June 1901

1 June1 1901 • Saturday

I started George to Cutting lucern & I attended Stake Priesthood meeting & took Mama & Estella & children to Station on their way to Farmington. Called by west field. Went over to Bowen field &c

2 June 1901 • Sunday

I fasted prayed, made 50¢ donation Attended School & bore testamony; administered to Francis M. Lyman Jr. at his Father’s home Prest Gowans anointed him; Read & delivered to him copy of his Patriarchal blessing. Attended fast meeting, assisted in confirmations & blessing of children. Blessed David Haggies first baby Violet & Geo. Speirs grand child Nellie Maria Stewart & confirmed one girl. Attended Prayr Circle. Attended Conjoint meeting in evening & offered opening prayr. Wrote Letter to Alice at Farmington.

3 June 1901 • Monday

I made hay all day. Ordered by telephone champion rake for H. Droubay & machine extras.

4 June 1901 • Tuesday

Worked at field hay. making &c.

5 June 1901 • Wednesday

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6 June 1901 • Thursday

Used water in lot. Made ditch & put in flume across the walk in forenoon & in afternoon made hay. Telephoned for Mama to come home.

7 June 1901 • Friday

I met the train & got Mama & children on their return home. Prest Gowans rode up with us. In afternoon I put up screens to up stairs window.

8 June 1901 • Saturday

I had Alex. McLaws helping with the hay making. I worked at field in forenoon & I in afternoon made ready & Prest Gowans & I went to E.T. Ward with my team & buggy where we attended evening meeting of Priesthood & Decided on Emil Feller to Succeed Bp Moss & W. E. Moss for 1st Counselor. I came [p. 71] home after meeting and attended social at Bro. Marks’.

9 June 1901 • Sunday

I went to E.T. where we attended school & Meeting & completed the business of reorganizing Ward Bishoprick except 2nd Counselers. I spoke at School & meeting & offered the closing prayr. C. L. A was present.

10 June 1901 • Monday

Worked at field all day mowing & making hay.

11 June 1901 • Tuesday

I took the children up in canyon to Sunday school celebration. Went down to the farm in evening west field to see the grain.

12 June 1901 • Wednesday

I delivered lumber to Dunn & Phipps. Went to field & made hay. Loaded a load of hay for Swen Nelson @ $6.50

It commenced to rain about 5:40 P.M. & continued until towards the next morning. I had about 80 acres of lucern cut & in the field.

13 June 1901 • Thursday

By request of Bp. Atkin I met the train for Relief visitors. Brought Sisters Caine & Hyde up The train was late & meeting was out when we got up from station. I took the Sisters back to Bp Atkins on the Latters invitation. Attended Relief Conference in afternoon & by request made a few remarks. Went down to Thos. Morgan’s to see him about pump. Sold Oxford wheel to J. B. Hickman for $25.00 Cash. Wrote Business letters &c.

14 June 1901 • Friday

Attended Primary Conference. Attended to Sund. items of business.

15 June 1901 • Saturday

Worked at field in forenoon & in afternoon I made ready & went to Clover with my team & Bro & Sister Gowans. The latter staid at St Johns. We met with the Priesthood of the ward in the evening & Prest Anderson being present we selected a new Bishoprick & Released Bp St Jeor. Voted to Sustain the latter to be a Patriarch. & Sustained Mahonri Stookey [p. 72] as Bishop with Orson Johnson as first & Chas. C. Bush as second counselor. Slept at Frank D St Jeor’s.

16 June 1901 • Sunday

Clover Attended School & Meeting Sustained the work of the night before. Returned home in the evening.

17 June 1901 • Monday

Commenced the hay hauling. Hauled a load of straw & two loads hay & unloaded same.

18 June 1901 • Tuesday

Geo, Legrand & I hauled 4 loads hay & Joel plowed on Bench

19 June 1901 • Wednesday

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20 June 1901 • Thursday

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In evening I accompanied Alvin Walters down to Thos. Rowberry’s & administered to his wife in evening.

21 June 1901 • Friday

Bp. M M Stookey called on me & took dinner Bro Perkins called in evening bringing recommend <or introduction> from Jos. Nelson of S L Business College Geo & Legrand & I hauled 4 loads hay & Joel plowed. Attended to business.

22 June 1901 • Saturday

Hauled hay all day

23 June 1901 • Sunday

Attended School, meeting & Circle. Assisted Bp Atkin & Matthew Speirs in Administering to Bro Craner & assisted Prest Gowans in Administering to F M Lyman Jr. I sealing the anointing in both cases.

24 June 1901 • Monday

Continued the hay hauling Hauled the usual four large loads. Unloaded lumber &c. Joel & Sidney Isgreen hauling from Station.

25 June 1901 • Tuesday

Hauled hay all day.

26 June 1901 • Wednesday

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27 June 1901 • Thursday

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28 June 1901 • Friday

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29 June 1901 • Saturday

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30 June 1901 • Sunday

Took my team & Prest G. buggy & we went to Grantsville where we held Ward Conference. Attended School & Meeting & Spoke at each. In the Eve, [p. 73] I assisted in Administering to Bro. G. Craner.

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June 1901, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1901/1901-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and writing “June”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Worked at field hay. making &c.”

  3. [3]Ditto abbreviations for “Geo, Legrand & I hauled 4 loads hay & Joel plowed on Bench”.

  4. [4]Ditto abbreviations for “Geo, Legrand & I hauled 4 loads hay & Joel plowed on Bench”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks here and in next three entries for “Hauled hay all day.”