November 1906

1 November 1906 • Thursday

Turclu Hotel, Sacramento Cal

I arose at 6:30 A.M. went out to breakfast with Prest J E Robinson and then accompanied him to the depot where he took train for Oakland 8:20 A.M. Returned on car and took transfr and went out to Oak Park. returned on J st. Car to hotel. Wrote up journal for yesterday. Conclusions. Sacramento, the Capital of the State is a very pretty City such beautiful trees I have seen the State in mid winter for this Country I want to See it again in Spring say Feb. or Mar.

Advised Prest Robinson to have local brethren do more work and have the people well cared for. Keep as ma[n]y as possible active. Activity is the best means of maintaining the faith. While enthused the Converted Saints may resist [p. 28] evil and scoffs &c but if allowed to get luke warm they may conclude that is [it] is not worth while. That some have thus concluded is apparent by the number who do not attend their meetings.

Advised that each Branch have its Secretary and that the Secretary keep a brief minute of the proceedings of the meetings and record and preserve same also all important occurences in the Branch.

Commended Prest Robinson for the good work being done under his direction.1

I leave here on the 12.35 train to-day for Portland and will be due there at 7:15 P.M. to-morrow. The weather here is Sunshine and beautiful cool enough for an overcoat when out at night. My health could not be better I think, may the Lord be praised and I am enjoying my labors. [p. 29]

2 November 1906 • Friday

Roseburg. Ore. 11:05 A.M 198 1908 198 mi. from Portland.

Left Sacramento Cal. 12:35 P.M. yesterday. Had a pleasant trip thus far. Good night’s rest & well to-day. Have read through Desk Companion since leaving Sacramento & am now reading Cowley’s Talks on doctrine.

Arrived at Portland at 7:15 P.M. Met at station by Prest Nephi Pratt. Spent a pleasant evening at his home with his family and some friends among them Bro. & Sister Stewart Eckles. Slept at a neighbors Mrs. [blank] Wycander provision having been made by Pres’t Pratt. A good bed a good night’s rest.

3 November 1906 • Saturday


Weather somewhat stormy. Prest Nephi Pratt and I visited the Post Office, Portland Heights, Council Crest, Portland City Park, Mission Chappel Cor: 3d & Morrison Streets, Clark Exposition grounds [p. 30] where we saw the Forestry Building made of logs with log pillars each about 6 ft diameter Saw two slabs O. Fir 6" thick, 8' 7½" wide 16' long. One stump 9'-4" diameter &c.

Returned home at 267 Hancock St. about 4 P.M. Rec’d letters from Mama, Geo. & LeGrand and Joel & answered them and wrote to the Presidency. Stormy day.

4 November 1906 • Sunday


Attended Sunday School & occupied 20 minutes. Subject We should have a purpose in all things. What our purpose in attending S. School What the purpose of the organization. 1st See sec Book Cov. 250 page Parents duty to teach their children, &c The School helps the parents. 2nd) The children being pure are in proper condition to receive the impressions of the Holy Spirit Hence the Spirit is always at the S. Schools and they under its influence which they learn [p. 31] to love.

3) They are being trained up in the way in which they should go that when they am are old they will not depart from it. The twig is being bent as we would have the tree to grow. We are laying a foundation of faith in them that will remain with them for ever.

4th) We are preparing the children for usefulness in the Church for all must be workers.

5) The teacher is equally benefitted because he by study and teaching rivets the truths upon his mind.

6) Those who are teachers to-day were the pupils of yesterday and those who are the pupils of to-day will be the teachers of tomorrow and by teaching we pay our tuition A Common cause.

7) By the same reciprocral means we may educate our children in Schools & Colleges [p. 32]


Sunday 2 P.M.

Attended Afternoon meeting which was well attended notice having been published in the papers that I would speak. A good spirit prevailed. Bro. Monson from Hood River occupied about 15 or 20 min and then I talked about 50 minutes with good freedom and with calmness without excitement Subject. Pre-Existance. Controversy in heaven, Banishment of Satin [Satan] & his followers. Establishment of free agency. Establishment of free government. The Gospel restored after a falling away. Josephs first vision showing the personality of God. Judgment in the hands of God. The obedient honored, the disobedient condemned and punished. The perfecting of the attributes made the Lord what he is. We by the same means may become like them. No [p. 33] higher aspirations. What we fall short in this life we may make up here after.

Prest Pratt spoke about 15 min.

Sunday evening attended the meeting. Bro Wm Eckles spoke well for about 20 minutes. I occupied about 60 minutes & Prest Pratt spoke about 10 minuts. My Subject. Continuing from Afternoon talk. Joseph’s story of how he was seized by the power of Evil when he went to pray is plausable. Lucifer no doubt knew him as Joseph was no doubt one of the noble ones, rulers the Lord showed to Abraham of whom he Abraham was one & Lucifer sought his over throw and the destruction of the work in its incipiency or beginning. Lucifer followed him through life enciting wicked men to deeds of wickedness and to bring false charges against him. 39 times tried and as many times acquitted & never found guilty & finally they [p. 34] took the law in their hands and murdered him. The Lord permitted it as he permitted the Savior to be crucified and he with his brother Hyrum sealed their testamony with their blood.

The same authority exists to-day and the Same powers of evil thirsts for the blood of the prophets. Our mission is to Save and to bless. We give the gospel freely without charge. It is a great tax on those within who are expected to give their all if necessary but this we do because of our love of our fellow men and what they the duty resting upon us in that connection &c Salvation for dead &c

President Pratt said the meetings to-day were the largest ever held here except during the Clark Exposition and never had better meetings since he had been in the mission. A number of strangers present.

Weather cooler, Health good [p. 35]

Received a letter from the Presidency advising me to return home when the Portland meetings were over. I answered that I interpreted it to mean after attending the meetings appointed at Ore. Portland & Puget Sound District & would so govern myself unless I should hear from them by wire to the Contrary.

Administered to Sister Werner.

5 November 1906 • Monday


Attended Class meeting of the Elders at Mission house 9 to 11 A.M. Wrote letter to Palace French Laundry <Co> and to Alice. Weather Cold. At 2 P.M. we boarded a gasoline boat and went six miles up the Willamett river. about 17 on boat. After our return 1½ hrs. ride. Prest Pratt & I went to the Barbers Bro Crumbholtz who invited us and I had a chemical Messauege [massage] or Shampoo. From there at 5 P.M. [p. 36] by invitation we went to supper to Sister Becker’s and from there to Bro. [blank] where we held a cottage meeting I there spoke a short time and bore testamony.

6 November 1906 • Tuesday


Stormy as usual. I have a cold in throat developed 36 hours since.

I attended a meeting of the Elders at mission house. Present seven Elders Bro Stewart Eckles Prest Nephi Pratt & my self. All talked. I occupied 1 hour giving council Prest Pratt occupied 42 min and indorsed all I had said. The Elders indorsed the instructions given them. A Splendid Spirit prevailed. The meeting was of four hours duration. Took dinner, wrote up journal read paper &c. Attended mutual meeting in evening and Spoke upon [p. 37] subject of the evening Prophecy Related my prophecy relation to S. W. Lee & its fulfillment as a key.

<I have a severe hoarsenss>3

7 November 1906 • Wednesday

Rained all day. My Cold about the same. Still hoarse.

Prest Nephi Pratt and I took train and went up the Columbia River 66 miles to Hood Rivr City at mouth of Hood river. in Cascade mountains when at David Eckles mill Ry Station we met Joseph A West’s Son my nephew & family and took dinner with them. We saw the famous Multnomah falls said to be 800 ft. high and numerous other Cascades or water falls.

Wrote to Prest Jos E. Robinson at Los Angeles and to my wife Alice in evening. Cold not much improved. Still raining.

8 November 1906 • Thursday

Portland Ore [p. 38]

Prest Nephi Pratt and I left Portland 8:30 A.M. on N.P. Ry and arrived at Tacoma on an Arm of the Pacific (Puget Sound) about 2:30 P.M. Took room at Hotel Brooklyn Cor. 16th & Pacific Streets. On the way between Portland and Tacoma our train was run unto onto a ferry boat capacity 11 Coaches & 2 engines and ferried across the Columbia River a distance said to be four miles across Saw numerous saw mills log rafts in rivers, timber &c enroute. After taking supper at a near by restraunt Prest. Pratt & I walked across the sound on bridge to the St Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co. Mills. The largest in the world so far as I know, and obtaining permits at the office we went through the Saw mill. Sheds and yards where there are millions of feet of lumber piled. We walked 20 [p. 39] minutes between mill and docks about one mile lumder [lumber] piled on each side the car track and about half the distance, three Ry tracks & lumber piled on both sides of each. Saw great Sail Ships loading lumber for shipment. Returning to hotel we cleaned up and went to meeting whr we had in attendance about 30 or 40 persons. An attentive audience. I occupied 55 minutes followed by Prest Pratt who occupied about same length of time and while I had severe hoarseness and spoke with but ordinary freedom Prest Pratt had good freedom and gave a powerful discourse. After meeting two Catholic ladies sought me out and expressed pleasure at what they had heard. Also one Lindstrom requested a brief [p. 40] talk with me. He had been once a member of our church but drifted away and is now associated with a new faith a Modern Philosophy. He gave me one of his books after exacting a promise from me that I would read it. He believes that instead of Jesus having rizen when he left the Apostles he entered into them and that he is the very Almighty God. I asked him to whom Jesus prayed when he was in Gethsemane His answer was that he prayed to him Self. &c Claiming that they start with a known truth as a premise & from that reason out & demonstrate every principle so that they have demonstrated truth or in other words lived by knowledge while we by faith & knowledge is in advance of faith. How blind are the philosophers to the truths of Heaven. [p. 41]

9 November 1906 • Friday

Tacoma Wn.

Prest Pratt and I took street Car and made a round trip up on the hill in City and returned, thence by Car 6 mi North to Point Defiance Park Thence by Car 12 mi. South to Spanway Park, through Park land a beautiful cenic Country. On the way we got a good view of Mount Tacoma whose snow covered crest towers above the Clouds Snow covered all the year round. Returning to hotel Brooklyn I wrote up my journal for yesterday and thus far to-day 3:20 P.M. Took Steamer Vashon at 4:30 for Seattle and landed at latter place at 6:45 P.M. Took Supper with Prest Pratt at the Vienna Cafe. Prest Pratt then went to See his wife Jerome and I with Elders Ence and Reid went to Mission head quarters and from there Elder Cook accompanied me to Bro Frischis [p. 42] where I staid all night retiring to bed at 11 P.M. Weather clearer and my cold better.

10 November 1906 • Saturday

Seattle. Weather clear & beautiful. I have some cough & cold but not so hoarse. Sister Fritsche with whom I am staying is the daughter of a Sister Smith of Pine Canyon Tooele Co. who is also here and with whom I have long been acquainted. I attended a Priesthood meeting in our hall at 10 A.M. Present 12 Elders, one Local Brother Prest Pratt and myself. Our meeting continued five hours, twenty minuts. A good spirit prevailed. Elder Curtis’s feelings had been hurt through an article from Prest Pratt to the News. Prest. Pratt said no sleight had been intended and begged Elder Curtis’ pardon which was accepted. I occupied 67 minutes speaking and instructing the Elders and [p. 43] Prest Pratt followed for about 45 minutes.

Took dinner with Prest Pratt at his wifes Jerome after which we went up on the hill tower at Washington lake on car, thence to Street meeting which was well attended notwithstanding there were three other meetings less than a short block distant. Prest Pratt, Prst Elder Jardine & Elder Reid were the speakers. I took car and went to Bro Fritsches to stay.

11 November 1906 • Sunday

Seattle. Wn.

I attended S. School and made a brief talk and in behalf of the School presented to Eva Kinder the Secy a dimond ring value $15.00 Counseled with the brethren as to officers &c. Attended 2 PM Con. meeting and occupied 65 minutes. Subject. Pre-existance & kindred subjects good liberty Took supper at Bro Holly’s Attended evening meeting [p. 44] and spoke 40 min. Subject. Cause of persecution of Saints &c Went home with Bro. Fritshe and staid all night. Hoarseness much improved.

12 November 1906 • Monday


I joined Prest. Nephi Pratt at depot and by train left at 8:30 AM Seattle for Vancouver B.C. Arrived at 4 P.M. went up to Mission head quarters and left our grips. Returned to Hastings hotel 64 E. Hastings Street and engaged lodgings for the night. Took supper at restaurant across street returned to headquarters & got the four Elders. Kennington, Reynolds, Cameron and Dallamon and we all went about 2 miles South to a Cottage meeting. Between 15 and 20 were present and we had a good time. I spoke one hr & 10 min. with good freedem. No loss of subject [p. 45] matter. Prest Pratt occupied 30 minutes with good freedom. In going and coming we were engaged with the Elders giving good Counsel. Before going to meeting Prest Pratt and I in my room kneeled down and I was mouth in prayr. On my return to Hotel I took a good bath, washed out a pair of socks, changed my clothes, wrote up journal for the day.

This is the last of my appointments in this mission and tomorrow morning at 8:35 I leave here for home via Portland on Ry. Prest Pratt accompanied accompanies me as far as Seattle where he will stop off for about a week to straighten up some difficulties.

I have had good support from the Lord while in this the North Western [p. 46] States Mission as also in the California mission. Presidents Robinson of the latter mission and Prest Pratt of the former mission have each shown to me all the defference and courtesy I could desire. Both are Gentlemen of the high type and men of God. I love them both as well as the Elders laboring under them.

<A New Thought>

There occurred to my mind yesterday afternoon while listening to Prest Nephi Pratt talk in Seattle Conference the thought. If we as a people of Church were to found an orphanage for deserted infants and children who are fatherless we could be a blessing to the infants and might be able to save them having their training and education from [p. 47] infancy and further it might be the means of preventing child murder & thus save life. This is an improved way of preaching the Gospel and I believe cheaper and more effective so far as numbers is concerned. Men of wealth in and out of the Church would contribute to its maintenance. Some mothers might give their services and while there adopt their own offspring. It should be under LDS. control and its patients should be taught LDS Doctrines.

<New Thought>4

13 November 1906 • Tuesday

Vancouver B.C.

Prest. Nephi Pratt and I left Vancouver on 8:35 A.M. train Arrived at Seattle at 4:20 P.M. Arranged birth for evening train, called at restraunt and got supper (Royal) Elder Reynolds with us, thence to Sister Pratts quarters on Wall St. where I [p. 48] rested an hour or two and took 8 10:20 P.M. train for Portland. Excepting a headache I am feeling well.

Arrived at Portland 7 A.M. <Wed>

14 November 1906 • Wednesday


Arrived here from Vancouver B.C. at 7 A.M. Took train at 9:30 AM for home. Nothing of importance occurred on our homeward journey except that I got a gospel Conversation with one G. S Samsel of Idaho Falls and sold him a Book of Mormon and left a good impresson and recieved an invitation to Call on him when in Idaho Falls.

I just got out of Seattle in time to miss the floods which wrought great havoc in that region the night I left.

I arrived home in safety Thu PM 9 o’clock p.m & well [p. 49] found all well at home.

16 November 1906 • Friday


I wrote letters to H. J. Grant Ben E. Rich, Jos E Robinson Cal and Nephi Pratt and sent my pictures to the two latter. Went down Town and attended to some business. called on Mother and Sister Asenath. Did some writing in evening. Snowed.

175 November 1906 • Saturday


Went to Sandy and attended Jordan Stake Conference with O.F. Whitney. We took dinner with Prest Jenson. Bro Whitney and I each talked in both forenoon and afternoon meetings. I occupied 25 min in forenoon and 15 min. in afternoon the remaining time. Returned home in the evening and I wrote a letter to Mr G S Samsel of Idaho Falls whom I met on train [p. 50] coming from Oregon and sent him a Book of Mormon & some tracts. He paid for former. Also prepared a copy each of the Conference proceedings for Geo. LeGrand Sister Alice & Sister Nerva. Rhoda called in evening.

Several inches of snow fell during the day.

186 November 1906 • Sunday

I went to Sandy where I attended Jordan Stake Conference Prest S. B. Young accompanied me.

At the forenoon meeting Prest S B Yound [Young] occupied about 45 minutes and in Afternoon I talked about 1 hr 10 Min. Subject. Officers in Church, formerly & now. Duties specific then & now. Perfecting of Saints &c. Duties to our children. Duties of Ward teachers &c.

Young peoples meeting [p. 51] 4:30 to 6:30 Prest Young occupied 35 min and I 20 min. with good effect. Subject Mutual Improvement. Aim should be placed high. How? Aim to be come as our Father in heaven Consider former existance aim of life The Father is perfect, we have to perfect ourselves in all our attributes. How we stand in the way of our own progression by our own weaknesses. The virtues of the young man are obscured by the sigarette &c.

Bro. Glover took us to Murray in buggy and by Street car came home. Weather bitter cold. Oliver quite lame but not in much pain, probably rheumatism

19 November 1906 • Monday

I wrote letters about 10 Went down town, got some goods & mailed Book of [p. 52] mormon to G. S. Samsel Idaho Falls and Conference Pamphlets to several people. Mother, Alice and I went to theatre in evening. Lion and Mouse. Oliver still lame. Weather cold.

20 November 1906 • Tuesday


Cold in forenoon, Snowed in Afternoon and evening. I did some writing &c in forenoon. After noon I visited my Aunt Alice Watt at A F Doremuse’s. Attended a meeting at Temple Annex where we Set apart and instructed about 17 missionaries. I was mouth in setting apart Henry Osmond Kent a missionary to the Southern States and Ira Hinton Bradshaw to Central States. Attended to some business in Town & returned home 1010 3d st. Did some writing in the evening. Wrote to Hyrum & Estella Lee and to my Son Joel.

Administered to Mama. [p. 53]

21 November 1906 • Wednesday


Stormy weather. My health good. Oliver some better of his lameness. Mama some better of her sore throat.

I spent the day on my records and caught up to date. Was behind when I went to California. Miles traveled in filling appointments to date as I have it 12,388.

22 November 1906 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting at temple and offered op prayr. Decided by Prest Smith that it is all right for two brethren to Kneel while one asks a blessing upon the bread or water. The President Jos F Smith Condemned the incarnation doctrine which occasionally develops among us. Some now are trying to make it appear that Christ had a body before the one he had while here in the meridian of time. [p. 54]

I attended Prest Lyman’s Circle in the temple in the evening. I was mouth in blessing the oil. Prest Lyman gave some valuable instructions. Follow the head. Apostles have gone astray also Counselors in the Presidency but the Lord has never allowed a President (the mouthpiece) to get off the track. Apostles must have no secrets they have to keep hid from their President. They have done so in the past. All official acts must meet with the indorsement of the President of the quorum as well as the President. The head is approachable and when you hear whisperings which seem to be in conflict with the Presidents’ attitude, inquire of the President. The President will keep right. The Church will go right. Men may fall. Men have fallen from high places because they have been a law unto them selves. [p. 55]

This day our boy Oliver was taken very sick. I administered to him and he was improved. Had him prayed for in Circle and about 10 P.M Prest Lyman & I administered to him again. Other folks improved.

23 November 19067 • Friday

I wrote letters read up on subject of resurection. Wend [Went] down and Saw my mother, Went with Prest Lyman to Geo Partridges where Geo. A Lyman was in state and saw it removed and sent to undertaker’s. My boy Oliver much better and others improved.

24 November 1906 • Saturday

I went out to Tooele where I attended funeral of Geo A Lyman and at the Service occupied about 35 minutes talking. Subject. Personal reference. Better to Go to the house of mourning than the house of feasting Ecclesiastes 7. We think on such [p. 56] occasions as we seldom if ever think on other occasions. All kind of new questions arise in our minds. These new thoughts should be profitable to us, more so than feasting.

It is not so much that we should not step aside from the narrow track as that when we find our selves off we put our selves right All have sins but though our sins be as scarlet yet our robes may be washed white as snow through the Lamb. There are three essentials necessary in us besides the outward ordinances in order that we get forgiveness 1st We must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the effacy of his atonement. 2nd that we repent of our sins & 3d that we forgive those who trangress against us. This done we receive forgiveness from sin. Oh happy boon and he who has always with him this Spirit of repentance [p. 57] will always be prepared for what may come. The race is <not> to the swift but to him who holds out faithfully to the end as has the desceased. Read the class who belong to the Telestial Kingdom and the promise made to them Sec 76. 89 v. and saw when they shall have paid the penalties of their wrong doing and the day of their refreshing shall arrive then they shall [have?] a chanse but they must accept the Gospel there is no other way. It must be preached to them in the Spirit. That will be the main mission. Read the glories of the Celestial and the characters of those who inherit that Kingdom.

After the services & funeral I called at Estellas and took dinner then called on Joel at Old Stand. Returned home on evening train. Wrote letters to T Horman & to Joel, wrote [p. 58] up journal for two days, Read up a little on Scriptural Subjects. The Gospel a broad plan of Salvation. Provides Salvation for all except the Sons of perdition. The wicked shall come forth for as in Adam all die so in Christ shall all be made alive but not come forth at same time. The righteous come forth first. The wicked sleep on in torment yea in hell. The Gospel will have to [be] preached to them and they must accept it. There is no other way. The work must be done for them or by them selves later when the hour of refreshing has come.

Three elements must enter into our repentance to make it genuine & effective besides the outward form 3 essentials in us.

25 November 1906 • Sunday


I attended 27th Ward S. School Attended meeting in large taber[p. 59]nacle at 2 P.M. Present on Stand Prest. J R Winder. Prst. Anton H Lund, Prest F M Lyman and J. W. McMurrin the Latter occupied the time 55 minutes. I offered the Closing prayr.

I attended 27th Ward Sacramental meeting. Three theological Class students and one Bro Knowel occupied the time. After the meeting I assisted in setting apart a number of ward officers. Was Mouth in setting apart Sister [blank] as 1st asst Supt of religion classes & John Maxwell Treasurer of same organization.

Snowed all day. 6" or 8" deep. I wrote to Bp. Silas Orme of Tooele Contributing to Town’s poor 10 tons of Coal to be distributed by the Bishopric where it would do most good. Later decided to not send letter but reserve contribution for Christmas as at present I am short of money. [p. 60]

26 November 1906 • Monday


I wrote letters, did some reading. Had company. Aunt Mariar Clark and her Aunts Ruth McBride and Elizabeth Quigley came down from Farmington and spent a few hours with us.

Yesterday my wife’s brother James Henry Robinson was Sustained as Bishop of the Farmington ward. I wrote to Geo. F Jr. to LeGrand & to Joel. also to Jas H. Robinsen.

27 November 1906 • Tuesday


I worked with the furnice about two hours this A.M. did some reading & writing and called on my mother. Attended Missionary meeting and assisted in setting apart missionaries and instructing them. I set apart the following missionaries.

Max Bruno Rothe Lehi 4th Ward to Switzerland & Germany [p. 61]

John Wm Howe Jr. Provo 5th Ward to Netherlands.

Ole Eliasen Olsen. Provo 2nd Ward to Scandinavia

Francis Freeman Vause. Ogden 1st <Ward> to Gt Britain

John Shuford Hill. Sterling Canada to Southern States

Alex Wm. Borgstrom. Thatcher Az. to Sweden.

I met Jed. Earl at annex of Temple Attended to some business down town & made ready to go to the Big Horne Stake.

Left Salt Lake on 11:45 PM train with Bro. Jos. W McMurrin for Big Horn Stake to attend Conference. Sister Geo. A. Lyman & her three Children accompanied us. We arrived in Butte Wed. 7 P.M. (late) Left Butte 1:30 A.M Thu (2 hrs. late) Arrived in Billings about 10 A.M. Continued into Toluca same car Arriving at about noon noon Hotel having been burned we slept in a pullman Car [p. 62] at night I was feeling poorly, all day and at night was quite sick.

30 November 1906 • Friday


Met Prest Crosby at lunch room he having just arrived at 6 AM on West Bound train from Boston. We left Toluca for Cowley at 7:30 A.M. Pleasant visit with Prest Crosby. Reported prospection Contract 25 mi. Ry. from Worland terminus south about $250.000 involved. Pays 3.00 for single hands, 6.00 man & team, 10.00 for man and 4 horses 8 hrs. work. Grain cheap on account of free transportation. Prest Crosby reports Stake Presidency in good condition.

Bro. Cowley had written to know what the oppertunities are at Cowley with a view to locating here Oil & Gass wells at Byron 3/4 of the people have secured titles to their land and others following suit.

Arrived at Cowley between 4 & 6 PM. Late. [p. 63]

Went with Prest. Crosbey to his home where we in comfort & with a warm welcome spent the night. Health good <in every>

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November 1906, George F. Richards, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Richards wrote notes about “California Mission Items to Report on” near the end of his journal. These notes appear on pages 190–193 of this volume, interrupting the 11 March 1907 entry.

  2. [2]This was written in the top margin of page 33.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 38.

  4. [4]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 48.

  5. [5]Richards originally wrote “Nov 18” before writing “7” over the “8”.

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “Nov 19” before writing “8” over the “9”.

  7. [7]Richards wrote “1906” twice; after an ink splotch obscured “06” in the first “1906”, he rewrote the entire year.