February 1888

1 February 1888 • Wednesday

Tooele City Went to the cour[t] house with Mr. Hobbs and had him and wife sign deed acknowledged & witnessed & placed in escrow & I delivered to Hobbs a check from A. F. Doremus for $2000.00/100. Took possession of the place, cattle horses &c and commenced taking an inventory.

2 February 1888 • Thursday

Went down to the Basin pasture put up the fence, took an inventory of the horses, turned out Puss and caught Young Vick and rode him home. Looked over the boundry lines with Mr Hobb’s <boys> and continued taking an invoice inventory.

3 February 1888 • Friday

Tooele Went to the station to meet Alice & children. Hunted up a man to white wash, lime &c.

4 February 1888 • Saturday

Tooele City B. F. Knowlton and Nerva came over from Grantsville and staid all night. Had the white washer here.

5 February 1888 • Sunday

Nerva & Frank went home. I wrote letters to A. F. D., to Aseneth, Fred and Mother. Tended the stock &c.

6 February 1888 • Monday

Had the white washer here aga[in] [p. 116] Paid him 3.50 for white washing four rooms. Sold him, James Elkington and his brother in law a bay horse for $40.00 the same to be paid for in work at $150 per day of 10 houres eack [each]. I to keep the horse until the work is done. Had a letter from Steve also one from Fred saying Bell’s 2 yr old colt is dead. Put down carpet.

7 February 1888 • Tuesday

Tooele City Tended the animals and assisted alice in fixing up in the house, putting up blinds. Copied the inventory and wrote up my journal since Jan. 21st 1888. Mama & Joel sick & Geo.

8 February 1888 • Wednesday

Tooele City Mama better Georgie better Joel no better. Sold hay to three different parties. Did chores caring for 41 animals. Repaired two cupboards & a chest. Cleaned out tank and turned water down. Wrote Steve & Abram

9 February 1888 • Thursday

Tooele City Alice & Joel feeling better the others all sick with same complaint Did my chores, wrote <in> diary. Went and saw Henry Marshall about baling hay. Talked with Mr Hanks about buying Young Vick & calves. Administered to Georgie, Nerva and Joel.

10 February 1888 • Friday

Tooele Children still sick. Rec’d a letter from A. F. Doremus. Wrote to stephen and A. F. D. Chored about and cleaned up about the place. [p. 117]

11 February 1888 • Saturday

Tooele City, Sick folks some better. Received letters from Mother and Nerva Tended the animals (41) put roof on shed &c. Drove horses off lucern.

12 February 1888 • Sunday

Did my regular chores and wrote a letter to Mother.

13 February 1888 • Monday

Tooele City Had two men baling hay and two grubbing grape roots &c. I helped with the hay repaired manger, got the water into the cistern. Looked over the sage land with Mr. Little with a view to having it plowed, lost my memorandum while out.

14 February 1888 • Tuesday

Weighed and piled baled hay, repaired fence, Received two letters from A. F. D. Went and saw Mr Henson about watering. Arranged with Mr. Hanks to bring horse in from Salt Lake. Engaged Mr. Little to clear and plow sage land, two acres on trial @ 3.50 Valentine day.

15 February 1888 • Wednesday

Tooele City Finished baling hay. Had grape roots sage & other brush in apricot orchard cleaned off. and lumber gathered up and put by it self. Sold hay to Mc.Bride. Wrote letter to A. F. D. Mr. Little plowed sage land and found my memorandum. Wrote Mr Lever of Pine Canyon.

16 February 1888 • Thursday

Received letter & check from A. F. D. for $2000.00 to pay on land. Wrote letters to Lever Tise Gallagher & Newton Dunyon of Tooele & Mr Bracken of Stockton. Went [p. 118] to Basin pasture with young Vick & buckboard and got Puss Took Alice & the baby with me. Went & saw Gowans about records. &.

17 February 1888 • Friday

Tooele Paid Gowans the check for $2000.00 payable to Joseph Hobbs and got the check deed, had it recorded and sent it to Doremus also received a letter, grass seed and baling wire from A. F. D. Cleaned up around some and made manger, repaired shed &c. Had one team plowing & harrowing and one harrowing lucern.

18 February 1888 • Saturday

Tooele Snowed about ten inches during day and night. Wrote letters to parties in Stockton. Mr Little cam[e] in in the evening.

19 February 1888 • Sunday

Was at work all forenoon Shaved and went to meeting in afternoon.

20 February 1888 • Monday

Tooele Wrote a letter to A. F. Doremus & Received a letter from Mr. Bracken of Stockton in relation to horses in pasture. Wrote card to Mr. Bracken.

21 February 1888 • Tuesday

Tooele Posted letters to Mother, Alice Ann & others. Received letter from Nerva. Made a manger & did my regular chores. sold hay to Jos. Kirk.

22 February 1888 • Wednesday

Posted letter to Nerva & Received letters from Jas. B. Hickman of Stockton & A. F. D. Delivered check to Mr. McCuistion. Made manger &c.

23 February 1888 • Thursday

27th Birth day. Posted letter to Mr. Jas. [p. 119] Hobbs & received letters from A. F. D. & Wm Crookston of Stockton. Wrote letter to A. F. D. in after noon. finished manger, cut potatoes & did the regular chores. Attended water meeting in the evening at which I was appointed Water master of the Kelsey ditch for one year.

24 February 1888 • Friday

Tooele Did the regular chores and figured out the water hours on the Kelsey ditch between Mar. 1st & Dec. 31st 1888.

25 February 1888 • Saturday

Tooele Wrote down the number of hours & when each man should take the water in book

26 February 1888 • Sunday

Spent the day at home reading in paper & Book Mormon.

27 February 1888 • Monday

Tooele Received letter from Hobbs & card from Mr. Bracken. Made out water tickets in afternoon & evening.

28 February 1888 • Tuesday

Cleaned up the wagon shed., had head gates put in, poles & posts piled up on skids. &c.

29 February 1888 • Wednesday

Tooele City Cut the children’s hair, sharpened saw. Snowed all day. Fixed the cupboard &c.

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February 1888, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1888/1888-02