September 1890

1 September 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I issued 71 admits to the District school which opened for grades one & two this morning with Miss Sarah Gee as Teacher. Went out on the Stockton road and got horses and put them also work team & calves in East field. Hitched up team and with materials & tools went out to E. field and repaired fence. Received and paid out money for Water Co. as Treasurer. Received certificate of election to the office of County Treasurer. Govern your tongue but let your thoughts be free. [p. 17]

2 September 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I issued a number of School admits. Cleaned out the Barrington ditch. Received letters from Des. N. Bank, Statement, from Nerva and from A. F. Doremus. Was taken sick in the evening with vomiting & perging.

3 September 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I being sick had Estella & Georgie turn on the City water at 4 A.M. I arose at 9 A.M. attended to the water until 10 A.M. Did the chores, cleaned up about the stacks. Hitched up and took the Cart down to the Blacksmith Shop for repairs. Received City, Droubay & M. B. Nelson’s Water Stock assessments. D. D. Houtz called with Alex. Herron. I feel much better this evening.

4 September 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I raked up up about barn yard and stack yard. Attended Fast meeting where I assisted in blessing the children and blessed James Gowan’s baby Alice Maud. Offered the benediction. Helped carry the organ from Meeting House [p. 18] to school house. Cleaned out the ditch from Kelsey to yards. Let Lorenzo Walters have key to South field gate to get sand. Sent a letter to Alonzo Stookey trying to obtain his services as school teacher. Read several pieces from Juvenile received today.

5 September 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

Cleaned out ditch from Kelsey through yards. Went as Trustee for the School District over to McKendricks hotel to look at school seats and desks. Ordered two dozen.

Took team wagon and all my family down to the Basin pasture wells and got bucket and rope. Attended a meeting of the Water Board in the evening.

6 September 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went to Grantsville with Prest. H. S. Gowans in his buggy & my team, to Stake Priesthood meeting. Secured bondsmen in the persons of Edward Hunter & Hyrum E. Boothe to gon [go on?] my bonds as County Treasurer. Returned home and attended the funeral services of Sister Shields Wife of Archie Shields of Lake View. [p. 19] Took the Kelsey water at 215 P.M. Cared for the water until 11 P.M. when I retired leaving the water to run until morning. Wrote to Abram, Nerva and Thomas Williams. Took the oath of office as Co. Treasurer

7 September 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the watering in the morning Got Moroni Tanner to attend to it during the day while I went with Prest. Gowans over to Clover and attended School & meeting. in both places. Returned and attended to the regular chores and to the irrigating until 10 30 P.M. Read from the Contributor.

8 September 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I arose early and attended to the water. Went out on east boundry and watered trees and trimmed them. Went up to the Mecham sluce to see that all was right with the water.

Wrote letters to Mother and to Fred. Received letters from Mother & Fred. Loaned Acme harrow to Chas. Pocock & scraper to Nordquist. Bp John [p. 20] shield’s wife called on us. I issued several school admits.

9 September 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I attended to the irrigating all day. Put another wire on the Barrington Clegg fence. Read the Deseret News and Contributor. In the evening I fixed up the Trustee’s Book.

10 September 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine. Little cloudy in the afternoon. I used the City water and the Kelsey water. Read from the Contributor, Got signatures for petition to School Trustees and wrote out notices to be posted for a meeting. Motto. “No excellence with out labor.”

11 September 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the Kelsey water all day and between times worked on foundation to barn. Met as School Trustees at the Court house and ordered the posting of notices. Posted five notices for a call of the Tax meeting payers to vote upon the question of bonding the school District. Recorded minutes, order & notice in the evening. Motto. “Never kick [p. 21] a man because he is going down the hill.”

12 September 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

Took team and the three boys with me and went to the Basin pasture. Plowed on both sides of the Rail Road track as a means of protection against fire from the engines. Drove horses out of the pasture. Went up to Able Parkers mill and got lumber with which to make head gates. Took Alice for a ride in the cart. Got vegetables at Cassity’s. Invited Bro. George Craner to go with me next day to Grantsville to Conference of the Young men. The above is a memoranda of Saturdays work Sept 13th given in error. The record of Friday is given below under Saturday

13 September 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

This being Friday’s report in error, I finished the irrigating at 11 A.M. Finished putting a rock foundation under log barn. Cleaned out corner &c.

14 September 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went with horse and cart to Grantsville to [p. 22] attend Y.M.M.I. Assocition conference. Took Bro. George Craner with me. Attended two meeting and a council meeting after where A.J. McCuistion was set apart as Supt of the Y.M.M.I. Associations of the Stake and Benj. L. Bowen and Sample Worthington as Counselors or assistants. I put my horse up at Charles Anderson’s and took dinner with Bp. James Wrathall. I offered the closing prayr of the Conference. Returned home O.K. All well at home. Bro. Junius F Wells was at Conference and occupied most of the time of both Conferences very profitably. Original. We should seek to know our selves while young and mend our evil ways, correct the growing evils of our natures & dispositions, have an object in mind, an end in view, and seek to accomplish it. Seek a reputation rather than wealth. Return good for evil. Send a good word or kind look to the down trodden or oppressed. Do not allow wealth to make a distinction between us. Always look for an oppertunity to drop a word of Gospel warning. As we expect to some time become Gods & Goddesses our actions should be God like. Educate our selves to become what we desire. [p. 23]

15 September 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I cut rail with cold chisle for breaking. Went to the Basin pasture, drove horses out and repaired the fence on east, west and south sides. Attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board in the evening.

16 September 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine in forenoon, thunder and heavy wind in afternoon. I got horses from East field in the forenoon and drug double rails in South field as an experiment on sages. Grubbed sages in east field in afternoon. Bought Shoes for myself & Stella. Stella’s birth day. 14 yrs. Called on H.S. Gowans at the Court house in the evening. Did some writing in the evening in School Trustees books & Water Co. Books. We are all pretty well. Alice & baby not entirely so.

17 September 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine. Warm during the day and cool nights. I grubbed sages in east field. Went to DeLaMar’s Shop and got cart and took Alice for a ride in the early evening. Received Juvenile and a letter from [p. 24] Mother. Read from Juvenile in the evening.

18 September 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I grubbed sages in E. field in the forenoon and in the after noon, went to Grantsville to get bonds signed by Hyrum E. Boothe. Took Alice along. She staid at Bp. Edward Hunter’s while I went up town and attended to my business. I saw and chatted with B. F. Knowlton. Took cart to Lee’s shop and got springs put on it.

19 September 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went up to Abel Parker’s with horse and cart and got Parker and brought him down to the Court House where he signed my bonds as County Treasurer after which I took him back home. Went down to Charles Herman’s Probate Judge and had my bonds approved and mailed the oath of office and certificate with a two dollar money order to Elijah Sells Secretary of the Territory. Went up in Martin’s field and got our horses and put them in East field. In the afternoon I grubbed & burnt sages in East field. Mailed a letter to Mother and received one from Nerva also [p. 25] a letter from Alonzo Stookey and one from W. T. Seare of Salt Lake City.

20 September 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I grubbed sages in East field in forenoon and in afternoon went to Basin pasture with horse and cart to look after things. Took Alice and baby along. Called at Court House to see H. S. Gowans, called at Co-op Shoe shop and at Droubays for shoes, Called on Geo. Craner for honey but got none.

21 September 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the water soon after five o’clock A.M. used it until noon, left it running and with horse and cart went to E. T. Ward taking Geo. Jr along. Preached to the people for about 40 minutes. Returned home arriving home about 6 P.M. Prest. H. S. Gowans was there at meeting and occupied the half of the time.

“Labor brings sure reward” So ‘The discharge of ones Ecclesiastical duties brings spiritual comfort. “God helps those who help them selves.” Find no fault with a [p. 26] neighbor because of a fault made appearant; though where he is weak you may be strong, where you are weak he may be strong and well fortified against evil. The worst sins and faults are often hid from public gaze. Those who appear to be the most strong are in reality the most weak.

22 September 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the irrigating all day and between times went with horse and cart to McCuistions & made collection of $15.00, Called at Droubays and paid for shoes, called at shoe shop and got my shoe stretched, saw Prest. HS Gowans & Pp. [Bp.] Shields at shop. Took Alice down to Pp. [Bp.] Atkins, left her there while we picked two bushels of peaches which I brought home in cart and then returned and got her. Settled for my bonds as County Treasurer $5.00 Repaired the childrens wagon. Georgie fill off the mare Kate hurting his shoulder and neck and affecting his brain for the time being so that he could not remember any thing long at a time. We think he will be all right to-morrow. [p. 27]

Original A well governed temper is a blessing to be sought after and which by us all can be found in our natures, why not develop it?

23 September 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the water all day and between times, made and put in head gates.

24 September 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the Kitty City water at 4 A.M. used it until 10 A.M. Used the Kelsey water all day. Between times I made and put in three head gates. Got calves out of South field. Received letter from Abram with checks enclosed. Sent check of $833.33 to Bank by mail for deposit

25 September 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the Kelsey water all day. Made two headgates and put three in. Attended the funeral services of Sister Donaldson held in the meeting house. Offered the benediction. Took Alice in the cart and went on several errands, got 5 gal Can of honey from Geo. Craners. Original We come in to this world as men and women as infants to correspond with our lack of knowledge. [p. 28]

26 September 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the Kelsey water all day until 6 P.M. and between times, I made and put in a sluce in the deep ditch next to Joseph Dunn’s lot. Went out and hired John Shields to run the mower. I put a half doz. new sections in knife to mower and helped get the mower started. In the evening I read the News. Letter from Abram.

27 September 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took casting off mower, went down to Jos. Henson’s to try and get mower casting. failed there. I telephoned to Salt Lake for casting, hired Jno. Shields mower for the day. Plowed potatoes in lot. Got 13½ bushels. I took horse and cart to shop and got horse shoed and spring put on cart. Saw A.J. McCuistion about Trustees meeting for Monday evening, also Peter Clegg. Called on Prest. Gowans in the evening, bathed and shaved. Wrote to Abram.

28 September 1890 • Sunday

Tooele City Weather fine.

I attended School and addressed the school upon the advantages had by them over those had by their parents, and what will be expected of them. I attended ward [p. 29] meeting where Apostle Lyman spoke and occupied the time. I offered the Benediction. I attended a meeting of the Ward Teachers after Sacrament meeting.

29 September 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine in morning, windy and cloudy in afternoon and at evening heavy wind from south and later rain I went down to Bp. Atkins and got peaches Went to Post office and to Shield’s, called at co-op and got casting for mower. Raked and cocked up hay 8 or 10 tons. Went up and saw Hanks & S F Lee about buying hay Went down to Marshalls’ & to Pococks to get help with hay. Attended a primary meeting held in the Brick hall where I as one of four was appointed a delegate to attend a County Convention to send to Salt Lake one delegate to attend the Territorial Convention. I also attended a meeting of the School Trustees in evening.

30 September 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy, rained considerably. I sold a ton of hay to A. Hanks. Put mowing machine to-gether, made keys for bolts &c. I made out my monthly report and mailed [p. 30] to A. F. Doremus. Put down carpet &c. Read from Juvenile in evening. Received letters from Mothe[r] & Nerva. answered them.

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September 1890, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025