May 1902

1 May 1902 • Thursday

I worked on my books most of the day and caught up & made Lumber Co. statement. Sold lumber &c.

2 May 1902 • Friday


3 May 1902 • Saturday


4 May 1902 • Sunday

<I confirmed Catherine Dunn a member in the Church>

Fast Day I blessed Andrew Thomas Ekenstom.

5 May 1902 • Monday

I took team & buggy & Edith Dunn accompanied me to Salt Lake. Frank Gillespie rode with Joseph Tate and took other two teams to S.L.C. Joel was already in City. We loaded three new wagons and Joseph Tates Wagon & trailed our old buggy and 6 new ones [p. 102] and a cart behind.

6 May 1902 • Tuesday

Finished loading wagons &c and left S.L. City at 3 P.M. Drove to E.T. & staid at B. Davies

7 May 1902 • Wednesday

Got home O.K. at 10 A.M. Unloaded some of our Goods, arranged buggies &c.

8 May 1902 • Thursday

Worked on front of building grading up for drive way. Prepared the Lot for irrigating put in head gates &c.

9 May 1902 • Friday

Irrigated the Lot. Did other work & made sales of lumber &c. Did Committee work on Settlement Canyon piping proposition and attended mass meeting in evening to consider Same.

10 May 1902 • Saturday

Checked up goods from S.L. City. Made sales &c.

11 May 1902 • Sunday

Attended Ward Conference School & Meeting at Tooele. Last night at 11 o’clock was called up to administer to Bert Lee’s baby. Prest Gowans present. I consecrated a bottle of oil & sealed the anointing made by Prest. Gowans.

Today about 8 P.M. I was called in to administer to Peter G. Droubay. A Bevan assisted me.

12 May 1902 • Monday

Worked with implements, unpacking marking &c. Attended Theresa Gees funeral, prayed & dedicated <grave>

13 May 1902 • Tuesday

Attended Frank Lee’s funeral & spoke Went to Station & got goods. Work goes on on Implement house.

14 May 1902 • Wednesday

Continued work on implements, made sales of implements & lumber. Arranged with Peter clegg to furnish the material for his house. $885.00

15 May 1902 • Thursday

Busy about the place. Prepared to haul lumber from station.

16 May 1902 • Friday

Hauled lumber from station to meeting house having contracted with Jas Gollaher to furnish the lumber for $323.00 [p. 103]

17 May 1902 • Saturday

Weather stormy & cold.

I hauled lumber for meeting house. Sold implements &c. Received $50.00 order from Church Bish W. B. Preston & paid it to Bp Atkin on tithing account $34.00 Cash 16.00 mdse.

18 May 1902 • Sunday

Attended Lake View Ward Conference in their new meeting house and addressed the School and also the meeting. Took dinner with Walter Adamson. Prests G. & A were present. Wrote Mother in the evening & wrote up my Journal for a week.

19 May 1902 • Monday

Had carpenters at work on my Implement house all last week. Today it storms and they are not at work. I worked in house all day.

<Rained from early morning to 2 P.M. or rather snowed. Snow melted almost as fast as it fell.>3

20 May 1902 • Tuesday

Continued work on hous[e] & the boys hauled lumber from station.

21 May 1902 • Wednesday

Work continued about same as above

22 May 1902 • Thursday

do do4

23 May 1902 • Friday

Boys com.(do)menced5 plowing & planting <Corn> (do) Theatre at night.

24 May 1902 • Saturday

Straightened up in Implement house, made sales &c. Boys continued plowing & planting Corn

25 May 1902 • Sunday

Attended School & offered benediction Wrote to my mother at Nephi & wrote up my journal of past week.

26 May 1902 • Monday

I employed Herold Skelton to work for me.

Worked on accounts, Straightening & pricing goods, cleaning up about implement House &c. Made sales of mowers rakes &c. during the week.

31 May–1 June 1902

Attended conference at Tooele. Made opening talk of 30 minutes & the closing prayr Sunday. Blessed Dr F M Dunn’s baby at my home Sund afternoon. Named her Lillian.

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May 1902, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  2. [2]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 19 and 20 May entries.

  4. [4]Ditto abbreviations for “Work continued about same as above”.

  5. [5]Richards initially wrote two ditto abbreviations on this line and then added parentheses and wrote the rest of the entry around the abbreviations. Ditto abbreviations for “Work continued about same as above”.