December 1901

1 December 1901 • Sunday

Fast Day Fasted Attended School & meetings &c.

2 December 1901 • Monday

I hauled lumber from Station Made two trips with two teams.

3 December 1901 • Tuesday

Continued lumber hauling & finished filling bill for McBride & Orme Mill house

4 December 1901 • Wednesday

Sold Lumber. Repaired Attachment, made Monthly report on lumber business Issued bills to parties owing &c. Wrote letters to Son Geo., to Sister Asenath, to Prest C. L. Anderson & others Mailed ck of $786.08 to Utah Lum. Co. [p. 90]

5 December 1901 • Thursday

<Finished the Season’s plowing Dec. 6,>1

I sold lumber, went down to Batesville and on bench looking for Gipsy Did not find her. Estimated value of material in my stable @ $90.00 not including the manger, stalls & ventilator. Estimate made for Jos. Tate. Heavy wind towards evening and at night. Legrand & Joel plowed on the Larson farm. Folks usually well.

6 December 1901 • Friday

Went horseback prospecting for wood in West mountain &c. Snowed about 8 inches at night.

7 December 1901 • Saturday

I attended Stake Priesthood meeting, did some writing &c. The boys brought their plows home from field for the Season.

8 December 1901 • Sunday

Attended School & Meeting and evening meeting at Tooele Spoke about 30 minutes in the afternoon & offered closing prayr at High Priests meeting in evening.

9 December 1901 • Monday

I went into the Canyon hunting for Gipsy mare but did not find her. Cleaned off lumber & did some work in yards fixing for animals to feed from straw stack.

Sold lumber & made up accounts in evening

10 December 1901 • Tuesday

Stormy day.

I attended funeral of Joseph Tates baby and preached the funeral discourse of about 30 min. Did some trading at store Bought ax & handle & put handle in ax, bought Felt boots $3.25 &c Made ready for canyon next day.

<Attended mutual in the evening>2

11 December 1901 • Wednesday

about 8 in. more snow fell last night & I concluded to not go to Canyon to-day. I went over to field & got my cattle & fixed yards for feeding them, Sold lumber. &c.

12 December 1901 • Thursday

Legrand & I went to Canyon with team & bob sleds after wood. Bro. Ridges & I played checkers after Supper. Weather cold.

13 December 1901 • Friday

Legrand & I hauled manure all day onto lot. with Sleigh. Did my writing in evening. Weather cold.

14 December 1901 • Saturday

Hauled manure on to the lot.

15 December 1901 • Sunday

I took my team & buggy & went to Batesville where I attended School & meeting & spoke [p. 91] both in school & meeting. Attended evening meeting in Tooele.

16 December 1901 • Monday

I made up my tithing accounts. Fixed feed mangers in yards &c. In evening I attended Tooele Irrigation Co. Annual meeting & acted as teller.

17 December 1901 • Tuesday

Hauled 80 odd bu. wheat to mill & got cash with which to Settle tithing.

<attended mutual meeting.>3

18 December 1901 • Wednesday

God [Got] my Gray team shoed; wrote letters & hauled lumber from Station, Shipped box of fruit & Xmas goods to Wm Dunn of Bennington.

19 December 1901 • Thursday

I hauled lumber from Station. Studied life of the Prophet in evening.

20 December 1901 • Friday

Hauled lumber from station. Settled tithing by paying $55.00 making $100.202 tithing this year. Attended School programme.

Read paper & did writing in evening.

21 December 1901 • Saturday

Saturday. Met Geo. at Depot. & brought Range from station & had Albert Lindholm put it in house. I assisted him, checked up car of lumber, sold lumber &c.

22 December 1901 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting, circle & evening meeting. Occupied a part of the time in afternoon meeting on life of the Prophet Joseph Jos. Orme & I went down to Geo. England’s & administered to his wife.

23 December 1901 • Monday

Legrand & I with four horses went after wood & got a good load Cedar stumps Wrote a number of Xmas letters in the evening.

24 December 1901 • Tuesday

We went to west mountain & got a large good load of Cedar stumps. Bathed & prepared for Xmas. tree &c.

25 December 1901 • Wednesday

Spent the day at home with the family. Attended theatre in the evening. Children enjoyed their Christmas.

26 December 1901 • Thursday

<cancelled WC. Warrants, Made Annual statement W. Co.>4

27 December 1901 • Friday

Legrand & I went after Cedar wood & got a good Train load.5

28 December 1901 • Saturday

do do do do do.6 [p. 92]

29 December 1901 • Sunday

I took my team & Prest. Gowans & I went over to Rush Valley I left him at St. Johns & I went on to Clover. Attended School & meeting & Spoke at both. Took dinner with Bro. Johnsons Called at Sister Burridges for Prest. Gowans & took supper with Sister Burridge. Arrived home considerably after dark.

30 December 1901 • Monday

Legrand & I went to the Canyon & got load of stumps.

31 December 1901 • Tuesday

" " " " " "7

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December 1901, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written across the top of page 91.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 10 December entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the left margin next to the 17 December entry.

  4. [4]Richards inserted this entry above the 27 December entry, which was originally misdated 26 December. After writing the insertion, Richards drew an arrow from the 26 December date to the insertion.

  5. [5]Richards misdated this entry 26 December. He wrote “Fri. 27” beneath the 26 December date and then drew an arrow from “Fri. 27” to this entry.

  6. [6]Ditto abbreviations for “Legrand & I went after Cedar wood & got a good Train load.”

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “Legrand & I went to the Canyon & got load of stumps.”