May 1901

1 May 1901 • Wednesday

This day at 2 P.M. Allie Smith’s funeral service is held at her home 157 N. 2nd West St S.L.C. I took an attachment & plow over to Lake View and put them up & started same to working for Droubay Bros who bought same.

I took team & carriage & W S Marks accompanying me we went to Stockton where at the brides parants I solemnized the marriage of Dr. Jos. A. Phipps and Clara J. Gundry. Took supper with them & returned to Tooele. Called at the party for about 20 minutes.

2 May 1901 • Thursday

Commenced raining in the night and rained continuously all day & all the night. I cared for the animals, Put tags in the ears of all our cattle & Dehorned four head. Made April report to Lum. Co & Issued bills to parties owing [p. 67]

3 May 1901 • Friday

Home. Continued to rain steady all day & all through past night. Ground thoroughly soaked.

I wrote letters, read papers, prepared lecture &c

4 May 1901 • Saturday

Ceased raining at 6 A.M. this day having rained continuously for about 50 hours. I took my team & carriage and Prest. Gowans and B. L. Bow[e]n with me went to Grantsville where we held a meeting of the Presidency, then Stake Priesthood Meeting, High Council meeting at 2 P.M. At latter meeting Bro. John C. Anderson was re-enstated a member of the Council. I made opening remarks at Priesthood meeting & made a good impression. Took dinner & lunch later at Prest. Anderson’s. Folks well.

5 May 1901 • Sunday

I fasted & attended Sunday School and afternoon & evening meetings. At former I offered benediction & at latter lectured upon 7th chapter of Manual. Consecrated oil at Circle. Blessed & named Ed. Hansens baby Torry D, Assisted in blessing others & in confirmations.

6 May 1901 • Monday

I hauled two loads of shingles from Station to Jas. Gollaher. Delivered lumber Got seed Corn & lucern seed from Cleggs. Took Alice & baby for a ride in my buggy just fixed up.

7 May 1901 • Tuesday

Commenced Drilling lucern seed on Bow[e]n South fourt 40 A. but abandoned it the weeds had grown up so high & thick. Went to West farm & plowed in afternoon

8 May 1901 • Wednesday

Plowed at west field.

Did writing in evening.

9 May 1901 • Thursday

I Commenced Planting lucern at West field. Drilled 8 acres & did other work.

Attended graduating exercises of Dist. School in evening. Legrand & Joel graduated. [p. 68]

10 May 1901 • Friday

Folks Well. Weather fine. I worked at west field all day. At evening Bro. Geo. Remington called & I traded him red cow for Snap horse. Fixed up accounts The Boys & Nerva went to School dance.

11 May 1901 • Saturday

I plowed at west field all day preparing for lucern planting. George also plowed and Legrand run roller.

12 May 1901 • Sunday

I attended Sunday School & meeting Y Peoples Conference. I offered opening prayr & presented the Gen & Stake Authorities of Y. M. & Y. L. Present H. J. Grant & Wife Agusta & Bro Willoby Dougal.

<Thunder Showers in evening.>1

13 May 1901 • Monday

I worked on the farm Drilling in Lucern Seed.

<administered to Charles Busath at my home.>2

14 May 1901 • Tuesday

I " " "3 Rolling lucern ground.

15 May 1901 • Wednesday

I " " " " " "4

16 May 1901 • Thursday

I irrigated lot. Hung wire doors, went to mill & got flour & bran. Got two Sacks of Potatoes from T. L. Speirs. Took folks for a ride down to west farm, Hyrum & Estella with their children accompanied us.

<Rained in eve of 12, 13, & 14th>5

17 May 1901 • Friday

Attended to Some business with Sundry persons. Made sales & Collections &c.

Ordered 3 bycicles.

18 May 1901 • Saturday

I made collection of E. Seaver for Attachment &c. Made some sales & received some orders.

19 May 1901 • Sunday

Tooele Ward Conference. I remained home and looked after the business of the Conference & Prest. Gowans & Anderson went to St John’s. Between School & meeting I administered blessing to George Marion Huffaker.

20 May 1901 • Monday

I took team & Carriage & went to City, Took gang plow back to U. I. Co. Staid at Willard Richard’s over night. Bought three pycicles [bicycles] to Sell again.

21 May 1901 • Tuesday

W. B. R. accompanied me in Carriage to Croft Bros where I examined & paid for 38 attachments & extras & ordered one shipped to O. L. Robinson at St. [p. 69] Anthony Idaho & one to Lot Smith Fielding on exebition. 16 to U I Co. & 20 to Tooele by Train. Attended to other business & drove out to Spencers where I staid all night. Hailed & rained some. Windy cold night.

22 May 1901 • Wednesday

I Drove home from Spencers. Put up & exhibited bycicles. &c.

23 May 1901 • Thursday

I sold to Hyrum Lee one 1900 Zenith By. cicle for 27.50 & Wm Tate a J. 1901, for 35.00

24 May 1901 • Friday

Sold to Archie Bevan 1 Oxford Bycicle Bicycle for 25.00. Took Folks for a ride &c.

On Thu. 23 Rode out to my farm & to J. W. T. farm he accompanying me & I agreed. with him to cut his grain after ours this season at 65¢ pr A.

25 May 1901 • Saturday


I sold to J. A. S. Smith one Champion Mower. Did some canvassing & sold 3 cans of Machine oil. &c. Nina sick & Lucena ran a nail in her foot. Joel & Legrand plowed at west field & George worked in garden.

26 May 1901 • Sunday

Threatening weather, Showers.

Attended School & meeting at Tooele

27 May 1901 • Monday

Light Shower.

I attended to business with Bro Cline, nels Johnson & others. Set up an attachment for Geo Remington. Went to Depot &c Ruby had a bad night. High fever &c.

28 May 1901 • Tuesday

Ruby better Sarah took sick. Did some canvassing, correspondence &c.

29 May 1901 • Wednesday

Did some work in Implement line. Attended to some business.

30 May 1901 • Thursday

Decoration Day

I delivered new mower to J A Smith. Attended Decoration services & acted as Chaplain.

31 May 1901 • Friday

Put racks on wagons, moved Derrick & braced it up &c. Prepared to com[p. 70]mence haying.

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May 1901, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 12 May entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written underneath the 13 May entry and above the 14 May entry, making it difficult to determine to which entry it belongs.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “worked on the farm”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “worked on the farm Rolling lucern ground.”

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 13, 14, 15, and 16 May entries.