September 1899

1 September1 1899 • Friday

Commenced drilling wheat on bench & drilled 6¼ Acres.

2 September 1899 • Saturday

Geo Took my team (3) & harrowed lucern ground in forenoon & helped J. A. Bevan Thresh in afternoon & Got him started in morning, then went to Grantsville & attended Priesthood Meeting On my return I went over to J A Bevan’s & got load of wheat for seed.

3 September 1899 • Sunday

I attended School, Funeral Services of Wm Green’s wife & spoke at his request. J A Bevan also spoke Attended Fast meeting & at Bp Atkins request spoke a short time. Attended Circle & prayed & dedicated anew [p. 332] our Circle room lately renovated. Administered to Kate Warburton a Patriarchal Blessing. Blessed J S Lee’s Baby <and named her Ruth>

4 September 1899 • Monday

Drilled wheat on bench. Spent part of the day trying to get released from Martha J. Branults bond as City treasurer. Geo & Nerva went to Garfield Labor Day & closing of Beech for the Season. Folks usually well excepting Lucena & I who are ailing some.

5 September 1899 • Tuesday

Folks usually well.

I drilled wheat on bench.

6 September 1899 • Wednesday

" " " " "2 Took pos. of City Treas. as B. M.

7 September 1899 • Thursday

" " " " "

8 September 1899 • Friday

" " " " " <Blessed E. Horman’s baby & named it Margaret ann. E Horman’s baby died at 10 AM>

9 September 1899 • Saturday

" " " " " & finished about 3 P.M. Got harrow from lucern field, took half ton of grain to mill to get chopped for horses. Brought drill home. Bro Anderson accompanied Prest. Gowans to Vernon.

10 September 1899 • Sunday

I Attended School and meeting & Circle & wrote to Fred & to Sarah A Wright of Springville about [symbol] brand. Offered benediction in meeting. Emma J. Orme spent afternoon here.

11 September 1899 • Monday

I attended school meetin.

Home I commenced drilling wheat on west farm. Two plows at work breaking [p. 333]

12 September 1899 • Tuesday

Weather dry.

Home. I continued drilling at west field.

13 September 1899 • Wednesday

Continued drilling. Hired Malcom Lee to help and he Joel & Legrand cut corn and Geo brought up a four horse load.

14 September 1899 • Thursday

Continued drilling & Corn hauling Geo. plowing half day & then loading four horse load & bringing home in afternoon the boys helping to load.

15 September 1899 • Friday

Continued the work as yesterday

16 September 1899 • Saturday

" " " " "3

During the week I drilled 50 acres.

17 September 1899 • Sunday

I attended School & meeting & Circle. Bro. Craner & I went up to James Howell’s Jr. by request and administered to his wife Sarah Howell who has a baby about two weeks old. We went again in evening, Prest Gowans with us.

<Estella came from Mercur>4

18 September 1899 • Monday

Continued drilling wheat on West farm & boys cut & hauled corn J. G. Dorman piling Sages

<Administered to Sarah Howell>5

19 September 1899 • Tuesday

Continued work on west farm & had Dormon and Parry piling sages. Administered to Sarah Howell Matthew Speirs assisted, also Thos. Martin.

20 September 1899 • Wednesday

With two 4 horse teams unloaded two cars of Shingles.

21 September 1899 • Thursday

Got load of wheat from McBride for seed & took as much to mill of my old wheat to pay. Vitroled wheat &c. Took Alice & Estella [p. 334] in buggy down to Owen Dunns & then went to field and then brought Alice & Estella home. Went with Matthew Speirs to administer to Sarah Howell who is almost beyond hope of recovery. And with Geo. & Mat. Speirs went down & administered to Ellen Park.

22 September 1899 • Friday

Weather dry. I drilled wheat all day

23 September 1899 • Saturday

In the evening I administered to Ellen Park. Mat. Speirs assisted me. She had relief & blessing. During the day I drilled in wheat.

24 September 1899 • Sunday

I accompanied B. L. Bowen, Sister Gillet & Orme Bros. John K & Lafayette, to St. John’s where we attended district Conference of Y. M. & Y.L.M.I.A. I spoke in afternoon and evening. Arrived home at 12 Mid night. Took dinner & supper at Bro. Ahlstrom’s. Sarah Howell died today.

25 September 1899 • Monday

I drilled wheat all day.

26 September 1899 • Tuesday

Staid home & attended funeral service of Sarah Green Howell & spoke for about 65 minutes with great freedom.

Took Alice & children up to Cemetery towards evening and Alice & I called on Ellen Park in the evening & I administered to her. Sent wheat to mill.

27 September 1899 • Wednesday

Drilled Wheat all day at Field.

28 September 1899 • Thursday

do do do.6 [p. 335]

29 September 1899 • Friday

Home Weather all this month has been dry & warm.

During the month I have drilled 45 A. on bench and 110 acres west of Ry. Finished last night west of Ry. Today Geo & I with team & buggy went up Middle Canyon and got down a large Red pine dry tree to the loading place.

30 September 1899 • Saturday

Geo & I went up canyon with team & got log gotten out yesterday. In evening I attended Creamery Co. Bd. meeting & had allowed me on Con. lumber $350.00 & outside cont. for lumber $166.07 Received invoice of Car of matched lumber.

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September 1899, George F. Richards, accessed March 8, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Aug” before crossing it out, writing “Sept.”, and inserting “1st” after “Sept.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and in next three entries for “I drilled wheat on bench.”

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Continued the work as yesterday”.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 17 September entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written in the left margin next to the 18 September entry.

  6. [6]Ditto abbreviations for “Drilled Wheat all day at Field.”