October 1900

1 October 1900 • Monday

Weather very windy.

Home Geo. went deer hunting; Legrand & Joel drilled & harrowed with disk at west field. I fixed up my books, issued bills &c.

2 October 1900 • Tuesday

Wind blew hard. Mamie Sick I did work about home, boys work do.1 <Yesterday administered to Mamie>

3 October 1900 • Wednesday

Very Windy

I turned the washer, went ofer [over] to field and brought cattle home &c. Rec’d letter from Ma.

<Administered to Mamie.>2

4 October 1900 • Thursday

Windy. Sold lumber, Made Sept Report to Lum Co. Mailed checks to Bank Amounting to $130 odd dollars & made ck to Lum Co of More than $168.

Named & administered to & blessed Agness Dick Tanner’s baby Della. Matt Speirs assisted Me. Mamie about same Got medicine from Dr Phipps for her.

5 October 1900 • Friday

Took team & carriag[e] & Nerva, Legrand, & Joel accompanied me to Conference Drove to Sugar House & put up at Dr Stephens. Went up town and Attended Conference. Legrand & Joel went to Fair & Nerva & I joined them after meeting & from there went to Dr Stephens & staid all night.

63 October 1900 • Saturday

Sugar House Went up to Conference & attended the meetings. Attended to some trading before meeting. Took dinner at Sarah’s & met Mother Asenath, Alice Ann & Nerva there. Staid at night at Stephens Attended Gen Priesthood in evening.

74 October 1900 • Sunday

Sugar House Attended Conference meetings & took dinner at Sarahs Spent the evening at Stephens with Mother, Alice, Ann Uncle Willard & others.

8 October 1900 • Monday

Sugar House Attended special Priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. Met F. S. Richards in his office & had a talk with him Left Sugar House at 2:25 P.M. for home by team [p. 27] and arrived home at 7:15 P.M. Edith Dunn rode home with us. I took more cold. Found Mamie feeling better being up and about. Others usually well.

9 October 1900 • Tuesday

Wrote letters to Fred & to Mother. posted up accts. Went over to field to view the prospects. Lucern planted in spring coming as result of fall rains, wheat coming up. Attended Y M M I. A. in evening 1st meeting of the Season. Good order, light attendance, three lectures delivered from Manual. I bought manual.

10 October 1900 • Wednesday

Ordered car load of 16,000 feet lum. Plowed up front & re-planted lawn grass seed. Geo. commenced plowing on Larson field below the hollow with four horses. I have severe cold. Weather pleasant. Alice & I went over to the Court House & registered. Sold lumber &c.

11 October 1900 • Thursday

Finished fixing up the front, put two shoes on horse, went to field & plowed with four horses George plowed with other four horses. Good plowing.

12 October 1900 • Friday

Plowed all day at north-east field. Administerd to our baby Nina in the night.

13 October 1900 • Saturday

Plowed all day. Bathed & retired early. Baby better.

14 October 1900 • Sunday

Accompanied Prest. Gowans to Clover Attended School & meeting. I assisted in Administering the Sacrament & offered the blessing on the bread. Offered closing prayr to School & opening prayr to meeting. Spoke at both. Mahonri Stookey was selected & sustained to be 1st Coun. to Bp St. Jeor in place of Gustave Andersen who moved to Big Horn & sold out. Prest. Gowans ordained Bro Stookey an High Priest & set him apart as aforesaid. Took dinner with the Bishop. The Stookey family had threshers & were threshing. Mahonri was at meeting the only one of the family. Arrived home at 7 P.M. It was missionary day at Clover & Bros. August K. Anderson & Richard Robinson [p. 28] were present at meeting & spoke.

15 October 1900 • Monday

Went to east lucern field & branded five cattle & got work horses & went to the field & plowed 6 hours with two four horse teams. In the evening I did some writing & recorded lumber sales &c. Studied the Manual.

16 October 1900 • Tuesday

Plowed all day Attended Y. M. M. & Rep. Ralley at night. Speaker Judge Bolken of Kansas.

17 October 1900 • Wednesday

Met the train & met Mother Seney, Nerva, Nina Joy & Erna. Alice accompanied me. Afternoon took the folks to see my holdings of land animals &c Spent the evening at home

18 October 1900 • Thursday

Cleaned up about the place, sold lumber &c. Visited with the folks and did sundry odd jobs.

19 October 1900 • Friday

do do do.5 Rained at night.6

20 October 1900 • Saturday

Stake Conference at Tooele. I met the train & brought up to Conference Elders H. J. Grant & Golden Kimball. They took dinner with Prest Gowans & then staid with us the remainder of the time. In the afternoon I spoke about 35 or 40 minutes. We dispensed with Bp’s reports & spent the time in preaching.

<Seney, Nina Nerva & baby Went home today on train>7

21 October 1900 • Sunday

Continued Conference. Had good meetings & well attended. Assisted in administering to Bro Wills in Vestry. I anointed & Bro Kimball confirmed the anointing I offered closing prayr of School & closing prayr of the Conference Sunday Afternoon

22 October 1900 • Monday

Took Mother, Alice & baby to Station on their way to City & I went on by team to City, Picked up stranger named [blank] at Batesville & hauled him to City. Talked gospel to him most of the way. Put up team at Iowa stable on South Temple & attended Grand theatre with Jas. Kirk. Slept at Whitehouse.

23 October 1900 • Tuesday8

Salt Lake City Rained some during the day & most of Wed Night at Farmington I left Salt Lake about 8:30 A.M. for [p. 29] Farmington. Met Alice with Maria Clark her Son Smith & dau. Lucy on their way to city to do trading. I put up team in Bountiful where I met them & went to S.L. on 10:30 dummy. Assisted in trading caring for baby &c. Returned to Bountiful by 3:30 Dummy & brought team on to Farmington & put up at Nerva’s. Alice Came on 5:30 Dummy & joined me at Nervas where we staid all night.

249 October 1900 • Wednesday

Farmington Rained all last night & part of this day.

I tended the baby all day while Alice did some trading. In evening we visited Grandma Miller at Hannah Millers, also called on Aunt Esther. Aunt Dorah & Henry Robinson & I Slept at Nervas.

2510 October 1900 • Thursday

Left Nerva’s at 8:30 A.M. Drove to City, got team shoed did some trading & drove on to Tooele arriving at 9 P.M. Rhoda Knowlton accompanied us. Found all well.

2611 October 1900 • Friday

Home, Did some writing, posted accounts read papers, did chores &c.

2712 October 1900 • Saturday

Took Alice & little girls to Mercur on a visit. Returned at night & left folks there. Attended Consert at night.

28 October 1900 • Sunday

Took team & Prest. Gowans accompanied me & we went to Batesville & attended school & meeting. I spoke at school & offered the benediction. Took dinner with Bro Ekman & family. Prest Anderson met us there for meeting. All three of us spoke. I spoke second & occupied about 30 min. enjoying good freedom of thought & speech entirely on guial [guile?] Commenced raining about 4 P.M. & changed to snow about 9:30 P.M.

<Rained & Snowed>13 [p. 30]

29 October 1900 • Monday

Home Trees weighed down with Snow this A.M.

I cleaned snow off hay & straw stacks and corn fodder, lumber &c. Went over to field & got horses & cattle, went down to see how the grain is coming at west field the snow being nearly gone there & took gun & killed four nice large rabbits. Gave one to B. Rowberries family, cleaned & cut up the others. Received letter from Loren J. Robinson Stating that their child Hyrum born Apr. 2nd 1900 died Oct 24 of Scarletina. Forwarded letter to Alice at Mercur & wrote answer to Loren as follows.

Tooele City, Oct. 29, 1900.

L. J. Robinson

Oakley, Idaho.

Dear Brother: Your note of 26th bearing the sad inteligence of the death of your child 24th inst., received to-day.

Alice is visiting with Estella at Mercur and I read & forwarded your letter to her. I scarcely need say you have our sympathy & prayrs. We know from experience the sadness and mourning such circumstances occasion and our kindred ties and love call forth our sincerest sympathy & condolence with yourself, Sarah and family. I hope you will soon be freed of that dread disease & all enjoy again the blessing of health.

We are usually well.

Sincerely Your Brother

Geo. F. Richards.

30 October 1900 • Tuesday

I put hay rack on wagon & basket on rack & sawed out about 1/3 of the lath to make of it a feed rack. Hauled a load of straw [p. 31] from bench farm & stood in yards for cattle & horses to run to. Attended mutual meeting in the evening. Had 4 lessons prepared. Nerva had young people here on my return candy pulling. All my boys were at meeting & George acted as secretary. I read the News & retired at 10:40 P.M.

31 October 1900 • Wednesday

Threatening storm, some snow.

Home I issued bills to parties owing for lumber. Made up personal accounts & estimated the earnings on lumber business during the month to be $26.20

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October 1900, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1900/1900-10


  1. [1]Ditto abbreviation for “about home”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the left margin next to the 3 October entry.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “7” before writing “6” over it.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “8” before writing “7” over it.

  5. [5]Ditto abbreviations appear to correspond to “Visited with the folks and did sundry odd jobs.”

  6. [6]“Rained at night” was written on the same line as and interspersed with the ditto abbreviations.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 20 October entry.

  8. [8]Richards originally wrote “Wed” before crossing it out and writing “Tues.” below it.

  9. [9]Richards originally wrote “23” before writing “4” over the “3”.

  10. [10]Richards originally wrote “24” before writing “5” over the “4”.

  11. [11]Richards originally wrote “25” before writing “6” over the “5”.

  12. [12]Richards originally wrote “26” before writing “7” over the “6”.

  13. [13]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 28 October entry.