February 1910

1 February 1910 • Tuesday


Snowed most of the day.

I spent the forenoon at home reading &c Wrote a lengthy letter to my Son [p. 65] LeGrand. Mailed check of $36.00 to the State Board of Land Commission final payment on my Tooele land of 320 A Alice and I went over and visited with my mother an hour and then went down town and saw the shadow of the Cross, a costly painting of the Savior. We attended to some business, did some trading, spent a little time with our Son George in his office &c. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Wrote to my daughter Nerva. I enclosed my proxy to Mr. Moore to Vote my Acme Portland Cement Co. stock in letter to LeGrand. I had already sent my proxy to the Company on request of the Secretary but desired to cancel same that Mr Moore might use it.

2 February 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the forenoon home reading writing &c Repaired washing machine. Attended a meeting of the General Bd. of Religion classes of which I am a member also my Circle meeting and Alice and I attended the Salt Lake theatre in the evening (Hamlet)

3 February 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting from 10 AM. until 1:45 PM and a missionary meeting from 2 to 3:45 P.M. About 21 missionaries were set apart and instructed. I set apart the following named persons

1. Geo. W. Laybell of Charlston Utah to Gt Britain [p. 66]

2. David Edward Howard of Woods Cross to Gt. Britain

3. James B. Castleton of Cityto Netherlands.

I also instructed the missionaries.

By request of Pres. Smith, Pres Lyman, Elders John Hen[r]y Smith, Rudger Clawson and I went over to Pres Winders and prayed for him and administered to him. We Kneeled about his chair. I offered prayer Elder Clawson Anointed and Elder J H Smith Sealed the anointing. He sits in his chair but his condition is precarious.

I went to Dr Stookey’s office and he made incisions into the ducts of my eyes enlarging same with the hope of giving me some relief from the tearing over for which trouble I had three bones removed from my nose some weeks ago with but little apparent benefit. I got dinner at 6:30 P.M. and Alice & I went over and visited an hour with Grandma.

4 February 1910 • Friday


A telegram came from LeGrand at Portland asking me to cancel my proxy with Acme Portland Cement Co by Telegraph which I did at about 10:30 A.M. I wrote letters to my son LeGrand my brother Fred, my daughter Alice Minerva, my niece Nannie Ashcroft to Pres Walter C Lyman of Grayson utah and J. G. Biggs, Kirtland N.M. also to U. S. Cline an[d] to Frank W. Frailey of Tooele. I made a fruitless search for water certificate taking most of the evening. [p. 67]

I went down town and had my tear ducts opened by Dr. Stookey. Attended to some items of business while down town, paid bills &c.

5 February 1910 • Saturday


I read Church History Vol. 3 most of the day. Went to the Doctors for eye treatment.

Geo. L. Tate phoned in to say Nerva was placed under an anesthetic and had he[r] breast lanced in two places about noon to-day. She wants Mama to go out on first train.

6 February 1910 • Sunday


This is my Son LeGrand’s 24th birthday. Alice and I went out to Tooele on the 10:30 train to see our daughter Nerva. Found Nerva reasonably comfortable considering circumstances. Geo. L. & I administered to her.

I attended the afternoon fast and testimonial meeting and bore testimony. Attended Prayr Circle and gave some instructions. Attended Mutual Conjoint meeting in the evening. Bro Jas. A. McRae was the speaker. Attendance large. Good address. At fast meeting I blessed the baby Joseph Andrus Gillett.

7 February 1910 • Monday


My daughter seems to be getting along nicely. Hyrum and Estella came down to Nerva’s and visited with us until train time I took noon train for home and [p. 68] left Alice and Estella at Nervas. Called at Dr Stookey’s office for treatment of my eyes. Called at Pres. Smith’s Office. Attended to some business there with Pres Lyman & Pres J. F. Tolten of Beaver.

Arriving home I considered my mail and correspondance, wrote up my Journal for past two days &c.

Pres Winder’s condition critical

I sat up recording letters and authorative rulings of Church officials in a record prepared for the purpose, retiring at 11:30 P.M.

8 February 1910 • Tuesday


I attended a meeting of the First Presidency & Twelve and representatives from 35 stake Presidencies at the Annex of the temple from 10:30 to 1:45 P.M. At this meeting the report on Priesthood meeting by a committee on Priesthood was considered and rejected. The report recommended that the Priesthood quorum meetings meet on Sundays at 10 A.M. the Sunday schools at 2 P.M. and the Sacrament meeting in the evening. Meetings will continue as here to-fore, priesthood at on Monday night Questions were submitted and by Pres Smith & Pres Lund answered.

It is not advisable to join Womens Temperance Union. The Church is a Temperance society all sufficient The insurance offered by secret societies is not reliable insurance. Keep out of debt.

We must keep our pledge to the [p. 69] government. To disregard same by individuals is to place the President of the Church in jeopardy. No one has the authority to solemnize plural marriages and the Congress of the U.S. knows that and if it be done the President will be held responsible. It must not be done.

At 2 P.M. I attended a missionary meeting in the Temple Annex and assisted in setting apar[t] and instructing missionaries.

I read “Home Evenings” and at night my son George & I witnessed a wrestling match between Yokel & Karp at Salt Lake Theatre.

9 February 1910 • Wednesday


A telegram to Ashtons from LeGrand announces the fact that his wife Ina gave birth this date to a baby girl.

I attended a meeting of the General Board of Religion classes and my prayr Circle. Spent an hour or more with my mother. Met the train from Tooele and Alice and the baby Estella. Our daughter Nerva reported comfortable.

Pres. Winder reported improving.

10 February 1910 • Thursday


I attended weekly Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Attended a special meeting of the Council of the Twelve who sat to hear the case of [p. 70] [first and last names redacted]. An adjournment was taken after 2:20 two hours 20 min. consideration of his case, until Thu. Feb. 24, 1910 at 3 P.M. same place.

Alice and I attended the theatre in the evening. “Father & Boys” Snowed most of forenoon.

When Mama removed her shoe at night she was taken with cramps in her left foot & limb and the pain was excruciating and she only received relief after I had administered to her.

11 February 1910 • Friday


Weather milder.

I spent most of the day home studying and reading. In the afternoon I called on Bro. Thos. Calister who is sick and I administered to him. Called and saw my mother whose health is fairly good. Went down to Doctor Stookeys office and had him examine my eye ducts and informed me that all danger of the parts uniting when incision were made was past, and that he could do nothing more for me that he would recommend doing at this time.

I spent the evening at home.

12 February 1910 • Saturday


I attended the Jordan Stake Conference held at Riverton accompanied by Elder David O. Mckay. [p. 71] Speakers at forenoon meeting were in order as follows:

Pres. Hyrum Goff, Robt. Ellwood Pres. of High Priests Quorum, Sister Larson Pres Reliefsocieties and Elder David O. Mckay. We took dinner at Bp. Gordon S. Bills. I was mouth in consecrating a bottle of oil. We ordained three Seventies. I ordained two of them & Elder D. O. mckay the other. I ordained Horis A. Peterson of West Jordan and Emanuel H. Richards Jr. of same place and Elder McKay ordained Arthur A Rowsell of same place.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were as follows; James Jensen of the stake Presidency, Elders Crane & Paul Nelson recently returned missionaries and I occupied 35 minutes with good liberty. Subject Ward Teachers, Effect of example &c.

We returned home on train reaching Salt Lake at 6:05 PM.

Pres. Lyman called me in to his home and read to me a letter from retired Bp. of Scipio to Pres Jos. F. Smith charging Pres. [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] with dishonesty &c Several serious charges. I wrote up my journal and did other writing before retiring.

13 February 1910 • Sunday


I joined Elder David O. McKay and Pres. Joseph W. McMurrin on D.&R.G. 7:50 A.M. train for riverton where we attended Jordan Stake Conference. The 10 A.M. meeting included the [p. 72] Sunday School children of the Riverton ward. The Stake population of Souls is 7765 and the attendance at this meeting was 532. The sacrament was administered and the following were the speakers. Pres. J. W. W. Fitzgerald of the Stake Presidency, C. I. Garff Stake Supt of Schools and Elder David O. McKay the latter occupying about 50 minutes.

The afternoon meeting convened at 1:30 P.M. Attendance 738, the house being crowded and many standing. The authorities were sustained and Pres J W McMurrin and I were the the speakers the former occupying 30 minutes and I about 40 minutes

My Subject. Magazines in the Church

The Historical and Genealogical Magazine and temple work. Also referred to the confusion in meeting house before commencement of meetings.

At 3:30 The Conjoint mutual Conference convened. The presidents of the two organizations reported and Elder David O. McKay took the remaining time of about 50 minutes An excellent discourse.

Between meetings we did some ordaining and setting apart. Bros. McMurrin & McKay ordained one Seventy and set apart a president of Seventy. Elder McKay set apart John S. Crane an Alternate High Counselor I set apart John Albert Berrett stake Supt. Religion Classes and Pres McMurrin set apart Robert E. Dimond First assistant stake Supt R. Classes. [p. 73] In the morning before going to meeting we administered to the Bps. daughter Hazel Bills. Elder McKay anointed and I confirmed the anointing.

We returned home on train arriving in Salt Lake at 6:05.

Alice and I called on Bro. Hyams who is in bed with Pneumonia and I administered to him at his request. We also called on my mother and spent about an hour visiting her who is usually well.

14 February 1910 • Monday


Valentine day.

Wind blew in the forenoon and snowed in afternoon.

I spent the whole day on Temple records and getting out sheets for use at temple, checking up work done &c.

I received a letter from Agnes Longstroth Taylor Author of the Longstroth genealogical record recently come into my possession, the Same being answer to a letter written her last September.

I wrote to LeGrand and to my daughter Nerva. Read Longstroth genealogical History until eleven oclock at night.

15 February 1910 • Tuesday


I spent all the day and evening on Longstroth temple record except a couple of hours spent in going down town. Attended to some [p. 74] business at Pres. Office and at Temple. Left lists of names at temple and engaged twelve men to work for me to-morrow in temple.

I compared our temple record with the New Longstroth Record and corrected errors, filled in much valuable data, checked both books, got out sheets of names for baptisms and endowments &c A busy day but I enjoyed it because I can see progress. and something accomplished. Alice and I expect to go through the temple to-morrow.

Stormy cold weather.

Folks usually well.

<Called on my mother>

16 February 1910 • Wednesday


Weather cold, some snow.

Alice and I went to temple and were endowed each for one and I paid $9.00 to 12 men who also were endowed for one man each and Alice and I were sealed for these thirteen couples and also for my Uncle George Longstroth, My Mother’s brother and an unmarried woman making them husband and wife. We were nine hours in the temple and the last to get out.

I attended my Circle meeting in the evening and later checked up 28 male names for endowments and drew a check favor of Joseph Christenson to pay 28 men for being endowed for these 28 males which list I [p. 75] expect to present at the temple in the morning.

<I made the talk at the temple Annex this morning.>1

Received Bill this day from Dr N. M. Stookey, Specialist, for operations on nose and eye ducts of $40.00 I can not tell if these operations and treatment have helped my eyes in the least. I hope they have or may do.

While at the temple I administered to Sister [blank] by request of Bro. Madsen

17 February 1910 • Thursday


I went to the temple at 8:12 AM. and handed in 28 names of males to be endowed for and left my check for $21.00 to pay for same. Returned home to breakfast and anointed and administered to him Oliver for his lameness at his request.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting and offered the opening prayr. Received appointment with Pres. J. W. McMurrin to attend the Conferences of the Maricopa, St. Joseph and Juarez Stakes Feb. 26–27, Mar. 5–6 & Mar 12 & 13th to leave home Tuesday 22nd inst. I called and saw my mother at her home with my sister Asenath Wrote letters to Elder A. W. Ivins at Juarez, Mexico, my son LeGrand at Portland, my daughter Nerva at Tooele, my sister Nerva at Farmington and Elder Geo Albert Smith at St George, Utah.

Alice and I went to Salt Lake [p. 76] theatre to see Grand Opera rendered in foreign tongue. We came home at 9:30 fully satisfied.

I wrote up my journal &c.

18 February 1910 • Friday


I spent all the day and the evening until after 11 P.M. working on temple records, getting out names for temple work &c.

Winter work continues. Snow & cold.

19 February 1910 • Saturday


I worked on temple record all day. Finished checking with the Longstroth Record and have 75 names of males and 81 names of females ready listed and ready for baptisms and other ordinance work. Concluded the day’s work at 10 P.M. My daughter Nina assisted me for several hours.

Weather wintery. Snowed most of the day.

My health is good.

20 February 1910 • Sunday


I attended the 27th ward Sunday School Conference in the morning and spoke briefly.

Attended the funeral services of Alex. Edward, a member of our circle, the prayr circle over which I preside, held in the 19th ward meeting house at 2 P.M. and was one of the speakers

Called upon my mother for a few moments and attended the Afternoon Session of 27 Ward Sunday [p. 77] school conference. George & Edith came up and went to meeting with us and we took all the children with us.

Geo. & Edith spent the evening until 11 o’clock with us. Alice's brother Loren J. Robinson of Oakley, Idaho, called on his way from Provo and staid all night with us.

Weather Stormy, snows nearly every day of late.

21 February 1910 • Monday


I spent two or three hours down town attending to business pertaining to my trip south. &c.

I called on Pres John R. Winder and administered to him. He is yet a very sick man. Spent most of the day making preparations to go south tomorrow. Called & saw my mother.

Loren J. Robinson took Ruby to the Salt Lake theatre and Alice & I also went in the evening. Folks well. Weather moderating.

22 February 1910 • Tuesday


This is Washington’s birth day and to-morrow will be my 49th birth day. I spent the forenoon recording temple work done, writing letters &c. This day the people of this the 27th ward are having a re-union.

I leave on 2:25 P.M. train for Southern Arizona and Mexico via of Ogden, Sacramento, Fresno & Los Angeles, Pres Jos. W. McMurrin accompanying me.

My health is good as also my faith and spirits. My family well except [p. 78] that Oliver is still lame and does not improve much.

I took train at 2:25 Pres. McMurrin aboard. We were joined by Pres. Jos. E. Robinson of Cal. Mission at Ogden. It was snowing between Salt Lake and Ogden and after we left Ogden.

23 February 1910 • Wednesday

On train in Nevada. Got off train at Sparks and met the four Elders laboring there, Esplin, Farr, Harris and [blank] On the mountains of California the snow was reported at a depth of 8 feet. We reached Sacramento on time 5 P.M. Spring is here evident. Continued on to Tracy where Pres. McMurrin & I changed trains taking the Orvel [Oroville] Limited at 8:30 P.M. for Los Angeles and Pres. Robinson & Bro Geo. Stringfellow continued to San Francisco. This my 49th Birth day.2

24 February 1910 • Thursday

California. On train.

Arrived at Los Angeles at 8 A.M. We went to City ticket office and purchased births to Maricopa, thence we went to Mission headquarters and saw Sis. Robinson & the Elders there. Staid about an hour. We then called and saw Sister Wm Jones & little girl, a relative of my wife & daughter of Elder C. W. Penrose. We took car and went out to the beach. Got off car and walked from Santa Monica along the beach through Ocean Park to Venice calling on friends as follows Elder H. J. Grant’s family and administered to Sister Boothe, Agusta Grant’s sister. [p. 79] Bro. Jos. A. Wests family & administered to his wife; Junius F. Well’s family. Called at A H Woolleys quarters but he had gone up town. We returned to Los. Angeles and took train at 8 P.M. for Maricopa where we arrived at 11 A.M. next day. Nothing unusual transpired with us in all the trip but just ahead of us Wednesday between Stockton & Tracy there had been a head on collision where in two men were killed an Engineer & a Baggage man.

25 February 1910 • Friday

Arizona On train

Arrived at Maricopa 11 A.M. where we had a wait until 1:30. On arrival I telegraphed Anthony W. Ivins on No. 7 should he be aboard on way from Mexico to home to stop of[f] at Maricopa 1:17 P.M. and join us to Mesa to Conference. I then wrote up my journal, while waiting at depot, covering time from Tues Noon to this Friday noon. Am well & happy.

The weather here at Maricopa is like mid Summer in Utah (S.L. City.) I wrote letter home from Tracy and cards from Los Angeles. and from here.

Arrived in Mesa about 4 P.M. Took hack to Pres. John T. Lesueur’s where Pres. McMurrin & I made our staying quarters and where we received a generous welcome I retired to bed earley and had a good night’s rest & sleep. after having a good bathe.

Last night on the train where I slept well, I had a very re[p. 80]markable dream. I was in attendance at a stake quarterly conference on the stand and seated by Pres. Lorenzo Snow and as near as I can remember he either attracted my attention by looking or pointing and looking towards heaven and as we gazed in that direction our minds drawn out in desire to receive help or some manifestation, there came from that source a manifestation which impressed me that the love for our fellow men approaches that for our Lord. As I was once impressed by dream or vision and thrilled by the love of God or of Christ so I was on this occasion thrilled by the love of man for man. Love for my brethren.

26 February 1910 • Saturday

Mesa, Arizona

Last night I had peaceful rest & during the night I was awakened *by hearing my Mother, Now 81 yrs 10 month of Age, call me “Oh, George?” I am left in doubt as to whether or not it has any significance.*

<*Later learned that this night my Son Oliver while at Tooele was taken very sick which lasted several days.>3

I attended with Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin a meeting of the Maricopa Stake Presidency at 9 A.M. in Pres. LeSeuer’s office where I gave advise in answer to questions, to not divide the Mesa ward at this time and to not commence to build a meeting house at this time but that when the Presidency of the stake should conclude that the time is ripe they [p. 81] should write the First Presidency asking for their approval. Pres McMurrin indorsed same and later Pres. LeSeuer volenteered the Statement that he thought our advise was best. Attended 10 A.M. meeting at which the Speakers were in order as follows; Pres John T. LeSeuer, Bp. J M Horne Bp. Wright P. Shill of Lehi Ward & Bp. Isaac Rogers of Papago ward, John S. Allen of the Council of Seventy, Bro Philips Pres. High Priests quorum; and Pres J. W. McMurrin the latter occupying 32 min.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 186 Stake population 1836.

Speakers in order as follows.

1. Pres. Isaac Dana, Bro Hill of Alma ward Bishopric, Pres. Wm W. Burton of Star Valley Stake Presidency who is in Mesa on a visit. I followed occupying about 40 minutes, Subject. A good country, beautify it and cultivate it with most profitable crops. Speake well of it and make it all you represent it to be. Obedience Attendance at meeting and Conference Read accomplishments of San Juan Stake & others and advised the raising of the standard of living & discharge of duty. Jesus is a pat[t]ern, Adams & Abram’s sacrifices recorded for our benefit. We should profit by same.

Pres McMurrin spoke 20 min which was left remaining.

I wrote letters home one to Alice & one to Andrew Kimball of Thatcher [p. 82] I attended a meeting of the Priesthood in the evening. The speakers were in order as follows: Pres. Lesueur, Pres. Wm W Burton, Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin and. I. I occupied about 30 minutes Subject Ward Teachers work; Marying out side of the Church should be averted if possible. Ward teachers should assist parents, parents should guard their children and avoid much sorrow for themselves and for their children. It can not be expected that more than half the children the fruits of a marriage out side the church, especially when it is a girl, will be members of the church. That means, practically that if you live to see one hundred descendents, 50 or more of them will be out side the church. What a sorrowful thought.

After meeting and before retiring to bed I wrote a two paged letter to my son in Portland (LeGrand) and wrote up my journal for the evening the other having been written up before the evening meeting.

27 February 1910 • Sunday

Mesa, Arizona.

I had a good night’s rest last night and feel well this beautiful Sunday morning.

<x A dream.>4

x Last night I dreamed a dream in which I saw that the Twelve who have been digging for some [p. 83]

<A Dream Continued.>5

time had found the grave which contains the body for which they have been looking. The [last name redacted] case and the subject of secret plural marriages were associated in my dream with the case i.e. the dream if it has any significance, refers to that matter.

I dreamed that I had been absent for some time and on my return I saw a long and deep trench dug as indicated by the dirt thrown up I had seen that we were in council and that I had been absent and from a drawer I extracted so[me] papers which throw light upon the case under consideration and it was apparent that one of our number W. had tried to keep this information in obscurity On the diggings I saw one who was persistent in humming out loud as he worked not withstanding we were to work in the quiet. He was nevertheless as much interested in our search as any others. Pres Lyman was working hard when I came up and on the lead and I put to work with him and presently working backwards I discovered a loose sodd as if it had formerly been removed investigating further I found that a grave had been dug and covered over with sods but that it had sunken and showed the outlines of the grave distinctly. Pres. Lyman saw it and it seemed that that was the thing we had been looking for. i.e. in that grave was the body we had been [p. 84] looking for. I then asked Pres. Lyman if I should cover up the diggings to which he referred answered, “no I want to show it to them.[”] I thought I saw that there were a number of good men otherwise who had secretly hid this body from us and I could see their anxiety over the matter and how disconcerted they felt while we were digging. I saw a shover [shovel?] a Spade and a grubbing hoe which I recognized as my own and which had been used in the diggings and which it seemed I had used in the commencement of the work.

This Sunday morning I attended the Bishops prayr circle with Pres. McMurrin & Pres LeSueur by invitation I gave some instructions which seemed to be appreciated.

Attended Sunday School session of Conference. A good programme was rendered and Sacrament administered The Stake Supt Bro. L. R. Gibbons reported and I spoke about 35 minutes, Subject. How best to adorn our persons. A[s?] by good nature and evidences of goodness in our faces by being good natured and doing good & being good. Told the Story of the German Shepherd boy Gerhardt and told the teachers they have flocks entrusted to their care & they should be as trustworthy as was Gerhardt Had good liberty. Pres McMurrin spoke about 15 or 20 minutes in conclusion. After this session I attended a meet[p. 85]ing of the Council of the Seventies Quo. Then Pres Lesueur & Pres. McMurrin and I by request of parents & consent of the Bishop went to the home of a young couple named Halliday and I blessed their first baby and named him Richard Ross.

We took dinner at Pres Frank T. Pomeroy’s. At afternoon meeting the authorities were sustained, the Sunday school Superintendency of Stake & the Stake Board were re-organized, Brother Gibbons Stake Supt. having decided to move away from the stake.

The Presidency of the Elders quorum also was reorganized, numbers of the Presidency having been taken and ordained Seventies.

Bro. Pomeroy of the stake Presidency, two recently returned missionaries Bros [blank] and I occupied the time. I took about 40 minutes. Read Ezek. 3:17. and spoke upon the topics of Example and Missionary work. Applied directly to the people of this stake.

After meeting I met with the Stake Presidency and Mesa ward Bishopric. Answered questions and tried to stiffen their back bones a little all of which I think will prove profitable. Pres McMurrin was at same time meeting with the seventies.

Bro. McMurrin and I went to Supper with Bro. James Lesueur and from there went to neighbor Ellsworth’s [p. 87] and administered to a young lady. At Mutual meeting in the evening the presidents of the two mutuals reported or a member of the presidencies. Pres J. W. McMurrin and I occupied the remaining time 35 minutes each. There was a large attendance and some strangers and this gave us inspiration and good time was had. I feel that the Lord sustained us well.

28 February 1910 • Monday

Mesa, Ariz.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday and wrote a card each to Alice, my son George and daughter Nina. Pres. McMurrin and I went to Sister Ellsworth’s by request and administered to a daughter a young lady who is sick. I read church history and after dinner Pres. Lesueur, Pres. McMurrin and Wm Burton and I went in auto to Papago ward and held meeting with the Lamanites. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Lesueur, Pres Wm Burton from Star Valley, Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin I and Bishop Rogers.

I occupied about 50 or 60 minutes. Bro. Valenswala a Lamanite interpreted for us. I spoke of what man had discovered and invented such as the telescope, microscope, telephone, telegraph wireless telegraph, lightening photography &c If man can do all this limited as he is what may not God do to aid vision, hearing, and knowing what is going on and recording same to be reproduced at will. Spoke of resarec[p. 87]tion [resurrection] and how it will be brought about, elements of our bodies, elements of which the worlds were framed &c The power of God to control the elements, man only of Gods creations being disobedient. God is perfect, we should become like him. Jesus so commanded. to do so we should get intelligence & knowledge, faith & power, how? cultivate mercy, justice truth, love &c our progress will be eternal and more rapid after this life &c.

After meeting we laid our hands on the child of Bro. & Sister Rogers & I blessed him, he having been sickly a long time. Returning home I wrote up my journal for the day to this time 5:30 P.M. We went up to Pres. Isaac Dana’s where several friends had been invited in and ate supper and spent the evening very pleasantly. The members of the Stake Presidency and their wives and Pres. Wm W. Burton & wife of Star Valley were present.

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February 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-02


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 76.

  2. [2]Richards underlined this sentence twice.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 81. The asterisks indicate that it belonged to the 26 February entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 83.

  5. [5]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 84.