November 1897

1 November 1897 • Monday

Plowed & did some scraping to fill in earth. Got very wet perspiring & chilled coming home, bathed changed clothes & retired taking 8 gr. quinine. [p. 199]

2 November 1897 • Tuesday

Election Day.

I voted & plowed all day.

3 November 1897 • Wednesday

Worked at field

4 November 1897 • Thursday

do do1

5 November 1897 • Friday

do do.2 Committee meeting in evening

6 November 1897 • Saturday

Went to Grantsville to Stake Priesthood meeting Prayed & spoke on tithing. Bought cow of Bro. Anderson for $25.00 Attended Committee meeting on hall business in the evening. Completed arrangements for Dramatic Co’s effects to go to Corporation. All well. During the week I administered to Edy Lee Sick of Typhoid & to Lucena cold & fever. She is now well.

7 November 1897 • Sunday

Weather Stormy & cold.

Tooele I attended School, two meetings & circle. Blessed our baby Alverda & Estella’s baby Lucy at meeting. & assisted in blessing others.

8 November 1897 • Monday

Weather Cold.

home I plowed all day.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Ecclesiastical Board on business pertaining to the Hall & after meeting accompanied Prest Gowans up to Lees by request & administered to Eddy Lee sick with Typhoid. [p. 200]

9 November 1897 • Tuesday

Home I plowed Lucern ground.

In the evening I with J M Dunn administered to Eddy Lee.

10 November 1897 • Wednesday

Weather clowdy & warm

Home I finished plowing a narrow land & harrowed balance of forenoon & drilled wheat in afternoon. In evening I cut George’s hair & Salted down a pig in barrel. Did Some writing &c.

11 November 1897 • Thursday

Weather warm.

Home I plowed all day at field. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Ward Ecclesiastical Board & Hall committee.

12 November 1897 • Friday

Weather warm, rained some at night.

Home I plowed lucern ground all day with four horses & sulkey plow. In the evening I read the papers.

13 November 1897 • Saturday

Weather warm, windy at night

Tooele I plowed all day. Read Juvenile & did some writing in the evening & bathed.

14 November 1897 • Sunday

<This day was awarded the contract of transcribing Record for $99.00>3

Weather changing quite cold & clowdy.

Home I Shaved, attended School & offered the benediction. Attended Meeting & Spoke upon donations to assist the Sunday schools buy organ & other fixtures for New school house. Presided at Circle. Attended evening meeting Jos. C Orme [p. 201] lectured upon General Salvation. I offered the closing prayr. Pronounced blessings upon Effie Dunn & Emily Lindberg & recorded the blessings. Assisted the children with their lessons.

15 November 1897 • Monday

Cold night, ground frozen

Home I plowed lucern ground in fore noon and in after noon harrowed what I had plowed and drilled some also did some leveling, worked late. In the evening I wrote letters to Mother, Fred & Nerva.

16 November 1897 • Tuesday

Home Cold in morning, warm in afternoon froze the ground at night.

I plowed in forenoon and in the afternoon I harrowed and drilled. Abram & Polly called on us in the evening. I read the papers &c.

17 November 1897 • Wednesday

Weather pleasant

Tooele I plowed all day lucern ground Abram F. Doremus called to see me at field. I brought large Madam mare over at night & left at Abram’s with a view to trading her & her colt to Abram. Did some writing in the evening and retired earley.

18 November 1897 • Thursday

Weather warm and pleasant

Home. I plowed all day at field. [p. 202] George came over on his horse after School & harrowed a few rounds & I rode his horse home. Called at Abram’s ranch & got my Madam Mare and colt. In the evening I read the Improv[e]ment Era. Life insurance agent called on me in the evening.

19 November 1897 • Friday

Weather pleasant. Windy at Night.

Home I plowed lucern ground finishing at 1 P.M. George came over horse back & he harrowed & I by request came over & attended Relief society meeting where Prest. Gowans dedicated the Relief Society Hall. I spoke briefly & offered the closing prayr. Met a committee on Social Hall at said Hall after Relief meeting. Helped with the chores Studied & read papers in the evening. All well.

<Alice & I went over to McBride’s in evening I got $100.00 of Mc. advanced on wheat which I expect to sell to him when price suits.>4

20 November 1897 • Saturday

Home Weather windy & clowdy. Threatening storm.

I drilled wheat in forenoon and until about 2 P.M. when I finished the drilling of lucern ground making 85 A. now seeded. Took drill and plow down to Sheds. George put the other plow on while I drilled making sulky into a gang. I took the folks for a ride up to Cemetery and over to field. In the evening I did some writing, shaved, bathed &c.

<mailed ck. to Utah Imp Co. & to Utah Lum. Co. Made ck. to Bro. C. L. Anderson.>5 [p. 203]

Was this day awarded the contract of transcribing the Camp Floyd record of 700 pages for the Sum of $99.00.

21 November 1897 • Sunday

Home Weather Stormy looking. Stormed some at nigh[t].

I went to St. John where I met Prest’s Gowans & Anderson. Put up at Sister Burridges and attended School and meeting & spoke at both. Arrived home at 7 P.M.

22 November 1897 • Monday

Weather very clowdy.

Home In morning I did some work about the place, went to mill & to Blacksmith shop made ready and after dinner went to field with four horses and commenced plowing stubble land with gang plow South of Sheds.

23 November 1897 • Tuesday

Home Weather windy. Snowed at night. I plowed all day on Seventies farm Donation In the evening I read letters, juvenile & papers. Folks usually well.

24 November 1897 • Wednesday

Weather Stormy Snowed.

Home I worked at Court House in afternoon and evening transcribing Camp Floyd Mining Dist. Record B. Made a commencement on this work this afternoon. Did some preparation [p. 204] work in forenoon.

25 November 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather not very cold until night when it was cold.

I worked on record in forenoon My Son George assisting me and in afternoon My wife & I took Dinner with Bro. and Sister Marks. I Sat at the head and offered the prayr of thanksgiving. In the evening Alice & I tended Estillas baby & read from Vol. 1 Shakespear’s works Two Gentlemen. Bought George a new suit to-day.

26 November 1897 • Friday

Home Weather wintery & seasonable with the ground covered with snow.

I gave blessing to Geo Lyman Stookey in the morning. worked on record transcription at Court House until 2 P.M. Took dinner & hitched my team on my carriage & took Prest. Gowans Bp. Atkin and Geo Craner with me to Batesville where we met the men folk of the branch and councilled with them until 7 P.M. adjusting their differences and naming a Supt. of Sunday School in the Person of Jos. Rowberry who seemed to be the choice of [p. 205] the people.

27 November 1897 • Saturday

Weather medium.

Home I wrote all day in record transcribing

28 November 1897 • Sunday

Weather cold.

Home I took my team and buggy & Prest. Gowans with me and went to Clover to School & meeting. The Stake Supt. of S. Schools was there & spoke at both. I got to speak about 10 min at close of meeting. Called in & took lunch at Sister Burridge’s on the way home.

29 November 1897 • Monday

Wrote all day at Court house transcribing record and also in evening.

30 November 1897 • Tuesday

Worked all day transcribing record and attended theatre Lindsey troop Don Caezar.

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November 1897, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto abbreviations for “Worked at field”.

  2. [2]Ditto abbreviations for “Worked at field”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 November entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 19 November entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 20 November entry.