March 1890

1 March 1890 • Saturday

Worked on monthly report weighed and baled piled up baled hay attended to the regular chores of the place. Received deed for signing from Canal Co for right of way. Consideration $8000 Sent letters to Mother & seney and our pictures to Mother, Seney, Alice Ann & Nerva. Attended Class exercises in elocution in the evening also shaved & bathed.

2 March 1890 • Sunday

Attended Sunday school, afternoon and evening meetings. Attended prayr circle between meetings. Bro. & Sis. Vance took supper with us. Read from the Juvenile Instructor Weather moderated.

3 March 1890 • Monday

Weather warmer & cloudy. Had P. & M. baling hay. I wrote to A. F. Doremus and worked on Monthly Report. Alice & I signed the contract for right of way through my Bear River land by the [p. 258] Bear River Canal Co. Attended the Elocution class in the evening.

4 March 1890 • Tuesday

Finished making monthly report and mailed it to A. F. Doremus, received letter from him, cleaned out Vicks manger & hay house Weighed piled up & sold hay. Took Alice and children out for a ride with Sleigh & two horses. In the evening, Alice and I attended the last of the series of elocution lectures given by the Johnson bro’s. of Springville. Drizzling rain nearly all day. Snow going fast.

5 March 1890 • Wednesday

Paid Prof. Johnson for elocution class $8100. Ordered corn & flour of Vowles, Saw Gillispie Craner & Adams about land. Had Pocock & Marshall baling hay. Finished the baling. Hauled hay into Vicks stall & log barn. Wrote to F. W. Richards. Kept the accounts &c.

6 March 1890 • Thursday

Attended Fast meeting, gave $100 fast offering and $100 to Sister Remington. Trimmed trees In the evening played checkers with Sis. Vance she being here to spend the evening. Weather warm. Snow melting fast. [p. 259]

7 March 1890 • Friday

Tooele City Trimmed trees, bought rubber boots In the evening wrote, read, shaved &c. All well, Weather warm, lots of mud, snow & water.

8 March 1890 • Saturday

Attended conference of the Young M. MIA of the Tooele Stake. In the evening Alice & I went to the theatre where the Three Two Orphans was played.

9 March 1890 • Sunday

Eight years ago today I was married. Attended Y M M I A. Conference in this place. Addressed the conference for about 30 minutes in the for-noon. In the afternoon Sister Anna McKendric was buried the services being held in the evening afternoon. A prepaired programme was carried out in the evening and A. J. McCuistion was sustained as Supt of the Young Men’s Associations of the Stake with Bro. Wrathall as first and B S Bowen as 2nd Counselors. Bro. & Sis. Vance took supper with us.

10 March 1890 • Monday

Took saws & had sharpened, Went over to Nethercot’s & collected for hay gave him 75¢, Saw Adams about buying his land. Trimmed trees &c & in the evening wrote to B. F. K. Fred & Mother. All well. [p. 260]

11 March 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele City Trimmed trees, Received check Book and certificate of deposit of $2000.00 in the U. C. & S Bank S. L. City Gift from Mother. Wrote to bank & Mother. Spent the evening at home. Children’s meeting after which I read aloud a sermon by G Q Cannon delivered Feb 23 <1890>.

12 March 1890 • Wednesday

Trimmed trees, Took Alice down to Vances in the morning & went after her in the evening. Went up the canyon to examine the work. Attended Seventies meeting in the evening. Bro G. O. Nobles staid all night with us.

13 March 1890 • Thursday

Trimmed trees, went to Post Office, looked over Bro. Vance’s school examination papers, talked with Abram through the Telephone &c. Letter from & to Joel F.

14 March 1890 • Friday1

Telephoned to A. F. Doremus twice, had T. Horman to work. Had a horse shoed. Trimmed trees &c. In the evening I wrote to Mother a ten paged letter in answer to one receiv from her today from Nephi. Letter from the bank. Weather fine. Freezes some nights. All are well.

15–16 March 1890

Sent three horses and a set of harness and saddle to Salt Lake by Thomas, Horman [p. 261] Trimmed trees, sold $130. worth, of dried fruit Went with Pres’t. H. S. Gowans to Vernon a distance of 35 miles to attend meetings. Chas. Anderson was also there remained over Sunday and returned Monday arriving home at two P.M. While in Vernon went with Bro. Chas. Anderson a distance of two miles out of town to administer to Bro. Johnson. On sunday I attended sunday school, afternoon and evening meetings and spoke in each. Staid with the Pishop [Bishop] John C. Sharp.

17 March 1890 • Monday

Returned from Vernon with H. S. Gowan’s Let Alvin J. McCuistion have $500, for one year @ one per cent per month with mortgage security. Wrote letters in the evening.

18 March 1890 • Tuesday

Harrowed in lucern in east field. Wrote to Mother & Fred in the evening. Alice and I went down to See H Marshall about working.

19 March 1890 • Wednesday

Harrowed lucern, repaired broken harrow put lucern in front of the house In the evening attended with Prest H. S. Gowans the Elders quorum where Wm Casety was called sustained and set apart as 2nd Counselir to Prest James Martin. Spoke. [p. 262]

20 March 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Went and saw George Craner and John Adams about buying land. Raked up around stack yard Took Alice in the cart and went and saw Charles Pocock, P. Horman & H. Marshall Attended the Y. M. M. I. Association in the evening. Stormed part of the day

21 March 1890 • Friday

Harrowed in lucern in South field. Spent the evening at home.

22 March 1890 • Saturday

Finished putting in lucern in South field. In the evening I shaved, bathed wrote &c.

23 March 1890 • Sunday

Went with Prest. Gowans to E. T. and spoke there both in Sunday school and meeting. Rained nearly all day.

24 March 1890 • Monday

Bought of Prest. Gowans the two Donnalson lots on Main St. for $400.00

Attended Teacher’s meeting and spoke there in evening. Wrote to C H Sanders, M J. R. & J. D.

25 March 1890 • Tuesday

Hauled out brush from apple orchard and harrowed in lucern east of apple orchard. And went and looked over Bro. Delemar’s farm. In the evening read the News & wrote up journal since the 22nd inst. [p. 263]

26 March 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Snowed most of the day, blowed hard. Hauled brush, took Jonason to see the Donaldson lots. Went down to Vances and got Alice & children with cart. Loaned to Jas. Henson $150.00 for one year @ 1 prcent int. Read & wrote to A F D & <F.> W. R.

27 March 1890 • Thursday

Marked off lucern east & south of apple orchard for watering and harrowed in lucern in east field. In the early morning I took the horse & cart and went & got Pocock & Marshall with teams to help me put in lucern. In the evening I attended Y.M.M.I.A. and lectured upon the life of Nephi.

28 March 1890 • Friday

Harrowed all day in east field putting in Lucern seed. In the evening Alice & I attended the theatre.

29 March 1890 • Saturday

Worked all day in East field leveling for lucern seed. Had three teams and six hands hired & finished putting in Lucern. I let out $200. this day to Mrs Margret Busenback for one year at one per cent per month interest Secured by a mortgage on 160 acres of cultivated land. Wrote & shaved in eve. [p. 264]

30 March 1890 • Sunday

Tooele City Went with Prest. H. S. Gowans to Grantsville where I attended a conference of the Seventies S B Young & Bro. B H Roberts addressed the conference. Returned to Tooele and attended evening meeting where the same men occupied the time in a very interesting & instructive manner.

31 March 1890 • Monday

Wrote letters, went up the canyon and examined sluices and reported at a meeting of the Water Board held in the evening. Went and saw G. E. Howell about working to pay pasture bill.

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March 1890, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Richards wrote the date for this entry on the preceding line between “&c.” and “Letter from & to Joel F.”