October 1908

1 October 1908 • Thursday


I attended to some finances i.e. made and mailed checks in payment of account.

Attended Conference of the Twelve in the temple, two sessions, from 10 until 12:50 and from 2 until about 6 P.M. Many questions were discussed some of which are the following.

Shall we recommend the release of Elder C. W. Penrose from the [p. 131] British Mission; How exclusive shall the Twelve be in the matter of ordaining High Priests, Seventies, Elders &c.

Shall the Church Courts be used as a collecting bureau; Organizing & numbering of High Councils; How deal with transgressors, &c

Pres. Lyman gave us instructions to look the Presidencies of Stakes and High Councils over & request the Presidents of stakes to look the Bishoprics over also the heads of the departments. We are to set the examples in all things. Meeting adjourned until Saturday the 3rd inst. at 8 A.M. in the temple.

Hyrum & Estella Lee went to the temple to-day and did work for a man and a woman of our kindred. In the evening I gave them tickets to the Estedfod Eisteddfod. I went down town to deliver the tickets to them.

2 October 1908 • Friday


I spent the forenoon at home and the afternoon from 12 Noon to about 4:30 with Pres. Francis M Lyman & Elder Anthony [p. 132] W. Ivins on committee work having been appointed by the First Presidency to consider what jurisdiction Church Courts have in collection of debts. We Submitted our report and it was laid on the table to be presented to the Council of The First Presidency & the Twelve.

Weather cloudy and close during last night and rainy to-day. Cool necessitating a fire in the furnice.

Pres. Lyman & I called in Mrs. Holmes Art galary and saw her paintings a public invitation having been given.

I am some better of my cold.

Pres. F. M. Lyman invited me to accompany him to the Eisteddfod in the evening which I did. My daughters Lucena and Nina also accompanied us. Stormy.

3 October 1908 • Saturday


I attended a meeting of the Twelve from 8 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. in the temple then the presidents of missions came in and we continued on to about 1 P.M. and took a recess for one hour and I went home to dinner. Continued our meet[p. 133]ing with the Presidents of missions from 2 to about 4:45 P.M.

At these meetings many subjects were considered the chiefest of which were Pres. B. H. Roberts attitude to-wards Elder Reed Smoot and his Candidacy for re-election to the U.S. Senate and Church & Politics, relationship each sustains to the other.

In the evening I attended a Seventies Conference held in the Barratt Hall. Attendance 482 A profitable meeting. My cold no better. Weather Still Stormy. Edith came.

4 October 1908 • Sunday


I attended the opening session of Conference in the Large tabernacle. An overflow meeting was held in Assembly Hall and Anthony W. Ivins presided.

At noon went home and there had a private talk with Bro. Loren J. Robinson Subject of mar[r]ying plural wives, he having been trying to get a plural wife contrary to instructions from the General Authorities. He promised he would ceace his efforts in that direction.

I by appointment presided at the meeting in the Assembly hall in the afternoon. The house was well filled, the Speakers were S. O. Bennion, Hugh J. Cannon, Bp Heber C Iverson, Ben E. Rich [p. 134] and myself. I occupied about 17 min. in conclusion. Indorsed my brethren. Spoke of the Lords hand in the discovery of America, in the establishment of the Constitution, in fighting the battle &c We are the it. We are in need of being impressed with the necessity for doing as well as we know &c.

Attended Religion Class Conference at 4:20 P.M. in Large Tabernacle and Sunday School Union meeting in the evening in the Large tabernacle which was well filled.

Rainy weather all day. My cold as usual, no better.

5 October 1908 • Monday


I attended forenoon Conference meeting and after meeting I assisted Pres. Francis M. Lyman in ordaining Hyrum Severson of Garfield Ida. an High Priest and Bishop and setting him apart to preside over Garfield ward.

I was mouth in ordaining Chas. Emanuel Jensen an High Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bp. Severson. Went home and back to Afternoon Conference meeting. Geo Albert Smith I and O. F. Whitney were the Speakers. Pres. Jos F. Smith blessed the Congregation [p. 135] and S. B. Young offered the closing prayr.

I spoke upon the word of Wisdom and quoted D.&C. 89:2 also 103:27, 28 P of G.P. p. 15 & 20. Abrahams Sacrifice &c Fair liberty but pitched my voice too high. Occupied about seventeen minutes. My cold interfered with my voice.

Went home and from there with my wife and her Sister Anna walked up to the Cemetary and attended the dedecatory services of the monument erected to the memory of Karl G. Maeser.

Attended general priesthood meeting in the Tabernacle in the evening. The speakers were Prests, Jos F. Smith, A. H. Lund F M Lyman, C. W. Nibley & H. J. Grant.

Weather pleasant.

6 October 1908 • Tuesday


My cold no better. Weather pleasant.

I attended Conference in the Large Tabernacle at 10 and at 2 oclock an account of the proceedings of which will appear in pamphlet form later. In concluding the afternoon sission Pres Smith blessed the people and with great force said he hoped no L. L. [D.] Saint would use his influence against good men representing us in [p. 136] the congress of our country.

In the evening Alice and I attended a social at Sister Elizabeth C. McCune’s given in honor of the survivors of the Muddy mission. The Presidency and seven of the Twelve were present.

During the day I attended to much business for others &c as follows.

At Pres. F. M. Lyman’s home, by request of the Latter, I sen [set] Bro Chas. R. McBride of Tooele apart First Counselor to Pres. Hugh S. Gowans in the Presidency of the Tooele Stake.

I procured for Pres Gowans a check for $500. to pay for Stockton Lodge building house for a meeting house and 24.00 bal appropriation for rent to be now used for repairs on house. Interceded for Bro. Heber C. Rich of Blackfoot to get his son’s call for a mission changed from Southern States to Eastern states. I interceded for Milton Welling in getting some advice from the Presidincy as to whether he should accept of a nomination from his party for a representative to the State legislature. Presented to the First Presidency the matter of Orlando Barrus & wife as missionaries to the Southern States.

Counseled with my Sister Sarah on her personal affairs.

Folks usually well. [p. 137]

7 October 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Special Priesthood meeting from 10 to 1 o’clock. Wrote up my journal for yesterday &c.

Alice and I attended the eleventh semi-annual meeting of the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and their wives at the home of Pres. Jno. R. Windor from 5 to 10 P.M. A very enjoyable time was had, a splendid supper served and a good spirit prevailed. We gave theatre tickets to Aunt Anna Steed and her son Merlin and Concert tickets to my Bro Fred and wife, the latter in Large tabernacle. Salt Lake Choral Society. Weather pleasant.

I attended to some correspondence and some writing in memoranda.

8 October 1908 • Thursday


I loaned Mrs. Theresa McIntosh of St. John my temple clothes those at temple all loaned out, extra large company. Later clothes not needed.

I went to the temple and solemnized the marriages of two Couples as follows:

Thomas Edward Dalling and Anna Appleb<e>y Wardell of Sugar Idaho1

John James Welch and Clara Enger Selena Anderson2 of Cowley Big Horn [p. 138]

Alice, Estella Lee, Annie Steed, Alices sisters each having their youngest child with them, Merlin Steed & I all went to Farmington on O.S.L. 6:15 P.M. train and attended a birth day party at Uncle Joseph E. Robinsons, his wife Dora’s 50 Birth day. Had a pleasant evening and went to Sister Nerva Knowlton’s Alice & I to Sleep.

9 October 1908 • Friday

At Farmington

Weather pleasant, my cold still with me. Alice and baby and I came down to Salt Lake from Farmington on 11:20 A.M. train. Called at Dr Geo’s office and sent the baby home by him and Alice and I went to the Fair where we spent about an hour. Went from there home and made preparation to go away.

I left Salt Lake for Garland Utah on 4 P.M. O.S.L. Train with Elder Rudger Clawson. Reached Garland about 7 P.m. Found my Nephew Wm Vanfleet on the train and went home with him to supper and made it my sleeping place while in Garland two nights.

I attended a meeting of the Priesthood from the ten wards which are to be organized into a new stake, three of which wards were [p. 139] cut off from Malad Stake two weeks ago and seven from Box Elder Stake. There were present at this meeting all the Presidency of Box Elder Stake, all the Bishops of these ward[s] and in all 249 of the brethren. Pres Stohl of Box Elder Stake and all the ten Bishops spoke and indorsed for them selves and their people the proposition to organize them into a new stake. The meeting so voted unanimously.

10 October 1908 • Saturday


At the Priesthood meeting of last evening an expression of the meeting was taken as to name for the new stake and names of best men for office, each man writing as he chose on a sheet of paper. These were taken up and Elder Clawson and the Box Elder Stake Presidency Stohl, Snow & Horsely and I tablulated same which showed for stake name as follows.

Bear River Stake


Garland "3


Dewey "


Plymouth "


North Box Elder "


Lorenzo "


Fielding, Bothwell & Bonneville

ea. 3

Sunset "

2 [p. 140]

The tabulation on officers showed

Milton D. Welling of Fielding


Peter M. Hansen o[f] Elwood


Moroni Ward of River Side


Joseph Jensen of Garland


J. P. Christensen of Elwood


Walter L. Grover of Garland


Myron J. Richards of River Side


Joseph Watkins of Garland


Peter Jensen of "4


K. H. Fridal of Elwood


Francello Durfey of Beaver


C. W. Richards of Fielding


Bendetto Smith of Garland


L. H. Kennard Jr. of RiverSide


Wm King of Garland


Geo. C. Dewy of Dewyville


Willard S Hansen of Fielding


David E. Manning of Garland


John H Foresgren of Elwood


James Nelson Jr.


David Foulger Garland


Lewis Hunsaker Elwood


J. M. Haws "5


J W Larson


Jos S. Clark Bp. Fielding


T. F. Coombs of "6


R A Johnson


Many of fewer number were mentioned. [p. 141]

We were in meetings Counsel meetings at Tithing office from 8 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. with two recesses of on[e] hour each. We agreed upon the President and sent for him and with him agreed upon his Counselors and sent for them and the eight of us with the tabulation before us chose the other officers and the name of the Stake. The result of our work was the following.

Name of Stake Bear River

Milton D. Welling President set apart by Elder Rudger Clawson

Peter M. Hansen 1st Counselor set apart by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Joseph Jensen set apart by R. Clawson.

High Council.

1. Moroni Ward set apart by

Geo. F. Richards.

2. Calvin W. Richards "7

Rudger Clawson.

3. James P. Christensen "

G. F. R.

4. Walter L. Grover "

R. C.

5. Joseph Watkins "

G. F. R.

6. Peter Jensen "

R. C.

7. Joseph W. Frankum "

G. F. R.

8. Leonadus H. Kennard Jr. "

R. C.

9. Wm King "

G. F. R.

10. John G. Watt ord. H Priest & "

R. C.

11. John J. Shumway ord. H Priest "

G. F. R.

12. Eli Hawkins absent


Wm Edward Moss by

R. C.

Neils Parley Jensen ord. H Priest & set ap[a]rt

G. F. R. [p. 142]

Herbert B. Foulger Stake Clerk by

R. Clawson

Francillo Durfey. Patriarch "8

G. F. R.

L. H. Kennard Sr. Pres H P. Quorum. "

R. C.

John Madison Haws 1st Con. "

G. F. R.

Sanford Bingham Jr. 2nd Con. "

R. C.

First Quo. Elders.

Bradley James Trunnell. Pres. by G. F. R.

Counselors not chosen.

Second Quorum Elders.

Ursell S. Rose Pres. by

R. C.

David Larson 1st Con "9

G. F. R.

Joseph S. Harris 2nd " "10

R. C.

Lawrence B. Smith Sec’y "11

G. F. R.

Third Quorum Elders.

Joseph O Jorgenson Pres by R. C.

Relief society.

Julia A. Richards <Pres.> set apart by

Geo F. R.

Esther Carter Evans 1st Con "12

R. C.

Margaret W. Manning 2nd Con Secy. "

G. F. R.

Sis [blank] Ward 2nd Counselor "

R. C. later.

Sunday School Officers


Bendette Smith Stake Supt by

R. C.

James R Kennard 1st Ass’t. "13

G. F. R.

Joseph N. Stohl 2nd " "14

G. F. R. later

Y. M. M. I. A.


Franklin D Welling Supt.

R. C.

Thomas E. King 1st supt. Ass’t.

G. F. R.

Alex H. Archibald 2nd Ass’t Supt.

R. C.

Joseph H Archibald Secy

G. F. R.


Rose B. Vanfleet Supt

R. C.

Celia Grover 1st Asst "15

G. F. R.

over [p. 143]



Essie E. Foulger 2nd Ass’t. Supt.

G. F. R. <R Clawson>

Lavon G. Smith Sec’y

G. F. R.

Primary Officers


Lottie B. Smith Pres.

R. Clawson

Estella Welling 1st Ass’t

G. F. R.

Clara Hansen 2nd "17

R. C.

Marie S. Featherstone Sec’y.

G. F. R.

Religion Class Officers


John H. Forsgren Supt.

R. C.

Orin A. Sceger 1st Asst "18

G. F. R.

B. F. Marshall 2nd " "19

R. C.

Mary Marshall Secy.

G. F. R.

John Dewy Treas.

R. C.

Lydia W. Forsgren Aid

G. F. R.

Lewis O Johnson aid

R. C.

Edw’d C Thompson aid

G. F. R.

56 Stake officers Set apart

all on Sunday the 11th

11 October 1908 • Sunday


We met with officers at 8 A.M. Bp. Walter L. Grover expressed a wish to be released from his presidency over the Garland ward. We agreed to accept of his request and we selected as his successor for Bishop

Bro. Arthur R Capener Bp.

"20 David E. Manning 1st Coun.

David Foulger 2nd Coun

We met the Priesthood at 9 A.M. and presented the business all of the above except new Bishopric [p. 144] for Garland all of which was sustained unanimously. The same business was attended to at 10 A.M. Conference meeting. All voting unanimous. All officers accepted in proper Spirit. At this meeting the Sacrament was administered and we heard briefly from Pres Stohl Pres Welling & counselors, Bro Moroni Ward & Patriarch Durfey.

Between forenoon and afternoon meetings Elder Clawson and I set apart about half or two thirds of the the officers.

I took dinner at my Nephew’s Fred W. Richards Jr.

At afternoon I occupied about 50 minutes with good liberty on stake organization, Religious activities, Lesser Priesthood, missionary work &c. Elder Clawson occupied about 40 minutes running over the time about 10 minutes.

After afternoon meeting we finished ordaining & setting apart stake officers.

Elder Clawson with Pres Stohl and Bros Snow & Jensen remained in Garland to evening meeting where new Bishopric as named above were sustained and by Elder Clawson set apart &c. [p. 145]

I took supper with Franklin Welling after which I went with Pres. Milton H. Welling to Elwood where we attended a public meeting and reorganized the Bishopric. Bro. James P. Jensen <Peter M Hansen> and Bro Horseley being present. The Bishopric was made as follows. Present 240.

K. H. Fridal Bp. Ordain[e]d by G. F. R.

Lewis Hunsaker set apart 1st Con. G. F. R.

Elias Anderson H Priest & 2nd Con. G. F. R.

Bro. [blank] Wilcox ward Supt. Religion Class. G. F. R.

The ordaining was done before the meeting. The speakers were Peter M. Hansen the retiring bishop The members of the New bishopric Bro. Horsley of Box Elder Stake Presidency Pres Milton H. Welling and myself. I occupied about 35 minutes. Spoke of the accomplishments of the people of that ward their praises having been sung beyond the borders of the Box Elder or Bear River stakes. Taught the necessity for faith in God as the Creater and father of all; in Jesus as the first born and only begotten & the Savior of the world. Referred to the ordinances of the gospel &c.

I went home with Prest. Peter M Hansen and Bro Horsley and I occupied the same bed. [p. 146]

The past two days have been a strenuous time for Elder Clawson and myself. We have installed 64 officers including the two bishoprics and set them all apart.

12 October 1908 • Monday


I took train about 9 A.M. for home and reached home about noon. I took a bath and change of clothes, visited my daughter at Nerva at [blank] South Eleventh east St. where she has just located last Saturday while I was away. Her husband Geo. L. is working for the Utah Light and Ry Co. and attending the L.D.S. night School. I had Oliver and Edna Moselle with me. We called at Grandma’s 876 867 First St. and from there to my Son George’s on corner of Q and 4th Sts. he having just moved in last Friday. Read the papers &c.

13 October 1908 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon writing up my journal, and other records Mailed certificates of ordination <&c>

I attended a missionary meeting in the Temple annex from 2 to 4:30 P.M. Sixty-two mission[p. 147]aries were set apart. I instructed them for about ten minutes.

I was mouth in setting apart—

Hugh Leech Adams of Parowan, Utah to Northern States.

Owens Leonard Stewart of Mesa Ariz. to Eastern States.

Melvin Nelson Hogan of Hatch Bannock Co. Ida. to Eastern States

John Franklin McIntosh of St. Johns, Tooele Co. to Southern States.

Wallace E. Shumway of Shumway, Navajo Co. Ariz. to S. States.

I filed list of ordinations with bro Geo. Gibbs. Walked home with my son George. Took supper with him and after Supper he cut my hair. I wrote up my Journal and other record work to date. Received from the clerk of the Gen’l Conference type written copies of two talks made by me in the late conference one at the Assembly Hall Sunday Afternoon where I was presiding and the other Monday Afternoon in Large Tabernacle.

Folks usually well. I still have cold and cough but otherwise feel well.

My mother’s health is fairly good may the Lord be praised. [p. 148]

14 October 1908 • Wednesday


Weather somewhat windy, threatening storm. I am better of my cold and cough than I have been in a long time.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. I was in at A. I received an appointment with Elder Heber J. Grant to Beaver for next Sat. & Sund. Was appointed with Bros. R. Clawson & D. O. McKay on a committee to consider a letter from the Ogden Stake Presidency and the advisability of changing the Stake lines between Ogden and North Weber Stakes to avoid splitting up the Lynn ward.

I attended Religion Class Bd. meeting at Presidents office and at 6 P.M. Alice and [I] attended a social function and dinner by the First presidency in honor of the General Authorities at the Lion house. The old guard of underground days and others were invited. I mad[e] a speech of about 10 minutes. Reminiscences seemed to be the order of the day. I told them the paths of my past life had been most pleasant and [p. 149] while there were in my past life’s history many things of intense interest to me some of which have been of interest to my good wife I thought they would not be of much interest to those present. I did speak of the conversation had with Dr H. J. R. at time of Crusade at which time he told me plural marriages must ceace. I answered never in this world. I expected we would be driven to the wall and at last God would make bear his arm in behalf of his people but when the manifesto came I received it as the word of the Lord. So I had received every revelation and every instruction from the Authorities and had never found myself in rebellion and am always on hand to do what I can for the church and to go & come as my presidents direct.

15 October 1908 • Thursday


I attended a committee meeting with Pres. Lyman and Elders H. J. Grant & A. W. Ivins at Historians office at 10 A.M. Met with Pres. Lyman, Elders John Henry Smith, A W Ivins and Ammon Tinney of Mexico [p. 150] at the President’s office and at 2 P.M. Attended a missionary meeting in the Temple Annex where about 56 missionaries were set apart. I had a company of fourteen assigned me and alone I set apart the following.



1 Wm M Nelson

of Globe Ariz.

to Gt. Britain

2 Lumon G. Taylor.

Baker City Ore.


3 James Palmer.

Park Valley.


4 John M McMurdie.

Paradise Ut.


5 Daniel Wells Grover.

Salem, Ida.


6 Alfred C Anderson.

Murray Ut.


7 Franklin Y. Griffin.

Newton Ut.


8 William Nibley.

Shelley Ida.


9 Alma Buttcan[e].

Blackfoot Ida.


10 Wm Sidney Isgreen.

Tooele. Ut.


11 Albert James Hunt.

E. Jordan Ut.


12 Leo. L. Harris.

Cardston. Canada.


13 Oluf C. Jensen,

Brigham Ut.


14 Charles D. Spence.

Wellsville, Ut.


15 Earl W. Williams.

Salt Lake.


Sister W. A. Jones blessed to go to Gt. Brit. to meet her husband.

I wrote up my journal and otherwise made preparations to leave on 11:50 P.M. San Pedro train for Milford, thence by team to Beaver to attend Stake Conference with Elder H. J. Grant.

16 October 1908 • Friday

On train. [p. 151]

Elder Heber J. Grant and I reach<ed> Milford at 12 o’clock, noon, the train being several hours late. We were met at Station by Prs S O White of the Beaver Stake Presidency and driven to Minersville 15 miles where we took dinner with bishop Marshall and from there on to Beaver arriving at 6:30 P.M. and put up at Pres J. F. Tolton’s. The trees are laden with snow, the roads muddy and the weather cold.

After Supper Elder Grant and I by invitation went up to the Murdock Academy, two miles, and attended a Hand Shake Social of faculty and students There were singing and dancing Elder Grant sang the Hymn “Come let us anew”

17 October 1908 • Saturday


I wrote up my journal in the morning. Attended meeting at 10 A.M. Present 292 of whom 222 were Student’s from the Murdock Acade<my> Pres. J. F. Tolton spoke about 15 or 20 min. Elder Grant spoke fifty minutes and I took the remaining time 33 minutes. Had good liberty and Spirit without special demon[p. 152]stration. The Lord was with me and I endeavored to magnify him. Referred to Atheism and evolution touched upon by Pres J. F. Tolton & showed the folly of Atheism and the eveolution we believe in. The necessity for establishment of faith by prayr and attendance at the meetings. Things earthly typical of things heavenly. The home & parentage here like that above. We owe to our earthly parents our love, obedience and devotion. How much more do we owe to our Heavenly father love, devotion, obedience &c. Quoted We have had fathers of the flesh &c also read Rom 1:16–25. “Let this mind be in you &c. Read Hymn <h 258> I had good satisfaction May the Lord be praised.

At 2 P.M. Meeting there were present 272. I was the first speaker and occupied 20 minutes. Subject Faith, repentance, baptism & Holy Ghost. Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me. There are about 80 books comprising the Bible each author testifying of God and his Son Jesus As a matter of history we should accept the truth of the bible as we [p. 153] accept the truth of histories of nations and biographies of men. We have not only the Bible old & new testaments but the Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants & P of G Price explaining briefly each. All these scriptur[es] should be read & searched. It will be faith promoting. We should read about the Gospel, talk about it, sing about it, pray about it and think about it until it becomes a part of us so that we can talk about it with the same ease and freedom that we talk of our horses and cattle and of our farms and our business which occupies so much of our time.

Elder Grant followed me for 33 minutes Subject Atheism and Infidelity. Quoted from Dr Nelsons works on Infidelity and Lamberts Notes on Ingersol.

The body of John Williams aged about 20 yrs was now brought in and funeral Services were held. The speakers were Rawlin Tanner, J. F. Tolton and H. J. Grant. [p. 154]

In the evening I attended a stake Priesthood meeting in meeting house. Speakers, Tolton Grant and Richards I occupied about 25 or 30 minutes with good liberty on subjects drawn out from conditions existing as evidenced from questions asked. Subjects. Ward teachers, Home missionaries &c who refuse to work. Men are called to position in this work they do not chose their office. To refuse an office is to refuse to work for the Lord and renders him an unworthy diciple. To accept the office and refuse to work he becomes a block in the wheels and should be removed. Offered reproof for the lethergy apparent, 1. Priesthood meetings of the stake having been discontinued because the people did not attend. 2. Ward teacher not active 3. Seventies classes a farce, 4 Seventies not good home missionaries, excuse themselves to attend Sunday morning classes, 5 Seventy people aside from the Murdock School Students & faculty in attendance at opening session of Conference & I instructed bishops with reference to Lesser Priesthood. Prepare the boys between 8 & 12 yrs for the ordination of Deacon and then gave them work as such to prepare [p. 155] them for the office of Teacher & from Teacher to Priest, from Priest to Elder, Seventy & H. Priest. Bring to bear all the influence possible and but few will be lost. The Elders’ & Seventies quorums will be made up of faithful men, there will be no dirth of missionaries, young people will go to the temple for marriage and the Church will be in a healthy condition &c.

We sat up at Pres Toltons until after 11 P.M. had music, singing and heard Elder Grant talk on music.

18 October 1908 • Sunday


Attended 10 oclock conference meeting in meeting house Present 330. Speakers were in order as follows. Sam’l O. White of the Stake Presidency, Bro Hickman Supt. Murdock Academy myself and Elder Grant.

I occupied 30 minutes with good freedom Subject restoration of the gospel by an angel The responsibility resting upon us to preach the gospel to the world and the manner in which we do it will either justify us [p. 156] or condemn us. The Gospel law given to the world, they must be judged by it. It becomes a savor of life unto life or of death unto death to them. By it they are justified or condemned. Great promises made to those who preach it see D&C 18:10. Great promises <to> those who obey it see sec 76:50. The Lord has identified the Angel Moroni as the Angel John saw Rev. 14:6— D&C 133:36–39. It is costing us one and three fourths millions per annum to maintain that claim and to do our duty to the world besides much of hardship, suffering & many deaths of family memb[er]s. Quoted in adition to above D&C 20:11–15.

Elder Grant sand [sang] two songs 1. Truth reflects upon our senses and The flag without a stain and spent about half an hour criticising singers generally and teaching singing.

I took dinner with Ex. President C. D. White

In the afternoon we held two meetings one in the Beaver meeting house present 329 and the other at the Murdock academy two miles east of town. [p. 157] Elder Grant and S. O. White of the Stake Presidency attended the latter

Attendance [blank] Speakers were [blank]

At the meeting house were Prests. Tolton and Tanner of the Stake Prs. J G McQuarry from the School and myself.

The Sacrament was administered and the authorities sustained. Moses Edwards was made Stake Supt of Religion classes. The Speakers were Prs. Jacob Tanner, J G McQuarry and myself. I occupied 35 minutes running over the time ten minut[e]s answered a question which was handed me by a Bro White in relation to temple work and preached a gospel sermon on that subject. Quoted Mal. 4:5 Micha 4:1; 1 Cor. 15:29; 1 Pe. 3:18. 1 Pe. 4:6. Had good liberty read from D.&C. 110: &c.

Pres. Tolton offered the benediction.

In the evening I attended the Conjoint M. I. Association meeting at the School (Campus). I spoke upon the subject of marriage. Read from D&C 132:4–25 and commented upon same. occupied 40 min. [p. 158]

19 October 1908 • Monday


Pres Tolton took Elder H. J. Grant to the Greenville ward where they held meeting, 80 in attendance. Bro. S. O. White of the Stake Presidency took me to the Adamsville ward where we held meeting 71 in attendance. Bro White occupied about 15 minutes and I 65 minutes. Subjects, temple work, attendance at Sacramental and Conference meetings. At close of meeting had a conversation with about ten people on temple work answering questions &c. Took dinner with one Brother Jones. Bros Tolton and Grant came along at 1:30 P.M. and with them I went to Miner’s ville and from there on to Milford after meeting.

At Minersville I occupied 30 minutes. First Principles of the Gospel. The latter like mathematic’s capable of demonstration compared with Arithmatic & Geometry. Some truths must be accepted i.e. we must believe & some ordinances which must be obeyed. So said Jesus to Nicodemus John 3: [blank] Peter while under the influence of the Holy Ghost which converted 3000. told the multitude what steps were necessary. Baptism is necessary so said Jesus but baptisms has no effect to forgive sins not repented of and repentance comes only through [p. 159] faith i.e. faith produces repentance, repentance produces forgiveness but through baptism which is also for the forgiveness of sinst [sins] & fullfelment of the Law. How then can faith be promoted? Rom. 10:13 by preaching also by searching the Scriptures John 5 also by earnest seeking, prayr to know Also by living a Godly life.

At Milford I occupied about 30 minutes followed by Pres Tolten & Elder Grant. My subject which I treated with much freedom was first principles & Gospel evidences. Quoted “My Doctrine is not mine but his who sent me” As one engages to find out God & live a good life, honest in his purpose the Lord impresses him that his course is approved. He who lives nearest the Law knows best &c.

We took train at milford at 9:45 and reached Salt Lake at 6:45 A.M. Tues.

<Administered to Sister Joseph at Bro Jones’ Adamsville.>22

20 October 1908 • Tuesday

Home Stormy.

Received my painting framed from School of art cost $15.00 Am nearly rid of my cold other folks usually well.

I wrote up my journal from Sund. evening. Bathed and attended a com[p. 160]mittee23 meeting with Elders Clawson & McKay at Pres. Office to consider recommendations from Ogden Stake Presidency with reference to division of wards in the Stake effecting boundaries between stakes of Ogden and N. Weber. Meeting adjourned until 9 A.M. to-morrow.

I attended missionary meeting in the temple Annex. I offered the opening prayr. Instructed the missionaries and set apart the following.

Clarence H. Wilde. Afton <Wyo> to S. States

Walter A. Nalder Layton to N. States

Loren C. Peterson. Glenwood. Ut. to " "24

Ephraim J. Eliason. Deseret. to N.W. "25

Joseph L. Argyle. Lake Shore Ut. to S. States.

Between the hours of 5 & 10:30 P.M. I attended the wedding reception of my niece May Grover and one Mr. Nott. held at the brides mother’s had a good gospel talk with Bro. W. B. Richards. The marriage cerimony was performed by Bp. Morris of the 11th ward, the ward in which Bro Nott has his standing. They had requested me to perform the Ceremony but as the First Presidency had receintly ruled that the Twelve should not solemnize marriages out side the temples I had to excuse my self. I told them in offering congratulations that when they get ready to go to the temple [p. 161] I would be pleased to marry them. Advised them to put themselves in order soon as possible to receive that sacred ordinance.

21 October 1908 • Wednesday


I met Elders Clawson and McKay at the temple at 9 A.M. in Committee and met with the Council from 10 to 3:33. Met with Religion Class workers from 4 to 5 o’clock. Met with my circle <22> members at temple from 6:15 to 7:30.

I wrote up my journal for the day and called on Pres. Lyman for a short time in the evening.

During afternoon I called on Dr. Gill Richards and he examined my left lung in which I have experienced considerable pain the past twenty-four hours.

He said I had a touch of pleure<cy> and recommended mustard plas<ter> back & front.

22 October 1908 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve at the Presidents office from 10 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Called and spent an hour with my mother on my way home. I met Pres. [p. 162] Francis M. Lyman, Heber J. Grant Hyrum M Smith and Horace H. Cummings Supt Church Schools at the latter’s office in S.S. building as a committee to consider appropriations for Church schools and to make recommends to Church School Board. We were in session from 4 to 6 P.M. after which I went with Elder Grant to the Presidents office where I reported to him the proceedings of the Council meeting of this A.M. he having been absent. I spent the evening at home having no appointment and retired to bed early.

23 October 1908 • Friday


I spent about two hours with Pres. Francis M. Lyman at his home considering church history, most of which is not found in the regular history of the Church. I read a controversy had between Bp. C. W. Nibley & B. H. Roberts over the latter’s attitude towards Elder Reed Smoots Candidacy to Succeed him self as U.S. Senator. Read a letter from Pres. Wilford Woodruff addressed to Elder H. J. Grant on Succession to the Presidency to the Church. Also minutes of a meeting of [p. 163] the First Presidency and the Twelve held in Pres Lorenzo Snows day in 1890 where the question of right of senyority between Jos. F. Smith and Brigham Young Jr. was decided I also read a sermon in Millinnial Star preached by Amasa Lyman in Scotland many years ago which lead to his excommunication from the Church. In this Sermon Apostle Amasa Lyman denied the efficacy of the blood of the Savior to atone for sins repented of holding that repentance alone was necessary i.e. turning away from sin.

At 3:30 P.M. I received a telegram telephone [call] from Bro. Gibbs of the Presidents office requesting me to join Elder Hyrum M. Smith on 4 o’clock train to Benson Stake. I had seven minutes in which to make ready and catch my car. I got the car and got to the depot in time to see the train leaving the yard it having left on the new schedule 3:55 inste[a]d of 4 PM. I went to the Presidents office and had letter written to Orlando Barrus of Fairview, Uintah Co. Wyo informing him that he and his wife had been called to [p. 164] go to the Southern States to labor among the Catawba indians and asking him to Notify the Presidency direct when he will be ready to leave.

Called at Dr George’s office and we came home together. LeGrand joined us on the Street & all three came home together. I spent the evening writing up my journal for yesterday and today and in doing other writing and reading.

In the evening I copied into my record of Matters of Special Importance a letter written to Elder Heber J. Grant by Wilford Woodruff Mar. 28, 1887 on succession to the Presidency which took five large pages of my record. My wife dictated while I wrote.

24 October 1908 • Saturday


I spent 3½ hours writing into my Record of Important Matters a part of the Proceedings of the Council of the First Presidency & the Twelve of Apr. 5, 1900.

Made ready to take 3:55 train for Smithfield to attend Benson Stake Conference.

Arrived at Smithfield about 8:40 P.M. Was met at station by Bp. Miles of 1st Ward who took me to his home and there I met Pres C. H Hart. Spent [p. 165] the night there and had good sleep and rest. My left lung is painful or some other organ & part in that region.

25 October 1908 • Sunday


I attended Benson Stake Conference in Smithfield Second Ward house. Visitors Elder Hyrum M. Smith, Pres. Chas H. Hart & myself. President Merrill absent. Reports were had from heads of Y.L. Primary and Religion Classes. I spoke 50 minutes closing at 11:50 o’clock. Subject sacrifices entailed by becoming a LD Saint. Read Luke 14:25–end Read D.&C. Section 6:1–8 and quoted Enter ye in at the strait gate. Treated the Law of tithing.

I took dinner with Bro. Roskelly of Logan temple presidency.

At afternoon meeting present 740, the Authorities were sustained Pres. Hart spoke 25 minutes, Elder Hyrum M. Smith about 30 minutes and I the remaining 30 minutes. Subject Necessity for faith in God and in the Savior and all the ordinances. Faith alone will not save, the ordinences must be complied with This is the Law by which all men shall be judged (The Gospel) All [p. 166] men are to hear it both the living & the dead, hence our mission to warn the world as well as to call them to repentance.

I took supper with Bp. Winn of Smithfield Second ward.

At Conjoint meeting in the evening we heard from one Bro. Smith a recently returned missionary also from YL President Sister Hendricks. Elder H. M. Smith and I each occupied about 30 minutes and Bro. C. H. Hart about 25 minutes. My Subject. Obedience. We should submit willingly to that which is known to be right. Hats off in meeting, good etiquette Spoke upon the subject of Blasphemy and word of wisdom from the standpoint of obedience to law. The blasphemer either has no faith in Deity or is of a disobedient, willful spirit either of which renders him unworthy a membership in the Church and if he were out side he could not get admission. He should not be given the Priesthood under those circumstances neither be recommended to the temple. He can progress no further except he repent and prove his faith and obedience. However our mission is to save therefore we are to labor with these showing them their true [p. 167] position and warn them of the results of such a course and show them they are needed in the cause. Wash our hands clean of all responsibility. It requires courage to do right. It is evidence of weakness to do wrong. Weaklings are most susceptible to Saten’s wiles. When I see a boy using tobacco I ask my self the question; is he a coward or a weakling. wanting in faith or willfully disobedient Quoted 3rd & 5th commandments.

I slept at Bp. Miles’ of First ward.

My cough disturbed my rest and in consequence of the constant pain in my left lung, gave me much discomfort.

26 October 1908 • Monday


I left Smithfield at 8 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 12:20 Went home and got dinner, wrote up my journal &c. Wrote four and a half pages in Record of Special Matters. Read paper &c.

27 October 1908 • Tuesday


I copied into Special Record eight pages of Council minutes of 1900. Called on my mother, Attended a missionary meeting at Temple [p. 168] annex where about 30 missionaries were set apart. I was mouth in setting apart the following.

Roy Edwin Tidwell. Smithfield to E. States

Parley Gilbert Thompson of Draper to N.W. States

John Henry Miller of Snowflake Ariz to NW States

I occupied about 15 minutes instructing the missionaries, Subject. The L.D. Saints are indebted to the Lord for the Gospel and there comes with it the responsibility to preach it to every nation, kindred tongue and people. Let him that is warned, warn his neighbor. You are to warn those to whom you are sent. If you neglect to do so you are under condemnation if you do your duty you shall be blessed & have great joy with those you are instrumental in converting Read D.&C. 18:10–16. On the other hand there is great responsibility resting upon those who hear your testimony and teachings; they become to such a savor of life unto life or of death unto death according as they receive or reject same. You are to aim to bring souls to a knowledge of the gospel, unto repentance and membership; You are to not be so anxious as to baptize unrepentant people. Read D&C Sec. 20:37, 71 How to apply the ordinance, learn the ceremony &c. [p. 169]

I did some recording in Special Record and in evening got out form for keeping record of Stakes and who visit them for submission to Pres. Lyman believing that its use would obviate the difficulty or monotony of the same ones visiting a stake too often unknowingly and also the same ones going to-gether too often.

28 October 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. Attended Religion Class Bd. meeting at Pres. Office at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting in temple at 6:15 I wrote to Willard Atkin a letter of condolence.

29 October 1908 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. My left lung or side still sore and my cough troublesom[e] at night.

I had this day to myself.

I was writing most of the forenoon and in the afternoon read Millennial Stars &c.

Alice and I went down to Mothers and from there to Daughter Nervas in all spent about two hours. Spent the evening reading and writing. [p. 170]

30 October 1908 • Friday


I left Salt Lake on R.G.W. Train at 8:15 A.M. for Park City with Elder Geo. Albert Smith and Bro. C. S. Martin enroute for Kamas to Attend Summit Stake Conference. We arrived at Park City about about 10:30 a little later than schedule time. We were met at depot by Bro. Wm Lewis the President of the High Priests’ quorum who took us to his home and from there visited prominant business houses & business men. After dinner we left with Bro. Lewis for Kamas 13 miles over two ranges of mountains arriving there about 6 P.M. and put up at Bishop Silas W. Packs.

31 October 1908 • Saturday

Kamas, Utah.

I attended 10 A.M. Conference Services. Attendance 100. Speakers. Moses Taylor, Geo A. Smith, Chas. S. Martin, Bro. Sargent of the High Council and Bro. Manning of the Coalville Academy each in the order named above.

2 P.M. Meeting. Attendance 197 Speakers were in order as follows.

Bro. Thos. L. Allen of the Stake Presidency

Geo. F. Richards

Bro. Charles Callis, Pres. So. States Mission.

Geo. Albert Smith.

I occupied about 35 minutes. Subj: [p. 171] Pres. Allen had pictured a model home followed by a soly [solo] by Bro Chas S. Martin “Oh! my Father &c”

I quoted: “Things earthly are typocal of things heavenly.[”] The home family ty[p]ocal of Heavenly home & family i.e. reminds one of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Compared them. Obedience in either produces happiness, disobedience produces sorrow. Faith produces works. The lack of proper works or obedience to the the laws of God & his wishes an evidence of lack of faith &c.

Attend Religion Class meeeting from 4:20 to about 6 P.M.

Went to Supper with Pres Moses Taylor to Sister Pack’s.

Attended Conjoint Mutual meeting from 7 to 8:30. I occupied about 20 or 25 minutes with good liberty Subject word of wisdom as it effects liquors. Cited attention to St Joseph Stake Mutuals who turned 20 young men from the Saloons in one winter. Advised young people to unite and use their influence against the Saloons & patronizing the Same. Do individual work &c. Had good liberty and gave good satisfaction. The Lord helped me. Slept at Bp. Silas Packs. Retered before 10 P.M. astr [after] writing up journal. [p. 172]

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October 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1908/1908-10


  1. [1]Enclosed in a left brace.

  2. [2]Enclosed in a right brace.

  3. [3]Ditto marks here and in the rest of this list for “Stake”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Garland”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Elwood”.

  6. [6]Ditto mark for “Fielding”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks here and in the next nine lines for “set apart by”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks here in the next three lines for “by”.

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “by”.

  10. [10]Ditto marks for “Con by”.

  11. [11]Ditto mark for “by”.

  12. [12]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “set apart by”.

  13. [13]Ditto mark for “by”.

  14. [14]Ditto marks for “Ass’t by”.

  15. [15]Ditto mark for “Supt”.

  16. [16]Written in the top margin of page 144.

  17. [17]Ditto mark for “Ass’t”.

  18. [18]Ditto mark for “Supt.”.

  19. [19]Ditto marks for “Ass’t Supt.”.

  20. [20]Ditto mark for “Bro.”.

  21. [21]Ditto marks here and in next thirteen lines for “to Gt. Britain”.

  22. [22]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 160.

  23. [23]There is some doodling in the top margin of page 161.

  24. [24]Ditto marks for “N. States”.

  25. [25]Ditto mark for “States”.