January 1900

1 January 19001 • Monday

Weather foggy: & Moderated.

Home I spent the day about home reading, writing &c. Went up to Estellas in the evening.

2 January 1900 • Tuesday

Weather changeable.

Home Geo. Legrand & I went to the Canyon and got a large load of timber for sheds, fencing &c. In evening I attended a meeting of Hall Committee at Vestry.

3 January 1900 • Wednesday

Home Weather moderated & thawing. I build shed on south end of yard. Attended Committee meeting at Wm S. Mark’s from 7 to 8 P.M. & Mama & I went to theatre Grantsville troupe.

Prest. Gowans & I went over to Alex Gillespies and administered to her his baby Sarah 2 yrs old <very sick.> I settled tithing ninety odd dollars pd <in Cash grain &c.>

4 January 1900 • Thursday

I opened north front to Shed in South [p. 356] end of yard, put division <fence> in yard. I went up to Alex Gillespie’s with John S. Lee and administered to his little girl Sarah who was very sick.

5 January 1900 • Friday

I made gate way from yard under shed into lane Met with Irrigation Committee at Wm S Marks in afternoon and Attended Water Co. Board meeting in the evening Bro. Lyman Present.

6 January 1900 • Saturday

I took my team and Bro Gowans with me to Grantsville where we attended Stake priesthood meeting. I offered opening prayr & read an extract from a sermon by Prest. John Taylor at Bro John Anderson’s request. Took dinner with Prest C. L. Anderson & put up team with Bp Wrathall.

In the evening I formulated report of committee on Irrigation matters haveing been appointed to do so by the committee.

<Legrand went to Millton & got the horses.>2

7 January 1900 • Sunday

Home Weather pleasant & warm in forenoon & foggy afternoon.

I attended School in morning and Fast Meeting & circle. Fasted all day until after 5 P.M. At meeting I blessed Eliff Johnson’s baby at his request & named it Franklin Eliff. I was the Last speaker also and acknowledged my faults & sins in a general way & stated that where in my sins were of a nature to give [p. 357] offence to any one I craved their pardon and I freely forgave those who had sinned against, maligned & missrepresented me as I hope to be forgiven of the Lord. By request I offered the Benediction remembering to pray for Sister Rachel R. Grant that she might regain her hearing. Between 6 & 7 P.M. Alice & I went up to Estellas & bock [back]. Spent the evening at home. Between School & meeting I administered a Patriarchal blessing to Elder Walter Nephi Draper of St. John. Nerva Scribe.

8 January 1900 • Monday

Home Snowed from about 6 A.M. until about 5 P.M. about 1 ft. I cared for animals, Attended Irrigation Committee meeting at W. S. Marks at 11 A.M. Wrote out report and in evening attended meeting of Middle Canyon Water Owners & submitted our report called on all the members of the committee & obtained their Signatures to same Took team & sleigh down to H. Marshalls who was laid up with vaccination & cold.

<I administered to Walter Adams & Sarah Gillespie Alex’s daughter. in evening>3

9 January 1900 • Tuesday

Cashed Water Co. Warrants.

I went out hunting with George & Jos. Tate & got nothing. Geo. traded my Shotgun to Wm Gillespie for a 32-40 Rifle & loading tools.

<Attended Water Co. Bd. meeting in evening>4

10 January 1900 • Wednesday

I made annual Report of Treasury of Water Co. Matthew Speirs & I admin[p. 358]istered to Alex Gillespie’s little girl in evening. I took grist to mill, went up to Peter Gillispie’s & took Alice & little girls with me, staid there about an hour. Took two poles up & put in fence bars. Made some repairs about home &c.

11 January 1900 • Thursday

Weather moderated.

Home I repaired sleigh & went to mill. With Sleigh & team took Bro. Geo. Remington with me up to Alex Gillespies and administered to his little girl whom we found to be much better than yesterday. Wrote to J. H. Robinson answering his note of 8th inst in which I offered him the interest of Alice, Sarah, Anna & Estella in their father’s estate for $50 per acre about 3 A each.

12 January 1900 • Friday

Weather warm & thawing.

Home I got vaccinated by Dr Phipps. Nerva did likewise. Geo. was vaccinated by Phipps yesterday. I went up to Alex. Gillespie’s in the evening and administered to his little girl Sarah. I did some repairing & gluing of desk door, cupboard, bed &c. Cleaned up Rifle &c. Cared for animals &c.

13 January 1900 • Saturday

Thawing weather.

Home I did the chores Prepared to Go to the Station and took George to Depot to go to School Also took Bro Lyman & on the way he informed me that the Tribune announced that schools would not open for another week so George came back & Jos Tate with us. We came by [p. 359] way of our west farm. George wrote in my Record of Blessings & I worked at yards.

14 January 1900 • Sunday

Weather thawing.

Home Before school I hitched up team and brought Estella from Lees down here where she staid until about 5 P.M. when I took her home again. Took Alice & mamie up to cemetery and called to see Walter Adams and Alex. Gillespie’s baby. I administered to the Latter.

I attended School, afternoon & evening meeting and Circle.

15 January 1900 • Monday

Weather Changeable, some rain & snow

Home I administered Patriarchal Blessing to Fred. Bryan Geo Bryan scribe. My boy Geo. Went to City to attend school. Legrand drove him & Joe Tate to station.

I sold lumber cut wood, cared for animals &c. Alice & I attended the 15th aniversary of the marriage of Jos. & Matilda Tate. at 5 P.M.

16 January 1900 • Tuesday

Weather warm & pleasant Some clouds.

Home I cared for the animals piled up manure in yard. Telephoned to City for George to come home on account of the Spread of Small pox in the City 20 cases having developed to date. A request having been by Alex. Gillespie made for me to come up & administer to his little girl I attended Mutual I. meeting in the [p. 360] evening and after meeting requested Thos L. Speirs to accompany me which he did & then by his request I accompanied him home & administered to his little girl which is quite sick. Wrote to Mother in the evening.

17 January 1900 • Wednesday

Weather moderated & Spring like.

Home I met George & Jos Tate at train having come from school at my request which was made on account of Small pox in the City. We hauled a load of straw off the bench in afternoon.

18 January 1900 • Thursday

Weather continues fine

Home George & I went to west field and piled sages, the frost out of ground & ground bare.

19 January 1900 • Friday

Geo & I continued work on farm piling sages In the evening Elder Matthew speirs & I administered to Nellie green Lee who was afflicted with gall stones. She got relief & rest for about an hour. Later about 9:30 P.M. Prest. H. S. Gowans came for me to go with him to administer to Sister Dora Howard at the Davis house. We called at McBrides & Got C. R. Mc. out of bed & administred to her repeatedly Later Alonzo Gowans joined us & later Jos. C Orme & Matthew speirs & Elmer Caldwell & it was not until about 2:30 A.M. that she got relief & was like her self [p. 361] We believed her to be afflicted with evil spirits. We administered again to Sister Nellie Lee.

20 January 1900 • Saturday5

Weather foggy.

Home This should have been our Conference day at Grantsville but by the Genl Authorities postponed on account of the Smallpox in city & elsewhere.

The boys took a four horse load of barley to mill & got a load of straw from bench farm. I assisted them & put new spring on carriage; did some repairing & choring about. Bathed &c.

21 January 1900 • Sunday

Weather fine.

Home I attended Schood [School]. Administered to Dora Howard before school. Offered opening prayr & prayed for Dora Howard. Accompanied Bp Atkin, Prest Gowans & others to Sister Cracraft’s home where we kneeled & J A Bevan Prayed & then I prayed & some of the brethren who had not been there before went into her room and prayed for her & administered to her. We prayed for her at Circle & I fasted until night 24 hrs. Attended afternoon meeting & circle. Administered a Patriarchal blessing to Our little Mamie she having expressed a desire for a blessing. [p. 362]

22 January 1900 • Monday

Home Weather continues pleasant and the ground dry. George & I pulled sages at west field. I called at Sister Cracraft’s & got her to come up & take supper with us. Administered to Nerva who is quite sick from ulcerated tooth which had been lately filled. She had a very restless night. I did writing & prepared lecture for <M.I.A.>

23 January 1900 • Tuesday

Home Weather cold last night pleasant to day. Geo & I finished pulling & piling the sages that are plowed. In the evening I sent for Dentist Geo Davis & had him extract Nerva’s tooth. She was quite sick & I got a bottle of oil & went to meeting Y.M.M. I delivered a lecture on the vision of the Three glories and after meeting invited B. L. Bowen T. L. Speirs & Matthew Speirs home with me & we Consecrated the oil & administered to Nerva. Bro Bowen mouth in Consecrating the oil, Bro T L. Speirs anointed and Matt Speirs sealed the anointing. Sister Nellie Lee having sent for me while away to come administer to her baby I went & took the other brethren with me. I anointed & Bro Bowen Confirmed the Anointing. I did some writing, mailed cks amounting to $99.03 to State Bk. & Sent my ck of 129.01 to U Lum. Co. a/c. [p. 363]

24 January 1900 • Wednesday

Home Weather pleasant during day cold at night. ground dry.

Geo. & I made ready and took gang plows and attachment over to field and commenced plowing.

25–26 January 1900 • Thursday–Friday

Home Weather continues fine & spring like. Cold nights. Went over to field after noon and plowed with gang & attachment. I felt poorly all day and at night was quite sick with pain in stomach & back. I took a lemonade hot, soaked my feet and retired to bed early. I could not rest and got up at about 11 P.M. Sent & got Prest. Gowans and Jos. C Orme who administered to me I took emetic of mustard & got relief by vomiting. Rested from 3 AM to 7 AM. Got up and suffered all day. Called Dr Phipps about 5 P.M Fri He cyphoned out my stomach I took injection & Salts & hypodermick injections of morphine & got ease and rest most of the night. <Bro Craner & Matt. Speirs adm. to me>

27 January 1900 • Saturday

Rested comfortably most of the day and night <Telephone from Seney saying Mother is better. I answered that I was ditto.>

28 January 1900 • Sunday

I took some nourishment during the day and felt improved.

Red the News also red Book of Covenants Talmages Articles of Faith &c. Nerva improving [p. 364]

29 January 1900 • Monday

Weather cold at night warm daytime

Home I feel much better today.

I spent most of the day in doors reading Church works. Wrote letters &c.

30 January 1900 • Tuesday

Weather fine as usual.

I went with George to get load of straw from bench. I rode the pony (Bummer) and drove the horses down from bench field. I put Madam mare, Roany & Bummer in the Larson field, George & I went to field at 4 P.M. & plowed an hour an[d] a half with 8 horses, gang & attachment. Joseph Tate hauled a load of old straw from my field with my rack. I wrote to mother. Took a $5.00 draw in Raffle of J. C. DeLaMares farm of 160 A. to aid him by sale of land to pay debts. My No. 5.

31 January 1900 • Wednesday

Weather continues pleasant, cold at Night

Home I made work bench on south end of granary; made neck yoke, singletree and fixed up double tree. Plowed with two fours towards evening. Geo. Assisted me. I put up the second Attachment and used instead of Gang. At night studied the Subject of the resurection from Bk. Cov. & B. M.

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January 1900, George F. Richards, accessed March 30, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1900/1900-01


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “18” before writing a 9 over the 8 and adding the two zeros.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 6 January entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 8 January entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 January entry.

  5. [5]Richards originally wrote “Thu.” before crossing it out and writing “Sat” above it.