April 1898

1 April 1898 • Friday

Snow still on ground. I plowed in forenoon until ground got too soft. In the Afternoon Jos. Tate & I took horse upon mountain. I took Clay horse.

2 April 1898 • Saturday

George plowed at field all day snow gone. I attended Stake Priesthood meeting, put down Dining room carpet &c. J. G. Allstrom of St John took dinner with me. In the evening J O Dunn & I administered to Robt. McLain. I called on Bro. Craner & talked with him about the advisability of letting his Daughter Mary have a building spot on his lot. Bro Craner thought It would be better for them to live farther away.

3 April 1898 • Sunday

Snowed all forenoon.

I wrote letters to Fred & to Mother, wrote up my Journal for a couple of weeks. Read from Juvenile Attended Afternoon & evening meetings & Circle.

4 April 1898 • Monday

I went to Mill & got bran & chopped barley. Did some repairs in doors of Cupboard, table Sewing machine box &c. Cleaned out under granary & in tool shed and about the yards Put new shaft in grindstone &c.

5 April 1898 • Tuesday

Snow nearly gone. Nice day. I cleaned up about barn yards, under granary & finished front walk.

6 April 1898 • Wednesday

Did the above work under Tues & Tues. I plowed. Conference Commenced in the City today. [p. 227]

7 April 1898 • Thursday

Weather fine. I left George to plow with four horses & gang plow while I went to Conference in City. Bro. Remingtons teams commenced plowing for me on a contract to plow 17½ A. for a 3 yr old Colt.

I went to Salt Lake on morning Special and attended both Con. meetings. Got Alices teeth repaired and sent them home by Sister McBride. I saw Asenath at Sarah’s and Mother at Stephens where I staid all night.

8 April 1898 • Friday

Sugar House I attended both Conference meetings. Took dinner at Lenora Smith Nelsons Seney, Sarah & Phobe also were there. After meeting Seney & I did some trading. She & Nina returned to Sarahs & I to Stephen’s.

9 April 1898 • Saturday

Sug. House.

I attended Genl. Priesthood meeting in A.M. & Special Priesthood meeting in Afternoon. Did some business before train time & returned home in the evening, Mother, Seney & Nina Accompanied me. George met us at Station. Brought home a nice hanging lamp & a Stand lamp presents from Mother. Found folks all well.

10 April 1898 • Sunday


Weather pleasant but threatening I visited with mother most of the day & assisted in preparing for Celebration tomorrow. [p. 228] George met the train & brought Alice Ann, Fred & Carlie & Nerva <& Roscoe> in the evening. Had a pleasant time in the evening.

11 April 1898 • Monday

Home Weather pleasant, This day having been chosen to celebrate the 70th birth day of our dear Mother her birth day is on the 15th We met the morning train with two carriages & got Aunt Alice Watt Sarah Ellen Smith, Stephen & Louise.

We had a good visit & an enjoyable time Present besides our own family

Mother & all hir children, Rosco & Nina Louise, Carlie, Sarah Ellen, Aunt Alice Watt. Abram & Polly came over in the evening a while. Polly was not able to be to supper.

<Dr Stephen was called to go to Bro. McBrides & I was asked to go to & while there Bro McBride & I administered to his daughter Verne>1

12 April 1898 • Tuesday

I took Stephen, Fred, Carlie & Alice Ann in Carriage to See my farm prospects &c. Took to the train Stephen, Louise, Carlie & Fred

13 April 1898 • Wednesday

Bought a team of J. T. Dick for $75.00 & with them took Some of the folks to Depot, Aunt Alice Seney, Ross, Nina & Nerva. George plowed.

14 April 1898 • Thursday2

I leveled & commenced drilling. Geo. finished plowing & leveled. Drilled 6 acres.

15 April 1898 • Friday

I drilled 11 acres. Geo. Leveled with 3 horses.

16 April 1898 • Saturday

I drilled about 7 acres & came home for dinner & took Mother to Depot. [p. 229] The House of Representatives in Congress has passed resolutions of war with Spain & the Senate are considering similar resolutions. The President has ordered troups to the front & the Queen of Spain is in a mood for war both countries have made and are making extensive preparations for war by the purchase of war ships &c. War seems inevitable

17 April 1898 • Sunday

I attended School, meeting and Circle. Thos. Martin having returned home from a three years mission Spoke in school and meeting. Prest. Gowans went to Grantsville to hold Ward Conference.

18 April 1898 • Monday

Ground dry. Some clouds to be seen. I drilled wheat all day. Read the War news in the evening. Planted poplars <south of house.>

19 April 1898 • Tuesday

Indications of storm.

I continued the drilling of wheat. In the evening read the News.

20 April 1898 • Wednesday

Heavy clouds. I drilled 10 acres of wheat 6 A. yet to Drill 50 acres put in in the past week. At night we had a nice rain most of the night. A Choice blessing to me worth hundreds of bushels of wheat Charlie St. Jeor staid all night with us.

I have 85 A. fall grain & 50 A Spring grain in.

<First rain of the Season fell between 11 P.M. & morning. I rejoice & praise the Lord.>3 [p. 230]

21 April 1898 • Thursday

I plowed with four horses and Joel harrowed lucern ground pasture.

In the evening I wrote Abram & Nerva read the paper & wrote up my journal since last Sat. The President U.S. yesterday signed joint Resolution & sent ultimatum to Spain giving them until 12 Oclock Sat. for final Answer. Spanish minister left U.S. Folks well.

22 April 1898 • Friday

I drilled & harrowed 6 A. George leveled in forenoon & plowed with 4 horses in Afternoon. Called At England’s in the evening and did some trading.

23–24 April 1898 • Saturday–Sunday

Quarterly Conference at Tooele. Present Lyman Grant & Maesar Primary Con. Sat. eve. I prayed twice & Spoke About 15 min. Had Spendid Conference meetings. At 5 P.M. Sund. met Bro. Lyman Bp. & Bro Craner at Vestry & Catichised Lyman McBride. Wm Tate John Lundberg Stanley Hanks & Andrew Heggie About qualifications for missions all passed muster. Bro CL Anderson & his daughter Betris, Israel Bennion & his Mother Staid with us & Bro Stookey & wife, Geo Bryan, Wm Moss dined with us.

25 April 1898 • Monday

I plowed all day.

26 April 1898 • Tuesday

Plowed leveled & drilled with Joels help & six horses.

27 April 1898 • Wednesday

plowed & drilled wheat. [p. 231]

28 April 1898 • Thursday

I plowed in forenoon and drilled wheat in Afternoon. Castrated May’s Colt at noon. Planted potatoes in garden in evening. Folks well.

29 April 1898 • Friday

Geo. & I worked at plowing leveling &, planting wheat. Castrated Madams Colt.

<Geo. F Jr. Graduated. Nerva advanced to 8th grade.>4

30 April 1898 • Saturday

Geo. & I plowed & finished the planting of wheat. Put 62½ bu. stroke measure on 74 A. Stormed some during the day. May’s colt died. I hauled it off.

Farm Prospects very favorable.

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April 1898, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1898/1898-04


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 11 April entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Wed.” before crossing it out and writing “Thu.” above it.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 20 April entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 28 and 29 April entries.