August 1893

1 August1 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very warm. I took team & buggy & Mr Hedges accompanied me and we went to Grantsville and attended the County Teachers examination as examiners. Returned in the evening. Ruby some better.

Weather hot.

2 August 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot.

I duplicated the days work of yesterday. Miss Emma Monteith rode home with us. Ruby about the same. Arrived home at 10:30 P.M. Very tired.

Had Geo. Gee & the boys baling hay in my absence at my expense. Put up my team in the M.E. school lot by permission of D. T. Hedges. [p. 161]

3 August 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot. I had Geo. Gee and the boys helping me bale hay all day. I also picked the Early Harvest Apples. &c. The baby’s health is improved.

4 August 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather extremely hot.

I washed buggies & wagon, shaved bathed, made ice cream & made other preparations for going to Garfield (Tooele Excursion) Took the two buggies and all my family & Miss Mary Hammond. Took our ice cream & victuals and had an enjoyable time. There was a good showing of Tooele people and a number from Lake View & Batesville. We returned leaving Garfield at 9 P.M. and arriving home two hours later. Alice, Nerva, the three boys and I had a bath in the lake Estella bathed twice. Two unpleasant things occurred. Estella tried to thwart our wishes by trying to stay later and acted hateful in trying to have her own way. When I arrived home I gave her a plain ungarnished talking to.

We lost one of the children’s hats on our way home. Bro. Geo. Atkin had a runaway, no one heart [hurt?], broke his buggy tung. [p. 162]

5 August 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather extremely hot. I washed both buggies and put them away, attended to several smaller jobs and then went to the Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele. Took dinner and having an appointment with Bro Lewis Bowen to give him a Patriarchal blessing at 3 P.M. and my eldest son George (10 yrs. old) wishing to have the first blessing, I gave him the first Patriarchal blessing I ever gave, his mamma writing for me. I also gave Bro. Bowen a blessing after wards.

Went to the store and got a bottle of Sanford’s fluid ink qt. Jar or rather to the Court house. In the evening, I copied the two blessings given same day. <Administered to Bro Bowen, anointed his ears for his hearing.>

6 August 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot & sultry with a light sprinkle of rain in the afternoon. I attended Sunday school at Tooele and offered the opening prayr.

I also attended Sacrament meeting in the afternoon. Did some writing &c. <Bro Bowen testified that his hearing was improved through my administration.>

7 August 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

Alice was quite sick during the night. In the morning, I went and saw the Doctor and Miss Grace McKellar about helping [p. 163] us through her sickness. I wrote to Abram, Mother and Sarah Robinson at Farmington Looked after the irrigating, arranged with Joseph Henson to plant the 45 acres on the hill to wheat for which I pay him cash $31.00 when the work is done.

Retired early and had a good nights rest. The folks rested well and Alice feels better this morning after. Ruby is still unwell.

8 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cloudy, some rain. I baled hay and in the evening took the children for a ride. Alice was feeling quite poorly. At 11:30 P.M. I went for the Doctor & Mis[s] Grate [Grace] McKellar who came and at 5:40 in the morning the baby was born. She had a very hard time in delivery.

9 August 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot. The baby a girl was born at 5:40 A.M. I got some sleep in the forenoon and in the afternoon telephoned to Sarah Robinson at Farmington who promised to meet me at Garfield Beach to-morrow and come out and work for us during Alice’s sickness. Wrote letters &c. Had a letter [p. 164] from my brother Fred.

10 August 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Alice had a good nights rest and feels first rate. She attributes her condition so well to the blessing of my administration. I shaved, got ready and at 10:30 o’clock A.M. Started to Garfield 14 miles distant where I met Sarah Robinson. We took a bath in the lake and started for home and arrived before dark. Alice continues well our little girl Ruby is still ailing Bowels troubles.

11 August 1893 • Friday2

Tooele Weather warm and at times cloudy & sprinkled.

I baled hay with Georgie’s help. Repaired small pasture and turned calves in. James Wood called with J. W. Tate and showed me some of his brick which are good. In the evening I attended a School Trustees meeting. Alice continues well. Ruby no better.

12 August 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather threatening. With the assistance of my boys an I baled hay all day. In the evening, I shaved bathed and retired to bed early. Folks getting on nicely. [p. 165]

13 August 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather changeable. sun shine & shower.

I took my horse and buggy and Prest. H. S. Gowans with me and went over to Lake View and attended school and meeting and spoke in each, 45 minutes in meeting. By previous invitation I went up to James Murray’s and took dinner. Bp Shields and wife were also present. Had a nice dinner and then gave Jessie Ellen Murray age 18 yrs a Patriarchal blessing. After meeting Prest. Gowans, Bp. Shields and I went down to Walter Adamson’s by his wifes request and administered to her for her health and hearing and then by invitation took supper with Sister Howell. Returned home in a shower. Copied the blessing written in pencil by Sister Shields as I pronounced it.

14 August 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant I recorded Jessie E. Murrays blessing attended to some business at the Court House got a bill of $10.40 allowed for examining County teachers two days $8.00 milage 2.40 Collected $36.80 and paid off a number of small debts with same. Had my hair cut &c. Wrote letters to Stephen and Abram also [p. 166] wrote up my Journal from the 11th to date from memory.

15 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cool and pleasant.

I attended to some school business, hauled hay into Vick’s stall, looked over the lucern field &c. All getting on pretty well and the Lords blessings attend us.

16 August 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I did some writing and after mail time as School trustees we concluded to go to Salt Lake on business for the School district I took my team & buggy and Georgie accompanied us to the Beech where we left the team and boarded the train for S.L.C. Called at Archetect Anderson’s where we got agreements & bonds of Contractors & Mr Anderson not being at home his clerk Mr Olsen accompanied us to see James Anderson Prest. of the Ogden Press brick Co. about brick. Made no bargain with him. Arrived home about 10:20 P.M.

17 August 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I met with trustees at 8 A.M. and continued in session until nearly 3 P.M. Considered contracts of contractors and signed the Mason’s agreement or Contract. [p. 167] Repaired irrigating ditches, put in head gate &c. Our baby is 8 days old past at 5:20 A.M. to-day and we have not found a name for her. Alice is feeling quite Smart. While down town Peter Nelson bought a bottle of oil and by his request I was mouth in consecrating it at the Shoe shop. Called in the Court House and drew a warrant of $10.40 for examining County teachers. Expect to go to Salt Lake to-morrow to purchase brick for new School house.

18 August 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cloudy part of day.

I had a talk with Estella and pursuaded her to go to Provo to attend the academy this year. Did not go to Salt Lake as expected. Hauled manure to repair irrigating ditches & put in head gates. Took Estella and the children for a ride in the evening. Sick folks are improving.

19 August 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant I worked on water ditches, attended to some school business &c. Talked with James Anderson of Salt Lake through the telephone in relation to furnishing brick for School house. In the evening Estella had some young folks here, made ice cream &c. staid until 12 mid night. I attended a meeting of school Trustees. [p. 168]

20 August 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm & pleasant. I attended Sunday School and after school started with Estella for Provo where Estella is going to school. Went to Garfield by team Georgie went along and drove the team back. We arrived at Provo at 6:30 P.M. & took a cab for Tanner’s residence opposite the Academy building on the West side where Albert and May Robinson and Lucy Clark were staying and there got board and lodgings for Estella I went and saw Bro Cluff Principal of the school about Estella’s entering school Staid at Tanners all night.

21 August 1893 • Monday

Provo, Utah. Weather pleasant. I arose at about 6 A.M., walked out for half hour, bid Estella & folks good bye and started for the depot. Took breakfast at depot and boarded the train at 8:15 A.M. for Salt Lake City. Dr H. J. Richards was on the train going from Provo to Salt Lake and I had a pleasant chat with him nearly all the way. Arrived in Salt Lake City at 10 A.M. went directly up to the School Archetects H. H. Anderson but did not get to see him as he had not returned from an excursion [p. 169] to Cache Valley, I went down State street to No 339 and found his draftsman Mr Olson and took him with me to See Mr. Sam. Newton 5th North between 1st & 2nd West St. but did not see him he having gone out to Tooele. We next visited the Salt Lake Pressed Brick Co. and then Ogden Pressed brick Co. with a view to buying 150,000 brick for our School house. Learned their figures and telephoned trustees at Tooele. We decided to buy of James Anderson of Ogden and I made a bargain for 150,000 or less @ $9.00 per thousand at our depot at Tooele. Returned home by Garfield and from there by team to Tooele arriving home at 7:45 P.M. Georgie, Legrand and Arthur hammond met me with horse & buggy. Found Alice in pain & chill from as she supposed eating a part of an apricot. I administered to her and she had instant relief. I took the Kelsey water having dispensed with the services of Joseph Henson as irrigator.

22 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I attended to the irrigating all day and in the evening attended to some School Trustees [p. 170] business. Alice continues to gain strength and the others are usually well.

23 August 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I attended to the irrigating, wrote letters, attended to School business &c.

24 August 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant I attended to the irrigating and to School business and attended a meeting of School Trustees in the evening. Wrote to Estella.

25 August 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Attended to the irrigating, School Archetect came out and I gave him & school interests most of my time after 10:30 A.M. Folks usually well.

A letter from Abram with check inclosed for me $75.00 and one of $60.50 for Jos. Henson for irrigating.

26 August 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant I attended to the irrigating, wrote up my Journal from Aug 19th to date from memory. Attended to some school business, sent cart to shop for repairs Paid Jos Hensen Ranch account &c.

Folks usually well. Took Alice & Sarah Robinson out for a ride. Mariar Clark Came with two children, came by team. [p. 171]

27 August 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took team and buggy and went alone to Clover 17 miles distant where I spoke in Sunday school and occupied all the time in the afternoon 55 min. Had the assistance of the Lord and spoke the whole time with ease and freedom. Took dinner with Bp. F. D. St. Jeor. Arrived home at 7:15 P.M. Spent the evening at home the Misses Mamie & Lottie Hammond spent an hour or more with us. Mariar made candy

28 August 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the kelsey water and raked hay. Attended a meeting of the School Trustees in the evening. Folks usually well.

29 August 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I made hay and commenced the hauling of hay with one team. Picked & sold to Peddlers three bushels of apples. In the evening, I attended a meeting of School Trustees and committee from James Simpson’s creditors.

303 August 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

Commenced to haul hay with three wagons and at 10 A.M. had to discontinue on account of [p. 172] the rains. Took the cart from blacksmith shop and took hay fork there for repairs. Paid E Beesley in full for musical instruments & singing school lessons for Estella, George, Nerva, John Lyman & Mary Nix. Paid Dr Davis in full $18.75, made ice cream in the early evening.

31 August 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy.

I had three wagons hauling hay. Attended to some School business &c. Retired early.

Folks usually well. Mariar Clark started home.

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August 1893, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sept.” before crossing it out and writing “Aug.”

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Thursday” before crossing it out and writing “Friday”.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “29” before writing “30” over it.