the bible but revealed from heaven. The modern revelations used as measuring stick. The bible better understood after applying modern revelation to it. No conflict. Eternity of the Marriage Covenant an example I had fairly good liberty on each occasion.

Bet[w]een afternoon and evening meeting Pres Robinson & I went out north of town and administered to the 4 yr. old daughter of Bro. Hyrum G. Smith, grandSon of Patriarch John Smith.

After evening meeting I spent a couple of hours with the Elders in song, pleasant talk and they received their assignments of fields to labor. I offered family prayr and retired to my room after eleven P.M. [p. 209]

Elders Laboring in Losangeles Conference.

1 Fred B. Critchlow. Pres. Con. from Ogden Utah.

2. Reuben F. Burton. Mission Secy. "11 Afton Wyo.

3. Joseph Kirkham. " Garland. Utah

4. Len. O. Bird " Rexburg. Idaho.

5. Arthur L. Hansen S.L.C. " Fielding, Utah.

6. John M. Cahoon " Deseret. "12

7. Wilbur Sowards. "Manassa, Col.

8. Seymour Oliphant, " Orangeville, Utah

9. Benlorman Gibbons " St. Johns. Ariz.

10. Alpheus M. Bingham " Benjamin, Utah

11. Joseph W. Vickers " Nephi. Utah

12. Henry A. Brown " Stavely. Alberta, Canada

13. Don Carlos Van Dyke " Ogden. Utah

14. Henry W. Crockett " Logan. Utah

15. Wm. R. Poulter " Ogden. Utah

Elders Laboring in San Francisco. Con.

1. Leroy M. Morris. President. from Salt Lake City

2. Hoken Wm. Anderson. "13 Meadow. Utah

3. Joseph D. Harris " Tremonton. "14

4. Geo. C. Ramsey " Snowflake. Ariz.

5. Simeon Hutchinson " Evanston. Wyo.

6. Elmer E. Kearns " Gunnison. Utah.

7. Andrew V. Nelson " Spanish Fork. "

8. James. L. Miller " Panguitch. "

9. Alvin Keddington " Salt Lake City. "

10. Wm Harper " Murray "

11. David G. Simmons " Spanish Fork. "15

12. Wilby Leroy Walker " Louisville. Idaho.

13. L. A. Taylor " Loa Utah

14. Joseph W. Covington " Orderville Utah

15. Willard B. Farr " St. Johns. Ariz.

16. Nathaniel W. Merkley " Logan. Utah

17. Wm G. Steele Jr. " Iona. Idaho.

18. Fred T. Christensen " Sanford. Col.

19. V. F. McConkie " Vernal. Utah.

20. Louis A. Decker " Taylor. Ariz.

<21. Richard M. Baker Mendon Utah>16 [p. 210]

18 October 1909 • Monday

Los Angeles, Cal.

I wrote up my journal for the previous day, recorded the thirty six names of Elders laboring in the California mission, read the Salt Lake papers and did some Studying taking up the time of the forenoon.

After noon I received a letter from home saying my mother is very sick, lies with her eyes closed and does not care to talk. In view of the fact that she is 81½ yrs old I have considerable concern over her condition. I wrote a letter to my wife and mailed at 3:15 P.M.

Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and I went to 26th street and looked over a piece of property the Church has purchased for a meeting house site. A splendid location 50 x 125 feet @ $100.00 per front foot, the purchase price $5,000.00. We went out to 32nd St. and took Supper with Brother H. A. Lorbeen & wife; returning we attended the theatre at Masons. “The Gentleman from Mississippi.” It is a high class play.

19 October 1909 • Tuesday

Los Angeles. Cal.

This morning like the others have been since my arrival here is hazy as if it were about to rain. Temperature about right.

My health and spirits good except that my cold has not fully left me so that my throat is not quite clear as I would like and my spirits some what disturbed over my mother’s physical condition. Anxiously awaiting news that she is better. [p. 211]

I took breakfast with Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and returning to my room at the Walker House met a young man and his bride who introduced them selves to me as Bro. & Sis. Dial from Bisby, Arizona. Sunday morning a young man named Sorensen called at mission headquarters (aged 21) Stranded. He said he was from Richfield, Sevier Co. Utah: that he had a companion young man who came west with him to Sacramento and he went north while this young brother came south. Pres. Robinson gave him breakfast and money. He said he was looking for work.

As I sat at my table studying at 11:15 A.M. I was called to the phone by Sister Robinson asking for Pres. Jos. E Robinson saying word had just come that Branch President Clarence Hunt of San Diago had met death this morning by accident with Automobile. This may disarrange our plans of work and appointments.

Pres. Robinson and I went down to the beech in the afternoon and attended the Social given in the meeting house in the evening. I made a ten minutes talk and recited Aubo-Ben-Adhem.

20 October 1909 • Wednesday

Los Angeles. Cal.

Prest. Jos. E. Robinson and I left for Sandiago on 8:50 A.M. train arriving at San Diago at 1:10 P.M. We were met at Station by the brother of Clarence Hunt who took us in auto to the Hunt residence where we had lunch of Ham, cucumbers &c and at 2:30 held [p. 212] Services over the remains of Branch president Clarence Hunt who met his death early the previous morning with Dr. Grove in Auto Accedent. At these services I offerred opening prayr Pres. Robinson preached an interesting discourse of 35 minutes. Elder Vickers offered the benediction and at the grave I offered the dedecation prayr. By the time it was all over I was thoroughly sick. I took a room at hotel where I spent several hours in bed. Chilled & sweat and suffered with headache & nausia. Got up and took train at 10 P.M. for Losangles. Had birth in Tourist.

21 October 1909 • Thursday

Losangeles, Cal.

Pres Robinson <and I> returned to Los Angeles from SanDiago at 7 A.M. Went to Mission headquarters and had breakfast. I suffered much with stomach & head during the night, feel some better this morning. Found a letter at headquarters awaiting me from home. My mother still sick in bed and very poorly. Others well.

A letter from my son LeGrand enclosed. Wrote letters to my wife and to my mother. Left Los Angeles for San Francisco at 2:35 and with incident of importance reached San Francisco at 8:35 the next morning. Slept well on the train.

22 October 1909 • Friday

San Francisco, Cal.

Pres. Jos E. Robinson, Elders Smith & Bird and I reached here O.K. at 8:35 A.M. We were [p. 214] met at the station by Conference Pres. Leroy M. Morris. Went dirict to Mission head quarters. From there at 10 A.M. Pres. Morris and I went down on to Vaness Street and witnessed the Portola Automobile parade excepting two cars one in yellow trimmings & yellow flowers and the other white & both containing young ladies, the parade was but ordinary. Returning to head quarters at 11:40 A.M. I wrote up my journal and wrote a letter to my wife at home also a letter to my Son LeGrand in Oregon. About 2:30 P.M. Elder Morris and I left mission headquarters 1443 Baker Street and went down to the Wharf where we with thousands of others took launch and went out into the Bay and from WarShip to warship seeing the British Man of War Bedford, an Italian, Holland, German and a Japanese manofwar. We boarded the latter and looked it over. One item of interest we saw on this Ship was a cannon ball fired from a Russian war ship in the Russian Japanese war the same did damage to this boat which was in action. The ball was a 12 inch and from 24 in to 36" in length, steel and it was bruised slightly showing contact with some hard object. Returning to head quartes I spent an hour or two in conversation with the Elders & a few saints gathered there and then Pres. Jos. E Robinson and I took our grips down to Hotel Sierra where we engaged rooms & [p. 214] from here went to lunch at the Grill & thence to the theatre which I very much enjoyed.

23 October 1909 • Saturday

San Francisco, Cal.

Room 240 at Hotel Sierra. Rested fa<i>rly well last night. Troubled some with flees. Arose early took a bath and change of clothes, trimmed my beard, wrote up my journal &c before proceeding to the Mission house to attend Conference of the Elders.

Our meeting was of 4½ hours duration. 23 traveling Elders, three local elders, Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and I each spoke.

I occupied 40 minutes giving instruction, topics. Virtue, health, economy &c. At conclusion of the meeting we sat in front of the Mission house for a photo and were photographed by Elder Steel, he arranged the group & the Camera and then took his place in the group while a brother Jacobson pressed the ball. We then had a nice dinner served by some of the Reliefsociety members in luncheon fashion. We spent an hour or so in social chat, singing &c Pres. Robinson & I took a twelve blocks walk. About 8 o’clock Pres. Robinson, his wife and two girls who came up from Los Angeles 24 hours after he & I came These & the Elders went down on Market & other streets & witnessed the beautiful Electric parade and the beautifully lighted & decorated streets fire works &c. We were in the mob and Confetty where all constraint is [p. 215] removed. Returned to the Sierra Hotel at 12 o’clock midnight and rassled with the flees.

24 October 1909 • Sunday

San Francisco, Cal. <Attendance 120>

I attended conference meeting in Jefferson hall 3rd floor at 10, 2 and 7 o clock. At morning meeting the speakers were in order as follows:

Pres. Jos. E. Robinson.

Elder Christinsen

"17 Farr

" Richards

I occupied 30 minutes with good freedom & liberty. Subject. Hats & Rats in hair. Example parents should set in their homes and the Saints should set before the world. 60,000 saints in the mission fields ought to do as much missionary work as 2,000 Elders in the missions.

I took dinner with Branch president Bro. Swansen at restaurant.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 140. The speakers were Elders Hutchinsen & Morris. Authorities sustained and a five minute talk by Pres. Jos. E. Robinson.

I met a number of people I had met before and a number of new members.

At 7 P.M. Meeting the attendance was 160. The Speakers were as fol.: Elder N. W. Merkley, Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and myself. I occupied the time up to 8.55 i.e. 3 minutes with good liberty but [p. 216] with deliberation. The speakers preceding me portrayed the principles pretty well and I made an argument in favor of acceptance of them & cultivation of faith.

Faith the moving cause of all action The reason you do not accept and obey the law as presented is for want of faith. One reason you can not have faith is because of prejudices. A juror can not be accepted if prejudiced why? This prejudice must first be removed. Since it is the result of abusive things said you are to remember that the former sect was every where spoken of or against. Jesus & his apostles put to death also Joseph Smith not for what they had done. Quoted several passages under head of persecution. The things evilly spoken of us and the persecutions heaped upon us are evidences of the Gospels truth rather than the reverse. How faith may be cultivated. How knowledge comes.

I wrote a four paged letter to my Son George before retiring.

25 October 1909 • Monday

San Francisco

At Sierra Hotel Room 146.

I spent the day at my room reading, studying &c except that I went out to Clark’s restaurant for breakfast and supper.

Pres. Jos. E. Robinson called after 4 P.M. and spent about an hour.

In the evening I attended a social for the Elders and Saints given in the [p. 217] Jefferson hall where we held our conference. I remained but a little longer than an hour. After my return to my room I wrote a letter to my wife and posted it on the Street corner.

26 October 1909 • Tuesday

San Francisco, Cal.

Pres. Jos. E. Robinson, wife and two children and I left San Francisco at 10 A.M. and arrived at Gridley at 6:45 P.M. We were driven to the new hall on the Colony where about 300 people were gathered and we Jos. E. Robinson and I preached to the people preceded by a brief report from Branch president, Tolby, Pres. Robinson occupied about 37 minutes and I about 43 minutes, topics treated: Sanitation, irrigation, as effects health & land Social conditions, marriage, training of the children, honor in business, attendance at Semi annual Conferences of the church, building of meeting house &c

After meeting we drove a mile or two to the home of Sister Cherry and administered to her. She was critically ill with pneumonia.

I spent the night at Pres. Tolby’s.

27 October 1909 • Wednesday

Gridley Cal.

Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and I met with the building committee of Gridley and with the Branch presidency in council at Bro. Benj. Johnson’s home where we spent about two hours considering the business interests of the Gridley people.

Pres. Robinson and I accompanied by [p. 218] the Branch Presidency visited and administered to six sick people in Gridley and five in Biggs. Malaria sickness. We took dinner at Bro. Barrow.

We left Gridley at 4:15 P.M. and arrived in Sacramento about 7 P.M. Got lunch and went to the home of Bro. King where by appointment the Saints and some few investigators had gathered. The sacrament was administered and I spoke 40 minutes and Pres. Robinson followed 30 minutes. At close of meeting I bid good bye to the people and went to the depot and took 10:40 P.M. train for home.

Following are the names of those to whom we administered this day. Bro. & Sis Benj. Johnson & daughter, Sister Cherry, Sister Barrow, Sister Rasmussen, Sister Herron, Bro. & Sis. Nailor, Sister Giles. the five last named are residents of Biggs 4 miles north of Gridley.

Bro. & Sister Benj. Johnson put up a box of flowers and a box of fruits for me. olives, oranges, Persimmon. A Mrs Mars also gave me a nice beauquett [bouquet] which Sister Taylor boxed up for me.

My stay at Gridley was most pleasant and I believe appreciated.

28 October 1909 • Thursday

On train all day between Sacramento and Salt Lake City.

I read from Orson Pratt’s Works all day.

29 October 1909 • Friday

Arrived in Salt Lake from California via. Sparks & Lucino Cut off at 8:15 A.M. Found my mother feeling better than when [p. 219] I went away but still bedfast and much improved over her condition soon after I went away. Other folks well. I spent a couple of hours before noon with my Mother; answered correspondence; wrote up journal and record &c.

30 October 1909 • Saturday


A stormy day. I went down town twice. Called at Pres. Office and received an appointment with Elder John Henry Smith & Pres. Seymour B. Young to attend Ogden Stake quarterly conference.

My brother Fred. came down from Fielding Utah and I spent an hour or two with him, my Sister Alice Ann and my mother. My mother is confined to her bed but improving slowly in health.

31 October 1909 • Sunday


I took 7 o’clock A.M. train in company with Elder John Henry Smith for Ogden to attend Ogden Stake Conference. We were met at the Station by Stake president Evans and a Bro. Wright and a comodious Automobile. We were driven to a restaurant and given breakfast after which we went for a short auto ride about town. We met Pres. Seymour B. Young and My Brother Chas. C. Richards and took them with us. Pres. Young had gone up on the train Elder Smith & I went on but we did not see one another [p. 220] until we met on the Street of Ogden.

We attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting. The house was well nigh filled a large percentage being men & boys of the Priesthood quorums. Pres. Evans said he would like us to talk upon the Subject of Priesthood. Elder Smith requested me to treat that subject not limiting me or curtailing me as to time. I occupied 47 minutes with good freedom upon the subject of Priesthood and duties of the Priesthood officers or those holding office in the priesthood.

Pres Evans had made a few remarks. Pres Seymour B. Young & Elder J. H. Smith each spoke briefly.

We had a quarterly conference of the High Priests from 12:20 to 1 oclock Pres. S B Young, Elder J H Smith & I each spoke.

We took dinner at the home of Pres. Evans.

At 2 P.M. meeting Elder Wm O. Clark 93 yrs. old brother of Ezra T. Clark now a resident of California spoke 30 minutes. Subject Temperance. Elder Wilford M. McKendric of the Stake Presidency made a brief but good talk and report Elders Young & Smith & I each talked. We left the meeting at 3:45 to catch the 4 P.M. train for Salt Lake but the train was belated one hour 35 min. The announcement was made [p. 221] that Bryant S. Hinckley would be the speaker at the evening session.

I called at my son George’s home and spent the evening with Geo. & Edith & Mama.

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October 1909, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1909/1909-10


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically on the right side of page 205.

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Stat[e]s”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Southern Stat[es]”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Stat[e]s”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Western Stat[e]s”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks here and in this position in the next ten lines for “Elder”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks here and in this position in the next nine lines for “from”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks here and in this position in the next nine lines for “mo. out”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Brother” and “Local”.

  10. [10]This insertion was written vertically on the right side of page 208.

  11. [11]Ditto marks here and in the next thirteen lines for “from”.

  12. [12]Ditto mark for “Utah”.

  13. [13]Ditto marks here and in this position in the next eighteen lines for “from”.

  14. [14]Ditto mark for “Utah”.

  15. [15]Ditto marks here and in this position in the next four lines for “Utah”.

  16. [16]This insertion was written vertically in the middle of page 210.

  17. [17]Ditto marks here and in next line for “Elder”.