April 1906

1 April 1906 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy, Snowed all day.

I attended Sunday, School, afternoon and evening meetings & Prayr Circle. Was mouth at Circle and at Conjoint meeting of Y M & Y Ladies in evening I gave a talk of about 40 minutes. Spoke with freedom

<From Mar 28 to Apr. 6th written from Memory apr. 11th>1

2 April 1906 • Monday

Attended to business as usual

3 April 1906 • Tuesday

" " "2

4 April 1906 • Wednesday

Attended to business as usual

5 April 1906 • Thursday

" " " "3

Went over to Lake View to see fancy horses

6 April 1906 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

My wife & baby and I went to Salt Lake on the early morning train to attend Conference. Train about two hours late. Got to Salt Lake about 730 720 A.M. We took breakfast at Gallaghers restaurant, did Some trading at ZCMI and went to the Conference at 10 A.M. Prest. Smith was the first speaker and occupied about 55 minutes. He reported the past year as the banner year for tithing in all the history of the Church. Work in the mission fields is progressing nicely and a healthy condition exists generally in the Church Spiritually and temporally. Between meetings Alice and I and Nerva who had joined us before meeting went up to Sister Asenaths to dinner. We attended [p. 226] afternoon meeting and then went down to Aunt Sarah Smiths where we met my mother again she haveing come down to Sarah’s to stay for a few days, Asenath being Sick. We also found Nerva R Knowlton, my Bro. Fred & wife and Sister Mary Ann Vanfleet and in the evening we went to the theatre Ho. Ho. Co. There were in Prest. Smiths box the following Mary Ann, Nerva, Carlie Alice A, Nerva my Daughter, Fred Frank Smith & myself. We staid at Sarah’s at night.

<Fred & I administered to Sister Asenath who was sick>4

7 April 1906 • Saturday

Weather fine

S. L. City Attended forenoon meeting and at close of the meeting when Prest Smith concluded making announcements Prest Lyman requested him to announce that Prest. H. S. Gowans and counselors were wanted at the stand after close of that meeting which announcement was made. We met Prest Lyman who requested me to meet him in about 30 minutes at the Historians office This I did and there met Elders John Henry Smith, Geo Albert Smith with Prest Lyman also Bp Orson F. Whitney and David O McKay. There Prest Lyman made known the intended action of the Conference to release from the Quorum of Apostles Jno W Taylor and M. F. Cowley which with the vacancy occasioned by by the death of Apostle Merrill would leave 3 vacancies which would have to be filled and we were asked as to the manner of our living and our faith in all the principles of the Gospel &c. Prest Lyman said the Spirit had indicated that we were the men. Each of us expressed our feelings & faith I first then Bro Whitney & then Bro McKay after which we separated. Repaired to the afternoon meeting In the evening I attended the Gen’l Priesthood [p. 227] meeting and at conclusion of the Priesthood meeting I accompanied by Preston Richards went over to the B Y Memorial building where he met with one lot of missionaries and I with the Colorado missionaries my Bro. Fred being there. Left there at 11:15 P.M. Staid at Sister Sarahs at night.

8 April 1906 • Sunday

S. L. City Weather fine.

I attended morning meeting at close of which Prest. Lyman requested me to get for him one of my pictures. Accordingly I went up to my Sister Asenath’s & got a picture and handed to Geo A Smith to give to Prest Lyman when I learned that it was for the News.

In in the afternoon owing to the numbers attended Conference overflow meetings were held both in Assembly rooms and on the grounds near the Bureau of information. Elder Geo. A Smith had charge at the Assembly room where the same business was attended to as in the Large tabernacle. Elder Benj. Goddard had charge at the Bureau of information.

I was in a good seat near the stand in the large Tabernacle and at about 3:45 P.M. Prest. Lyman who had been talking for perhapse 20 minutes commenced to tell that John W Taylor and M F. Cowley had handed in their resignations <as members of the quorum,> because they were out of harmony with the President of the Church and their quorums quorum. These resignations were presented Oct 28, 1905 and accepted by the Presidency and apostles. Prest Lyman then presented the General Authorities. He presented the President & counselors, then the old members of the Quorum after which Bro. Lyman [p. 228] deliberately read my name off and called the vote. There were no opposing votes. Then O. F. Whitney’s name followed with the Same result and then Bro. McKay’s name with Same result and the curiosity <of the people> was satisfied.

After meeting many friends shook my hand and offered congratulations and expressions of pleasure at my appointment. Many said they had thought I would be the man to fill the vacancy called caused by the death of Apostle Merrill among whom are the following,

Loren J. Robinson say saw it in dream.

Prest Lyman. Saw my Father in Council which meant <something>

Seymour B. Young

W. W. Richards

Joseph F. Smith Jr.

M. J. Richards

Susa Y. Gates

Thos Callister

Mamie Whitney Dunn

Thos. Call

Edna Smith

John Gillespie

Sister Rimington

My dream of March 22nd wherein I saw the Savior seems to have prepared me in a measure for this call.

I received a telegram from my brother F. S. Richards. who was in Washington also one from Apostle Reed Smoot at Washington offering congratulations, blessings &c. These came the day following. I also received nice letters from my Brother C C Richards, Richard R. Lyman, Wm M Roylance & Prest Philip S. Maycock. all of which I later answered except in the Case of R. R. Lymans which I acknowledged in person

In the evening I attended the Sunday School Union meeting in the Tabernacle Slept at Sarah’s.

9 April 1906 • Monday

S. L. City Weather Still fine. [p. 229]

I attended a Special Priesthood meeting at the Assembly room at 10 A.M. and took my place on the Stand with the Apostles. At the request of some one in the audience at the concluding of the meeting Prest Smith introduced me and by request I stood up and made a few remarks after which Prest Smith said I never had been asked to do anything but that I had done it cheerfully. Then Bro’s Whitney & McKay were introduced and each made a talk.

At the conclusion of the meeting the Presidency and Apostles<, 1st Council of Seventies> repaired to the Temple where we met in Council and received valuable instructions from Prest. Joseph F Smith after which the new members were ordained and set apart members of the quorum by President Smith in order as follows. Geo. F. Richards, Orson F Whitney & David O. McKay. Then Prest Smith ordained Bro. Heart and Set him apart as one of the 1st Council of Seventies.

All of the Presidency & Twelve were present except Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant and Reed Smoot. We had a regular Pentacost and brethren wept in one another’s embrace.

At 5 P.M. we met at Prest Winders new home 49 W Temple St our wives with us on his invitation where we partook of a bountiful repast after which Prest Smith dedicated the home to the use of Prest. Winder & family. Then talks were made by the brethren, music & singing &c and a most pleasant time was had. I had made an appointment to meet my bro. Fred at 7 oclock and he still being waiting at 9:20 PM I asked to be excused. The other folks with the [p. 230] exception of Prest Lyman & wife remained longer and until nearly 11 oclock. I walked with Bro Fred up to Sister Asenaths where we got my daughter’s luggage and returned by car to Main St & walked to Sarahs from there & Staid there all night.

10 April 1906 • Tuesday

Alice & Nerva went hom[e] on 7:45 train

S. L. City Weather pleasant until evening when it thundered, lightened and rained. I met with my quorum and the Mission presidents at the Temple at 10 A.M. Bro. A. W. Ivins of Juarez Stake. Present at the meeting

Prest F M Lyman

Nephi Pratt. of N. S

John H. Smith

Ben E. Rich "5 S. S

Rudger Clawson

Jos. E Robinson Calif.

Hyrum M Smith

G E Ellsworth of U. S.

Geo A Smith

J G Duffin "6 C S

C. W. Penrose

J. A. McRae "7 Col.

Geo. F. Richards

Anthony W. Ivins Juarez stake

O F. Whitney

15 in all

Bro Whitney offered the opening prayr & I the closing prayr and all talked. The subject being that uppermost in the minds of the people and which caused the deposing of two of the apostles. Prest Lyman and John Henry Smith especially were emphatic in the denunciation of the actions of those brethren who had been teaching and practicing plural marriage since the issuance of the manifesto not and in sustaining Prests Woodruff, Snow & Smith in the attitude they have taken on that question. We by motion indorsed Prest Lyman’s views. We were in session about 3½ hrs and had glorious time. Without leaving the temple Some of us had a lunch in the dining room, then to the Annex meeting of Elders for the purpose of setting them apart for missionaries. I assisted in the Setting [p. 231] apart of 48 missionaries. Four Stenographers were present and we divided the Company into 4 squads of 12 men each and the brethren divided up and several to each squad did the work. Geo A Smith with myself and Prest Chas H Hart of the Seventies worked together I blessed and set apart the following.

John James Gibb Ordained Seventy & set apart to California

Wm Reading to W. States

Geo. Robert Wallace E. S.

Leonard Moncur S. S.

We held services with the missionaries Prest Lyman presiding The speakers were as follows in order as named Hyrum M. Smith, Geo. F Richards, Chas H. Hart. & Prest Lyman. After meeting Prest Lyman expressed pleasure at my remarks to the missionaries.

I called at the Presidents office to range [arrange] for transportation on Ry. That evening I went home leaving Salt Lake on the Midnight train. Joel was at depot to meet me.

11 April 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele Stormy weather.

I started Jno. M. Isgreen to work on Stable and I attended to business, figured estimates &c and left Tooele on the 5 P.M. train for Salt Lake. Alice & children took me to Depot. I went direct to Sister Sarah’s. Invited her to go with me to John G McDonald’s to a social which she accepted, She called a carriage and we went in a carriage They were at Supper when we arrived but place was made for us and we had a royal time Staid <Stayed> all night at Sarah’s.

12 April 1906 • Thursday

Weather pleasant.

S. L. City I went direct to the temple at 10 A.M. where I met the other members of the Quorum excepting the three absent members. Grant [p. 232] Teasdale & Smoot. We were in council until 11 A.M. when The Presidency came in. We continued in Council for sometime then dressed for Circle. We were in the temple about 3½ or 4 hrs. By invitation of Prest. Lyman I returned to the temple at 6 P.M. where we attended Circle meeting. I was admitted a member and Prest. Lyman praised the brethren before me and then praised me before them and instructed me to preside when he is not present.

Returned to Aunt Sarah’s where I spent the night. The evening spent with my mother In the afternoon while out of meeting I called at Dr Stephen’s office also at Prest. office. took dinner at Gallaghers and did Some trading.

13 April 1906 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

S. L. City I left Salt Lake on 7.45 AM train for Tooele Mama met me at depot. I assisted Joel with the office work and answered some letters &c. Went with Moroni Holt over to J A Bevan Farm Pine Canyon & Showed him my hay press with a view to selling same.

In the evening I met the Prest H S Gowans & Bro C A Orme in my office where we held meeting as usual until a late hour.

14 April 1906 • Saturday

Weather pleasant.

Tooele I did some Journal writing, answered personal correspondance &. At 10 A.M. I met the Stake Presidency & H Council at the Vestry. We had a good time and I gave instructions which seemed to be appreciated testifying of the Sincerity of the President in his declaration and in the Cincerity of the Twelve Apostles. I ordained Edward M. Atkin an High Priest and set him apart as an alternate member of the H Council [p. 233] In the afternoon at 1 P.M. I met the Priesthood of the Stake in Stake Priesthood meeting capacity. I spoke to the brethren about sustaining the Authorities. Prest Gowans read the declaration of Prest Smith and told the Home missionaries if they could not subscribe to those sentiments & indorse the President they could withdraw from the mission.

I was mouth in ordaining Fred Bryan an High Priest and setting him apart as 2nd Counselor to Bp. Ormus A Bates of Batesville ward. Also assisted in setting apart the Home missionaries for the ensuing year 8 in number and was mouth in blessing and setting apart John S. Lee & Robt. T. Brown After meeting I did some office work and worked on my diary.

15 April 1906 • Sunday

Weather fine

Tooele I attended Sunday School and spoke there. Attended afternoon meeting and spoke (Ward Conference) After meeting I ordained my Son Joel an Elder and ordained Alvin A Walters an High Priest and set him apart 2nd Counselor to By Bp Silas C. Orme. Attended prayr Circle. and evening meeting presided over by the Seventies. Speakers Geo. D. Horman, Frank Barber Walter Adams and John A Bevans. I did some writing after meeting bringing my Journal up to date.

[8 lines blank] [p. 234]

[pages 235–238 blank]8

Prescription for Urinary Troubles.

Sanmetto as per directions

1 teaspoonfull ea. dose 3 times a day.

H. S. Gowans [p. 252]

Mrs Wm H. H. Richards

Chopin, Louisana.

Jas. J Sent

S.L.C. [p. [0]]9

Start on 10. R 5 times

Left to 30. 4 times

Right to 20. 3 "10

Left to 60. 2 "11

Right to 0. & then

Left to 13

Turn Handle

Left & open

For Private Safe

Property of

Geo. F. Richards [p. [0]]12 [end of sixth volume]

17 April 1906 • Tuesday

Book VII.

Apr. 17, 1906


Oct. 18, 1906.13 [p. [0]]

Diary or Record of

Daily Events.14

Left Tooele on 5 A.M. train 6½ hrs late 11:30 Arrived at S L City at 1 P.M. Called at Sister Sarah’s got lunch and from there went straight to the Temple where I assisted in Setting apart some 35 or 40 missionaries. I set apart four five of the number. as follows.

Guyllian Davis

Gt Britain

Loren Wm Preston


Thos Owen King


Wm Spackman


David Smith Sr.

" Geneologies

Later Sat for my picture at C R Savages. Called at Prest. office & saw Bro. Spense about Ry transportation.

Spent the evening & night at Sister Asenath’s. My mother gave me a nice pair of wooling socks to use in the temple

I phoned home to Mama & Joel in evening [p. 1]

18 April 1906 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City

At asenaths. I phoned home on business. This morning at 5:10 oclock. San francesco was visited by an earthquake and followed with fire which destroyed near all the buildings in that City and did damage to other towns near by. Details not yet received. I went down town and attended to some business, secured my pass on O.L. Ry. Spent the night at asenaths.

19 April 1906 • Thursday


Went from Asenath’s to Sarahs and from there to the temple at 10 A.M. where I was in meeting with the Presidency and Apostles for about 4 hrs. At this meeting it was decided to purchase the remainder of the old Smith farm in Vermont also to give to the relief of San francisco sufferers ten thousand dollars. Received my appointment to accompany Apostle Rudger Clawson to the Beaver stake [p. 2] conference. Also arranged for Sarah’s son Frank to go out to Tooele to work for me until my son Geo. Returns from St Louis. Remained in SL.C. at Sarahs during the evening after 8 P.M. At 6 P.M. I met with Prest Lyman’s circle in the temple & at 12.01 Midnight Bro. Clawson & I started over the S.P. LA & SL Ry for Milford, thence to Beaver by team. Met Wm Spry & Mat. Thos. <on train.>

<{Wrote letters in evening to Alice, Legrand and George. Dinner at Gallaghers.>16

20 April 1906 • Friday

On Train Arrived at Milford at 9:15. 20 min late. Met Prest <Marcus> Shephard Counseler in Beaver Stake Presidency who loaded us into Mail wagon a three seated mountain wagon without top, 3 women and four men aboard and we had a dirty ride from Milford to Beaver which we reached at about 3 P.M.

We got acquainted while on the mail wagon with one Mrs. Skinner of Beaver a very talkative woman also with one Mrs Goff, of Miners Ville who [p. 3] was very much attached to my father. Her mother Mrs Clayton having had an appointment with my father according to her say to meet at the temple to be sealed but about 3 weeks before the time appointed she died suddenly of ruptured blood vessel.

We went direct to Bro. J. F. Toltons as we directed by the teamster and were met & made welcome by himself and family.

Prest White spent the evening with us at Bro Toltons, where we staid all night.

2117 April 1906 • Saturday

Beaver. Attended meeting in forenoon Met many people. Good attendance. I spoke about 20 or 25 minutes closing the remarks of the Conference. The other time was taken up with reports. Afternoon meeting more largely attended. Reports from Presiding officers and Bro Rudger Clawson spoke 35 minutes. At close of meet[p. 4]ing I met R. R. Tanner whom I had met in the Legislature of 98 & 99 also a daughter of Harry Williams of Tooele Mrs Cartwright to whom she was married by Prest. Gowans last February. Subjects treated by Bro Clawson Duty of man to himself and Duty of Man to the Church. Duty of Man to the world to be treated later.

In my forenoon talk I read from B. Cov. p 250 Parents to teach their Children. Give Support to S. School & other organizations which relieve us of responsibility towards our children.

Our mission to the World, to establish the Kingdom at home and to redeem the world. also treated the Subject of true love of which we here get but a glimpse. In heaven it will be perfect as our atributes are perfected. Bore my testamony to the truth and that the time will come when all shall know it and many will be ashamed. [p. 5]

After the afternoon meeting Elder Clawson & I went up to Bro Tolton’s where we remained until evening and then went up to Prest. Whites taking our grip prepared to stay the remaining time of our visit. We went to a meeting of the Stake Sunday school union in the evening and after classes were called together Bro Clawson and I each by request made a talk. Repaired to Prest White where we had prayrs I being mouth and we went to bed.

22 April 1906 • Sunday


I attended a meeting of the Presidency of Stake, H Council & Bps @ 9 A.M. Bro. Clawson & I each spoke giving council

Attended Forenoon meeting and occupied about 30 minutes. Attended afternoon and spoke about 30 minutes. Compared ancient Israel and the [p. 6] Carnal law with the people of the Saviors time and the perfect law. Spoke with great freedom. Went with Bro. Jno. R. Murdock to supper Attended evening meeting Conjoint Mutual. I spoke about 25 minutes Text “Adam fell that man might be Man is that he may have joy’. Read 2 Cor. 6.14–18. Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers &c Spoke with freedom.

Staid at Prest Chas D White over night.

23 April 1906 • Monday


Bro. Andersen of the Beaver Branch University took Bro. Clawson & me up to the Campus. We visited the different departments and attended the Devotional exercises for 1 hour. I spoke 25 minutes & Bro Clawson 40 "18

Bro. C D White took us to Adamsville and Bp. [p. 7] Griffiths took us from Adamsville to Milford in a heavy wind storm. We left Beaver at 12:55 P.M. and arrived at Milford @ 5.30. Attended a meeting at 8 P.M. at Milford and occupied about 35 or 40 minutes with considerable freedom especially towards close where I had been showing the beauties of the Gospel the logical sequence of the 1st principles The promised testimony of the Gospel fulfilled and the obligations resting upon.

We put up at Bp. tanner’s Train several hours late. Should have left Milford at 9:40 P.M. and did leave at 12:40 Took a birth 2.00

Arrived in Salt Lake at about 9:30 A.M.

In this visit we attended 9 meetings and spoke 8 times

24 April 1906 • Tuesday


Arrived from Milford at 9:30 S.L.C. Went to Sarahs [p. 8] in a rain Storm. Met the Brethren and missionaries at the Annex at 2 P.M. Where I assisted the brethren in setting apa’t 35 or 40 missionaries.

I was mouth in blessing the following

Joseph L. Standisle Standage

John Allen Spencer

Sister Trainer who was going to meet her Son Jacob Train[e]r at Philadelphia and visit there with her friends. Above written on cars.

After meeting with the missionaries I went up to the Prest. Office and learned from Prest S. what provision had been made for my maintainance.

Called at C R Savages & other places of business.

Last night while on the train I had a dream. I thought I was at a great gathering and Prest. Lyman was there and he was going over to C. R. McBrides [p. 9] for his wife as it seemed and he invited me to go along and intimated that I could get a partner there. When I awoke I was impressed with its meaning.

<A Dream>19

The above I dreamed while on the Cars in my berth coming from Milford. Bro Rudger clawson occupied the berth under me.

This night at 12.01 midnight I boarded the train and went out home. Alice and Frank Smith Sister Sarah’s boy were at the train to meet me.

25 April 1906 • Wednesday


I called on Prest Gowans and did some figuring of estimats. Got my clothes fixed up and came in on the afternoon train arriving at Salt Lake at 6:30 Alice & children took me to the train. I went to Sister Sarah’s where I staid all night. Did some evening writing [p. 10]

26 April 1906 • Thursday

S L City

Attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 AM until 2:30 P.M. Fasted. Took dinner at Gallagher’s. Called on Dr. Stephen, at Prest. Office, at Historians Office and other places on business. Received an appointment for next Sat & Sunday with Prest F M Lyman at Nephi. Juab Conference.

Did some writing in evening. Phoned home. Staid at Sarahs over night.

27 April 1906 • Friday

S. L. City

I remained at Sarahs in forenoon wrote to LeGrand at Holland and did other writing and studying In afternoon attended a Council meeting at the Presidents office 2:30 to 4:30 when Prest Lyman and I left for Nephi to attend Juab Stake Conference. Roscoe met us at train and I staid there over night. Bro Lyman called in and staid an hour or two then went to Alf. Lunts. home. [p. 11]

28 April 1906 • Saturday


At my Nephew Roscoe Grover’s.

I attended forenoon meeting. Took dinner with Roscoe’s wife he being away at work in the field. Attended Afternoon meeting and spoke from 3:35 to 4 P.M. Subject Priesthood quorums vs Auxillary organizations in the Church.

Train up our boys to years of accountability B.C. p 250. 25 Par. & Continue to train them to be Deacons Teachers, priests & Elders and when they have thus worthily attained the office of Elder he will not likely be a back slider either as an Elder or returned missionary.

At Forenoon Prest Lyman occupied about 30 min. and afternoon about 15 min. The remaining time was taken with reports.

After afternoon meeting Prest Lyman & I met with the Stake Presidency in the tithing office and counseled with them.

Stake Priesthood or Gen. Priesthood meeting in the evening. 60 Present I occupied about 15 or 20 min. [p. 12] Prest. Lyman took remaining time. Slept at Roscoe’s.

29 April 1906 • Sunday


I attended prayr circle of Stake Prestcy and High Council with Bro Lyman and by request was mouth in opening prayr. Bro. Isaac Grace was mouth at Alter and Bro. Lyman offered the Closing prayr. A splendid spirit prevailed.

Attended Sunday School session of Conference in forenoon and spoke for about 20 minuts in conclusion of school exercises Bro Lyman spoke 35 30 minutes.

My subject “Train up a child &c” After school Bro Lyman & I shook hands with theose present as they passed out.

Took dinner at Roscoes

Afternoon meeting I spoke 32 minutes and Bro Lyman 50 minutes.

My subject comparison of faith of anscient Israel with ours & the Gospel in its fullness with [illegible]. [p. 13] After afternoon meeting I assisted in Setting apart new officers. Was mouth in setting apart Unity Chappel as Stake president of Relief societies and Mary M Chaise 1st Counselor in Presidency of Y L M I Ass of the Stake

Bro Lyman & I went up to Prest. Paxman’s to supper Attended Evening meeting Conjoint Y M Y. L. Mutual I occupied 40 minutes with much freedom, one of the best efforts of my life.

Subject. By their fruits ye shall know them”

Staid all night at my Nephew’s Roscoe Grover. Had a pleasant visit with his wife Amy.

30 April 1906 • Monday


Returned to Salt Lake on 6:30 AM Train. from Nephi called at Sarah’s and then called at Presidents Office [p. 14] where I received my first Stipend. My first purchas with it was a Cravinet Coat. to shed rain & dust. Reg price $30.00 – 20% $24.00 Paid Cash. Bought at Bartons. Could not get one suitable at Co-op. Spent three or four hours with Mother and asenath. Phoned home, and met train for Alice but she did not come. Saw Maria Clark at depot Attended to Some business for mother at ZCMI and wrote letter & Sent Certificate of stock 20 shares $1000.00 to Lehi Bank to be transferred to asenath & Nerva. Had an interesting talk with Richards after supper for about 30 or 40 minutes. Did some writing in the evening.

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Cite This Page

April 1906, George F. Richards, accessed February 22, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1906/1906-04


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 April entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Attended to business as usual”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Attended to business as usual”.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 6 April entry.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “of”.

  6. [6]Ditto mark for “of”.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “of”.

  8. [8]The page after page 238 is numbered 252.

  9. [9]This was written on the flyleaf in the back of the book.

  10. [10]Ditto mark for “times”.

  11. [11]Ditto mark for “times”.

  12. [12]This was written on a loose slip of paper inserted into the journal. Attached to the loose slip is a form titled “Directions for using the [Y]ale Dial Lock on the Cash Boxes of the Merriam Mfg. Co., Durham, Conn.”

  13. [13]This was written on the inside front cover.

  14. [14]This is underlined four times.

  15. [15]Ditto mark here and on next three lines for “Gt Britain”.

  16. [16]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 3.

  17. [17]Richards originally wrote “Apr 20” before writing “1” over the “0”.

  18. [18]Ditto mark for “minutes”.

  19. [19]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 10.