May 1897

1 May 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather changeable.

I took team & carriage & Bros. Gowans & Gillespie with me to Grantsville to [p. 160] Stake Priesthood meeting. Bro Lyman accompanied Bro. McBride down. Met with Stake presidency at Bro C. L. Anderson’s & made opening remarks at Priesthood meeting. Spoke of our resources in this Stake, particularly in farming & advised the entering & farming of new lands in this valley.

I was appointed with Prest. Gowans & C. R. McBride a committee to Look after Tooele Co. at the Semi-Centenial Jubilee. Received of Sister Seney a check of 150.00 on loan. & a letter. Paid out nearly $100. this day.

2 May 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School, meeting & Circle. Fasted. Assisted in blessing children & confirming Bro Lyman was present. Recorded two blessings

3 May 1897 • Monday

Tooele Plasterers & Carpenters working. Painter accompanied me to S.L City I went in for lime & screen doors, paints &c. Put up at U L Co. yards, loaded my lime at night. Slept at yards.

4 May 1897 • Tuesday

S L City. Weather pleasant

I finished getting my load & left Town [p. 161] for home at 7:30 A.M. Mr Watkin remained in Town for a few days. Georgie met me 8½ miles from home with another team & we got home before dark.

5 May 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I worked in the garden & hauled a couple of loads sand from Silcox.

6 May 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I worked in garden & irrigated all day. Administered to Sister Dick.

7 May 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather cooler

I worked in garden. Boys helped tend the plasterer.

8 May 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cool. I tended plasterer in forenoon & in afternoon put in garden. Plasterer finished 2nd coat plastering.

9 May 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took team & went down to Jas Woods & accompanied funeral up to Tooele. Prest Gowans accompanied me & I spoke a short time at funeral. [p. 162] after services I went over to Sister Lillian Gillespies & gate gave blessing to Mattie Gellespie.

10 May 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy, rained lightly most of forenoon. I attended the plasterer in putting cement on cellar floor & did work on trench & had water connection made with pipes in house.

11 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I commenced summer plowing with gang plow & hand plow. I run the former & George the latter. Trimmed trees in the evening after I got home from field. Plasterer commenced putting on hard finish this A.M. Mr Shaffer came from Grantsville in the evening he having gone home Fri. eve. All well.

12 May 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

We continued the plowing & plastering. Estella & Hyrum came from Mercur Hyrums job having gone for the present. I plowed & leveled in the garden after coming from the field. [p. 163]

13 May 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating in the garden & plowed & planted melons, cabbage & tomatoes with the boy’s help.

14 May 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather threatening storm. Georgie & I plowed at field all day. Plastering & carpentering progressing. Letter from Nerva. This is my wifes 33d birthday.

15 May 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clowdy & threatening storm. I finished plowing lot in forenoon & leveled same. Accompanied a Gentleman from Ophir to my field to see Nervas horses with a view to buying them. Took my team & buggy & Prest. Gowans accompanying me went to Vernon. Called at Ajax & they gave us cakes & cheese to eat on the road. Put up at Bp. Sharp’s.

16 May 1897 • Sunday

Vernon. Weather Still cloudy, sultry. We attended School, I spoke. Attended Sacrament meeting & both spoke, attended funeral services of Alvin Anderson’s wife & both Spoke. Arrived home 10.15 P.M. [p. 164]

17 May 1897 • Monday

Weather clowdy.

Tooele I ordained Fred. A. Boolschweiler an Elder at Bp’s office, went to field & plowed all day. In the evening I wrote to Mother & to Nerva. Arranged with Prest. Gowans to board hands.

18 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather threatening.

I finished plowing 17 acres in the South Bowen 40 Acres. Mama & Estella made ice cream & in the evening Hyrum Lee, his mother & Sister Ella & husband were here. Mr Shaffer went to G. [Grantsville?] for helper.

19 May 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather threatening

I commenced plowing in Parker field on the bench. The boys assisted me & we planted corn as we plowed. Moved the horses from Bowen field to Parker field. Monts Barrus commenced work @ $1.25 & board. Plumber commenced work again to finish up.

20 May 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather threatening storm. I helped the boys regulate the water, then went up on bench & plowed & Joel planted [p. 165] corn. George came up after noon & plowed also. Plumbers, carpenters & plasterers at work on house. Wm Mr Watkins came out of Town & said Anderson was not coming, that he would finish the painting if I desired it but preferred that I get some one else I therefore arranged with Mr Rowberry to finish the painting for $51.00 He furnish his brushes. All usually well.

21 May 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather threatening, rained a little in fore noon. I helped a little at the New House, changed harrow teeth &c & after dinner went to field & plowed & planted corn.

22 May 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clearing without storm. The boys & I went to field & plowed, leveled & planted corn. I Brigham Rowberry commenced painting in kitchen of new house.

23 May 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant but warm.

I took Prest. H. S. Gowans to St. Johns where we put up at Bp. Caldwells & attended School & Meeting & spoke at both. Bro C. L. Andersen joined us at meeting. After meeting assisted in settling a difference between [p. 166] Bp’s counselors Alshorn & Niddow & got home at 7 P.M. Estella & Hyrum was with us part of the evening.

24 May 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I plowed on the bench. Assisted Peter Clegg to regulate his new Gang plow. Carpenters, painter (Rowberry) & plasterer at work. Mamie had a sick night last.

25 May 1897 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot & threatening I plowed on the bench & planted beans.

26 May 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot.

I plowed on the bench, Joel harrowed & leveled & the other boys irrigated the lot.

27 May 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot. I took the three boys with me in carriage to City. I went on business. Took the boys to the Circus. Arrived in City at 10 A.M. & left there for home at 6 P.M. & arrived home at 12 oclock at night.


28 May 1897 • Friday


Tooele Weather very warm. We commenced moving from Tates to our new home & got so far moved [p. 167] as to sleep in the new house at night.

29 May 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm extremely We finished moving from Tates into our new home occupying the Cellar Kitchen, bath Room & upstairs rooms The plumbers finished their work to-day. Carpenters put in stair. Painter celebrated. I took Alice & little girls for a ride in evening. Hyrum & Estella accompanied us.

30 May 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Weather threatening.

I recorded blessings in forenoon & in afternoon Attended meeting & spok[e] about 30 minutes. Opened the Circle & presided. Hyrum & Estella were here & the folks made ice cream.

31 May 1897 • Monday

Tooele Georgie & I plowed on the bench all day. Carpenters & painter working.

Took Alice & little girls to field in buggy <evening.>

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May 1897, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 27 May entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 28 May entry.