December 1904

1–21 December 1904

Dec 21. 1904.

Tooele Weather has been fine & dry since Oct Conference. Unfavorable for dry farming but favorable for building.

Since I last wrote in my Journal Nov 30th I have been kept busy with my business not neglecting my Ecclesiastical duties. Dec 4 3 & 5 4th Sat. & Sunday our quorterly Stake conference was held at Tooele. I met the train Sat. A.M. for Bro F. M. Lyman but he had got left. Brot. Israel Bennion & Sister Minnie J Snow up from Depot Both staid at our home a part of the time during conference. Bp. M M Stookey made his head quarters with us. Others also ate and put up their teams with us. Israel Bennion took my team Sunday AM & met Bro Lyman at Depot. [p. 169] At conclusion of Conference I took Bro. Lyman & Sister Snow to the Depot.

On Sunday A.M. of Conference I reported the Stake which report seemed to be well taken and had a good effect. Bro C. A. Orme reported a trip to Deep Creek made by himself & Bro Gowans in Nov month.

Sunday Dec 11th Bro C A Orme and I with my team went to Vernon, attended school & meeting and returned same day. We put up our team at Bro. E. J. Pehrsons where we took dinner.

Sunday 18th/04 With my team & Surray I took Bro H S Gowans & wife & Bro C A Orme over to St. Johns & Clover. Prest Gowans went to Clover & Bro Orme & I remained at St John where we attended School & meeting. Bros. Ratcliff & Elquist home missionaries were there also & we divided the time with them. They should have visited the Sunday previous. At meeting I was mouth in blessing & naming the grand child of Bp. John G. Ahlstrom Named the baby Thelma. After meeting Bro. Orme & I went up to Clover & met the Brethren at meeting house where they were in Council. By request of Bro. F D St Jeor we went down & administered to his wife who has been ailing for a long time with rheumatism & other ailments. We buried Sister Fraser this month and I attended the Services & burial and offered the dedicatory prayr at the grave.

Business has been pretty good to date.

Tuesday Dec 13th I attended Mutual meeting & after meeting assisted in Setting apart the officers & missionaries of the M. I. A. association.

The above since Nov 30th written from memory. [p. 170]

(Dec. 18, 1904 To Feb. 13, 1905. Written from Memory.

24–31 December 1904

Dec. 25 Sunday & Christmas. I remained home all day. The day previous Mother & Joel came out from the City by train. Legrand Got left, hired a horse and rode out horseback. Children all had a nice Christmas as also had we parents & all. Monday 26 Enid Edmunds Came out & she and LeGrand returned to City next day, Grandma & Joel staid with us about a week or ten days.

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December 1904, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025