March 1898

1 March 1898 • Tuesday

Weather threatening. Snowed a little not enough to wet the ground. Had two animals Shoed Gipsy & Chubb. In the Afternoon Attended the Ward Sociable and Elders Morton & Young came home to Supper with us Went with us to party in the evening and staid at night with us We all had a pleasant time. <Administered to Bro mcLain.>

2 March 1898 • Wednesday

Attended to business down Town in forenoon & attended Ward Sociable for Young folk’s in Afternoon Retired early in the evening. Elders Morton & Young came here from the party & Staid all night & to breakfast when they departed for Rush Valley to Continue their labors. [p. 221]

3 March 1898 • Thursday

Weather pleasant. Ground Dry. I commenced plowing with four horses & gangs

4 March 1898 • Friday

Continued plowing at field & in the evening did Some plowing on ditch bank Main St. to rep. Walk. <Attended Band dance in evening & lunch Comp.>

5 March 1898 • Saturday

Plowed in lot in morning before breakfast & the boys planded [planted] garden stuff during the day while I plowed at field.

6 March 1898 • Sunday

Attended School, Afternoon meeting at which I blessed Lawrence Ekenstane’s baby boy Lawrence Hilling. At this meeting my son george being a Priest Asked a blessing on the water & assisted in passing the Sacrament. The first time He ever asked a blessing on the Sacrament & it was done without mistake and in a credible manner. After Circle I pronounced a blessing upon Stanley Alonzo Hanks.

Wrote letters to Mother & others. Attended evening meeting.

7 March 1898 • Monday

I plowed at field all day. On my return home in the evening found my daughter Sarah very sick with high fever, sore throat pain in bowels & back & head. I administered to her & she felt better & had a good nights rest.

8 March 1898 • Tuesday

Administered to Sarah & went to the field & plowed. Alice had a rag bee this day. On my return from field Sarah was feeling badly. Alonzo Gowans came in & [p. 222] we administered to Sarah & I accompanied him up to James Gowans where We administered to his little girl Annie. Sarah rested well at night. Lots of Sickness about Town Diptheria at Thos. Adams & Scarlet Fever at Parrys. Mamy took Sick. I administered to her

9 March 1898 • Wednesday

We were married 16 years ago to day This day I plowed at field, threatened storm & was cold. Repaired level at noon hour. Sarah some better also Mamie.

10 March 1898 • Thursday

Ground covered with Snow & snowing lightly all forenoon. I took barly to mill 719 lbs & had it chopped & sent after it in the evening. I changed the ditch in front made a new ditch & moved headgates at top of lot. Children some better.

11 March 1898 • Friday

I met Estella at station on her return from a visit from to Farmington. Went to Field and plowed remainder of day. <Electric Light Meeting in evening I presided.>

12 March 1898 • Saturday

I plowed all day at Field. Sold 3 yr old horse to G. A. Rimington 17½ A. plowing. Attended Home Troop theater. Admininstered to Alverda & Estellas baby Lucy both of whome are ailing. Sarah and Mamie convalescent.

13 March 1898 • Sunday

Snowed during the night and most of the Day. Prests. Gowans & Anderson visited Vernon ward and held Conference. I remained [p. 223] home. Owing to so much sickness in Town the City Council sent for Dr Richards to Come out and examine the cases. Accordingly Dr. Stephen came direct to our house. Our baby was ailing. I went to Y. M. M. Con. meeting & Circle. Was advertised to lecture in the evening on Personality of God but on Suggestion of Dr. Richards there was no evening meeting. I did some writing. Recorded a blessing. Schools & all meetings closed.

14 March 1898 • Monday

Lots of Snow.

I hauled manure. Administered to Nellie McBride. Our children better except Alverda who is quite sick. I administered to her.

15 March 1898 • Tuesday

Finished cleaning out yards.

16 March 1898 • Wednesday

Geo. & I went to Canyon & got a load of wood

17 March 1898 • Thursday

" " " " " " " "1

Snowed most of the day and night.

18 March 1898 • Friday

Snowed lots last night about a foot of new Snow fell & continues snowing all forenoon. I did Sundry odd jobs. Wrote letters to Mother and Nerva. Vitroled 12 bu. wheat.

19 March 1898 • Saturday

I hauled straw for bedding from my farm. Put wagon box on Sleighs & hauled the manure out of Pig pens. Vitroled 12 bu. wheat Administered to Nellie McBride, to Sister Cassity, Cleo Shields & Oliver Orme. A sickly time. Ruby complains of sore throat. [p. 224] Dr. Jos. came out to McBride’s & staid all night. I saw him there.

20 March 1898 • Sunday

I took my team and buggy and Prest. Gowans accompanied me to Lake View where we attended School and meeting. Ward Conference Administered to Sister Hansen, Sister Frances Nix, Sister Cassity. No School or meetings in Tooele on account of sickness. Read the Juveniles in evening.

21 March 1898 • Monday

Stormy. I did some chore work; went to mill, Got load of Straw from Remingtons, put down carpet &c. Stormed most day.

22 March 1898 • Tuesday

Put down Carpet read juveniles & church works. Letters from Mother and Asenath.


23 March 1898 • Wednesday

I was called out of bed in the A.M. to go & administer to Sister Cassity. Again at 9:30 A.M. Wrote invitations to all the folks to be present at Celebration of Mothers 70th birth day Mar. Apr. 11th her birthday being Apr 15. Appointment at Cassity’s at 8 P.M. to administer to his wife. Weather cold. Snow several inches deep. Administered to Sister Cassity again in the evening.

24–26 March 1898 • Thursday–Saturday

I did odd chores about home, put down carpet, cut wood &c. Was called out to Administer to the sick several times. Snowed Sat. 6 in

27 March 1898 • Sunday

With my team and buggy went to Lake View Prest. [p. 225] Gowans accompanied me. We held Conference Prest Gowans went by rail to Mercur. Estella went with R. Shields. I attended School, Meeting in afternoon at which I spoke a short time. Attended Prayr Circle & In the evening by Previous announcement I delivered a lecture on the Personality of God took 52 min.

28 March 1898 • Monday

I trimmed trees all day. By request I of John McKellar I went down to Moroni Englands & administered to his wife assisted by Bros. Craner McKellar about 1 P.M. Delivered a lecture before the Mutual “Christ on the Cross” After the meeting I went down to Bro. M. England’s with Bp. Atkin found Sister England very sick with heart trouble. We administered unto her & staid there until about 12.30 when Bp. Atkan went home and his son Edward & his wife came & we sat up until about 4:30 A.M. when I went home at their request.

29 March 1898 • Tuesday

I trimmed trees &c. Admininstered to Sister England in the evening. Called on Bro Cassety & J. P. Skelton. Did some work on the front ditch straightening same.

30 March 1898 • Wednesday

Finished straightening & widening front ditch & worked on side walk leveling it up.

31 March 1898 • Thursday

I plowed at field until middle of afternoon & did some work on side walk when I got home Ground too soft to plow. [p. 226]

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March 1898, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Geo. & I went to Canyon & got a load of wood”.