September 1907

1 September 1907 • Sunday


Rode over to Marysvale leaving Junction at 4:45 A.M. with an Bro Marley and his wife, Miss Magglebee & one Miss [blank]

Took train at Marysvale for home 8:30 A.M. At Manti I phoned home. Talked with my son George who reports my daughter Nina as improving nicely the last two days but not out of danger. While at Bp. Morrell’s at Junction He & I administered to his sick grand child a boy about 2 yrs <old.> [p. 185]

Distances Traveled.

Salt Lake to Marysvale

200 mi

Marysvale to Junction


Junction to Circleville


Circleville to Marion


Marion to Escalante


Escalante to Henrieville


Henryville to Cannonville


Cannonville to Tropic


Tropic to Panguitch


Panguitch to Hatch


Hatch to Upper Kanab


Upper Kanab to Glendale


Glendale to Orderville


Orderville to McCarmel


M. Carmel to Kanab


Kanab East Road to Glendale


Glendale to Panguitch


Panguitch to Junction


Junction to Marysvale


Marysvale to Salt Lake


764 768

Meetings Held



















Upper Kanab






Mt Carmel


221 [p. 186]

Arrived home Sunday evening 1st inst. about 6:40 My Son George was at depot to meet me and we went directly to the LDS Hospittal where my daughter Nina was getting along pretty well. My daughter Nerva staid with her that night.

2 September 1907 • Monday


Spent the day and evening at Hospittal. Nina is improving Ruby staid at night with her.

3 September 1907 • Tuesday


Nina was taken worse at about 7:30 A.M. results as we believe from drinking chocolate. She had a very hard time for twelve hours. The washing of the Stomach seemed to do the most good to relieve her. I remained with her over night. [p. 187]

4 September 1907 • Wednesday


Nina improving slowly Very sick. I remained at the Hospittal all day & night except an hour or two after 5 P.M. when I called on the Presedincy and later got supper at home paid some bills &c.

5 September 1907 • Thursday


I came home from the hospittal at 8 A.M. and spent most of the day writing letters, looking after mail &c Nina continues to be better but not back to her condition of last Monday.

I spent the night at the Hospittal.

6 September 1907 • Friday


I spent last night at Hospittal with my little girl Nina. She seems to be improving again slowly. I administer to her occasionally [p. 188]

7 September 1907 • Saturday


I went out to Tooele on 7:45 AM train. Bp August K. Anderson met us at Media. Elder O. F. Whitney & myself.

Attended 10 A.M. Meeting.

Present 97. Reports were made by C R McBride of Stake Presidency Bps. Feller, & Shields & by Aloni A Walters of Tooele. Bro Wm H Cassity spoke. I occupied 20 minutes & Bro Whitney 25 minutes.

My subject. We should maintain our first love for the Gospel. The Gospel for us individually as if it were for us alone. It furnishes many work & work is Spiritual food. We should do our duty by our fellow men. Clear our skirts. Volunteer missionaries wanted. Experienced missionaries needed. Lethargy most feared. Temporal things merely incidental. Gospel work takes first place.

Mormonism the biggest thing going. [p. 189]

Took dinner with Bp anderson and held council meeting with Stake Presidency.

At Afternoon I occupied about 10 minutes reporting as I would like to hear the Presidency report. President Gowans reported the Stake & I occupied about 40 minutes & left the meeting at 3:30 for home. Rode to Station with Bp Emil Feller, Wm Clark and Wm Moss. Went direct to Hospittal. Assisted Bro. Calder of Garden City, Idaho in administering to his son 16 yrs. old and he & I administered to miss Tiny Crane of Salina. Alice, Mamie & I Kneeled about Nina’s bed & prayed for her & Alice & I left the Hospittal at 9:15 leaving Mamie to Stay with Nina. Nina seems to be doing well.

8 September 1907 • Sunday


I went up to the Hospittal arriving there at 7 A.M. with [p. 190] my wife found Nina feeling pretty well. Took 7:40 train for Tooele Stake Conference at Grantsville. Was met at Media Station by Wm Clark and taken to Grantsville. Attended Conference meetings and Conjoint meeting at 7 P.M. At 10 AM meeting I occupied about 25 minutes with good liberty Subject. Symmetrical development of children requires Religious education more than is given at home or outside the Church. On parents first devolves this responsibility, then the auxiliaries & quorums of Priesthood and Church Schools.

At afternoon meeting in the Opera House after the business Bro. Whitney occupied the time 1 hr. 22 minutes.

At evening meeting a good programme was rendered and I occupied about 40 minutes Subject Tobacco and marriage. Bro Whitney occupied remaining time 15 minutes. After meeting [p. 191] I rode to Tooele with my son Geo. Slept at Bro. C. R. McBride.

9 September 1907 • Monday


My Son George took me to the 5 A.M. train and I came home Found that Nina had been moved home from the Hospittal, had a good night’s rest. temperature normal and general Conditions favorable. Others well. Received from Pres. Ben E. Rich of Southern States Vol [blank] of Elders’ Journal bound. A nice present.

My Mother was taken sick last night and is in bed to-day. I visited her and at her request administered to her. She gave me $100.00 to be used to purchase Temple record, do temple work &c for the dead. This was done by turning over to me a note I had given for money borrowed. She also proposes to help her grandaughter Nannie [p. 192] Ashcroft to the amount she is owing me for money I loaned to her for building purposes without interest the balance being 120.00 This to be done by turning over to me a share of U N Bk Stock @ $150. per Share I to pay her the balance in Cash.

Received through the mail from Pres. Ben E. Rich of Southern States mission Vol. IV Bound 1/2 leather Morocco with my name in gilt on cover Elders Journal I wrote him an acknowledgement and ordered the three preceding volumes in Same binding.

I spent several hours in the evening studying Scriptures & Scriptural Subjects.

Weather pleasant. Nina and my Mother both improving in health.

10 September 1907 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home. Went down town at noon after having visited my mother who is sick in bed. Attended to [p. 193] some business at the U. N. Bk. Called at President’s office and saw Pres. Smith & Pres. Winder Met Pres. Jos. E. Robinson at the Presidents office and he went home with me and spent a couple of hours. Bro. Joseph S. Clark called and took supper with us. I took Moselle & Oliver and went down to see my mother in evening. Administered to my mother at her request. Mailed letter to my Son LeGrand in Holland and phoned to my son Joel in Tooele. My mother and my daughter Nina are both improving. I received a letter from Pres. Francis M. Lyman written from St. George.

Wrote to Bp Graham D Macdonald of Ranch and to Bp. Henry I N. Esplin of Orderville.

11 September 1907 • Wednesday


Attended Council meeting in temple from 10 AM to 2 PM. [p. 194] Received appointment with Bro Rudger Clawson to the Union Stake Conference to leave here next Friday 1 P.M. Submitted to the Council the names of Sister Emily Orme Isgreen Orme and Wm Seymour Smith the latter of Glendale Utah. as missionaries and was instructed to hand in the names to Bro. Reynolds which I did. Met at Presidents Office, Pres. Jos. E. Robinson, Pres. German E. Ellsworth and Pres. Bennion mission presidents.

I called & Saw my mother who has three days been in bed. Attended prayr Circle fifteen in attendance.

Phoned Sister Nerva at Farmington in the evening.

Joel came in from Tooele to attend School. Alices Sister Sarah Jane Dunn with four children came from Farmington to Stay with us a few [p. 195] days. Nina continues to improve. Warm day.

12 September 1907 • Thursday


Remained home all day except that I visited my mother for an hour. Studied the scriptures and Covenants. A profitable day. My Sister Nerva was down from Farmington to see Mother & she called on us. Even Richards called in evening.

Both Mother & Nina improving.

13 September 1907 • Friday


I called on My mother who though in bed is better than for several days. Nina improving. Made ready to start to LaGrand Oregon. I left Salt Lake in company with Elder Rudger Clawson on 1 PM train Bro Chas. W. Nibley a member of the Union Stake Presedency on same train for Lagrande Ore. We met Joseph A West on train at Ogden [p. 196] bound for Baker City. He & Bro Nibley were very kind to us paid for our meals & bed.

14 September 1907 • Saturday


Arrived here at 9:30 A.M. Attended 10 A.M. meeting and after several reports I occupied 40 minutes with freedom. Subject. Introductry Be missionaries and convert your neighbors. D&C 38: Every man a teacher of his neighbor. Theach [Teach] those not of us what the Gospel will do for them by showing them what it has done for us. We are the Salt of the earth the light set upon a hill. Be what you would have your children be and try and make your neighbors children what you would like yours to be for they are your children’s associates & will help mould your children’s characters. Then aid one another, in the care & training of children [p. 197] At afternoon Bro. C. W. Nibley Bro Clawson & myself were the principle speakers. Bro. Clawson took up the principle of invironment on which I had talked in forenoon and called attention to the fact that the 400 years of Israel’s bondage under Idolitrous environment caused them to demand of Aaron a Golden calf to worship when Moses had been 40 days away from them in the mount with the Lord. A good example. Bro Clawson occupied 30 minutes. I concluded occupying about 30 minutes. Subject. Substitute study for reading. That only is ours to use which we learn. Talk over the things heard at Conference & as far as possible apply to the practice of our lives the things we hear. I took up the stake report and commented upon same.

After meeting Bro Hood and [p. 198] I accompanied Bishop Stoddard up to Perry 4 miles up the Grande Rounde River where we saw the large Saw mill in operation. Attended Seventies meeting in evening where Dr Hubbard lectured on the word of Wisdom. Slept at Bishop Stoddards.

15 September 1907 • Sunday


Attended 10 A.M. Meeting and in conclusion occupied 30 minutes. Subject. Compliments to Choir, praise of flours; encouraged their cultivation. Referred to Pres. Bramwells talks. He is jealous of you because he loves you. The Presidency would do well to make Comparisons between wards from reports & see where the delinquency lies and try & work a reformation. A ward in the arrear casts reproach upon the Stake and the church. Lowers the [p. 199] basis. The Gen’l authorities have 55 or 56 stakes and a number of Missions to look after and we love them all alike and want to bless and do them good.

At afternoon Bro Clawson spoke 30 minutes and left for me one hour which I occupied with good liberty Subject. We are a peculiar people. Peculiarly different from the world. The Saints of the Primative Church were. They ware [were] chosen out of the world, so are we. They were surrounded by other denominations but had no compromises to make. We are so surrounded & have no compromise to make. There is but one Gospel and that is older than the earth. The organizing of the earth is a part of the Gospel plan. We have the same Gospel restored not [p. 200] a new Gospel but the old restored with its authority gifts & blessings Joseph a prophet before he was born reserved to come forth in this dispensation. The time prophecied of by all the holy prophets approaching, the western Continent was discovered, to be the land of Zion. A government provided our battles fought the Gospel restored with the Authority. The church built up which is like that of old. The bridge between us and those like not of us is the principles of the Gospel.

After the afternoon meeting Bp Geo Stoddard drove me out to see the fruit orchards.

at evening Conjoint meeting Bro [blank] spoke 30 minutes on reading & Bro Clawson 30 min and I the remaining 12 min Subject. The young to hold the offices later They should be worthy. having Couragge to do what is right. The boy who smokes to avoid a call on a mission is a coward. We want no cowards in our band who will Their colors fly &c.

Took train for Baker City at 9:15 & arrived at 11 P.M. Put up at Geiser Grand Hotel Bro. J. M. G Geddes paid cab fare & Jos A West my hotel fare. [p. 201]

16 September 1907 • Monday


I left Baker on Sumpter Vally train at 8:30 A.M. with Jos A. West and went to the terminus 63 miles & return. Arrived home after 430 PM.

attended evening meeting Present 125. Very attentive. I occupied about 60 minuts & Bro Nibley concluded in about five minutes. My Subject The Gospel the bigest thing going Purpose of our being. The earth organized for us. The principles of the Gospel. Their logical sequence, their effect on men is reformativ[e]. The plan provides for a life here after. We should form our unions for eternity. Mar[r]y those of our own faith, bear children. Live right & be happy. Testified of the Gospels truth. Spake with freedom deliberately yet with persuasion. After meeting several spake to me saying how much they enjoyed my remarks. May the Lord be praised. Bro Nibley & I walked about 2 miles via of hotel to depot & waited from 10 to 11:30 for train. [p. [202]]

[end of ninth volume]

17 September 1907 • Tuesday

Book 10. (X)

Geo. F. Richards

1010. 3rd Street

Salt Lake City


Sept. 17, 1907.


June 6, 1908.2 [p. [0]]

245 “K&T”3 [p. [0]]

[p. [0]]4

Salt Lake City

I boarded the train at Baker City, Oregon at 11:30 o’clock last night and reached Salt Lake City at 9:15 o’clock to-night.

My daughter Nina who was operated upon Aug. 26th for Appendicitis is fast recovering. I learn on my return home that during my absence last week both Oliver & the baby (Estella) have been sick. Oliver had high fever and Spasm Temp. 104° Both are improved now in health.

18 September 1907 • Wednesday

At home.

I attended meeting of the Presidency and Twelve as usual at the temple and reported my labors of last week to the Union Stake and received appointment to the Hyrum Stake for next Saturday & Sunday. Recommended the name of J. M. G. Geddes for a mission. Home at Baker, Oregon.

Invited Pres. Golden Kimball to accompany me to Hyrum Stake. Sister Emily Orme of Tooele who has just received a call for a mission to England called me up over the phone to ask me some questions about same. Folks improving. [p. 1]

I attended Circle meeting in the evening, ten present. Called and visited with my mother in the evening after 7:30 oclock.

19 September 1907 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon working out doors, repairs in doors &c.

Spent the afternoon reading and writing. Weather quite cool & fall like. I have a cold & cough. children getting better. Alice’s sister Zina came to stay a while while she is sueing for divorce. Alice & I went down to my Mother for an hour in the evening.

20 September 1907 • Friday


Called on Dr Stauffer and had my eyes tested and made order for glasses at Daynes Optical Co. 55 Main St.

Called on my Mother on my way home and spent an hr. with her. She is recovering from her sickness & is up & dressed. By phone received invitation to speak before the Elders at the Pioneer Stake house Next Mond. evening.

I left Salt Lake on 4 PM Train for Cache Valley. Stopped of[f] at Mendon Bro. [p. 2] J Golden Kimball with me. We were met at Station by Bp Bell of Mendon who drove me to Aunt Ann Whitneys where I staid all night. Bro. Kimball staid at the Foster House. Uncle John & Aunt Ann were alone and seemed pleased to see me.

21 September 1907 • Saturday


After breakfast called on Herbert & James Whitney’s families, James not at home. Called on my uncle Wm Longstroth & family. Left Mendon for Hyrum with Bro Sorenson for Hyrum at 8:30 A.M. and arrived in time for the 10 A.M. meeting of the Quarterly Conference.

At 10 A.M. meeting the first hour was taken up with reports and the remainder of the time was occupied by Pres. J. G. Kimball & myself the former occupying 25 minutes & I 30 minutes. My subject. Care of our children. Example of parents. Duty of different officers to that wayward boy. The teacher in the S. School & Mutual, the, Ward Teachers, Bishop and neighbor all having their attention directed toward reforming the wayward boy or man assisted by the Spirit of the Lord ought to effect a reformation in time. The proper time to apply the effort is when the [p. 3] waywardness first becomes apparent. It becomes more difficult work fraught with less results as the individual becomes hardened. When these means fail, apply to higher Authority i.e. the Stake Presidency or one of the general Authorities of the church. Their Authority or official position may have weight & influence.

At afternoon meeting reports occupied 3/4 hour. I occupied 40 min & Bro. Kimball 25 minutes. My Subject. A report of conditions of the Stake as obtained from the records at P.B.O. S.L.C. and comments on same, pointing out where improvement may be made.

After meeting Pres. Parkingson Pres Kimball and I walked up to the Cemetery, called at Bro Allen’s and ate water mellon. Staid all night at Pres. Parkenson’s. Good bed to myself and good nights’ rest.

22 September 1907 • Sunday


A beautiful day and I am feeling well though not entirely free from cold & cough.

Attended 10 AM Conference meeting Speakers wer[e] Pres Wm C Parkingson Elder Israelson recently returned missionary and Pres J. G. Kimball Present <552.> [p. 4]

Attended 2 PM Meeting. Present. 672 in doors and about 200 reported as being out side who could not gain admissien. After Sacrament and presentation of the Authorities I occupied about 40 minutes and Pres Kimball about 30 minutes. I complimented the choir, spoke of the flours [flowers] on stand. Advised that the people plant flours in their front yards where they can be seen and put their flours in their front windows for the Same reason. Plant young orchards of apples and cultivate the gardens and by so doing reap a profit and beautefy your homes & the town you live in. If possible mak[e] it possible for double the present population to reside here. The Lord designes our salvation and will not give us wealth to our hurt if he is kind to us no more than he will lead us into temptation. We should so establish our selves in the faith that wealth will not endanger our. faith. Then we may hope to receive temporal blessings more abundant.

The Gospel first all else are but incidental. [p. 5]

I attended the Conjoint Meeting in the evening. The house excepting the Stand was well filled. Attentive Audience. I occupied 30 or 40 minutes with clear thought and good liberty of speech & language and Bro J. G. Kimball followed for 30 minutes. My Subject was the word of wisdom. We make covenant at the water’s edge to keep the Commandments of God as fast as they are made known to us. Have we kept our covenants Are we going through life alone on our own account without the Lord’s help.5 Prayr is the Souls sencere disire. Are we cowards. We call for valient hearted men who are not afraid to die. Are we willing to die for the Gospel? If not we are unworthy. If we are prove it by laying off our tobacco. Are we ashamed to be called the Bishops boy or Sunday school boy? then the Mediater will be ashamed of us before the father. Young men live worthy then fair daughters. Are they not worth living for. Be worthy to go to the temple with them. You can not go as disobedient & rebellous. [p. 6] I advised that here after the Bps & Presidency recommend no young men who smoke or drink & no young ladies who drink tea or coffee, to the temple.

Privately I advised the Presidency to have the Sacrament Sunday mornings of Confernce hereafter instead of in afternoon Talked with the Presidency about calling missionaries of experience and Scandinavian Dutch and German Speaking elders.

Wrote up my journal and went to bed at 11 P.M.

23 September 1907 • Monday


I left Hyrum for home via Logan with Pres J. G. Kimball at 6:45 A.M. Had a wait of 1 hr at Logan and reached Salt Lake soon after noon. Traveled this trip 213 miles.

Found Mama quite sick with Lagrip and sore throat.

While at Hyrum Sunday at 4 P.M. Met with Seventies and some Elders and Assisted in ordaining 8 Seventies.

This evening I filled an appointment made last week to speak to the Elders of Pioneer Stake at the Pioneer Stake House. I occupied [p. 7] fifty-five minutes with good liberty but deliberate. The Lord assisted me and I felt well encouraged & Satisfied. Subject. Mormonism So called is the biggest thing going. It is the truth the whole truth & nothing but the truth. All error being eliminated it becomes the very essence of truth. It embraces the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. The former the power of God unto Salvation and the latter the means of advocating the Gospel and administering its ordinances. Officers placed in the Church for specific purposes as in the Primative Church Eph 4:11. Read Page 288 Compendium & 15 P of G Price. and followed it up.

24 September 1907 • Tuesday


I went out to Tooele and returned in evening. Took dinner with Sister-in law Estella Lee. Visited with my son George and my daughter Nerva. Collected dues from Dr G R David $14.45 and arranged with A. J. McCuistion to receive tomorrow $65.00 on Lyceum account. Called on Pres. Gowans After my return home I called to See my Mother, later called on [p. 8] Pres. F. M. Lyman. The teachers called on us in the evening.

I wrote a letter to my Son LeGrand in Amsterdam, Holland.

25 September 1907 • Wednesday


Attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 until 2 o’clock and Circle at 6 P.M. Attendance 12.

Got my glasses and paid for same $6.00 and paid Dr. Stauffer 5.00 for the examination

26 September 1907 • Thursday


I spent the day at home, reading, studying, writing &c. Listed the hymns I can sing or assist in singing. Worked until 10:40 P.M. Folks pretty well again

27 September 1907 • Friday


Excepting a couple of hours spent with Mother, I spent the day and evening at home Studying.

28 September 1907 • Saturday


I left home on 9:30 AM train with Pres. Lyman for Farmington where we found Elder Geo Albert Smith and we attended the Meeting of the High Council in forenoon & the Stake Priesthood meeting in the afternoon. We returned home on [p. 9] the 6 PM O.S.L. train in evening. Found my son George at home he having come in from Tooele this evening on his way East to continue his schooling.

Alice has bad sore throat again. George & I administered to her.

29 September 1907 • Sunday


I went with Pres. Lyman & Andrew Jensen to Farmington and attended fore and after noon meetings. At forenoon meeting. The two Counselers in the Stake Presidency spoke. Then And. Jensen occupied 45 minutes, Subject Book of Mormon.

I occupied remaining 15 minutes Subject It will require a preponderance of evidence in favor of the Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon to induce the World to accept the work on account of their education. They to accept the Book as true must accept Jos. Smith as a Prophet, to which is to accept his story which makes the Ministers a fraud and deception. Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and the Statement that the creeds of all the denomenations as an abomination in his sight.

How an abomination by deceiving the people and teaching false doctrine At Afternoon Pres Lyman occupied [p. 10] 50 minutes and I followed for forty minutes. Subject. Employment profitable as a preventative of evils, rise early and get all the benefits possible of the light from the Sun. Activity in the church profitable Strong hold of the Church consists in keeping so many at work. Let virtue garnish your thoughts unceasingly and your words and actions will be pure. Exercise of agency. Belief in God vs. belief in Darwin theory of Evolution. &c

Returned on 6 P.M. train.

30 September 1907 • Monday


I accompanied Jos. J. Cannon in an Autimobile up to popperton and Camp Douglas to inspect some property he for Cannon Bros. is trying to induce the Church to purchase. I attended to some business downtown and with my son George went to the fair. Geo. took out a $2000 policy with the Beneficial Life Association.

We attended the fair and while there I took cold.

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September 1907, George F. Richards, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]This list of meetings held was written vertically at the bottom of page 186.

  2. [2]These dates were written vertically on the left side of the bottom third of the inside front cover.

  3. [3]This is stamped in the upper right corner of the recto of the front flyleaf.

  4. [4]This page—the verso of the front flyleaf—was left blank.

  5. [5]There is a stray mark above the period here, possibly a question mark.